Roger Ailes dead

It's a shame his latest and most recent notoriety has been for being a fat slob sex pervert and a man who used his wealth and power to promote and support bullying and sexual harassment to obtain sexual favors from the women who worked for him.
you happy, Megyn Kelly?

Fmr. Fox News Chairman Roger Ailes is dead: report

will he be meeting with Andrew Brietbart?
Don't get to happy. Nothing on fox to back it up!
Just so I get this right....

You are questioning a DRUDGE report because it hasn't been confirmed by FOX?

Couldn't hope to make this up.....
The opening OP linked to a Twitter feed. I don't trust Twitter for my news.
Unless they are from your Fuehre..........I mean, Emperor of course...
Nope. Don't trust Twitter period!
That strongly implies that the sender in this case is less than trustworthy.....

Are you sure you wanna go there, Dark?
A sad day for America as we mourn the lose of a towering journalist.
who singlehandedly redeemed Rampant Heterosexuality, which had suffered greatly under the tyranny of Bill Clinton....AND EVEN MADE IT OK IN THE ABSENCE OF CONSENT!

America mourns indeed.
Much like Joe Paterno, you could make the point that he died a year too late. He left Fox in disgrace

Even though I despise the content at Fox, I have to concede that he built a cable juggernaut that dominates our current political climate. Trump could not have been elected without it
Roger Ailes is dead but Sean Spicer continues his painful woeful Tour of the "Valley Of Tears of his Colon "

By the way you Never see these two same time and place...coincidence ?

Much like Joe Paterno, you could make the point that he died a year too late. He left Fox in disgrace

Even though I despise the content at Fox, I have to concede that he built a cable juggernaut that dominates our current political climate. Trump could not have been elected without it
You don't think ALL the news channels helped Trump get the visuals he needed to win? I mean they couldn't help it he was a 24/7 news story with his campaign. Fox just gave him more positive stories and coverage.
"But to his enemies know this; I say ADVANTAGE ROGER, In his mind he just has a head start in preparing to kick your ass in the next life." - hannity
"My life changed the day I met Roger Ailes. Flaws and all, he believed in me when others didn't. I am forever grateful." - Jehmu
It's a shame his latest and most recent notoriety has been for being a fat slob sex pervert and a man who used his wealth and power to promote and support bullying and sexual harassment to obtain sexual favors from the women who worked for him.
Why is it that when some repeat serial rapist or murderer gets arrested most liberals always are careful to say "alleged" but when someone they dont like is discussed who has merely been accused of something but never proven, they omit the "alleged" tag altogether?

You liberals think that you define Reality with your preferences.

You dont.

You are simply revealing yourselves to be Cosmic Fools.

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