Russia has Freed Bakhmut.

There's no such thing now, it turns out. Even the rudimentary Air Defense that Uks still have won't allow Russians to act freely in their airspace and that's with their old systems like S-300. Imagine the mess that awaits you when your fleet of faggots hopefully comes to encounter our last generation of S-400s and S-500s? Bring it on, scum-bags, I almost hear myself screaming.
Why, after all these decades havent you figured out that Rissian technology sucks? It has alwas sucked and always will suck. Russias military in general sucks. Russian soldiers are a bunch of undisciplined scrubs.
Why, after all these decades havent you figured out that Rissian technology sucks? It has alwas sucked and always will suck. Russias military in general sucks. Russian soldiers are a bunch of undisciplined scrubs.
Says the fat fart from behind the cover of his laptop screen. Do you mean John Rambo or Terminator when you're talking about the might of the US military? What real war did you ever win?

Yes, Ukraines airforce is bullshit. Practically non existent. That changes instantly if they get F-16s. I dont think you are fully appreciating what air superiority means for a military force at war.
You are really overstating the impact of these old F-16's. The radars are obsolete, and they will be flying nap of the earth, just like the current MiG-29's.

They will not be roaming over the front lines freely, dropping JDAMS like it was Afghanistan or Iraq. Ukraine ain't that way.

The Russian Su-35's and MiG-31's have more powerful radars and a long range AAM that will let them see first and shoot first, while staying out of range of the F-16/AIM-120C. The R-37 is already proven very effective with several kills on AFU fighters.

The F-16's will NOT provide air superiority to Ukraine. What they will bring is a fire-and-forget AAM that will help them defend against the Russian cruise missiles and Shahed drones, and the capability for JASSM, which is similar to the Storm Shadow. That would alleviate (at least partially) the lack of ATACMS and give the AFU improved deep-strike capability.

These Block 20 MLU's could (in theory) take radar data from Patriot or another long range radar to cue the AMRAAM, and just not use the APG-66 which would give away their position. But to do that, we'd have to let them into the Link16 network, and it's debatable whether or not we'd go for that.

It's an incremental improvement over what the AFU have now, but definitely not a game changer by any stretch.
Says the fat fart from behind the cover of his laptop screen. Do you mean John Rambo or Terminator when you're talking about the might of the US military? What real war did you ever win?

We crush militaries with ease. We killed 2 million vietnemese and only lost 50,000. Since then our numbers have dramatically improved. We toppled the government with the worlds 3rd largest army (Iraq) in two fucking weeks!!! We pushed out the taliban with ease!!!! They lost all their power until we pulled out.

No military in world history comes anywhere close to ours. Our domination is supreme.
We crush militaries with ease. We killed 2 million vietnemese and only lost 50,000. Since then our numbers have dramatically improved. We toppled the government with the worlds 3rd largest army (Iraq) in two fucking weeks!!! We pushed out the taliban with ease!!!! They lost all their power until we pulled out.

No military in world history comes anywhere close to ours. Our domination is supreme.
Haven't you noticed real in my question? I'm aware that you could carpet bomb civilians, Agent Orange the Vietnamese and A-bomb Japanese.
We wouldnt have lost any soldiers if we had been willing to carpet bomb.
You did that against your will than, didn't you? Those 2 mil were mostly civilians and these
are what your fight for democracy left Vietnam with.
Godboy As much as he's a SoB too this para bellum guy is on to something in his post above. Read it.
Well you're an SOB too Alex, but you are right about the F-16 in this highly contested airspace.

The list of tactical jets that are truly survivable in that environment is a short one, and none of the jets on the list are in Ukraine.
I'm no military expert, but when I see super patriotic american clowns like Fort Fun Indiana and dozens of others, boasting that the US army/air force could easily obliterate Russia I shake my head in disbelief.

This people have no knowledge of how powerful the russian air defence system is. If the primitive ukrainian air defence that dates back to Soviet times with some upgrading coming from the West gave the russian air force so much trouble during last year just imagine the damage the russian equivalent (infinitely superior to Ukraine's) could do.

During the initial bombing campaign aimed at softning the russian army NATO could lose more than 10 fighters a day. Would the West be willing to take such casualties?

Maybe after a few months the bombing campaign would finally succeed in drastically reducing Russia's ability to protect its soil beyond Russia's ability to replace its protective system just like Russia is finally doing to Ukraine's air defence systems now.

Even military experts can't predict the course of a war so far in the future. When they do they're usually talking out of their asses, just a silly exercise in futurology.

The only thing I'm saying is that the super patriotic american clowns who predict an easy victory don't know what they're talking about.

A bombing campaign over Russia wouldn't be a walk in the park like the bombing of Serbia, Iraq and Afghanistan were by any stretch of the imagination.

Posted here from RT news, because the Western media is still refusing to accept the fact.
And too for added discussion, America's Patriot missile system was attacked and destroyed by Russia's hypersonic missiles that are known to be unstoppable.
Even Pravda laughs at the ineffectiveness of Donald “the Canuck fuck duck” H.
Well you're an SOB too Alex, but you are right about the F-16 in this highly contested airspace.

The list of tactical jets that are truly survivable in that environment is a short one, and none of the jets on the list are in Ukraine.
First sane answer from a habitually insane American.:thup:

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