Roger Stone Deserves To Be Prosecuted - But The Criminal Double Standard Could Not Be More Obvious!


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"Whether Roger Stone, the loopy, self-aggrandizing political operative, deserves nine years in Supermax for obstructing an investigation into Russia–Donald Trump “collusion” is debatable."

It does not help that this article starts off with a completely false statement. Trump 'Collusion' is NOT 'debatable'. The Weismann-Mueller report made it undeniably clear - no collusion between Trump . Trump's team and the Russians was found ... unlike how Obama and his agency Directors (specifically the FBI) and Hillary worked with a know untrustworthy, biased, lying, Trump-hating foreign spy to acquire Russian-authored Counter Intelligence which the Obama administration used to commit FISA Court abuses, used to help open a bogus / illegal investigation, and illegally spy on Trump and his team.

....But this thread and article is not about 'Russian Collusion' - it is about injustice, the fact that there is NO 'EQUAL JUSTICE in this country anymore, and there is undeniably 2 separate Justice Systems in this country: One for the 'Elite Leftists, especially politicians' and one for the 'little people', for anyone who does not embrace Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrats and their agenda.

"Whether the powerful men who helped create the investigation that ensnared Stone have been allowed to lie with impunity is not. They have."

Roger stone 'misled' investigators during questioning. He lied. He now faces 7 - 9 years in a Supermax - more than double the amount of time the typical rapist or person convicted of manslaughter receives as a prison sentence.

Former FBI Deputy Director of the FBI, however, no longer faces the possibility of ANY punishment after the US IG presented evidence that he had also 'misled' investigators - just like Stone - on at least 4 separate occasions, due to the DOJ announcing it will no longer pursue indictment of McCabe.

"McCabe went on CNN, where he is now paid to lecture citizens about the decaying state of American democracy, and claimed that being branded a liar was “one of the most sickening and demeaning experiences of my life.”

It’s a confusing statement — not merely because the IG report found that McCabe, once entrusted with immense power, had repeatedly lied under oath, but because McCabe himself had admitted to lying and
apologized for it."

One man faces up to 9 years in a federal maximum security prison for lying to investigators, his family ripped apart, bankrupted....

...while the man entrusted to assist in leading the most powerful investigative agency in the whole world - who admitted to and apologized for doing the EXACT same thing now faces no punishment at all, his family spared, his financial security protected...and he even gets PAID for going around lecturing people how 'the decaying state of Democracy'...which he helped further through his own actions.

Again, IMO Roger Stone chose to break the law, was caught doing so, and deserves to be punished....but he does not deserve to have his and his family's life destroyed, his freedom stripped, through an unjust 'alternate' Justice System that does not apply to everyone EQUALLY.

The author finishes his article with the following words, which I also DISAGREE with:

Perhaps prosecuting the former heads of intelligence agencies would be needlessly corrosive. But equally corrosive is transforming these liars into paragons of patriotism. That only feeds the perception that there are two types of justice in Washington. And if your goal is to destroy trust in our institutions, you couldn’t have hatched a better plan.

The author could not be MORE WRONG here at the end of his article. The prosecution of former Obama administration official DOJ Deputy US AG Rosenstein, NSA Director Clapper, CIA Director Brennan, FBI Director Comey, FBI Deputy Director McCabe, FBI Counter-Intelligence Expert Strzok, and others is VERY MUCH NEEDED.

After doing an excellent job pointing out the fact that there are 2 worlds - 2 separate Justice Systems that have different rules, laws, and punishments - if any for one of those groups, the author INFERS the PERCEPTION that there are two Justice Systems in Washington.

'PERCEPTION'? Again, the author presents the FACTS that there are 2 separate Justice Systems...and then seemingly attempts to 'walk it back' to protect the Criminal Democrats / Obama administration officials who have been caught, exposed with overwhelming evidence of crimes.

The prosecution of these high ranking federal / Obama administration officials would be 'corrosive' corrosive to those indicted, the Deep State they belong to, it would be to cockroaches who are exposed in the middle of the night by the kitchen light coming on. ...AND NO WHERE I KNOW OF DOES IT SAY IN THE CONSTITUTION, RULE OF LAW, OR ANY LAW BOOK THAT PROSECUTING CRIMES MUST NOT BE DONE IF DOING SO WILL CAUSE EMBARRASSMENT OR EXPOSE CORRUPTION AND CRIME IN THE FEDERAL GOVRNMENT.

The idea that doing so would DESTROY TRUST IN OUR INSTITUTIONS has got to be one of the biggest LIES and attempted justifications for NOT holding the criminals accountable!

These criminals have already destroyed the people's trust in these institutions and exposed the FACT that there ARE 2 separate Justice Systems - not just the 'perception' that there is.


The Roger Stone Double Standard | National Review

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And charges have been dropped against Andrew McCabe.

It's a good thing Americans don't care if the Deep State Elites protect each other.

THEY can get away with murder......YOU best walk a razor straight line or else.
PROGS wear the victim role, so they're not accountable for their own actions.

They've shed tears since Trump's election, and we're supposed to feel sorry for em.
"Whether Roger Stone, the loopy, self-aggrandizing political operative, deserves nine years in Supermax for obstructing an investigation into Russia–Donald Trump “collusion” is debatable."

It does not help that this article starts off with a completely false statement. Trump 'Collusion' is NOT 'debatable'. The Weismann-Mueller report made it undeniably clear - no collusion between Trump . Trump's team and the Russians was found ... unlike how Obama and his agency Directors (specifically the FBI) and Hillary worked with a know untrustworthy, biased, lying, Trump-hating foreign spy to acquire Russian-authored Counter Intelligence which the Obama administration used to commit FISA Court abuses, used to help open a bogus / illegal investigation, and illegally spy on Trump and his team.

....But this thread and article is not about 'Russian Collusion' - it is about injustice, the fact that there is NO 'EQUAL JUSTICE in this country anymore, and there is undeniably 2 separate Justice Systems in this country: One for the 'Elite Leftists, especially politicians' and one for the 'little people', for anyone who does not embrace Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrats and their agenda.

"Whether the powerful men who helped create the investigation that ensnared Stone have been allowed to lie with impunity is not. They have."

Roger stone 'misled' investigators during questioning. He lied. He now faces 7 - 9 years in a Supermax - more than double the amount of time the typical rapist or person convicted of manslaughter receives as a prison sentence.

Former FBI Deputy Director of the FBI, however, no longer faces the possibility of ANY punishment after the US IG presented evidence that he had also 'misled' investigators - just like Stone - on at least 4 separate occasions, due to the DOJ announcing it will no longer pursue indictment of McCabe.

"McCabe went on CNN, where he is now paid to lecture citizens about the decaying state of American democracy, and claimed that being branded a liar was “one of the most sickening and demeaning experiences of my life.”

It’s a confusing statement — not merely because the IG report found that McCabe, once entrusted with immense power, had repeatedly lied under oath, but because McCabe himself had admitted to lying and
apologized for it."

One man faces up to 9 years in a federal maximum security prison for lying to investigators, his family ripped apart, bankrupted....

...while the man entrusted to assist in leading the most powerful investigative agency in the whole world - who admitted to and apologized for doing the EXACT same thing now faces no punishment at all, his family spared, his financial security protected...and he even gets PAID for going around lecturing people how 'the decaying state of Democracy'...which he helped further through his own actions.

Again, IMO Roger Stone chose to break the law, was caught doing so, and deserves to be punished....but he does not deserve to have his and his family's life destroyed, his freedom stripped, through an unjust 'alternate' Justice System that does not apply to everyone EQUALLY.

The author finishes his article with the following words, which I also DISAGREE with:

Perhaps prosecuting the former heads of intelligence agencies would be needlessly corrosive. But equally corrosive is transforming these liars into paragons of patriotism. That only feeds the perception that there are two types of justice in Washington. And if your goal is to destroy trust in our institutions, you couldn’t have hatched a better plan.

The author could not be MORE WRONG here at the end of his article. The prosecution of former Obama administration official DOJ Deputy US AG Rosenstein, NSA Director Clapper, CIA Director Brennan, FBI Director Comey, FBI Deputy Director McCabe, FBI Counter-Intelligence Expert Strzok, and others is VERY MUCH NEEDED.

After doing an excellent job pointing out the fact that there are 2 worlds - 2 separate Justice Systems that have different rules, laws, and punishments - if any for one of those groups, the author INFERS the PERCEPTION that there are two Justice Systems in Washington.

'PERCEPTION'? Again, the author presents the FACTS that there are 2 separate Justice Systems...and then seemingly attempts to 'walk it back' to protect the Criminal Democrats / Obama administration officials who have been caught, exposed with overwhelming evidence of crimes.

The prosecution of these high ranking federal / Obama administration officials would be 'corrosive' corrosive to those indicted, the Deep State they belong to, it would be to cockroaches who are exposed in the middle of the night by the kitchen light coming on. ...AND NO WHERE I KNOW OF DOES IT SAY IN THE CONSTITUTION, RULE OF LAW, OR ANY LAW BOOK THAT PROSECUTING CRIMES MUST NOT BE DONE IF DOING SO WILL CAUSE EMBARRASSMENT OR EXPOSE CORRUPTION AND CRIME IN THE FEDERAL GOVRNMENT.

The idea that doing so would DESTROY TRUST IN OUR INSTITUTIONS has got to be one of the biggest LIES and attempted justifications for NOT holding the criminals accountable!

These criminals have already destroyed the people's trust in these institutions and exposed the FACT that there ARE 2 separate Justice Systems - not just the 'perception' that there is.


The Roger Stone Double Standard | National Review


Actually, the maximum sentence Stone could get for the crimes he was convicted off is 50 years, not 7-9 years.
What you need to know about the indictment against Roger Stone
But continue to make shit up.
Actually, the maximum sentence Stone could get for the crimes he was convicted off is 50 years, not 7-9 years.
What you need to know about the indictment against Roger Stone
But continue to make shit up.

The Judge is not going to give Stone 50 years in prison for lying to prosecutors, lil' snowflake, and the 7-9 years I was referring to is what the publicly-vocal Trump-hating Jury Chairperson suggested as Stone's punishment...

....and 9 years for someone lying to investigators is, as stated, more than double what the average sentence is for violent criminals.

If you are going to butt-in and make it look like you are correcting someone, get the story straight and tell the whole story....or just continue to make shit up.
Actually, the maximum sentence Stone could get for the crimes he was convicted off is 50 years, not 7-9 years.
What you need to know about the indictment against Roger Stone
But continue to make shit up.

The Judge is not going to give Stone 50 years in prison for lying to prosecutors, lil' snowflake, and the 7-9 years I was referring to is what the publicly-vocal Trump-hating Jury Chairperson suggested as Stone's punishment...

....and 9 years for someone lying to investigators is, as stated, more than double what the average sentence is for violent criminals.

If you are going to butt-in and make it look like you are correcting someone, get the story straight and tell the whole story....or just continue to make shit up.

It was the prosecution who recommended the 7-9 year sentence to the judge. The other of your OP stated that the 7-9 year sentence was the”Supermax”.
Do you just copy and paste without reading what you are posting?
It was the prosecution who recommended the 7-9 year sentence to the judge. The other of your OP stated that the 7-9 year sentence was the”Supermax”.
Do you just copy and paste without reading what you are posting?
Oh I read, I pointed out, you obviously don't.

And you keep distracting away from the point of the thread, the obvious criminal double-standard...

Why is that? Trying to distract from it or just attempting to avoid the main subject of the topic altogether?
I have often caught you in the past blatantly posting something from some link that you clearly had not read. But then, I know you have daily quotas of threads and posts you have to attain, so it gets to be rush to meet your numbers. It’s one of the main obstacles a troll has to deal with.

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