Run Al Run


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2008
Great video of Al Gore trying to avoid any real questions about global warming.
Wouldn't you think he'd love the opportunity to spread his point of view?

[ame=]YouTube - Al Gore has staff block camera shots of documentary filmmakers at book signing.[/ame]
LOL. Al Gore is doing fine financially, and doing very well with his campaign to raise people's awareness as to what the real situation is concerning climate change and alternative energies. He will continue to do both in spite of the massive ignorance and hostility toward real science demonstrated by people like the previous posters.
LOL. Al Gore is doing fine financially, and doing very well with his campaign to raise people's awareness as to what the real situation is concerning climate change and alternative energies. He will continue to do both in spite of the massive ignorance and hostility toward real science demonstrated by people like the previous posters.
Like Al Gore would know reality.
He won't debate Lord Monckton either.... Despite the massive amount of money that would generate for his cause.

Lord Monkton was denied a seat in the House of Lords for being a total fruitcake, and he is not a scientist at all.

Lord Monckton’s Dangerous Denial « Foglio’s Field Notes

UPDATE: Here are two more links to useful resources critiquing Monckton’s “science” (thanks to Brad at Hill Heat):

A detailed list of the errors in Monckton’s July 2008 Physics and Society article Arthur Smith,, Sep 6, 2008
DeltoidBlog’s Monckton archive Tim Lambert, ScienceBlogs
Noted climate science blogger Lambert has been tracking Lord Monckton for a long time. This page pulls all of his Monckton posts together in one place.


"I was recently on a tour of Latin America, and the only regret I have

was that I didn't study Latin harder in school so I could converse

with those people."

-- J. Danforth Quayle

"If we don't succeed, we run the risk of failure." -- J. Danforth


"Republicans understand the importance of bondage between a mother and


-- Vice President Dan Quayle

"Welcome to President Bush, Mrs. Bush, and my fellow astronauts." --

Vice President Dan Quayle

Where is this guy anyway.. did he get run out of DC on a rail? :lol:

I got Quaylisms, both Bushisms, Reaganisms, where do we begin?
Al said the time for debate on gw is over meaning that we know we have global warming what we don't know is whether it's all man made or some of it is occuring naturally.

Of course the wingnuts skewed that to mean he is afraid to debate anyone.
He won't debate Lord Monckton either.... Despite the massive amount of money that would generate for his cause.

Why should Gore debate that crank?

Less of a crank than Gore, heh?

American Thinker Blog: The American Physical Society Owes Lord Monckton an Immediate Apology

The American Physical Society Owes Lord Monckton an Immediate Apology
Marc Sheppard

The Viscount Monckton of Brenchley has penned a letter to the President of the American Physical Society demanding that an offensive disclaimer to one of his papers be removed from the APS website or justified to his satisfaction. And he's also expecting a well deserved apology for the horrendous mistreatment the Society has recently subjected him to.

First, the editors of APS newsletter Physics and Society invited Lord Monckton to present them a paper explaining his disagreement with the AGW findings of the IPCC. And the former science advisor to Margaret Thatcher happily accepted the offer, submitting a brilliant, must read article excoriating the UN lapdogs, both for their deliberately obscured methods and their gross exaggerations of green house gas impact on global temperatures.

Then, despite the Society's official position that evidence of mankind's influence on Earth's climate is "incontrovertible," the newsletter's July 2008 edition contained Jeffrey Marque's editor's comments which welcomed the reasoned debate Lord Monckton's paper would "kick off," allowing that:

"There is a considerable presence within the scientific community of people who do not agree with the IPCC conclusion that anthropogenic CO2 emissions are very probably likely to be primarily responsible for the global warming that has occurred since the Industrial Revolution."
The American Physical Society gave Monkton a forum. He made an ass of himself. Why should they apologize because they gave him the gift of rope?
Last time I checked, Gore wasn't promoting crazy one-world government conspiracy theories and advocating for mass arrests of anyone with AIDS.

He would if some one could convince him of a link between AIDS and global warming.

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