Russia funded Facebook and Twitter investments through Kushner associate


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast
Oh boy, there are 2-3 new Russia bombshells a day no :dunno: So Poot and his oligarch pals own 10% of Facebook and 5% of Twitter. Who'd have ever thunk it? And Oh Jared! -- How bizarre How bizarre

Two Russian state institutions with close ties to Vladimir Putin funded substantial investments in Twitter and Facebook through a business associate of Jared Kushner, leaked documents reveal.

The investments were made through a Russian technology magnate, Yuri Milner, who also holds a stake in a company co-owned by Kushner, Donald Trump’s son-in-law and senior White House adviser.

The discovery is likely to stir concerns over Russian influence in US politics and the role played by social media in last year’s presidential election. It may also raise new questions for the social media companies and for Kushner.​


Russia funded Facebook and Twitter investments through Kushner associate

Milner sold his shares years ago. Another nothing burger.

"When all was said and done, Milner owned roughly 8% of Facebook and 5% of Twitter, according to The Times.

He sold his holdings in both social-media companies years ago, and there is no evidence that he was connected to Russia's widespread propaganda campaign on the two platforms during the 2016 election. He also told the ICIJ that he was not aware of Gazprom Investholding's involvement in his investments, and that none of his deals were related to politics. "

The Kremlin invested 'hundreds of millions' in Twitter and Facebook through Kushner associate Yuri Milner
Yeah, y'all really really really really really really really really really really really really got Trump this time!

He'll never get the nomination now!

PS: Do you realize how ridiculous the claim in the OP is? That much money was spent on the campaign? Umm, no.

If you had a modicum of common sense, you'd realize that.
Milner sold his shares years ago. Another nothing burger.

"When all was said and done, Milner owned roughly 8% of Facebook and 5% of Twitter, according to The Times.

He sold his holdings in both social-media companies years ago, and there is no evidence that he was connected to Russia's widespread propaganda campaign on the two platforms during the 2016 election. He also told the ICIJ that he was not aware of Gazprom Investholding's involvement in his investments, and that none of his deals were related to politics. "

The Kremlin invested 'hundreds of millions' in Twitter and Facebook through Kushner associate Yuri Milner

Yeah, this must explain why Facebook and Twitter were SO forthcoming with the information requested by congressional investigations.



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