Ruh Roh Shaggy...Black Panther leader...democrats have harmed Blacks, let's look at Trump....

and now all of a sudden, alt right, something no one has ever heard of before, a tiny group of trolls on the internet has been responsible for the things that have happened to blacks....

The tag "alt-right" is used by the Republican establishment and its corporate owned media to slander traditional conservatives who oppose the excesses of Neoconservatism.

The Alt-Right tag is use on Laura Ingrahm, Ann Coulter, Dr Ben Carson, Rick Perry, Senator Jeff Sessions, MAyor Rudy Giuliani, etc basically any conservative who thinks that there is anything nearly as important as letting multinational corporations run America into the dirt and let any Beltway Bandit profiteer off our wars over seas as possible in the name of Pax Americana.

This article explains a lot of it.

Alt-Right vs. Conservative Inc.

David Duke is not part of the "Alt-Right" no matter how many professional liars like Bill Krystal or George Will may say so.
Ruh Roh....and I don't think you can ever get tired of using Ruh Roh.......the New Black Panther leader is admitting that the democrats have done great harm to blacks...and that it is worth the time to listen to what Donald Trump is saying....

NBP's Quanell X: Trump Right About Dems Exploiting Black Votes

Quanell X, leader of the New Black Panther Party in Houston, Texas, said this week on a local news program that black Americans should “truly examine” Donald Trump’s outreach to the black community and “reexamine the relationship” that black voters have with the Democratic Party.

Read the transcript of Quanell X’s remarks:

Donald Trump last week went to Milwaukee because of the rioting behind the police shooting of a young African-American male by a black officer and the city was being burned down in certain parts of the black community by protesters so Donald Trump decided to go to Milwaukee and speak about the conditions of America and why he felt black people should vote for him. He even went on to lay out reasons why he felt we should.

Let me say this to the brothers and sisters who listened and watched that speech.

We may not like the vessel that said what he said, but I ask us to truly examine what he said, because it is a fact that for 54 years, we have been voting for the Democratic party like no other race in America. And they have not given us the same loyalty and love that we have given them.

We as black people have to reexamine the relationship — where we are being pimped like prostitutes, and they’re the big pimps pimping us politically, promising us everything and we get nothing in return.

We gotta step back now as black people and say, we’ve gotta look at all the parties and vote our best interests.

The only people that reconizes, embraces, listens to, appreciate the Black Panthers is you white motherfuckers.....dude what fuckin planet do you morons live on? This isn't the 1960's where black radical groups gaves us voice....its 2016 and we got our own voices on Twitter and facebook and blogs, etc.....We could give two shits about the fuckin Black Panthers...we have seriously got to get you white stuck on stupid forever white fucks out of the box and into some fresh air. I challenge you to name a story, a incident, anything where blacks clammered to hear what a fuckin Black Panther has to say? Get a fuckin life, you two time loser white fuck.
Democrats want to help out communities.

Right. So why are they significantly worse off than they were when you people filibustered the Civil Rights Act?
Stop painting all blacks as this violent, poverty stricken entity that suffers without recourse because of Obama and democrats....the issues within the black community, has nothing to do with liberal policies and more to do with individual choices......Gezzzus, you white people are so stuck on ignorance. Answer this, if niggas are poor and down troddin because of liberal policies, what the fuck excuse does a poor white mf have? Until you can answer that, just shut the fuck up and be quiet.
Democrats want to help out communities.

Right. So why are they significantly worse off than they were when you people filibustered the Civil Rights Act?
Why has the GOP embraced the people who opposed civil rights, and why do you ignore the massive drop in the black homicide rate, their lower unemployment rates, and their higher education rates in the last few decades?

The democrats opposed civil rights twit...and enacted jim crow laws.....and hanged, shot and bombed blacks.......

And it is fucking amazing...right up until Trump won the nomination, the black plight in the United States was just horrible.......leading to riots in ferguson, baltimore......and now, Trump is pointing out that the problems in the black community are due to them voting and looking to democrats....

Now all of a sudden they are doing just peachy, their schools are great, they have all sorts of jobs in the inner city and Trump is bad for trying to say that things aren't peachy.....

the democrats........telling the truth is just not something they do.....
Things are not peachy. Nobody ever said that. Remember there has been a huge movement in this country, now fitted with the label of "alt-right," that has spent decades and perhaps centuries working their hardest to harm black people. Defeating these alt-right bastards has been a long fight, but it's been a winning fight. So things are not "peachy" as you so stupidly put it, but neither is the fight being lost.

You are a moron......hilary and every democrat journalist is now praising the wonders of the black community....and now all of a sudden, alt right, something no one has ever heard of before, a tiny group of trolls on the internet has been responsible for the things that have happened to blacks....

you really are a fucking moron.

democrats have been in control of cities all around this country for decades...Chicago going back to 1931....and these democrat controlled cities have been crap holes the entire that a Republican candidate has finally found the stones to challenge the racist democrats and their intentional policies to keep blacks poor, uneducated, angry and you have to make up a secret conspiracy...

you are a fucking moron.
You can not and won't allow you to paint a broad brush on all blacks in this country. These so called shit holes, you mention, all made possible by a lack of civic investment from the black community. Poverty is a choice we make when we don't seek better, its that simple. I live among hard working, civic minded blacks and whites who get up every morning to work, they do so because they want Better....for those that chose other options, that's their call, their story.
That might get trump up to 2%
Which proves that blacks have been led by the nose for 54 years and remain as sheep being led to slaughter. If Demoncrats regain power in this election the party is over. All the gullible Demoncrat voters can be abandoned forever.
Nope....doesn't quite work the same.

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