Romney Wont Release His Tax Returns?

Here's an interesting take on the Romney Tax issue.

What’s the Deal with Romney’s Taxes? | Talking Points Memo

So what’s the deal? It’s pretty simple. We might say that a specter is haunting Mitt Romney — the specter of the Buffett Rule.

That’s right, we haven’t heard a lot about the so-called Buffett Rule in a while but it’s the concept pushed by kabillionaire Warren Buffett and embraced by Democrats and particularly the White House, which says that the superwealthy should not pay lower tax rates than your average secretary or auto mechanic or office manager or anybody else who gets by on a salary.

It’s a very resonant concept. It makes intuitive sense to people. Overwhelmingly the public supports the idea. And it’s very easy to understand.

This is Romney’s problem. While we don’t know the specifics of Romney’s tax returns, we know enough about his finances and sources of incomes to know that he is likely the poster-boy for the Buffett Rule.
Here's an interesting take on the Romney Tax issue.

What’s the Deal with Romney’s Taxes? | Talking Points Memo

So what’s the deal? It’s pretty simple. We might say that a specter is haunting Mitt Romney — the specter of the Buffett Rule.

That’s right, we haven’t heard a lot about the so-called Buffett Rule in a while but it’s the concept pushed by kabillionaire Warren Buffett and embraced by Democrats and particularly the White House, which says that the superwealthy should not pay lower tax rates than your average secretary or auto mechanic or office manager or anybody else who gets by on a salary.

It’s a very resonant concept. It makes intuitive sense to people. Overwhelmingly the public supports the idea. And it’s very easy to understand.

This is Romney’s problem. While we don’t know the specifics of Romney’s tax returns, we know enough about his finances and sources of incomes to know that he is likely the poster-boy for the Buffett Rule.

How much do you get paid per link?
I'll ask the question again.

Why should anyone have to make public their personal documents and medical records simply because they are running for elected office?

Because they have a button at their desk that blows up the whole planet, and we need transparency.

For instance, I would want to know if the president had terminal cancer. Kind of important when he can blow up the whole world in a fit of depression, don't you think.

Look, the only reason Rombot 2000 doesn't want to release his tax records is because they will expose him as a clueless rich guy who probably isn't even paying his fair share due to accounting tricks.

Why the GOP is going along with the gag is the mystery to me.

Joe you are talking out of your ass, Just sayin...................
I'll ask the question again.

Why should anyone have to make public their personal documents and medical records simply because they are running for elected office?

Because they have a button at their desk that blows up the whole planet, and we need transparency.

For instance, I would want to know if the president had terminal cancer. Kind of important when he can blow up the whole world in a fit of depression, don't you think.

Look, the only reason Rombot 2000 doesn't want to release his tax records is because they will expose him as a clueless rich guy who probably isn't even paying his fair share due to accounting tricks.

Why the GOP is going along with the gag is the mystery to me.

Joe you are talking out of your ass, Just sayin...................

Are you saying that the fact that Obama or Romney might have terminal cancer wouldn't be an important issue?

Let's take an example from history. In 1944, everyone close to FDR knew he really was a pretty sick guy. Even at the Yalta conference, Stalin Remarked that if he knew how ill FDR was, he never would have insisted he come all the way to Russia.

But this fact was kept from the American people. If the media knew about it, they didn't talk about it.

Of course, the Democrat elites knew, which is why they insisted on replacing Henry Wallace (who was waaaay off to the left by any standard) with reliable party hack Harry Truman.

And not surprisingly, FDR died about three months into his fourth term. Many of the missteps at the end of WWII and the early stages of the Cold War can be attributed to the fact that Truman was unprepared for the task. (He did eventually rise to the occassion, IMHO.)

You see the problem here? The voters made a choice based on incomplete information and there were consequences.
Has Romney even held a job or political office in the last five years?

We may be seeing the wave of the future. First Mr. Obama is elected after basically having a cup of coffee in the Congress....and now the GOP is apparently going to nominate Mr. Romney who is basically, as you said, one of the idle rich the GOP policies have created.

If you haven't gotten any battle scars, I guess you look more appealing to the voting public.

As always, we get the government we deserve, style over substance rules the day. Which is why I don't think the election will be a cakewalk for either party. We now field, on both sides of the aisle, candidates who are so risk adverse that you get the canned speech, the canned responses, the "debates" where it is merely a regurgitation of long winded talking points.

In the incubator the American public has created where we can be swayed by media on either side of the debate, I can't blame the candidates for playing their cards so close to the vest. To risk anything is to risk everything because whether it's Newt's affairs or Hillary's likability/femininity the public gets a taste for the imperfection and the media continues to feed it. It is called "the news cycle". And given the herd mentality of the news networks, if CNN is covering it, so will Fox, so will MSNBC, so will ABC, CBS, NBC. Talk radio will talk about it. Don't blame them...if as many people hated Oprah as claim they hate her, you wouldn't see her ever again. Someone likes her. You like Vanilla Ice? Someone does (or did). He sold something like 11 million copies of his record. Please don't sit there and say that the media feeds us, we tell the media what we want. And they give it to us.

This isn't the thread but I continue to advance the notion of making it much, much harder to become President to where the Constitution first ensures debates (6 of them--1 on foreign policy, one of domestic policy, one on national security, then 3 wild card topics to be determined) and then the format for the debates: 90 minutes of moderated debate to set the topics in each category, a break of some length, then 90 minutes of the candidates questioning each other directly on the same evening to pry these people away from their talking points. Every 4 years covering each Tuesday from roughly September 15 through election day.

The political animals who run on the plain Presidential politics are not the ones who are responsible for vetting themselves; we are. Romney's tax returns and his hesitancy to release them are not the problem, they are symptomatic of a much larger syndrome...the "lets see if I can get away with it" syndrome.

All too often, the American public's response to that syndrome is "yes".

We get the government we deserve. Always have, always will. :mad:
I'll ask the question again.

Why should anyone have to make public their personal documents and medical records simply because they are running for elected office?

We have the right to know if the to be president is healthy and if the president is who he says he is . We don't want to vote in some one who is terminally ill or is a different person who he alleges he is....
I'll ask the question again.

Why should anyone have to make public their personal documents and medical records simply because they are running for elected office?

Because they have a button at their desk that blows up the whole planet, and we need transparency.

For instance, I would want to know if the president had terminal cancer. Kind of important when he can blow up the whole world in a fit of depression, don't you think.

Look, the only reason Rombot 2000 doesn't want to release his tax records is because they will expose him as a clueless rich guy who probably isn't even paying his fair share due to accounting tricks.

Why the GOP is going along with the gag is the mystery to me.

Joe you are talking out of your ass, Just sayin...................

That's just "par for the course" with Joe Blow... :wink_2:
Because they have a button at their desk that blows up the whole planet, and we need transparency.

For instance, I would want to know if the president had terminal cancer. Kind of important when he can blow up the whole world in a fit of depression, don't you think.

Look, the only reason Rombot 2000 doesn't want to release his tax records is because they will expose him as a clueless rich guy who probably isn't even paying his fair share due to accounting tricks.

Why the GOP is going along with the gag is the mystery to me.

Joe you are talking out of your ass, Just sayin...................

Are you saying that the fact that Obama or Romney might have terminal cancer wouldn't be an important issue?

Let's take an example from history. In 1944, everyone close to FDR knew he really was a pretty sick guy. Even at the Yalta conference, Stalin Remarked that if he knew how ill FDR was, he never would have insisted he come all the way to Russia.

But this fact was kept from the American people. If the media knew about it, they didn't talk about it.

Of course, the Democrat elites knew, which is why they insisted on replacing Henry Wallace (who was waaaay off to the left by any standard) with reliable party hack Harry Truman.

And not surprisingly, FDR died about three months into his fourth term. Many of the missteps at the end of WWII and the early stages of the Cold War can be attributed to the fact that Truman was unprepared for the task. (He did eventually rise to the occassion, IMHO.)

You see the problem here? The voters made a choice based on incomplete information and there were consequences.

No its not. We have a VP if you hadnt noticed. I cant vote for this guy, he might get sick..........

OH BROTHER..........
Has Romney even held a job or political office in the last five years?

We may be seeing the wave of the future. First Mr. Obama is elected after basically having a cup of coffee in the Congress....and now the GOP is apparently going to nominate Mr. Romney who is basically, as you said, one of the idle rich the GOP policies have created.

If you haven't gotten any battle scars, I guess you look more appealing to the voting public.

As always, we get the government we deserve, style over substance rules the day. Which is why I don't think the election will be a cakewalk for either party. We now field, on both sides of the aisle, candidates who are so risk adverse that you get the canned speech, the canned responses, the "debates" where it is merely a regurgitation of long winded talking points.

In the incubator the American public has created where we can be swayed by media on either side of the debate, I can't blame the candidates for playing their cards so close to the vest. To risk anything is to risk everything because whether it's Newt's affairs or Hillary's likability/femininity the public gets a taste for the imperfection and the media continues to feed it. It is called "the news cycle". And given the herd mentality of the news networks, if CNN is covering it, so will Fox, so will MSNBC, so will ABC, CBS, NBC. Talk radio will talk about it. Don't blame them...if as many people hated Oprah as claim they hate her, you wouldn't see her ever again. Someone likes her. You like Vanilla Ice? Someone does (or did). He sold something like 11 million copies of his record. Please don't sit there and say that the media feeds us, we tell the media what we want. And they give it to us.

This isn't the thread but I continue to advance the notion of making it much, much harder to become President to where the Constitution first ensures debates (6 of them--1 on foreign policy, one of domestic policy, one on national security, then 3 wild card topics to be determined) and then the format for the debates: 90 minutes of moderated debate to set the topics in each category, a break of some length, then 90 minutes of the candidates questioning each other directly on the same evening to pry these people away from their talking points. Every 4 years covering each Tuesday from roughly September 15 through election day.

The political animals who run on the plain Presidential politics are not the ones who are responsible for vetting themselves; we are. Romney's tax returns and his hesitancy to release them are not the problem, they are symptomatic of a much larger syndrome...the "lets see if I can get away with it" syndrome.

All too often, the American public's response to that syndrome is "yes".

We get the government we deserve. Always have, always will. :mad:

Good post, candycorn. We get what we deserve.We should demand those tax records and demand closing of tax loop holes. We have to pay attention. Are negative ads what we want? Do they vet the candidates or go for "gotcha topics?" We have to be looking at things closely...especially at what is happening around us today with our present leaders.
We have grown into a public that demands perfection of the president in all things. Except when liberals find perfection too confining. Should we have elected a cocaine addict as president? We did? IF obaaabaaa was a republican would his drug use have hurt him? Would it have been an issue? JFK was more than sick and debilitated. He was a prescription drug abuser, who not only brought his women into the white house, but the bed he shared with his wife as well. He was so incompetent that he dragged us to the brink of nuclear war. None of this was too important was it? Certainly not as important as Newt's ancient infidelities.
You fucking odumbobot HACKS that think bringing up some tiny little thing that an opponent is HIDING is going to be effective, you people are opening the can of worms that ALL REPUBLICANS are HOPING AND PRAYING you open, because NO PERSON IN POLITICS is HIDING MORE SHIT THAN BARRY SOETORO/BARACK OBAMA. So go for it MORONS.... REPUBLICANS ARE GOING TO LOVE THIS...

Obama spokesman blasts Romney for 'hiding' records
President still blocking access to host of documents related to his past

The Mystery of Barack Obama Continues

Obama records still hidden, Original birth certificate, College records, Senate records, Obama used tax payer dollars to hide records

OBAMA'S HIDDEN DOCUMENTS (and list of scandals to date)

Posted on Saturday, May 29, 2010 12:15:05 PM by Liz

0bama's hidden records: Why would he hide every scrap of his past history? Why are these docs off-limits?

1 Certified copy of original birth certificate

2 Columbia University transcripts

3 Columbia thesis paper

4 Campaign donor analysis requested by 7 major watchdog groups

5 Harvard University transcripts

6 Illinois State Senate records

7 Illinois State Senate schedule

8 Law practice client list and billing records/summary

9 Locations and names of all half-siblings and step-mother

10 Medical records (only the one page summary released so far)

11 Occidental College Transcripts

12 Parent’s marriage Certificate

13 Record of baptism

14 Selective Service registration records (Did Obama Actually Register for Selective Service?

15 Schedules for trips outside of the United States before 2007

16 Passport records for all passports

17 Scholarly articles

18 SAT and LSAT test scores

19 Access to his grandmother in Kenya

20 List of all campaign workers that are lobbyists

21 Punahou grade school records

22 Noelani Kindergarten records are oddly missing from the the State of Hawaii Department of Education.

23 Page 11 of Stanley Ann Dunham's divorce decree.

24 Why isn't Barack Obama still a member of the Illinois bar and where are all of the relevant documents?

25 Why isn't Michelle Obama still a member of the Illinois bar, after only about four years of practice, and where are all of the relevant documents?
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Oh no not his tax returns?

So What? The low life and chief couldnt even release his BC without being punked by Trump.
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