'Russia Conspiracy Theory' Panicked Dems Do Not Even Care About Proven Pakistani Spy Hacking of DNC


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
...wonder why that is.... :p

DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz hired 3 terrorist-connected, murdering, kidnapping, criminal-record-existing, Pakistani IT Spy brothers who had no security clearances - gave them access to Classified House records AND ACCESS TO DEMOCRATIC PARTY / DNC E-MAILS, USERNAMES, AND PASSWORDS - TO INCLUDE THE E-MAILS THE LEAKED / EXPOSED DNC E-MAILS CAME FROM.

The brothers were caught accessing the classified House information, and it was discovered they were sending the information to an off-site server. The brothers were BANNED FROM THE HOUSE WHILE THEY WERE BEING INVESTIGATED FOR ESPIONAGE.

DWS then IGNORES the House ban and IGNORES the espionage investigation and re-hires the oldest brother and once again GAVE HIM ACCESS TO CLASSIFIED HOUSE FILES...AGAIN...and GAVE HIM ACCESS TO THE DNC E-MAILS/USERNAMES, AND PASSWORDS...AGAIN. Once discovered, the eldest SPY brother fled to Pakistan where he is being protected by the Pakistan Govt. DWS was almost immediately fired...and mere days later Hillary hired her as part of her campaign.

While the snowflake / Democrat Fake News, All-In, unsubstantiated accusations of Trump non-existent 'collusion' has dominated almost every news story every single day since Trump beat Hillary's ass in the 2016 election, ALMOST NOTHING has been reported in the US media (thanks to the left-wing propaganda-pushing / liberal-backside-covering media!

I thought Liberals were so worried about our National Security, about outside interference in elections, about foreign hacking. While they are trying to manufacture a 'Trump-Russia Collusion' scandal, they are covering up a MASSIVE proven case of foreign hacking of the House and DNC - facilitated by their own DNC Chairwoman, and a breech of our national security! WHY HASN'T DWS BEEN PERP-WALKED IN HANDCUFFS YET FOR ESPIONAGE?!

Democrats Heard They May Have Been Hacked And Didn’t Even Care

"House Democrats professing moral outrage over the hacking of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) have remained apparently indifferent to the likely penetration of their congressional computer systems, declining to distance themselves from five Pakistani House server administrators who are the subject of an ongoing criminal investigation.

House authorities banned the five administrators from the congressional information technology (IT) network in February as part of a Capitol Police criminal investigation in what
Politico described as “serious, potentially illegal, violations on the House IT network.”

Imran, Abid and Jamal Awan, Hina Alvi, Natalia Sova and Rao Abbas set up the email accounts and computer systems for dozens of members of Congress and their staffs, and they could read
all emails and files on those systems.

A fellow congressional IT aide told The Daily Caller News Foundation Investigative Group that potentially sensitive information was being transmitted to an off-site server."

"Capitol Police seized a laptop computer tied to Florida Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz — who resigned in July 2016 as DNC chairman following the committee’s hacking — during the investigation. The laptop was tied to Imran, her top IT person since 2005 who is under criminal investigation. But instead of praising the Capitol Police for stopping a security breach, the Florida Democrat demanded they return the laptop to her even though it could be evidence needed to build the case. She threatened the police chief with “consequences” if it wasn’t returned."

"Democrats have claimed that they deplore hacking and view cyberattacks as a dangerous frontier. Wasserman Schultz introduced an amendment Thursday aimed at blocking a “security clearance for any individual in a position in the Executive Office of the President, who is under a criminal investigation by a federal law enforcement agency for aiding a foreign government.” Yet the lawmaker has refused to fire Imran even after House law enforcement banned him from the network."

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said she wasn’t familiar with the issue. “I haven’t followed that very closely,” she said.

Yes, God forbit the democrats actually stop the Conspiracy Theory false Witch Hunt of Trump to address / draw attention to how the Democrats / DWS facilitated proven foreign ESPIONAGE against the unites States!

"Schultz’s continued employment of Imran, saying “there are plenty of people who are under investigation who still have their jobs.”
"“I hear two sides of the story, some people say it’s because he’s Muslim that he’s being railroaded, other people say he made some bad decisions. I don’t know enough about it,” Missouri Democratic Rep. Emmanuel Cleaver said."

Some Democrats suggest while other Democrats out-right declare the 'Imram's are being discriminated against for being MUSLIM...despite being proven to have illegally accessed Classified information, downloaded it to an off-sire server, and the eldest having fled to Pakistan where he is now under protection from the Pakistani govt.

D@mn those 'racist' Republicans..... :p


When asked about the Pakistani spy's access to DNC e-mails and having been given the usernames and passwords of Democrats, from whose accounts information / e-mails had been leaked, this dumbass proved his complete IGNORANCE:

Emails? This is the first I’ve heard about thatYou mean the one from the election?” Cleaver said. “This is the first I’ve heard of that. Talk to me tomorrow because I don’t know enough about it to be intelligent.”
Does ANYONE in the DNC know...or care...what DWS and her Pakistani spies did to them and this country?

"The deputy chairman of the DNC, Rep. Keith Ellison, told the Daily CallerI’m at a massive disadvantage because I don’t really know the issue at all.”

Any day now Democrats will demand an investigation....riiiiiiight.


The Deputy Chairman of the DNC did not know the Chairwoman of the DNC was running her own spy ring against the United States / her own party. :p
"A member of Congress’ signature is required on a form giving an IT aide administrative access, raising questions about why members would give server access to someone with questionable credentials and keep paying someone who they may have never seen.

Who? I don’t even know him,” Cleaver said, adding that his chief of staff put Abbas on the payroll."
"Hilarie Chambers, Michigan Democratic Rep. Sander Levin’s chief of staff, said “after being notified by the House Administration Committee, [Abid] was removed from our payroll. We are confident that everything in our office is secure.”

Chambers did not explain why she was confident Levin’s office is secure, given that there would be no record of IT aides making copies of data."

Espionage against the united States was being committed from within - by Obama's own administration against Trump while the Chairwoman of the DNC was running her own FOREIGN Espionage ring. The greatest / most important spying on this nation in decades perpetrated against this country - thanks to Democrats - is being covered up / ignored by Democrats who are instead driving the cover-up through the Revenge/Hate-based Witch Hunt against Trump regarding some FAKE collusion.

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