Roger Stone: Sessions made catalysmic mistake with marijuana change


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Attorney General Jeff Sessions made a “cataclysmic mistake” by rescinding Obama-era federal marijuana policies, according to Roger Stone, President Trump’s former campaign adviser.
Roger Stone: Sessions Made ‘Cataclysmic Mistake’ With Marijuana Policy Change

Hopefully this bs backfires on him, and it isn't just about the pot where this bastards policies that can affect everyone even if you are not a pot smoker.

Meaning if you have lets say big cash in your car because you wan to put it down on your new home and you choose not to use a check for whatever reason................ Guess what they can keep your money and if they can't find anything use on you like drugs they'll charge your money for the crime and you are still guilty.
I have to agree with this post (even though I'm against the recreational use of pot). States that were strapped for cash were getting good money from taxing the pot stores and as long as they didn't open up the states to legally purchasing cocaine, heroin, LSD and such, that's fine.
Once again the genius of Donald Trump is showing. Donald Trump is rescinding another Obama unconstitutional override of federal law with pen and a phone and putting the onus on Congress to pass a law making marijuana no longer a class 1 narcotic. Doing so stops federal enforcement of the current marijuana laws.

Presidents do NOT have the power to override federal law as that fucking Brown Turd did during his regime. Trump is returning to following the Constitution. Pot smokers should thank Trump for his decision to let Session enforce federal law again. It is a true path to legalization. The Congress can read the writing on the wall. It will change pot classification.
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Once again the genius of Donald Trump is showing. Donald Trump is rescinding another Obama unconstitutional override of federal law with pen and a phone and putting the onus on Congress to pass a law making marijuana no longer a class 1 narcotic. Doing so stops federal enforcement of the current marijuana laws.

Presidents do NOT have the power to override federal law as that fucking Brown Turd did during his regime. Trump is returning to following the Constitution. Pot smokers should thank Trump for his decision to let Session enforce federal law again. It is a true path to legalization. The Congress can read the writing on the wall. It will change pot classification.

I think Sessions should be fired, but because he is a Pussy---not for the pot ruling.

Obama and his henchman Attorney General arbitrarily decided not to enforce Federal Marijuana laws....Obama didn't enforce any law he didn't like---in flagrant violation of his Oath of Office.

Now 40 states have enacted some kind of law legalizing to some extent marijuana in their state, so it ought to be easy enough for these states to tell their representatives in Congress to amend the Federal Law---which trumps state law--as is supposed to happen in this Great Republic---and was the way things were done all during the time it was becoming the greatest experiment in human governance in the history of man---until this Marxist fool Obama came along.

Sessions has simply follow the law as he swore to do.

And his edict is not as exactly as is being characterized. He merely gave discretion to district attorneys in their states to prosecute as they choose. Probably won't be enforced except in egregious cases involving things like organized crime families trying to get into the business---but in any event, Federal District Attorneys are now given the discretion to enforce the Federal Law....which is their sworn duty...until it is changed BY CONGRESS....instead of being barred from doing so by the unconstitutional Fiat of a Marxist Community Organizer who had no respect for our laws.

Obama's way would have led to a Banana Republic in short order.

People in the 40 states who like Pot should instruct their Representatives to amend the Federal Law which---by the Constitution---is supreme.

Do it right. This ain't Venezuela...and we don't want it to become Venezuela.

I have to agree with this post (even though I'm against the recreational use of pot). States that were strapped for cash were getting good money from taxing the pot stores and as long as they didn't open up the states to legally purchasing cocaine, heroin, LSD and such, that's fine.
Why? Because all the substances you mentioned, including pot, are mind-altering narcotics, but pot happens to be your personal favorite? That's not how the FDA works. If you want pot off Schedule 1, ask permission of all the states (Congress). Because that's the legal protocol. Not sedition for trafficking from underneath from rogue states.

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