Russia has Freed Bakhmut.

So? We are still BY FAR the greatest military on Earth. If you removed nukes from the equation, the US could sweep the entirity of Russia within a month.
Yeah, right. Take the moron from above, John Edgar the Turd with you. He seems to be keen on taking a bite off of mother Russia too. Seeing how the Russians have only got rusty spades in their arsenal the two of you combat hardened faggots will be more than enough to subdue the country.
Yeah, because Tom Cruise told you so or some Cat woman or whatever the hell swim-suited Iron man from the Marvel Universe shit show, right?
No, because the F-16 is badass and nimble and does Mach 3 and carries all kinds of munitions.

Just don't fly into a flock of geese. IMO, the best fighter plane ever made, especially for its time.

I'm hoping these F-35s are more than what I'm hearing. I'm thinking F-16s were way better.
Evidence of what? Of Uke Air Force having basically ceased to exist? We only hear of it occasionally when some crazy Bandera-pilot is habitually shot down trying to embark on a stupid suicide mission losing the second to last of their so valued MIG-29s. Just what awaits your scrape-metal jets when they enter the Russian air defense zone. I am eagerly awaiting for that moment to come but afraid it won't ever. Like I said your MIC won't handle the image blow so they'll be finding reasons to not send them over.

Says the fat fart from behind the cover of his laptop screen. Do you mean John Rambo or Terminator when you're talking about the might of the US military? What real war did you ever win?

Russian and Ukraine troops both start swilling vodka at noon every day.
No, because the F-16 is badass and nimble and does Mach 3 and carries all kinds of munitions.

Just don't fly into a flock of geese. IMO, the best fighter plane ever made, especially for its time.

I'm hoping these F-35s are more than what I'm hearing. I'm thinking F-16s were way better.
The friend of yours that goes by the Edgar the Fuck or whatever handle doesn't like it when he's talked to, as he puts it,"ad hominem", but tell me, American, can there be any other way to do it if most of you are arrogant dimwits that cite CNN as a reliable source of information? And what's with the Mach 3 heresy? Looks like you are DUI writing these posts, not the Russians.
The friend of yours that goes by the Edgar the Fuck or whatever handle doesn't like it when he's talked to, as he puts it,"ad hominem", but tell me, American, can there be any other way to do it if most of you are arrogant dimwits that cite CNN as a reliable source of information? And what's with the Mach 3 heresy? Looks like you are DUI writing these posts, not the Russians.
Alex the lost, you don't get any of it at all. F-16 is a great plane, and the Russians who should have had air superiority from day one are getting their and Pete's asses handed to them.
Alex the lost, you don't get any of it at all. F-16 is a great plane, and the Russians who should have had air superiority from day one are getting their and Pete's asses handed to them.
Horse Face, why do I have to repeat everything twice yet none of it filters trough that thick skull of yours anyway? Once more for the mentally challenged: CNN is an informational cesspool and F-16 is a pile of scrape metal. Am I ad hominem again? Sorry, but that's the only way to communicate with the likes of you.
Horse Face, why do I have to repeat everything twice yet none of it filters trough that thick skull of yours anyway? Once more for the mentally challenged: CNN is an informational cesspool and F-16 is a pile of scrape metal. Am I ad hominem again? Sorry, but that's the only way to communicate with the likes of you.
Almost all of your nonsense is... nonsense. The F-16 is a good aircraft. You would not be acting stupidly if it were not.
If the F16 is scrap metal why is Putin warning the west about sending them to Ukraine? Hmmm? Why would Putin draw yet another “red line” at a jet that is garbage? Why didn’t Putin do this when Ukraine was offered mig jets? Lol
If the F16 is scrap metal why is Putin warning the west about sending them to Ukraine? Hmmm? Why would Putin draw yet another “red line” at a jet that is garbage? Why didn’t Putin do this when Ukraine was offered mig jets? Lol
That is the last remaining 'red line' for military hardware. There have already been rocket launchers, tanks, some missiles. Now, the jets.

And every time they say it is scrap metal that means nothing. But after that they bitch that NATO is pumping weapons into Ukraine and this prolong the war.
Russia has a large number of MIGs....
MIGs are designed to be basically disposable aircraft....they only have so many landings in them before the wings literally fall off.

However, because of the nature of Russian military service....Russia has lost all of its pilots. Those who are capable of flying Russian military aircraft left the country.

And for whatever reason those who are pilots for Russia do not fly as if they have much experience or knowledge of appropriate maneuvers.
Recently there has been advertising for the Russian Federation for a small fortune to be paid to anyone wanting to join their Airforce with any sort of flight experience. (Turbofan).

So the questions are:
Why are the existing few Russian pilots so green behind the stick?
Why doesn't Russia have sufficient numbers of pilots?

Military jets all require LOTS of ground crew support....from munitions specialists to fuel to maintenance staff. All are highly specialized and trained staff. So has the military skimped on maintenance to the point that pilots are scared to fly? Are their not enough support personnel?

It's one thing to have sufficient aircraft but to not have enough pilots is another. In the USA F-16s are being phased out so most F-16 pilots share their craft with another pilot and crew. 2x the number necessary for each one left. All new pilots are being trained on F-22&35s. So....dunno.
That is the last remaining 'red line' for military hardware. There have already been rocket launchers, tanks, some missiles. Now, the jets.

And every time they say it is scrap metal that means nothing. But after that they bitch that NATO is pumping weapons into Ukraine and this prolong the war.
Who's bitching? We'are waiting for them to get through to see them burn. Like we'are waiting for Leopards and whatever the hell. But do you have runways left to accommodate their delicate landing gear?
Who's bitching? We'are waiting for them to get through to see them burn. Like we'are waiting for Leopards and whatever the hell. But do you have runways left to accommodate their delicate landing gear?
You are losing, AlexanderPK. The day you failed to take Kyev, you lost the war.
Russia has a large number of MIGs....
MIGs are designed to be basically disposable aircraft....they only have so many landings in them before the wings literally fall off.

However, because of the nature of Russian military service....Russia has lost all of its pilots. Those who are capable of flying Russian military aircraft left the country.

And for whatever reason those who are pilots for Russia do not fly as if they have much experience or knowledge of appropriate maneuvers.
Recently there has been advertising for the Russian Federation for a small fortune to be paid to anyone wanting to join their Airforce with any sort of flight experience. (Turbofan).

So the questions are:
Why are the existing few Russian pilots so green behind the stick?
Why doesn't Russia have sufficient numbers of pilots?

Military jets all require LOTS of ground crew support....from munitions specialists to fuel to maintenance staff. All are highly specialized and trained staff. So has the military skimped on maintenance to the point that pilots are scared to fly? Are their not enough support personnel?

It's one thing to have sufficient aircraft but to not have enough pilots is another. In the USA F-16s are being phased out so most F-16 pilots share their craft with another pilot and crew. 2x the number necessary for each one left. All new pilots are being trained on F-22&35s. So....dunno.
Do you yourself invent this crap to have something to talk about or is this the MSM's know-how? What they basically do is they take the real news turn in upside down and make their gullible audience think it's real. The Washington Post has its account on Telegram where they do just that. BTW I didn't see them mention the Khmelnytskyi explosion. Did you know about that I wonder?
Who's bitching? We'are waiting for them to get through to see them burn. Like we'are waiting for Leopards and whatever the hell. But do you have runways left to accommodate their delicate landing gear?
Yeah, sure. I have heard exactly that about HIMARSes, Western air defence systems. Leopards are already in Ukraine. Have you opened the score yet?

Runways? I don't know. As you know, Russia has destroyed all runways in Ukraine and air defence complexes. In the first days of the war. At least you general-clown Konashenkov said that.

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