lie then unlie

knowing the known unknown

known - Trump was lying his ass off

unknown - how long would it take for him to out himself

Apparently you’re too dumb to know the difference between “direct” and “send”.

President Trump didn’t deny sending Rudy, he denied that he directed him to give them a Quid Pro Joe style ultimatum.

You should try reading your own link, then you might notice the click bait headline isn’t backed up with any facts.

A blessing on your head, Mr. Sunni Man. <giggle>

It's funny that when a leftist calls someone a liar, he is accusing that person of doing what he actually is doing, and is pointing his finger at the shiny red object to keep other people from knowing his secret ball of lies that has been rounded into a ball rounding off like yarn going around and around. The explanation of his hoax starts at about 12:30 on the timer area, shown on all you tubes, so you can go forward by running your pointer's arrow along the lower timeline that tells you where you are. This is complex. Be patient. It will tell you how the Obama gummint was for sale to George Soros who bought and paid for Obama through the Hillary's state department. And guess who the onus was placed upon. Dan Bongino explains all. You couldn't make this shit up.
Brought to you by America's favorite cop:

It follows the trail of how and why Soros is responsible for the spying on Donald Trump.
Soros used Obama to spy on a business rival for circuitous money finding its way into Obama's bank assets. Pay attention, now. This is the bomb of the century dropping on the White House by the Democrat Party of the United States of America, and it's very ugly. We've just seen one end of this scandal, and it was the lies about Trump. And we've seen them over and over and over by every manner of media on this planet.
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Are snowflakes now claiming 'opposition research' is illegal.......? Can you cite the law / provide the link? Doesn't that mean Hillary paying a known lying foreign spy for known false Russian-authored Counter-Intel propaganda was a crime?
after all of Trumps ass kissers finish, the facts remain -

Thank goodness that we, the American People, are finally blessed, after 24 years, to have a real AMERICAN PRESIDENT with the courage to go after those who are STEALING from the AMERICAN TAXPAYER, and have been for 24+ years.... 24 + the 2 where Jeff Sessions was AG....

Those trying to claim asking for info about where our last dose of Ukrainian foreign aid went is somehow bad....

are not concerned with whether or not it was stolen/kicked back to Hunter Biden and others

They are, rather, people who, one way or another, are stealing from us now, and have been for decades....

IT does not bother them when American taxdollars are stolen.

It bothers them only when the issue of stolen American taxdollars is INVESTIGATED.....

Thank goodness that we, the American People, are finally blessed, after 24 years, to have a real AMERICAN PRESIDENT with the courage to go after those who are STEALING from the AMERICAN TAXPAYER, and have been for 24+ years.... 24 + the 2 where Jeff Sessions was AG....

Those trying to claim asking for info about where our last dose of Ukrainian foreign aid went is somehow bad....

are not concerned with whether or not it was stolen/kicked back to Hunter Biden and others

They are, rather, people who, one way or another, are stealing from us now, and have been for decades....

IT does not bother them when American taxdollars are stolen.

It bothers them only when the issue of stolen American taxdollars is INVESTIGATED.....

you and clownboi are a minority - yeah, thank goodness
He was sent to Ukraine for a lot more than Biden. Your Demonicrats are corrupt, it's why you like them.
He was sent to Ukraine for a lot more than Biden. Your Demonicrats are corrupt, it's why you like them.

yo dip - Rudi was outed as a lying pos by none other than Fox itself -

u callin them LIARS too ?

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