The more things change ... remain the same?

Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
San Francisco Bay Area
Time Magazine, Mar. 10, 1923

Complete control and domination of the oil industry by the Standard Oil Companies, in violation of the 1911 dissolution decree of the Supreme Court, was charged by the La Follette Oil Investigation Committee in its report presented to the Senate after a three months' inquiry into conditions and prices in the oil business.

The methods of control as set forth in the report include division of marketing territory between the various Standard Oil Companies on almost the same basis as before the dissolution, ownership of the principal pipe lines, interlocking stock ownership, fixing of prices in the producing fields, excessive and discriminatory freight rates, and ownership of the basic patents for "cracking," the technical name for reducing crude oil to gasoline.

" If a few great oil companies are permitted to manipulate prices for the next few years as they have been doing since 1920," the report asserts, " the people of this country must be prepared before long to pay at least a dollar a gallon for gasoline."

Prominent oil men in the Standard Oil companies in New York, headed by Walter C. Teagle, President of the Standard Oil Company of New Jersey, declared that dollar gasoline was an economic impossibility

Read more: National Affairs: Gas at $1 a Gallon? - TIME
Yeah and democrats opposed the Civil Rights act. Fascism is government control of the manufacture and distribution of goods and services. How does that translate to the alleged control of oil production by Standard? The problem is that the private sector is and has always been smarter than the fools who make the rules in government. Another problem is that there are more rules and regulations governing the private sector than the idiots in government can keep track of. We gave the House banking committee chairman a simple project to monitor Fannie Mae and Barney Frank told us that Fannie was doing fine when it was in desperate trouble and on the verge of collapse. Politicians just walk away from problems. The private sector has to live with them to survive.
Here's an idea, next time you post these "Thoughts" of yours, have a point. It makes it more interesting for the reader.
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Yeah and democrats opposed the Civil Rights act. Dixiecrats opposed the Civil Rights Act (today, the Dixiecrats are known as Republicans) Fascism is government control of the manufacture and distribution of goods and services. Really, want to offer some prove to support your opinion? How does that translate to the alleged control of oil production by Standard? Alleged? The problem is that the private sector is and has always been smarter than the fools who make the rules in government. The private sector influences the promulgation of bills Another problem is that there are more rules and regulations governing the private sector than the idiots in government can keep track of. We gave the House banking committee chairman a simple project to monitor Fannie Mae and Barney Frank told us that Fannie was doing fine when it was in desperate trouble and on the verge of collapse. Politicians just walk away from problems. The private sector has to live with them to survive.

Damn, are you familiar with paragraphs?
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Here's an idea, next time you post these "Thoughts" of yours, have a point. It makes it more interesting for the reader.

The point wiener (more dog humor) was in the thread title. The more things change, the more they remain the same. I shortened it because I thought everyone knew the phrase (I was wrong!).
Here's an idea, next time you post these "Thoughts" of yours, have a point. It makes it more interesting for the reader.

The point wiener (more dog humor) was in the thread title. The more things change, the more they remain the same. I shortened it because I thought everyone knew the phrase (I was wrong!).

Then you suffer from Thread Title OP Disconnect syndrome because the two had nothing to do with each other
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Here's an idea, next time you post these "Thoughts" of yours, have a point. It makes it more interesting for the reader.

The point wiener (more dog humor) was in the thread title. The more things change, the more they remain the same. I shortened it because I thought everyone knew the phrase (I was wrong!).

Then you suffer from Thread Title OP Disconnect syndrome because the two had nothing to do with each other

No agreement on taxes in 1923 and no agreement on taxes in 2012 have nothing to do with each other?
What is it? The last desperate attempt by socialists to blame "big Oil" and "Corporations" and Banks" for the mess the Hussein administration is in?

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