
rubio is too young?! ha!

Took a quiz the other day and it said my views were 63% in line with Rubio. That was my highest percentage of all candidates. 63% is the best anyone can do? That is only13% better than flipping a coin on any issue.
Tired Of Things Going Well, Marco Rubio Makes Promise To Destroy America Again (VIDEO)

Listening to several of the Republican candidates for president, one could wonder if they’ve been in a cryogenic sleep for the past seven years, and they’re still talking about how badly George W. Bush screwed things up. However, no, they keep repeating the lie that the nation is so much worse now than it was at the brink of a recession before President Obama took over. Republican voters should honestly be insulted by this, being treated like idiots absent from reality. Although, maybe they are idiots absent to reality, and these Republican candidates are just being opportunistic.

Repeating this lie of “seven disastrous years” of Obama, Marco Rubio took to the media branch of the GOP, Fox News, to give a quick campaign message and offer his well wishes for the new year.
Believing this have biggest chanche in 2016 election:

Hillary, Trump, Bush, Rubio and Sanders.

What another messages say about this ??

What another messages believe in 2016 ??
Do you not understand me about the strongest candidates to this year president year ??
Rubio's logic of giving up his Senate seat but not resigning and allowing the citizens of Florida to have 2 Senators for over a year is mind boggling.

I mean, there is hubris and then there is hubris

Marco Rubio’s real disqualification: New video outlines bizarre religious faith — and he wants to govern by it Marco Rubio’s real disqualification: New video outlines bizarre religious faith — and he wants to govern by it

........Moreover, faith-derangement syndrome afflicts the undeniably young and intelligent, and most notably, among the Republican contenders for the White House, Senator Marco Rubio. Rubio once converted to Mormonism but currently two-times with both the Catholic Church and the extremist, anti-gay, pro-exorcist Christ Fellowship. He has just put out a television campaign ad entitled “Marco Rubio on His Christian Faith.”

As a pianist taps out a somniferously bland tune that would befit an ad for a last-rites parlor, Rubio, seated against a dark backdrop, explains the delicate balance he strives to achieve in melding his faith and career as a lawmaker, as well as offering detailed, faith-inspired plans for governing the United States in a time of international turmoil and domestic discontent.

No, wait! He leaves out the plans and turmoil abroad and the discontent at home. He uses his campaign ad to talk only about religion. Aren’t campaign ads supposed to at least have something to do with politics?

Anyway, let’s dissect Rubio’s message line by line. He opens with a statement that is presumptive, irrelevant to the office he seeks, theologically contentious, and tritely tautological.

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