Romney-Obama Debate Thread

Last nights debate showed what we all know--and Obama proved what the entitlement society is really like. They do not do the work, they ride along while others do the work. Obama could not have others do the debate for him he had to do it. It was evident that he has been a goof off for 4 years and it showed.
The mind set that business men don't work was shown last night no one I mean no one who owns a business works harder than the owners, cause if they do not perform they will fail.

Just like Obama's presidency has failed and now a business owner who is a success will come in and pick up the pieces.
He never learned the art of negotiation as Bill Clinton did and this I feel is why he will loose the presidency.

He proved that it was his way or the highway and guess what all business men know they have to be reasonable and negotiate.

obama looked like he would rather have delegated the debate to Hillary.
It's mainly Bush in 09 but the stimulus added $100 billion to the deficit that FY too.
out of $3.5 plus trillion spent in fy 2009, $3.3 trillion goes to Bush, and 150 billion to 200 billion which includes the stimulus spent in fy 2009, goes towards obama

That's pure bullshit and has already been debunked.
no, it's not bull, and no it has not been debunk....

what some on the rightwing are claiming HAS BEEN DEBUNKED.....

Please read the lengthy article, it goes in to the most minute detail, and is as accurate as accurate can be....from every aspect of spending for the 2009 budget. : Obama’s Spending: ‘Inferno’ or Not?
The debates were symbolic of American politics. The two candidates for the highest office in the land and both must exaggerate the truth or lie. Could an American be elected president if they didn't lie? Do they lie because we expect them to lie or because they believe we are so smitten with their politics that we will believe about anything they say?
The debates were symbolic of American politics. The two candidates for the highest office in the land and both must exaggerate the truth or lie. Could an American be elected president if they didn't lie? Do they lie because we expect them to lie or because they believe we are so smitten with their politics that we will believe about anything they say?

No, Ron Paul or Gary Johnson can't be elected.
The debates were symbolic of American politics. The two candidates for the highest office in the land and both must exaggerate the truth or lie. Could an American be elected president if they didn't lie? Do they lie because we expect them to lie or because they believe we are so smitten with their politics that we will believe about anything they say?

They lie because people believe it. Just look at this board, there are people who actually think Romney will reduce spending.
The debates were symbolic of American politics. The two candidates for the highest office in the land and both must exaggerate the truth or lie. Could an American be elected president if they didn't lie? Do they lie because we expect them to lie or because they believe we are so smitten with their politics that we will believe about anything they say?

They lie because people believe it. Just look at this board, there are people who actually think Romney will reduce spending.

That's the thing. When you pause to consider just how clueless the electorate is, it's hard to have any hope at all that democracy will produce anything that benefits the nation as a whole. We'll get the scraps, after the moneyed interests have their priorities attended to. But if they want us chained to corporate health insurance, for example, we will be.
Obama couldn't defend defunding Medicare for his Obamination-care. The shmuck couldn't hide from his own record.

When he tried to go after Romney for "Romney-Care", Mitt pummelled him on the differences, such as the fact he actually worked with the other party, and Obama refused to.

Diane Sawyer looked like she was about to cry as they cut away to commercials in the after show.
Chris Matthews looked like he just lost his house. The liberals on all those shows were so depressed that their "genius" Obama looked like a befuddled idiot in front of the whole country.

Oh and that line about repeating a lie over and over again until everyone believes it was classic. Its exactly what liberals do and Romney called him out on it.
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Just to set the record straight:

The national debt when Bush took office 1-20-2001 - $5,727,776,738,305 (unacceptable)
The national debt when Bush left office 1-20-2008 - $10,626,877,048,913 (unacceptable)
Increase the 8 years of Bush administration - $4,899,100,310,608 (unacceptable)

The national debt 10-1-2012 after a few days over 3 years, 8 months of the Obama administration: $16,159,487,013,300 (unacceptable)
Increase for the slightly more than 3 years 8 months of the Obama administration - $5,532,609,964,387 (unaccceptable)

But. . . .the deficit in 2007 was 162 billion and dropping
The deficit in 2008 was 459 billion, but 400 billion of that was Tarp that Obama voted for.

The deficit in 2009 - $1.413 trillion ($400 billion of that was the other half of Tarp)
The deficit in 2010 - $1.294 trillion
The deficit in 2011 - $1.299 trillion
The deficit in 2012 to date - $1.1 trillion and increasing by billions every day and covered with borrowed or inflationary money.

And there are trillion dollar deficits projected as far as the eye can see.

So Obama wants to spend more and more INVESTING in this and that.
Romney wants to stop spending on anything that we don't have to spend money on; not spend money on non essentials that we don't have and don't have to spend.

Which is the more responsible approach? Which is the better stewardship of the people's money that we worked damn hard for?
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The debates were symbolic of American politics. The two candidates for the highest office in the land and both must exaggerate the truth or lie. Could an American be elected president if they didn't lie? Do they lie because we expect them to lie or because they believe we are so smitten with their politics that we will believe about anything they say?

They lie because people believe it. Just look at this board, there are people who actually think Romney will reduce spending.

Even worse, there are people who actually believe Obama has done a good job and deserves another 4 years. Go figure. :eusa_whistle:
When he tried to go after Romney for "Romney-Care", Mitt pummelled him on the differences, such as the fact he actually worked with the other party, and Obama refused to.

LOL... did people actually buy it?

Well, the Obama worshippers probably didn't. But it is a fact. Obama didn't get a single Republican vote for Obamacare. When they tried to provide input, Obama dismissed then with "I won" (with the implication that you didn't so I get my say and you don't.) And more recently I recall Obama saying the Republicans are welcome to come along, but they have to sit in back. So, Obamacare was passed without a single Republican vote. And how many times has he complianed that he couldn't get more done because of the Republicans?

(And more recently who can forget his whispered remark to the Russian that he would have more flexibility (to get things done) after the election. If that doesn't send cold chills down everybody's back, I can't imagine what could.)

Romney is quite right that he had a heavily Democratic legislature and he still managed to get a great deal done. And I have a strong sense that Romney has the intelligence, experience, and instincts to not give away the store during a negotiation processes.
Obama couldn't defend defunding Medicare for his Obamination-care. The shmuck couldn't hide from his own record.

When he tried to go after Romney for "Romney-Care", Mitt pummelled him on the differences, such as the fact he actually worked with the other party, and Obama refused to.

Diane Sawyer looked like she was about to cry as they cut away to commercials in the after show.
Chris Matthews looked like he just lost his house. The liberals on all those shows were so depressed that their "genius" Obama looked like a befuddled idiot in front of the whole country.

Oh and that line about repeating a lie over and over again until everyone believes it was classic. Its exactly what liberals do and Romney called him out on it.
Oh, horseshit. The medicare defunding was a budget saver made to stop over-compensating insurance companies. Paul Ryan made the exact same proposal in his own budget.

In fact, Paul Ryan's medicare proposal would fuck up old people 100X more royally than Obamacare ever could. Vouchers. They suck.

Oh. And shut the fuck up about bipartisanship. The GOP had no intention of cooperation since inauguration day. They only want compromises made between extreme right and center right.

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