Romney is Hoover? See the promises from 1928

Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
San Francisco Bay Area
REPUBLICANS Hooverizings Notable among Hooverizings of the week were:

Andrew William Mellon, over the radio from Washington: . . ."[after re- viewing fiscal history since 1920] The Republican party has given a notable instance of platform promises carried out. Under the leadership of President Coolidge, it has proved itself a party of constructive ability. In Mr. Hoover, it offers to the country an able and experienced leader, who will carry on the work of the present Ad- ministration. After a long and successful business career, he has held many public and official positions of the greatest responsibility. He has proved himself a great organizer, a far-seeing and resourceful executive, and has discharged every duty in a way to merit the highest praise and admiration. Based on nearly eight years of close association with him, I am convinced that he will give the nation a sound and successful administration of the Government and that he is supremely well qualified to deal with those great economic problems that influence so directly and to such a very large extent the prosperity of the country and the comfort, welfare and happiness of the people."

Now I'm not suggesting Gov. Romney as POTUS will lead us into another great depression - though such might happen - but the words used to promote Mr. Hoover by Mr. Mellon for the office ring familiar.

How has hiring a guy whose only real "job" was Community Organizer been working out?
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How has hiring a guy whose only real "job" was Community Organizer been working out?

Actually very well, very well indeed.

I know, unemployment percentage is the only economic indicator you understand (of course you're not alone, it seems it is the only economic indicator all of you Obama detractors understand).

So dog (a little frankfurter humor), don't you find it a little interesting that Romney is being characterized much like Hoover by his supporters?


Romney, "After a long and successful business career, he has held many public and official positions of the greatest responsibility. He has proved himself a great organizer, a far-seeing and resourceful executive, and has discharged every duty in a way to merit the highest praise and admiration. Based on nearly eight years of close association with him, I am convinced that he will give the nation a sound and successful administration of the Government and that he is supremely well qualified to deal with those great economic problems that influence so directly and to such a very large extent the prosperity of the country and the comfort, welfare and happiness of the people."
How has hiring a guy whose only real "job" was Community Organizer been working out?

Actually very well, very well indeed.

I know, unemployment percentage is the only economic indicator you understand (of course you're not alone, it seems it is the only economic indicator all of you Obama detractors understand).

Damn...according to you, things are just peachy under BO. Really? I thought EVERY economic indicator sucked under BO. Can you please name a few that are better?
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How has hiring a guy whose only real "job" was Community Organizer been working out?

Actually very well, very well indeed.

I know, unemployment percentage is the only economic indicator you understand (of course you're not alone, it seems it is the only economic indicator all of you Obama detractors understand).

Damn...according to you, things are just peachy under BO. Really? I thought EVERY economic indicator sucked under BO. Can you please name a few that are better?


The Stock Market.

Fewer homes underwater, home values are up.

Private sector is hiring (in Jan 2009 we were losing hundreds of thousands of jobs every month)

Your turn, post some negatives with the historical records attached.
Actually very well, very well indeed.

I know, unemployment percentage is the only economic indicator you understand (of course you're not alone, it seems it is the only economic indicator all of you Obama detractors understand).

Damn...according to you, things are just peachy under BO. Really? I thought EVERY economic indicator sucked under BO. Can you please name a few that are better?


The Stock Market.

Fewer homes underwater, home values are up.

Private sector is hiring (in Jan 2009 we were losing hundreds of thousands of jobs every month)

Your turn, post some negatives with the historical records attached.

You attached nothing to prove your points, but demand that I do. WTF is that...some kind of left wing madness??

Since when do lefties care about the stock market? Yeah its up, but why? Because the fool Bernanke keeps inflating with QE forever. And the number of Americans who benefit from a stock market bubble are the richest Americans, who you hate. Its a bubble that will explode just as previous ones have.

Fewer homes underwater and home values up....REALLY????? Totally bogus BS. That is like the captain of the Titanic saying, "hey good news! at least we are not sinking as fast as we thought..." same applies with your silly jobs statement....but Obama lovers have to believe in something no matter if it is true or not...
Mortgage Loans Hit 16-Year Low as Standards Tighten

Mortgage lending declined to its lowest level in 16 years in 2011 amid weak demand for mortgages and tighter lending standards, according to a report released by federal regulators Tuesday.
Mortgage Lending Slid to 16-Year Low in 2011 -
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Damn...according to you, things are just peachy under BO. Really? I thought EVERY economic indicator sucked under BO. Can you please name a few that are better?


The Stock Market.

Fewer homes underwater, home values are up.

Private sector is hiring (in Jan 2009 we were losing hundreds of thousands of jobs every month)

Your turn, post some negatives with the historical records attached.

You attached nothing to prove your points, but demand that I do. WTF is that...some kind of left wing madness??

Since when do lefties care about the stock market? Yeah its up, but why? Because the fool Bernanke keeps inflating with QE forever. And the number of Americans who benefit from a stock market bubble are the richest Americans, who you hate. Its a bubble that will explode just as previous ones have.

Why do you believe only the richest Americans benefit from a stock market rise? Don't you have any mutual funds or a retirement account where your contributions are invested in stocks, bonds and other financial instruments? Maybe the working poor do not, but most of the people I worked with, my kids, my extended family and my neighbors do.

Fewer homes underwater and home values up....REALLY????? Totally bogus BS. That is like the captain of the Titanic saying, "hey good news! at least we are not sinking as fast as we thought..." same applies with your silly jobs statement....but Obama lovers have to believe in something no matter if it is true or not...
Mortgage Loans Hit 16-Year Low as Standards Tighten

Apparently you don't follow the news.

Mortgage lending declined to its lowest level in 16 years in 2011 amid weak demand for mortgages and tighter lending standards, according to a report released by federal regulators Tuesday.
Mortgage Lending Slid to 16-Year Low in 2011 -

This is 2012; I golf with a couple of real estate agents - one is a broker - and they report fewer homes underwater, rising prices, more sales and activity and more conventional buyers. Two years ago we bought our youngest son a home, we made two offers on two homes (before we were able to make a purchase) and both time we were beaten out by cash buyers.

BTW, the percentage of those unemployed is why most of us agree with Mark Twain: "There are liars, damn liars and statistics"

Demagogues yell 8.1% unemployed but fail to put that number in perspective. Jobs are being created in the private sector, and jobs are bleeding from the public sector. Why? Because the Republican Party refuses to allow tax increases and cities and counties and some states are going broke.

The R's want to repeal Obamacare which will put more economic stress on local government, causing more layoffs and higher unemployment in local communities. Such will reduce demand for private sector goods and services.

This is 2012; I golf with a couple of real estate agents - one is a broker - and they report fewer homes underwater, rising prices, more sales and activity and more conventional buyers. Two years ago we bought our youngest son a home, we made two offers on two homes (before we were able to make a purchase) and both time we were beaten out by cash buyers.

BTW, the percentage of those unemployed is why most of us agree with Mark Twain: "There are liars, damn liars and statistics"

Demagogues yell 8.1% unemployed but fail to put that number in perspective. Jobs are being created in the private sector, and jobs are bleeding from the public sector. Why? Because the Republican Party refuses to allow tax increases and cities and counties and some states are going broke.

The R's want to repeal Obamacare which will put more economic stress on local government, causing more layoffs and higher unemployment in local communities. Such will reduce demand for private sector goods and services.[/QUOTE] post nothing to back your absurd opinions.

Lets see....the unemployment rate is high because the Rs won't pass a tax increase....WTF is that? If that is not the most idiotic statement I have heard in some time, I don't know what is...and I watched MSNBC this morning....

1. Tax increases NEVER create jobs.
2. To blame the Rs for not raising taxes, only proves you are uninformed. BO and the Ds (really commies) renewed the Bush tax cuts two years ago. Big Ears said then that raising taxes during a bad economy is not good....but no doubt you know nothing about this, since you likely get all your news from lib sources.

From my vantage point, it appears you think very simplistically (the left elite loves people like you because they can dupe you repeatedly) think Ds good, Rs bad....when in reality, they both SUCK because the former are commies and the later are progressives.
Last edited: post nothing to back your absurd opinions.

The DJIA hit bottom at 6,547.05 on March 9, 2009. At Friday’s close it was 13579.47, more than doubled.

The broadest measure of unemployment is the Labor Department’s U-6. In February 2009 (the first full month Obama was in office) it stood at 16.0% and currently it is at 14.6%. [source BLS Monthly Labor Report, historical series A-15]

In February 2009 total non-farm private employment was 108,075,000 (down from 111,150,000 a year earlier thanks to W) and in August 2012 it was 111,558,000. So by the end of the year, Obama will have gotten back the three million jobs the Republicans pissed away in 2008. [source BLS Monthly Labor Report historical series A-8]

I would reply to more, except that your writing is incoherent.

From my vantage point, it appears you think very simplistically (the left elite loves people like you because they can dupe you repeatedly) think Ds good, Rs bad....when in reality, they both SUCK because the former are commies and the later are progressives.

I realize that to the righties on this board, it is a reality-free and fact-free zone, but even someone with the limited intelligence you have demonstrated might be able to find the widely published statistics on economics and finance. BTW, in September 2008 I published a prediction that the Dow would bottom at 6200 and the official unemployment rate would top out at 10.5%. Apparently us lefties who use econometric models do better than you folks who believe in “confidence fairies” and “expansionary austerity” and get their theory by reading Ayn Rand whining drivel and who haven’t got even the direction right yet. According to you folks interest rates should be over 20% and we should be experiencing hyperinflation. Go buy some gold so you can lose even more money.

Come back when your manners, economic theory, and statistics don't come out of a Cracker Jack box.
Actually Hoover is more like Obama. The recession hit the Country during the 1st year of the Hoover administration and he tried to fight it by increasing taxes on the rich from 25% to 63%. In addition Hoover tried to fix the recession with expanded government hiring and that didn't work either.
REPUBLICANS Hooverizings Notable among Hooverizings of the week were:

Andrew William Mellon, over the radio from Washington: . . ."[after re- viewing fiscal history since 1920] The Republican party has given a notable instance of platform promises carried out. Under the leadership of President Coolidge, it has proved itself a party of constructive ability. In Mr. Hoover, it offers to the country an able and experienced leader, who will carry on the work of the present Ad- ministration. After a long and successful business career, he has held many public and official positions of the greatest responsibility. He has proved himself a great organizer, a far-seeing and resourceful executive, and has discharged every duty in a way to merit the highest praise and admiration. Based on nearly eight years of close association with him, I am convinced that he will give the nation a sound and successful administration of the Government and that he is supremely well qualified to deal with those great economic problems that influence so directly and to such a very large extent the prosperity of the country and the comfort, welfare and happiness of the people."

Now I'm not suggesting Gov. Romney as POTUS will lead us into another great depression - though such might happen - but the words used to promote Mr. Hoover by Mr. Mellon for the office ring familiar.


No I think Bush is Hoover and Obama is FDR only he will likely be a one term president. This could mean that Obama and Romney combined are FDR, as they both think statism is the answer...just like the fool FDR...

At any rate, we are still screwed either way.
News flash wry- HOOVER WON.

:lol: :clap:

and here is proof of what you care about.

You dont care about putting this country on a winning track you just want to win an election.

You are a morally bankrupt human being
Looks as if gipper ran away after oldfart kicked his ignorant ass. See post 10 above.

Notice how many new 'conservatives' are posting and how ridiculous are their posts?

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