Romney threw big bird under the bus


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
is an blatant attack on children. Big Bird is an educational program available to many disadvantage children so Romney’s attack on Big Bird is an attack on children and education. Romney has shown himself to be a lying stupid sociopath with senile dementia. The Romney we saw at the debate was not the same alter ego Romney we saw the day after rewriting his script. His flip flopping has to do with he stupidity or he senile dementia. I would say both.

Funding for PBS programs comes from a variety of sources - member stations' dues, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, government agencies, foundations, corporations and private citizens.
Funding : PBS

Here's How Much Money Romney Will Save By Killing Big Bird
is an blatant attack on children. Big Bird is an educational program available to many disadvantage children so Romney’s attack on Big Bird is an attack on children and education. Romney has shown himself to be a lying stupid sociopath with senile dementia. The Romney we saw at the debate was not the same alter ego Romney we saw the day after rewriting his script. His flip flopping has to do with he stupidity or he senile dementia. I would say both.

Funding for PBS programs comes from a variety of sources - member stations' dues, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, government agencies, foundations, corporations and private citizens.
Funding : PBS

Here's How Much Money Romney Will Save By Killing Big Bird

Romney is an idiot. He must think that only kids from dem families watch Big Bird and PBS. Many thousands if not millions of poor white republican families depend on PBS as instruction for their younger children. Their parents may be suspicious of big government but they will vote to protect their kids interests.

Oh no, another "war on children".

I don't know if I really need to say this, surely we all know this, but what the hell: De-funding PBS is about far more than just the money saved on that one thing. It's about a larger picture in which we look at our priorities, at the debt we have created, some pretty clear numbers, and make some tough decisions based on dynamic analysis. And, it may be that some things that need to be cut for now could be re-funded before long, once the dust has settled and we can put some new strategies in place that are in accordance with a clear set of priorities.

Jeez, this hysteria is getting really old. And this really isn't a good time for it.

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I don't want my money subsidizing that annoying bird especially when many millions are made with those annoying Sesame St toys.

Let them use that money for their show.
NPR & PBS do not need Taxpayer funding. That time has passed. I listened to NPR the other day, and their Left/Democrat bias is as bad as it's ever been. I see no reason why American Taxpayers should be forced to fund such propaganda. It's time for change. NPR & PBS will have to make it on their own.
NPR & PBS do not need Taxpayer funding. That time has passed. I listened to NPR the other day, and their Left/Democrat bias is as bad as it's ever been. I see no reason why American Taxpayers should be forced to fund such propaganda. It's time for change. NPR & PBS will have to make it on their own.

Again, I used to think, yeah, we can get good quality educational programs privately.

Back in the 1990's, we had the Discovery Channel, The Learning Channel, and the History Channel, all doing quality educational programs. And doing them commercially.

But look at those channels now.

The History Channel's lineup includes Pawn Stars, Axe Men, Ice Road Truckers. Nothing really "Historical" there, just more of the same kind of tired "Reality TV" you can see on a commercial network.

TLC, which no longer calls itself the Learning Channel, has had "Jon and Kate Plus Eight and a wrecked marriage", "Sarah Palin Sells outs" and "Toddlers and Tiaras" (and frankly, I have nightmares thinking about who actually watches that show. Whoever thought a network would niche market to Megan's List.)

Discovery Channel, long famous for "Shark Week", has such educational shows as "Texas Car Wars" and "Yukon Men".

Now, yeah, you can cut PBS's subsidy, and they can get commercials.

And you could have Sesame Street actually become like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, where characters and vehicles are introduced for no other reason than to sell toys.

But frankly, is this a good development?

Here's the thing. The Airwaves belong to the people. We own them. But if you think they are just there for a few rich guys to make more money, then you are probably fine with all of the above.

When did Greed stop being a sin and start becoming a virtue?

Oh no, another "war on children".

I don't know if I really need to say this, surely we all know this, but what the hell: De-funding PBS is about far more than just the money saved on that one thing. It's about a larger picture in which we look at our priorities, at the debt we have created, some pretty clear numbers, and make some tough decisions based on dynamic analysis. And, it may be that some things that need to be cut for now could be re-funded before long, once the dust has settled and we can put some new strategies in place that are in accordance with a clear set of priorities.

Jeez, this hysteria is getting really old. And this really isn't a good time for it.



The entire yearly subsidy for PBS is 440 million.

The cost of an F-22 Raptor fighter, which has never flown a combat mission, is 377 Million a unit.

Now, yeah, we need to find ways to save money, absolutely. We need to get our debt under control.

But Mitt Romney wants to cancel PBS and he wants to buy more F-22's.

A plane whose need is questionable, at best.
And we're trying to figure out why our preschoolers are getting fatter and fatter. I'm thinking Big Bird could be helping that.

But WTH, we need Big Bird to baby sit and teach our toddlers. Moms and Dads have so much more to do.

We don't need any stinking military, we have Big Bird and Elmo to protect us!!
Man the left is scrapping the bottom of the barrel now..

poor things all worried over a Big yellow bird
And we're trying to figure out why our preschoolers are getting fatter and fatter. I'm thinking Big Bird could be helping that.

But WTH, we need Big Bird to baby sit and teach our toddlers. Moms and Dads have so much more to do.

We don't need any stinking military, we have Big Bird and Elmo to protect us!!

Our pre-schoolers are getting fatter and fatter because big agribusiness feeds them meat and milk that are pumped up with growth hormones to make the animals fatter and harvest them faster...

But no one wants to talk about that. Someone is making a profit. All hail the holy profit.

Incidently, I'm all for the military. Was even in it.

I just don't see a point to paying 377 million a unit for an airplane we've never used in combat even though they've been operational for 7 years now.
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Oh no, another "war on children".

I don't know if I really need to say this, surely we all know this, but what the hell: De-funding PBS is about far more than just the money saved on that one thing. It's about a larger picture in which we look at our priorities, at the debt we have created, some pretty clear numbers, and make some tough decisions based on dynamic analysis. And, it may be that some things that need to be cut for now could be re-funded before long, once the dust has settled and we can put some new strategies in place that are in accordance with a clear set of priorities.

Jeez, this hysteria is getting really old. And this really isn't a good time for it.



The entire yearly subsidy for PBS is 440 million.

The cost of an F-22 Raptor fighter, which has never flown a combat mission, is 377 Million a unit.

Now, yeah, we need to find ways to save money, absolutely. We need to get our debt under control.

But Mitt Romney wants to cancel PBS and he wants to buy more F-22's.

A plane whose need is questionable, at best.

By all means, reviewing the money we spend on the military would absolutely have to be part of the priority-setting process. Personally, I think there is room for cuts there, as well. But a priority-setting process ain't gonna happen until (or unless) the hysteria subsides.

I don't want my money subsidizing that annoying bird especially when many millions are made with those annoying Sesame St toys.

Let them use that money for their show.

Big BIrd create jobs and tax revenue with it's sell of Sesame Street toys and pays for it's programing.
is an blatant attack on children. Big Bird is an educational program available to many disadvantage children so Romney’s attack on Big Bird is an attack on children and education. Romney has shown himself to be a lying stupid sociopath with senile dementia. The Romney we saw at the debate was not the same alter ego Romney we saw the day after rewriting his script. His flip flopping has to do with he stupidity or he senile dementia. I would say both.

Funding for PBS programs comes from a variety of sources - member stations' dues, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, government agencies, foundations, corporations and private citizens.
Funding : PBS

Here's How Much Money Romney Will Save By Killing Big Bird

Romney is an idiot. He must think that only kids from dem families watch Big Bird and PBS. Many thousands if not millions of poor white republican families depend on PBS as instruction for their younger children. Their parents may be suspicious of big government but they will vote to protect their kids interests.

The illiterates on this board who never got an education are OKAY with the rest of the U.S. not getting an education. They want to bring everyone down to their level.

Mitt is their man.
I don't want my money subsidizing that annoying bird especially when many millions are made with those annoying Sesame St toys.

Let them use that money for their show.

Big BIrd create jobs and tax revenue with it's sell of Sesame Street toys and pays for it's programing.

So then why do they need government funding if they pay for themselves??
is an blatant attack on children. Big Bird is an educational program available to many disadvantage children so Romney’s attack on Big Bird is an attack on children and education. Romney has shown himself to be a lying stupid sociopath with senile dementia. The Romney we saw at the debate was not the same alter ego Romney we saw the day after rewriting his script. His flip flopping has to do with he stupidity or he senile dementia. I would say both.


Romney is an idiot. He must think that only kids from dem families watch Big Bird and PBS. Many thousands if not millions of poor white republican families depend on PBS as instruction for their younger children. Their parents may be suspicious of big government but they will vote to protect their kids interests.

The illiterates on this board who never got an education are OKAY with the rest of the U.S. not getting an education. They want to bring everyone down to their level.

Mitt is their man.

and I suppose you think what you just posted was brilliant or something
all I heard was blaa blaa bla
is an blatant attack on children. Big Bird is an educational program available to many disadvantage children so Romney’s attack on Big Bird is an attack on children and education. Romney has shown himself to be a lying stupid sociopath with senile dementia. The Romney we saw at the debate was not the same alter ego Romney we saw the day after rewriting his script. His flip flopping has to do with he stupidity or he senile dementia. I would say both.


Romney is an idiot. He must think that only kids from dem families watch Big Bird and PBS. Many thousands if not millions of poor white republican families depend on PBS as instruction for their younger children. Their parents may be suspicious of big government but they will vote to protect their kids interests.

The illiterates on this board who never got an education are OKAY with the rest of the U.S. not getting an education. They want to bring everyone down to their level.

Mitt is their man.

Yea because you've been educated by Big Bird, you're so smart!!

ObamaBird is your man!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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