Rudy Giuliani Files for Bankruptcy Protection After Court Loss

It was Rudy who made the claim, and he was caught. The FULL video proves him wrong.

No. It doesn’t.
His sliced and diced deliberately edited video proves he was willfully malicious in his intent.

You keep saying that. You have no evidence for your claim. You are still just lying.
Trump lost, dipshit.
Maybe. Maybe not. That’s not the topic here, ya dopey twat rash.
The sooner you cultists come to realize this, the sooner your healing process can begin.
Your advice is disregarded as coming from an imbecile. You.
Until then, you have nothing to contribute to the conversation except mentally ill sore-loserdom.
I proved you wrong many times already. And it’s you who keep flailing away using lies to do it. You’re quite asronishly pathetic.
No. It doesn’t.

You keep saying that. You have no evidence for your claim. You are still just lying.

Maybe. Maybe not. That’s not the topic here, ya dopey twat rash.

Your advice is disregarded as coming from an imbecile. You.

I proved you wrong many times already. And it’s you who keep flailing away using lies to do it. You’re quite asronishly pathetic.
Rudy was desperate to prove election fraud but neither he or Trump filed charges against Freeman and her daughter. Rudy didn't even present this video in discovery.
This is not the first time Rudy has claimed to be broke.


You know how his wife found out he was divorcing her?

Rudy held a press conference to announce the divorce.
The system has been flawed since it was created, fuck boy.

See folks there he goes again with the homosexual tendencies showing. Just come on out the closet, you will feel better.
Listen you faggot. That you’re gay is a you issue.

I truly don’t care; except it is fun to watch you cry and whine like the bitch you are when you get outed.

All legal systems are flawed, you imbecile.

But how did I know that you can offer no recipe for repair? You just like to rant and rage about racism even though you are a racist.
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.....and yet it is Trump Humpers who want a dictator and think this orange fool is above the law. What I find amazing is how is it that the most patriotic americans are the ones who have never done anything but fly a American flag and claim to be so patriotic.

America's mayor? What's that? He didn't do anything that anybody else who would have been mayor at the time would have done. You fools talk as if he went to the WTC and helped pull bodies out of the rubble.
America Progressive have moved America back to 1936 Germany where Jews no longer feel safe in Progressive run cities. This is AFTER their J6 Reichstag Fire
.....and yet it is Trump Humpers who want a dictator and think this orange fool is above the law. What I find amazing is how is it that the most patriotic americans are the ones who have never done anything but fly a American flag and claim to be so patriotic.

America's mayor? What's that? He didn't do anything that anybody else who would have been mayor at the time would have done. You fools talk as if he went to the WTC and helped pull bodies out of the rubble.

If Ghouli was such a great mayor on Sept. 11 (he was not) then couldn't fire and police talk each other over their freaking walkies, they could not. Different freqs and different walkies for one reason.

His hand picked Police Commissioner Bernard "Bernie" Kerik was a mob boss in uniform.

Ghouli's proescution of John "The Teflon Don" Gotti was so riddled with lies it should have been overturned. If Gottie had offer Ghouli more money, he would have walked.
What is tragic is the abuse of power by our legal system and law enforcement. Hacks and traitors approve. The OP is simply one of them.
The only abuse of power was by trump and Rudy went along for the ride hoping it would give him power.
Trump is the corrupt one. That's why he is not president and is facing 91 felony counts. He better stock up Mir A Lago, because he will be spending the rest of his life in exile there.
Rinse and repeat.

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