Rubio vs. Athiest

Some people need a higher power to make it through the day. We have laws that protect us from the beliefs of their higher powers, so we don't need to be to worried about it.

People are all the same
Majority does not necessarily mean correctness.
It's a very flawed concept.
Agreed. That's why we have laws protecting our rights from the beliefs of the religious majority.
as well as the minority of those who don't believe in God
You left out the part about being able to be forgiven for those sins if you're sincere in asking.

Bet your boss couldn't do that.

No, we're cool. I forgave him for creating me with flaws.

He didn't. Any flaws you have are because of you. God didn't create junk but since you are, you're the cause.

Then why do "christians" and other religions chop off part of baby boys' penises?

Because god made a mistake.

For reasons that were never explained to me by my parents, I was not circumcised until I was 6 years old. Believe me, god got an earful from me about THAT!

Perhaps your parents should have been the target of your ire. They had it done.

It would not have given me much satisfaction blaming my father, since he was already dead, but god screwed up in the penis thing, and I'm not letting him off the hook.
Me....many times :)


Go sleep it off, Old Timer. You never contrbute anything of substance and it's become annoying
BTW, Rubio is my candidate and I believe he'll be our next least I hope so. :eusa_angel:
Some people need a higher power to make it through the day. We have laws that protect us from the beliefs of their higher powers, so we don't need to be to worried about it.
Good response from the Marco. Why are atheists such obnoxious assholes? He's worried someone will take his porn away or something? Atheists want the right to not be offended and any sign of Christianity is an offense.

Atheists spend far too much time blabbering away about and trying to convince others of something they don't believe in
Uh-huh, and most of them don't even appear to realize that atheism is FAITH BASED, so the self gratification they derive from their faux intellectual superiority over people of faith is complete poppycock.

They are allows good for a few laughs though. ;)

It is not faith based for someone to not believe in the existence of supernatural being for which there is no evidence of its existence.
Provide evidence that the divine doesn't exist; since you cannot your theory of creation isn't any more valid than any of the plethora of divine creation theories which exist, thus you are taking it on FAITH that yours is the correct one. Your idiotic false dichotomy is a logical fallacy of the highest order but of course you're too ignorant to realize that.

ATHEISM = FAITH BASED always has been, always will be, welcome to the flock of the faithful.

it doesn't work that way, dude. if you believe, that's your business. and that's fine. but it's not up to anyone else to prove a negative.

can't you just be satisfied with your own belief and leave others alone to their beliefs or non-beliefs?
I have no intention of watching the video. but no potential president should make religion part of his campaign.

You're afraid to watch Rubio Christian answer to an atheist's question after you elected a muslim to be president? This is why prog morons shouldn't be allowed to vote....ever.
Some people need a higher power to make it through the day. We have laws that protect us from the beliefs of their higher powers, so we don't need to be to worried about it.
Good response from the Marco. Why are atheists such obnoxious assholes? He's worried someone will take his porn away or something? Atheists want the right to not be offended and any sign of Christianity is an offense.

Atheists spend far too much time blabbering away about and trying to convince others of something they don't believe in
Uh-huh, and most of them don't even appear to realize that atheism is FAITH BASED, so the self gratification they derive from their faux intellectual superiority over people of faith is complete poppycock.

They are allows good for a few laughs though. ;)

It is not faith based for someone to not believe in the existence of supernatural being for which there is no evidence of its existence.
Provide evidence that the divine doesn't exist; since you cannot your theory of creation isn't any more valid than any of the plethora of divine creation theories which exist, thus you are taking it on FAITH that yours is the correct one. Your idiotic false dichotomy is a logical fallacy of the highest order but of course you're too ignorant to realize that.

ATHEISM = FAITH BASED always has been, always will be, welcome to the flock of the faithful.

it doesn't work that way, dude. if you believe, that's your business. and that's fine. but it's not up to anyone else to prove a negative.

can't you just be satisfied with your own belief and leave others alone to their beliefs or non-beliefs?
That is excellent advice for atheists as well as theists.
You need to argue with Bonzi, not me. She is the one who says that all people are flawed, and, of course all were created by god. But, in her defense, the bible says the same thing.

I addressed YOUR statement.

...and I redirected you to the source.....

You aren't the source of YOUR statement about claiming you forgave God? Liar. The Bible talks about that, too but it seems you ignore that part.

Well, if that is what you are talking about, yes, I forgave him. But frankly, I don't really trust him to get everything right.

He didn't do anything wrong when he created you. You fucked yourself up and now, like a good little Liberal, want to blame anyone but the person that actually fucked you up, YOU.

Bonzi, will you please talk to this guy? He still wants to argue whether or not god created all men with flaws.

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