Romney Suggests Releasing Additional Tax Returns Could Be Politically Damaging


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
By Igor Volsky

Mitt Romney appeared on Fox & Friends Monday morning to respond to the growing number of conservatives who are calling on the former Massachusetts governor to release more of his tax returns.

At least eight Republicans have urged Romney to publicize the records and put the issue behind him, but the candidate is sticking to his guns. The public will see just two years of returns and no more, Romney said, before appearing to admit that the records may contain something politically damaging:

ROMNEY: The Obama people keep on wanting more and more and more. More things to pick through, more things for their opposition research to try make a mountain out of and to distort and to be dishonest about. We’re going to put out two years of tax returns.

More: Romney Suggests Releasing Additional Tax Returns Could Be Politically Damaging | ThinkProgress

Video: Romney on tax returns - YouTube
By Igor Volsky

Mitt Romney appeared on Fox & Friends Monday morning to respond to the growing number of conservatives who are calling on the former Massachusetts governor to release more of his tax returns.

At least eight Republicans have urged Romney to publicize the records and put the issue behind him, but the candidate is sticking to his guns. The public will see just two years of returns and no more, Romney said, before appearing to admit that the records may contain something politically damaging:

ROMNEY: The Obama people keep on wanting more and more and more. More things to pick through, more things for their opposition research to try make a mountain out of and to distort and to be dishonest about. We’re going to put out two years of tax returns.

More: Romney Suggests Releasing Additional Tax Returns Could Be Politically Damaging | ThinkProgress

Video: Romney on tax returns - YouTube

Shitting Bull is so appropriate a name for you. You're full of shit, and every thread you start is pure bull.

Your own OP calls you a liar.

ROMNEY: The Obama people keep on wanting more and more and more. More things to pick through, more things for their opposition research to try make a mountain out of and to distort and to be dishonest about. We’re going to put out two years of tax returns.
Saying that the Obama team is going to be dishonest and make shit up is NOT saying what your thread title says.
By Igor Volsky

Mitt Romney appeared on Fox & Friends Monday morning to respond to the growing number of conservatives who are calling on the former Massachusetts governor to release more of his tax returns.

At least eight Republicans have urged Romney to publicize the records and put the issue behind him, but the candidate is sticking to his guns. The public will see just two years of returns and no more, Romney said, before appearing to admit that the records may contain something politically damaging:
ROMNEY: The Obama people keep on wanting more and more and more. More things to pick through, more things for their opposition research to try make a mountain out of and to distort and to be dishonest about. We’re going to put out two years of tax returns.

More: Romney Suggests Releasing Additional Tax Returns Could Be Politically Damaging | ThinkProgress

Video: Romney on tax returns - YouTube

Think Progress? Soros? Really?

Automatically spells L-I-A-R . :eusa_hand:

wow... only 7 posts in, and you're already trying to change the topic of your own thread!

lol, from thinkprogress lies to Mother Jones another rag of liars

trolls on a roll
Specifically, Romney is going to have to answer the following 35 questions before this issue subsides:

1. Are you contending that an individual can simultaneously be the CEO, president, managing director of a company, and its sole stockholder and somehow be “disassociated” from the company or accurately classified as someone not having “any” formal involvement with a company?

2. You have stated that in “Feb. 1999 I left Bain capital and all management responsibility” and “I had no ongoing activity or involvement.” It depends on what the definition of “involvement” is, doesn’t it? Clearly you were involved with Bain to the extent that you owned it. Are you defining “involvement” in a uniquely specific way that only means “full-time, active, 60-hours-a-week, hands-on manager?”

More: 35 Questions Mitt Romney Must Answer About Bain Capital Before The Issue Can Go Away - Forbes
Well, Mitt, good luck with that...

He's right.

Rich folks play by a different set of rules.

Not only do they want wealth..they want all the power.

Which is one reason that Mitt's candidacy is sweet.

It illustrates that.

Don't understand why Mitt's not responsible for Bain Capital even though he signed off as CEO and sole share holder?'s complicated. It's rich folk law. Unlike you..Romney can hire a bunch of smarties to talk about Business Continuity and the like. So that Romney can take credit for good stuff..and unmoored the bad stuff.

Don't understand why Mitt pays an effective tax rate less then you? Well..if you could hire those accountants and'd be on easy street too.

Ain't it grand?
As I and others have generally stated, it appears Romney figures it's safer to suffer the wrath of non-disclosure than suffer the wrath of disclosure. Gee, I wonder why...
Well, Mitt, good luck with that...

He's right.

Rich folks play by a different set of rules.

Not only do they want wealth..they want all the power.

Which is one reason that Mitt's candidacy is sweet.

It illustrates that.

Don't understand why Mitt's not responsible for Bain Capital even though he signed off as CEO and sole share holder?'s complicated. It's rich folk law. Unlike you..Romney can hire a bunch of smarties to talk about Business Continuity and the like. So that Romney can take credit for good stuff..and unmoored the bad stuff.

Don't understand why Mitt pays an effective tax rate less then you? Well..if you could hire those accountants and'd be on easy street too.

Ain't it grand?
In some place very warm, Leona Hemsley is taking a victory lap.
Well, Mitt, good luck with that...

He's right.

Rich folks play by a different set of rules.

Not only do they want wealth..they want all the power.

Which is one reason that Mitt's candidacy is sweet.

It illustrates that.

Don't understand why Mitt's not responsible for Bain Capital even though he signed off as CEO and sole share holder?'s complicated. It's rich folk law. Unlike you..Romney can hire a bunch of smarties to talk about Business Continuity and the like. So that Romney can take credit for good stuff..and unmoored the bad stuff.

Don't understand why Mitt pays an effective tax rate less then you? Well..if you could hire those accountants and'd be on easy street too.

Ain't it grand?

I agree, but the big question is: Are there enough rich folk and deranged wingnut voters to put him in the White House under this cloud of Bain deception?

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