"Russian" Fancy Bear hackers' UK link revealed


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Will Trump´s fan crew and Putler´s useful idiots still say "Putin didn´t help Trump to win the last election ? :


When Russia's most notorious hackers hired servers from a UK-registered company, they left a trove of clues behind, the BBC has discovered.

The hackers used the computers to attack the German parliament, hijack traffic meant for a Nigerian government website and target Apple devices.

The company, Crookservers, had claimed to be based in Oldham for a time.

It says it acted swiftly to eject the hacking team - dubbed Fancy Bear - as soon as it learned of the problem.

Technical and financial records from Crookservers seen by the BBC suggest Fancy Bear had access to significant funds and made use of online financial services, some of which were later closed in anti-money laundering operations.

Fancy Bear - also known as APT28, Sofacy, Iron Twilight and Pawn Storm - has been linked to Russian intelligence."

Russian hackers' UK link revealed
Fancy Bear (also known as APT28, Pawn Storm, Sofacy Group, Sednit and STRONTIUM) is a cyber espionage group. Cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike has said with a medium level of confidence that it is associated with the Russian military intelligence agency GRU.[2] Security firms SecureWorks,[3] ThreatConnect,[4] and Fireeye's Mandiant[5] have also said the group is sponsored by the Russian government.

The name "Fancy Bear" does not originate from the hacker group itself, but was derived from a coding system that security researcher Dmitri Alperovitch uses for identifying hackers.[6]

Likely operating since the mid-2000s, Fancy Bear's methods are consistent with the capabilities of nation-state actors. The threat group is known to target government, military, and security organizations, especially Transcaucasian and NATO-aligned states. Fancy Bear is thought to be responsible for cyber attacks on the German parliament, the French television station TV5Monde, the White House, NATO, the Democratic National Committee, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe and the campaign of French presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron.[7]

The group serves the political interests of the Russian government, which includes helping foreign candidates that are favored by it to win elections (such as when they leaked Hillary Clinton's emails to help gain traction for Donald Trump during the United States 2016 Elections).[8]

Fancy Bear's behavior has been classified as an advanced persistent threat.[5] They employ zero-day vulnerabilities and use spear phishing and malware to compromise targets.

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