Rush has left the building. Time to celebrate.

* * * *
Look you can play dumb as much as you want, but the fact remains I posted the entire rant, with link, for YOU on another thread on this very messageboard.

Stop lying and stop whining like the useless pussy bitch you are, ya scumbag.

Just post the link or admit that you are a gutless weasel dick cock gobbler.
You ankle-grabbin' Dead-O-Heads are toooooooooooooooo obvious.


Hey Ms. charlatan:

You always come across like a brain dead retard when you post. Since you will be leaving no evidence of your retardation if you decide to stop proving that you are retarded by posting, the best course for a moron like you is to just stop posting, shit-for-brain jism-guzzler.

Oh, and by the way. Not everyone who respects what Rush has to say is a ditto-head, you bumbling simpleton moron.
Most are a bunch of altruists, they believe that if we give all our money to the homeless man next door rather than using it to create businesses and jobs it will solve all the worlds problems....just like it did here in North Korea:


They are starving and in poverty, but at least they are just as poor as each other right. ;)
Indeed. Leftists seek equality of outcome...thus guaranteeing that everyone is equally miserable.
I told you the famous CON$ervative inadvertently revealed the truth while BRAGGING about how CON$ were more generous than Libs even though Libs make more money. CON$ always slip up and reveal that past claims they make are lies, in this case that CON$ are the overachievers and Libs are the slackers.

Obviously the OPPOSITE is true which is why I told you that CON$ like you make Perfect CONtrarian Indicators. Whatever CON$ say, the opposite is true.
Perhaps you can explain why the left seems to be such selfish bastards.

Ironic, don't you think, that you're generous only with other people's money? Where do you suppose the idea that liberals are compassionate came from? Because the facts sure don't seem to support that. :lol:
Still desperate to change the subject away from the fact that CON$ simply declare themselves more productive than Libs, rather than actually producing more.
CON$ are the ultimate revisionists.
Desperate? No. I really don't care either way. Please, by all means, continue stamping your feet and insisting you won. :lol:
more epic..................more mental:funnyface:

I heard Limbaugh last Friday while driving to work................I damn near split my sides laughing, so had to post the transcript................


RUSH: I want to shout out big time today to McDonald's. McDonald's, I love you. I remember back in the days of the global warming craze when the wackos were suggesting don't eat McDonald's, don't eat beef because it leads to cow methane causing global warming. Remember I sent one of the Snerdleys over to McDonald's in Times Square and picked up 240 Quarter Pounders with cheese and Big Macs and brought 'em back to the studio and had the whole transaction take place on the phone, on the air, just to stand up and support McDonald's. And listen to this. You know, the Center for Science in the Public Interest, this wacko bunch of leftist kooks, statists, nannies, these are the people that banned coconut oil from your popcorn in movie theaters, have gotten rid of MSG, the flavoring in Chinese food, they wanted to ban Chinese food. These people want to get in your life and tell you what to eat. If you look at these people you wonder if they're barely alive, they're skeletal, they're miserable, they are unhappy, and they want to spread that misery to everybody else by having you eat basically nothing but tofu and cardboard, run around eating miniature rocks and berries as you traverse the deserts of the world.

And their latest target was McDonald's Happy Meal. They wanted to sue McDonald's to remove the toys from the Happy Meal package because the toys were incentive to parents to go out and buy Happy Meals, which the Center for Science in the Public Interest determined was unhealthy and unwise and in fact is none of their business. From the Chicago Sun-Times: "Those Hot Wheels and Polly Pocket dolls aren't going anywhere. The Happy Meals toys are staying, according to a letter McDonald's brass delivered Wednesday to a health watchdog group." You know, this group ought not get any attention. They got a logo and a fax machine because they're a bunch of liberals and the media gives them instant credibility. They're just a bunch of kooks! They're no different than your crazy aunt in the basement who gives herself a logo and a fax machine and sends it out to the media and says she's against whatever. That's essentially who they are.

"The Center for Science in the Public Interest last month threatened a lawsuit against the fast-food giant to get it to dump the toys that accompany Happy Meals. Forget it, McDonald's CEO Jim Skinner said, defending Happy Meals in the written response sent to the Washington, D.C.-based group. 'Internet sites, blogs and network surveys suggest that public opinion is running overwhelmingly against your premise,' Skinner wrote. 'Our customer websites and phone lines at McDonald's are also busy, with more than 9 out of 10 customers disagreeing with your agenda.'" Finally, some corporate CEO standing up to a bunch of leftist statists in the minority. The people that run Center for Science in the Public Interest are in a minority.

The guy is so spot on 100% correct its a goof. He just nails it at how mental the liberals of this country are. And when he gets on a rant, pwning lefties at will, its split your sides laughing stuff.............:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

And who is Limbaugh referring to when he identifies "k00ks"??

Its people like the majority of the miserable's of society like on this forum who trumpet uber liberal "causes" that are in DIRECT and STARK contrast to what the rest of the country wants. I need not identify them by name here as they are quite capable of identifying themselves with ease with every nutty ass post they throw up that conveys a beyond gone for example...........the posts you still see about the George Bush deficits. So fcukking out in spaceland that an apropo analogy is absolutely impossible. Its with these OCD lefty asshats that Limbaugh is so astute in identifying and making reasoned thinking Americans listen in and laugh their balls off.
more epic..................more mental:funnyface:

I heard Limbaugh last Friday while driving to work................I damn near split my sides laughing, so had to post the transcript................


RUSH: I want to shout out big time today to McDonald's. McDonald's, I love you. I remember back in the days of the global warming craze when the wackos were suggesting don't eat McDonald's, don't eat beef because it leads to cow methane causing global warming. Remember I sent one of the Snerdleys over to McDonald's in Times Square and picked up 240 Quarter Pounders with cheese and Big Macs and brought 'em back to the studio and had the whole transaction take place on the phone, on the air, just to stand up and support McDonald's. And listen to this. You know, the Center for Science in the Public Interest, this wacko bunch of leftist kooks, statists, nannies, these are the people that banned coconut oil from your popcorn in movie theaters, have gotten rid of MSG, the flavoring in Chinese food, they wanted to ban Chinese food. These people want to get in your life and tell you what to eat. If you look at these people you wonder if they're barely alive, they're skeletal, they're miserable, they are unhappy, and they want to spread that misery to everybody else by having you eat basically nothing but tofu and cardboard, run around eating miniature rocks and berries as you traverse the deserts of the world.

And their latest target was McDonald's Happy Meal. They wanted to sue McDonald's to remove the toys from the Happy Meal package because the toys were incentive to parents to go out and buy Happy Meals, which the Center for Science in the Public Interest determined was unhealthy and unwise and in fact is none of their business. From the Chicago Sun-Times: "Those Hot Wheels and Polly Pocket dolls aren't going anywhere. The Happy Meals toys are staying, according to a letter McDonald's brass delivered Wednesday to a health watchdog group." You know, this group ought not get any attention. They got a logo and a fax machine because they're a bunch of liberals and the media gives them instant credibility. They're just a bunch of kooks! They're no different than your crazy aunt in the basement who gives herself a logo and a fax machine and sends it out to the media and says she's against whatever. That's essentially who they are.

"The Center for Science in the Public Interest last month threatened a lawsuit against the fast-food giant to get it to dump the toys that accompany Happy Meals. Forget it, McDonald's CEO Jim Skinner said, defending Happy Meals in the written response sent to the Washington, D.C.-based group. 'Internet sites, blogs and network surveys suggest that public opinion is running overwhelmingly against your premise,' Skinner wrote. 'Our customer websites and phone lines at McDonald's are also busy, with more than 9 out of 10 customers disagreeing with your agenda.'" Finally, some corporate CEO standing up to a bunch of leftist statists in the minority. The people that run Center for Science in the Public Interest are in a minority.

The guy is so spot on 100% correct its a goof. He just nails it at how mental the liberals of this country are. And when he gets on a rant, pwning lefties at will, its split your sides laughing stuff.............:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Yeah... McDonalds finally told these leftist kooks to Fuck Off...

• CST: Happy Meals Here To Stay: McDonald's. Watchdog Group Wanted Fast-Food Giant to Dump Toys
• Star-Ledger: McDonald's Angered by Anti-Happy Meal Letter
• Plain Dealer: Ohio Hamburger Chain Says Insurance Reform Will Bite into Profits

You know T...........all this McDonalds talk makes me want to go eat a big ass burger right in front of one of these fcukking panty waist limpwristed Disney assholes.

No Joke...And a Ten-Piece of 'Chicken Lips' (What I call McNuggets...LOL)...slathered in BBQ Sauce...Shame Obama and Michelle can't squelch their desires as they roam across this Republic while dictating to the rest of us what WE can and can't have...

Were you aware that Michelle said the "Dessert isn't a RIGHT"?

Michelle Obama: DESSERT "NOT A RIGHT"

Oh? And Pile on the condiments brother! Enjoy! :lol:
Personally? I love a rather sloppy Mushroom And Swiss Double...or a rather sloppy Philly Cheesesteak!

Hey is that Levin book bro? Ive been wanting to pick it up.

And week sometime, I'll post up another Limbaugh thread. Watch it go epic within 2 days..........probably about 300 or so posts. Brings out all the most miserable fcukks...........these people are so fcukking miserable, morose and jealous, they cant help themselves. The fall over themselves going mental when they even hear the name RUSH!!!
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Personally? I love a rather sloppy Mushroom And Swiss Double...or a rather sloppy Philly Cheesesteak!

Hey is that Levin book bro? Ive been wanting to pick it up.

And week sometime, I'll post up another Limbaugh thread. Watch it go epic within 2 days..........probably about 300 or so posts. Brings out all the most miserable fcukks...........these people are so fcukking miserable, morose and jealous, they cant help themselves. The fall over themselves going mental when they even hear the name RUSH!!!

I've owned a copy of 'Liberty And Tyranny' since it was released. And the one started by his dad [Jack], 'Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address ILLUSTRATED'.

Trust me? Obama is oft cited as being a new Lincoln? Obama can't hold a candle to Lincoln...much less shine his shoes. Obama isn't worthy...seein the damage and division he's wrought.

And of course these idiots are jealous...and getting to a fever pitch these days? They're losing...and they know it.

I look foward to it and will keep a watchful eye brother.
Again, since you are unable to ever be honest, edthesickdick, you unpersuasive shitty liberoidal propagandist piece of crap, I will note that the two long paragraphs I posted -- as edited by ME -- and not including your improper additional highlighting within MY QUOTE -- reflect the very point you try so much to distort and conceal.

You lowlife dishonest liberoidal shitheads are all one-trick ponies and are simply too transparent to ever be credible.

What Rush CLEARLY was saying, shitbreath, was that lots of stupid and ignorant people (the usual suspects, truth be told, meaning easily fooled liberal Dumbocraps) were conned by the absurd and baseless lies and promises made by candidate Obama. He was shoving right into their dumb faces the evidence of how Mr. Obama had lied to them and was thereafter bluntly retracting the promises.

Did Rush "say" that he wanted Joe the Plumbers to go unemployed? Sure. But the context shows that the statement was meant only as rhetorical overkill. Sometimes LEARNING difficult lessons is painful. And, in reality, all Rush was doing was using a little hyperbole to suggest that temporary pain would be worthwhile if it caused some of those poor befuddled Obama supporters to open their foolish eyes and learn the crucial lesson.

Don't fret edthesickdick. Nobody who has read your posts enough times has any expectation that a pussy liar like you will ever admit that your claims are all bullshit. You will never be man enough to admit any such thing.

But it has been fun exposing your fraudulence yet again! :thup:
Your Messishrushie didn't want just the people who voted for Obama to suffer the loss of their jobs, he wanted ALL Joe the plumbers, AKA, average Americans, to suffer.
And the "THERE" at the end was undeniably a SPITEFUL, THERE TAKE THAT AMERICA to anyone who hear it. That rant was nothing but the pure SPITE of a SORE LOSER the day after the election and even his crew knew it and tried to rein him in in the beginning.

November 5, 2008
RUSH: I hope all your Joe the Plumbers are unemployed in six months! There.

October 31, 2008
RUSH:* Joe the Plumber.* Now, Joe the Plumber is an average citizen

Zzzzz. Douche-y. Repeating what he said, while diligently ignoring the context (which I spoon fed to you, you lying lazy pussy), only re-establishes what a fucking dishonest piece of shit you are.

You have my blessing to go on hiding your head up your asshole, shitbreath. But you have been exposed for the worthless lying piece of shit you are, so nobody else will be buying the bullshit you peddle unless they are as dishonest and stupid as you, of course.


It is always a pleasure to expose you for the lying pussy loser you are.
Just more of your delusional projection as programmed by your master and stated in the first quote of my sig.

And the context remains LimpTard hopes Americans learn a very painful lesson by suffering the loss of their jobs that he will enjoy immensely. he hopes if Americans suffer enough they will learn to hate like him. He wants to teach Americans to hate Obama as much as LimpTard and the CON$ervoFascist movement hates the American people.

I want to thank you for showing that no CON$ervoFascist will ever admit the truth.
You are a model of CON$ervoFascism.
Your Messishrushie didn't want just the people who voted for Obama to suffer the loss of their jobs, he wanted ALL Joe the plumbers, AKA, average Americans, to suffer.
And the "THERE" at the end was undeniably a SPITEFUL, THERE TAKE THAT AMERICA to anyone who hear it. That rant was nothing but the pure SPITE of a SORE LOSER the day after the election and even his crew knew it and tried to rein him in in the beginning.

November 5, 2008
RUSH: I hope all your Joe the Plumbers are unemployed in six months! There.

October 31, 2008
RUSH:* Joe the Plumber.* Now, Joe the Plumber is an average citizen

Zzzzz. Douche-y. Repeating what he said, while diligently ignoring the context (which I spoon fed to you, you lying lazy pussy), only re-establishes what a fucking dishonest piece of shit you are.

You have my blessing to go on hiding your head up your asshole, shitbreath. But you have been exposed for the worthless lying piece of shit you are, so nobody else will be buying the bullshit you peddle unless they are as dishonest and stupid as you, of course.


It is always a pleasure to expose you for the lying pussy loser you are.
Just more of your delusional projection as programmed by your master and stated in the first quote of my sig.

And the context remains LimpTard hopes Americans learn a very painful lesson by suffering the loss of their jobs that he will enjoy immensely. he hopes if Americans suffer enough they will learn to hate like him. He wants to teach Americans to hate Obama as much as LimpTard and the CON$ervoFascist movement hates the American people.

I want to thank you for showing that no CON$ervoFascist will ever admit the truth.
You are a model of CON$ervoFascism.

epic s0n.....................
Zzzzz. Douche-y. Repeating what he said, while diligently ignoring the context (which I spoon fed to you, you lying lazy pussy), only re-establishes what a fucking dishonest piece of shit you are.

You have my blessing to go on hiding your head up your asshole, shitbreath. But you have been exposed for the worthless lying piece of shit you are, so nobody else will be buying the bullshit you peddle unless they are as dishonest and stupid as you, of course.


It is always a pleasure to expose you for the lying pussy loser you are.
Just more of your delusional projection as programmed by your master and stated in the first quote of my sig.

And the context remains LimpTard hopes Americans learn a very painful lesson by suffering the loss of their jobs that he will enjoy immensely. he hopes if Americans suffer enough they will learn to hate like him. He wants to teach Americans to hate Obama as much as LimpTard and the CON$ervoFascist movement hates the American people.

I want to thank you for showing that no CON$ervoFascist will ever admit the truth.
You are a model of CON$ervoFascism.

epic s0n.....................
Thank you for the bump. :lol:
* * * *
Just more of your delusional projection as programmed by your master and stated in the first quote of my sig.

Wrong again you wholly dishonest liberoidal propagandist.

I have simply spoken the truth -- which is like a scorching laser beam being shot into your sullen petulant dishonest eyes. It burns. You hate truth. And it shows.

And the context remains LimpTard hopes Americans learn a very painful lesson by suffering the loss of their jobs that he will enjoy immensely. he hopes if Americans suffer enough they will learn to hate like him. He wants to teach Americans to hate Obama as much as LimpTard and the CON$ervoFascist movement hates the American people.

I want to thank you for showing that no CON$ervoFascist will ever admit the truth.
You are a model of CON$ervoFascism.

Your lies and desperate efforts to deflect are all now just an established failure. The context was highlighted by me. You cannot undo it. You can try. You will try because you are one of the most obvious liberoidal liars on this Board. You are absolutely hostile to the truth. But whine though you will, you cannot erase the truth.

Rush, by the way, has completely crawled up inside your skull. It is very enjoyable watching a scumbag liar like you endlessly squirm, as you do. He owns you. :lol: This is a good thing.

I will look forward to seeing you futilely thrashing about trying to get your ineffectual lies to take root. That you are a spastic looking complete failure of a human being can no longer be reasonably denied. But you are such an odious lying cock-gobbling sperm-burping piece of shit, I don't mind watching you suffer.

:lol::lol::lol: :clap2::clap2:
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