Romney-Obama Debate Thread

He actually didn't deliver that line the way he intended, but the point was made nonetheless.

It's hilarious the way you all talk about this crap. It's like it was an audition for a new sitcom or something.

Do you really expect candidates not to prepare for these debates?

I expect them to be pointless exercises designed to impress people who don't really think about politics. I was commenting on the responses of people who do. I guess you're just embracing the idea that deceiving idiots is an important skill for a president.
It's hilarious the way you all talk about this crap. It's like it was an audition for a new sitcom or something.

Do you really expect candidates not to prepare for these debates?

I expect them to be pointless exercises designed to impress people who don't really think about politics. I was commenting on the responses of people who do. I guess you're just embracing the idea that deceiving idiots is an important skill for a president.

Which Papa Obama may have but
a compliant and willing press has been his best
Mondale won the first debate too in 1984.

I'm laughing.............leave it to this genius to come up with some lame dog bone for the k00ks.

Very simple sum up on last night.................

Economic astuteness vs Economic dumbass

And just a side note.............of course you are going to get schooled when you pick John Kerry as your debate prep guy.:D

Another side note..........did anybody else see how fucking out of his mind pissed Leher got when Romney kept going? You could see his head about to explode. Ohhhhhhhhhh............that was priceless shit. Romney pwned two far left nutty-asses on one stage last night!!!
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Romney would be a great snake oil salesman. This was supposed to be the Pub advantage debate- next time Obama will be more ready.

You are an idiot. Democrats pride themselves on their domestic policies. This debate should have been a democraper advantage. But Obama could not defend his stupidity of wasting $90 billion on failed green energy so the recipients would contribute to his campaign. Obama will never be ready. Teleprompters are useless in a debate.

No way of knowing how the "undecideds" - if there really are any left - will react. Political junkies like us parse everything down to the ground. We'll see if the polls react over the next few days.


Hopefully the "undecideds" will realize Romney has better hair and smiles more and will vote for him. Honestly, at this point how can anyone be undecided?
It's mainly Bush in 09 but the stimulus added $100 billion to the deficit that FY too.
out of $3.5 plus trillion spent in fy 2009, $3.3 trillion goes to Bush, and 150 billion to 200 billion which includes the stimulus spent in fy 2009, goes towards obama

That's pure bullshit and has already been debunked.

FY 09 started Oct 1 08. Obama was sworn in Jan 20 09. His first fiscal bill was Mar 09. How was this debunked?
I am now really glad Paul lost the nomination....Otherwise we would have had to stuttering idiots on the podium LOL

And he would have actually been saying something of substance. Can't have that. Better to see slick and empty.
I wonder how many videos Obama's going to have to dig up to counter this disastrous performance.

It would be great to see them try.

After Ryan kicks Biden's fat ass, Obama will be in freefall.

He's nothing but an affirmative action paper bunny.
Mondale won the first debate too in 1984.

Another way of looking at it was that Reagan lost it.

But, it didn't matter and everyone knew it.

After Biden gets shredded, Romney will tee up Obama on foreign affairs.
The really fun part of the debate was to turn to MSNBC and watch those anchors. Schultz looked like someone had just told him that his wife had been having a 20 year affair with a Republican. Maddow looked like she was really very, very pained. I've never seen such drama. I couldn't change the channel.

No less that 5 minutes after the debate was over, MSNBC was literally calling in the sack cloth and ashes and demanded ANSWERS from the Obama people on how they could literally lose the debate so decisively to someone like Mitt Romeny?!?!?!? And lose it decisvely they did.

"You know, I've been in business for 25 years and I have NO IDEA what you're talking about." Romney's answer to Barry's well-worn talking point about getting tax breaks if you move jobs overseas. THAT was priceless. Naturally, no response from Barry - Because there IS NONE. Romney is right.

Media Matters and all the other left-wing organizations out there are lowering their red banners to half-staff this morning. FORWARD...

I am absolutely LAUGHING...
The really fun part of the debate was to turn to MSNBC and watch those anchors. Schultz looked like someone had just told him that his wife had been having a 20 year affair with a Republican. Maddow looked like she was really very, very pained. I've never seen such drama. I couldn't change the channel.

No less that 5 minutes after the debate was over, MSNBC was literally calling in the sack cloth and ashes and demanded ANSWERS from the Obama people on how they could literally lose the debate so decisively to someone like Mitt Romeny?!?!?!? And lose it decisvely they did.

"You know, I've been in business for 25 years and I have NO IDEA what you're talking about." Romney's answer to Barry's well-worn talking point about getting tax breaks if you move jobs overseas. THAT was priceless. Naturally, no response from Barry - Because there IS NONE. Romney is right.

Media Matters and all the other left-wing organizations out there are lowering their red banners to half-staff this morning. FORWARD...

I am absolutely LAUGHING...

I was not able to watch the debate.

I would have loved to see Maddow and Shultz in pain.

They have a lot of it coming.
The really fun part of the debate was to turn to MSNBC and watch those anchors. Schultz looked like someone had just told him that his wife had been having a 20 year affair with a Republican. Maddow looked like she was really very, very pained. I've never seen such drama. I couldn't change the channel.

No less that 5 minutes after the debate was over, MSNBC was literally calling in the sack cloth and ashes and demanded ANSWERS from the Obama people on how they could literally lose the debate so decisively to someone like Mitt Romeny?!?!?!? And lose it decisvely they did.

"You know, I've been in business for 25 years and I have NO IDEA what you're talking about." Romney's answer to Barry's well-worn talking point about getting tax breaks if you move jobs overseas. THAT was priceless. Naturally, no response from Barry - Because there IS NONE. Romney is right.

Media Matters and all the other left-wing organizations out there are lowering their red banners to half-staff this morning. FORWARD...

I am absolutely LAUGHING...

I chose to watch the MSNBC "analysis" to see what they had to say. It was good TV! LOL At the outset, they were simply stunned. They knew their boss had just had his ass kicked on national TV. But it didn't take long for Matthews and Sharpton to get loud and start calling Romney a liar. Then whoever the little high school dweeb with the dark hair and glasses got Rudy. Sadly, he just couldn't understand Rudy's very simple responses and sat there smirking like he had won the exchange.

Edited to add: I looked the dweeb up and it is Chris Hayes. What a moron. BTW, his brother works for the Obama campaign.
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The really fun part of the debate was to turn to MSNBC and watch those anchors. Schultz looked like someone had just told him that his wife had been having a 20 year affair with a Republican. Maddow looked like she was really very, very pained. I've never seen such drama. I couldn't change the channel.

No less that 5 minutes after the debate was over, MSNBC was literally calling in the sack cloth and ashes and demanded ANSWERS from the Obama people on how they could literally lose the debate so decisively to someone like Mitt Romeny?!?!?!? And lose it decisvely they did.

"You know, I've been in business for 25 years and I have NO IDEA what you're talking about." Romney's answer to Barry's well-worn talking point about getting tax breaks if you move jobs overseas. THAT was priceless. Naturally, no response from Barry - Because there IS NONE. Romney is right.

Media Matters and all the other left-wing organizations out there are lowering their red banners to half-staff this morning. FORWARD...

I am absolutely LAUGHING...

I was not able to watch the debate.

I would have loved to see Maddow and Shultz in pain.

They have a lot of it coming.

Makes a thrill go up my leg just thinking about it.........
Last nights debate showed what we all know--and Obama proved what the entitlement society is really like. They do not do the work, they ride along while others do the work. Obama could not have others do the debate for him he had to do it. It was evident that he has been a goof off for 4 years and it showed.
The mind set that business men don't work was shown last night no one I mean no one who owns a business works harder than the owners, cause if they do not perform they will fail.

Just like Obama's presidency has failed and now a business owner who is a success will come in and pick up the pieces.
He never learned the art of negotiation as Bill Clinton did and this I feel is why he will loose the presidency.

He proved that it was his way or the highway and guess what all business men know they have to be reasonable and negotiate.

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