Rudy Giuliani Files for Bankruptcy Protection After Court Loss

You are correct, of course. But Rudy could have mitigated his exposure. He, like Biden, is old and has age-related cognitive decline. But unlike Biden, Rudy does not have a staff by taxpayers to guide him and look out for him.

Tens of thousands not 140’M
America Progressive have moved America back to 1936 Germany where Jews no longer feel safe in Progressive run cities. This is AFTER their J6 Reichstag Fire
How many years in this country did black folks not feel safe?

The only folks who have been killing Jewish folks in this country, have been right wing conservatives.

It never ceases too amaze how Trump Humpers think they should be able to break the law and not be held accountable for it.
TGIF....The Mos Eisley Cantina is going full bore this morning.
Let's see what the droids are offering at their full-service bar:


"That number alone is enough to show you what a biased system they have."

Or, alternatively, that number alone was intended to send a message to any bad actors who wish to bully, defame, dox, or slander our volunteer election poll workers.
Hopefully, the more cluefull got the message that accountability lurks, karma comes.
Slander a poll worker and you may not be hit with a $147,000,000 spanking.....but, $1,470, 000? $147, 000?
OK, either could serve as a deterrent.

Poster HikerGuy may wanna test what the price tag for such bullying is in his voting precin
Report back, please, HG.

You know how his wife found out he was divorcing her? Rudy held a press conference to announce the divorce.
You know, g5000, I had forgot about that little bit of marital bliss. It was widely reported at the time: Informing his wife of his intention to divorce a friggin' presser!! Classy guy. Third class.

I also read some account of a former colleague in Rudy's office when he was the Manhattan DA. The staffer said it was widely recognized in the office that never get between Rudy and a press camera.....Rudy would elbow you out in a nano-second.
It was hyperbole, of course. But maybe a kernel of truthiness in it too.

Rudy is a dick. Everybody recognizes that.

What ?? Can’t you see this is a racial shakedown......
Ummm, I'm not persuaded. Those women gave credible testimony of the abuse and threats they experienced after each shrilling by Rudy or Don T.
So, the irresponsibility of Rudy & his employer Don T. need be noted and......compensated for.

As far as the "racial"-thingy: Well, note that Rudy said ---live in front of cameras in front of the Georgia legislature ---that that passed ginger-mint between mother and daughter was as if they were passing cocaine between 'em!! As if it was a drug-deal at a gang-banger street corner. Gimme a break. THAT was shrilling a racial dog-whistle, if there ever was one.

Rudy got what he had asked for, what he had coming to him. He made the bed. He will sleep there.
So be it. Karma comes.

"Maybe pay up tens of thousands??
Not millions"
Ah, "tens-of-thousands"..... I think that is a little too much DollarStore thinking.
Will it be $147,000,000? Probably not.

But that amount isn't the intended message of the verdict......the message was: "Don't bully, slander, defame our election poll-workers." ..... Or else.
Leftist Jews have completely destroyed the country
And up jumps the devil in a brand new suit!
True colors emerge.
Another Elders-of-Zion-phobic.
Antisemitism on display in the USMB chatroom.

"Sure it is but as I said he made it too easy for them by his own actions."
'made it too easy by his own actions'
Poster 1relluc, we can agree.
I think we also can agree that Rudy is a......dick.
Always has been.
True that.
How many years in this country did black folks not feel safe?

The only folks who have been killing Jewish folks in this country, have been right wing conservatives.

It never ceases too amaze how Trump Humpers think they should be able to break the law and not be held accountable for it.

Black folks felt unsafe in the Democrat run South AND in democrat run cities in the North.

You can lie all you want about "Conservatives killing Jews" but its your Progressive Plantation Masters doing that
They ran ballots without observation (multiple scans) and never explained why or how they would violate Election law and not be questioned on it. Never any clear, clean answers.

This Rudy persecution is part of the witch hunt of anything "not deep state".

They were observed by cameras.
The brilliant, last adequate mayor of New York City, former attorney general, and former Trump lawyer is bankrupt in retaliation for his support of the 45th. The occasion was his unproven indictment of two activists for helping steal the 2020 election.
A small but important detail has come to light. Rudy Giuliani claimed in court that he had undeniable evidence that both "victims" of the accusations were guilty of manipulating the tabulation of votes on Georgia machines using flash drives (connecting machines to the Internet and unauthorized connection of external media is illegal).

The judge refused to allow Giuliani's defense to present this evidence at trial.

I'm guessing Rudy has about $30 million in offshore money for a rainy day. He needs to get out of this cesspool of a country and enjoy life with his kids and grandkids.

Poster HikerGuy may wanna test what the price tag for such bullying is in his voting precinct.
Report back, please, HG.

Here's my report.

You need to fold down your laptop and shove it up you ass sideways.

I am sure you'll enjoy it.
former attorney general,
You may wanna do a little due-diligence on that one.
Probably just a mere oversight on your avatar's part.
We won't read anything mendacious into it.

(Rudy)..."is bankrupt in retaliation for his support of the 45th."
Likely not.
Rather, is bankrupt for making unproven....and failing to try to prove.....accusations that harmed people and businesses.

If one harms people ...or a frequently, loudly, and falsely.....accusing them of crimes, well, karma comes. Accountability lurks.

And Rudy Giuiliani, lawyer, and former federal prosecutor, should have known how to couch his language, his allegations, in such a manner that avoided his problems.

He either didn't know. Or didn't care. Or thought he could get away with it.

He's wrong on all counts. Words matter. And he hurt people. The mother and daughter felt he hurt them. And 8 jurors thought so too.
(And Dominion thinks he hurt their is willing to go to court to prove it.)

Rudy may or may not be legitametly out of money. I dunno. But there will plenty of interested parties to vet his claim. Regardless, Rudy is where Rudy is because of.....Rudy.

With no desire to be disrespectful.....the conclusion must be: Rudy is a clown. And a dick. True that.

"fold down your laptop and shove it up you ass sideways."
Never any intention of my avatar to anger, frazzle, discombobulate, or surface unresolved personal issues of any other avatar.

If poor avataree, Hiker Guy, feels he lost his argument, or was in anyway diminished....well, that is regrettable.
The brilliant, last adequate mayor of New York City, former attorney general, and former Trump lawyer is bankrupt in retaliation for his support of the 45th. The occasion was his unproven indictment of two activists for helping steal the 2020 election.
A small but important detail has come to light. Rudy Giuliani claimed in court that he had undeniable evidence that both "victims" of the accusations were guilty of manipulating the tabulation of votes on Georgia machines using flash drives (connecting machines to the Internet and unauthorized connection of external media is illegal).

The judge refused to allow Giuliani's defense to present this evidence at trial.

I'm guessing Rudy has about $30 million in offshore money for a rainy day. He needs to get out of this cesspool of a country and enjoy life with his kids and grandkids.

Yet in reality, he had no evidence of them doing anything wrong. Which is why when presenting his claims to the Georgia Senate, he presented them with selected video to create a false narrative about election fraud where there was none. Those poor women were his victims and his lies were exposed.
What ?? Can’t you see this is a racial shakedown and they are trying to destroy anybody associated with T
No, this is justice. Giuliani lied on these women and if anybody was making this a racial shakedown it was Trump and Giuliani.
Rudy is now the employee of Ruby Freeman and Shea Moss.
The brilliant, last adequate mayor of New York City, former attorney general, and former Trump lawyer is bankrupt in retaliation for his support of the 45th. The occasion was his unproven indictment of two activists for helping steal the 2020 election.
A small but important detail has come to light. Rudy Giuliani claimed in court that he had undeniable evidence that both "victims" of the accusations were guilty of manipulating the tabulation of votes on Georgia machines using flash drives (connecting machines to the Internet and unauthorized connection of external media is illegal).

The judge refused to allow Giuliani's defense to present this evidence at trial.

I'm guessing Rudy has about $30 million in offshore money for a rainy day. He needs to get out of this cesspool of a country and enjoy life with his kids and grandkids.

It's just another wealth distribution scam.
Just look at the shootings in the last 5yrs.

You mean conservative South.
The Slaver South was a democrat Party stronghold. Besides Malcolm X how many blacks called out the democrat Party racism? FDR appointed a Klansman to SCOTUS, and you won’t call him racist. LBJ used welfare to destroy the black family, replacing the male head of household with a government check, and you won’t call him racist. Biden said if you don’t vote for him, you ain’t black, and was AMAZED that a black man could be clean and articulate and you never once called him racist.

Check yourself

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