Romney Thanks His Staff Workers By Canceling CC's Before They Can Get A Cab Home!

I think the more important question is why on earth were campaign workers allowed to use Campaign credit cards for cabs?
I believe the left will be attempting to smear Romney for the next four years.

We won't have to. The Republicans have already started up that Greyhound and tossed Romney down on the pavement.

Sorry, I don't see that.

You must thinking of the way Obama treats his friends when he doesn't need them.

Ask Rev. Wright.
No, they have selective thoughts or something along the lines of romnesia.
Typical rich plutocratic syndrome from mitten, as soon as they have used someone or something and it is no longer of value to them. Discard it quickly.
And they wonder why the real workers in this country don't vote for them.

Is this report even true? Also I was never a paid supporter but is this that much of an unusual action with credit cards after an election period is over? I have no idea. Kind of hard to get all over one candidate when it could be status quo for these things.

It's from the esquire, you decide
No. It's not, dope.

Learn to click links. There's a prominent one in the first line of the story.

Damn, you're thick.
Mitt Romney's Campaign Cancels Staffers Credit Cards In The Middle Of The Night - Forbes

From the moment Mitt Romney stepped off stage Tuesday night, having just delivered a brief concession speech he wrote only that evening, the massive infrastructure surrounding his campaign quickly began to disassemble itself.

Aides taking cabs home late that night got rude awakenings when they found the credit cards linked to the campaign no longer worked.

No doubt a whole host of Boston taxi drivers found themselves stiffed when it came to tips early Wednesday morning. That’s what happens when the money trickles up, not down.

This is why healthy economies don’t depend on the trickle down whims of overlords. The minute Richie Rich decides he doesn’t need all that stuff staff … well, that’s that.

Thanks. Looks like NBC was the first to report this. I have no idea what the protocol is with these campaign issued credit cards or their max amounts but having loose cards active after an election loss might be a bad idea? No?
Shouldn't the campaign tell it's staff? Give them a heads up? Maybe collect the cards from them and give them $20-30 cash for cabs to get home?

Cabs? You mean all his staffers live in Boston. I'm guessing many had to fly home from Boston. So what does happen to the unspent campaign contributions since apparently it's not being used to get your staffers home??????
In France no one can be fired. The government tried to pass laws allowing employers to fire non performing employees and ended up with riots in the streets.

The Latest French Riots--Posner - The Becker-Posner Blog

We are moving along in that direction where the employer is supposed to keep paying employees after they have stopped working.

If you read it, they can be fired now, the new law they are trying to pass will make it so they can fire their employees "without cause".

"to fire employees (without cause)"
Let 's put this into the right context. Rev. Wright was not WORKING for President Obama.
These people were dedicating time and effort for mittens.

I believe the left will be attempting to smear Romney for the next four years.

We won't have to. The Republicans have already started up that Greyhound and tossed Romney down on the pavement.

Sorry, I don't see that.

You must thinking of the way Obama treats his friends when he doesn't need them.

Ask Rev. Wright.
Thanks. Looks like NBC was the first to report this. I have no idea what the protocol is with these campaign issued credit cards or their max amounts but having loose cards active after an election loss might be a bad idea? No?
Shouldn't the campaign tell it's staff? Give them a heads up? Maybe collect the cards from them and give them $20-30 cash for cabs to get home?

Cabs? You mean all his staffers live in Boston. I'm guessing many had to fly home from Boston. So what does happen to the unspent campaign contributions since apparently it's not being used to get your staffers home??????

Duh!!!! Sent to the Caymans ya dummy!!!
Thanks. Looks like NBC was the first to report this. I have no idea what the protocol is with these campaign issued credit cards or their max amounts but having loose cards active after an election loss might be a bad idea? No?
Shouldn't the campaign tell it's staff? Give them a heads up? Maybe collect the cards from them and give them $20-30 cash for cabs to get home?
Dunno about you, but if I were one of the staffers, it would be an assumption I would make. No more job, no more job credit card.


That's because you are so perfect.

No, they have selective thoughts or something along the lines of romnesia.
Typical rich plutocratic syndrome from mitten, as soon as they have used someone or something and it is no longer of value to them. Discard it quickly.
And they wonder why the real workers in this country don't vote for them.

It's from the esquire, you decide
No. It's not, dope.

Learn to click links. There's a prominent one in the first line of the story.

Damn, you're thick.

Workers of the world unite.
It's from the esquire, you decide

Just seemed kind of tabloidesque as written. I hate commenting on things that might not be true or might be SOP.

and yet you comment on lgs threads.....and others that are obviously the thread on non union workers being turned away from up north....

dont grab the banner of truth and pretend its your friend

Example please? I never commented on that thread to the best of my recollection but perhaps you could show me my post Bones. Thanks.
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Let 's put this into the right context. Rev. Wright was not WORKING for President Obama.
These people were dedicating time and effort for mittens.

We won't have to. The Republicans have already started up that Greyhound and tossed Romney down on the pavement.

Sorry, I don't see that.

You must thinking of the way Obama treats his friends when he doesn't need them.

Ask Rev. Wright.

So it's alright to steal from him?

This kind of thing happens in the best-run campaigns from time to time. I can't believe anyone is wasting with this issue.
Do people realize that decisions about campaign credit cards are usually made by staffers and that the candidate rarely if ever gets involved in that kind of detail? I'm sure this was just an honest mistake. This kind of thing happens from time to time in even the best campaigns.
This kind of thing happens in the best-run campaigns from time to time. I can't believe anyone is wasting with this issue.

yeah right, I bet you really feel that way.

and what has the GOP led House been doing while ignoring the fiscal cliff? Oh yeah, attacking the President for every move he makes.

The GOP doesn't govern anymore .. it plays politics with every little things.

now fuck off

Do people realize that decisions about campaign credit cards are usually made by staffers and that the candidate rarely if ever gets involved in that kind of detail? I'm sure this was just an honest mistake. This kind of thing happens from time to time in even the best campaigns.
Romney said "I built this campaign. It's mine!"

" Like Donald Trump, my buddy, I like firing the help"
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Are the folks who are screaming about stranded Romney staffers equally upset about the 4 Americans who were left to fend for themselves in the Benghazi attack and whose deaths were dishonored with the lie that the attack was just a spontaneous response to a YouTube video?
Are the folks who are screaming about stranded Romney staffers equally upset about the 4 Americans who were left to fend for themselves in the Benghazi attack and whose deaths were dishonored with the lie that the attack was just a spontaneous response to a YouTube video?

Not to mention the people stranded on Staten Island.

Why should the campaign pay for cab service?
Are the folks who are screaming about stranded Romney staffers equally upset about the 4 Americans who were left to fend for themselves in the Benghazi attack and whose deaths were dishonored with the lie that the attack was just a spontaneous response to a YouTube video?

No, I'm much more upset about Benghazi.

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