Robbing the Poor to Pay Israel


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
Why have proposed increases in US military aid to Israel been spared from the budgetary chopping block?

When Dubya promised Israel $30 billion in US taxpayer funded weapons between 2009 and 2018, American home values had not been plundered of $7.8 trillion worth of value.

Why should low income Americans today face even more cutbacks in social services, higher prices for food and oil, and ever scarcer job prospects in order to subsidize Israeli human rights abuses against Palestinians?

Currently, 81 members of the US House of Representatives are in Israel bowing low before their Jewish masters instead of facing Town Hall heat over plans to plunder Social Security and Medicare. One such representative is Jesse Jackson Jr whose district includes 20% of his constituents living below the poverty line and facing unemployment levels of 15%.

"According to, constituents in Illinois’ 2nd congressional district will be asked to cough up an astonishing $53 million in federal taxes as their pound of flesh for the Israeli military during this 10-year period.

"With this same amount of money, each year the federal government instead could give 650 low-income families housing vouchers, or retrain nearly 900 unemployed workers for green jobs, or fund early reading programs for nearly 1,600 at-risk children, or provide primary health care to more than 43,000 uninsured people in Rep. Jackson’s congressional district."

Robbing Peter to Pay Israel | Common Dreams
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So you're not only intelluctually dishonest but also an anti-semite?
Is it intellectually dishonest or antiSemitic to point out three separate congressional delegations are currently in Israel instead of meeting with their constituents and explaining where all the jobs went?

"In total, 81 representatives, nearly one-fifth of the entire House, will participate in these jaunts, which, according to The Washington Post, include 'a round-trip flight in business class for lawmakers and their spouses (that alone is worth about $8,000), fine hotels and meals, side trips, and transportation and guides.'

"Of course, these congressional delegations are not all fun and games.

"Members of Congress will be expected to sing for their lavish dinners by honoring President Bush’s 2007 pledge to provide the Israeli military with $30 billion of tax-payer-funded weapons between 2009 and 2018.

"So far, proposed increases in military aid to Israel have been spared from the budgetary chopping block by President Obama and a compliant Congress that treats Israeli militarism as more sacrosanct than medical care for seniors.

"This despite the fact that Israel misuses the funds, in violation of the Arms Export Control Act, to commit human rights abuses against Palestinians living under its illegal 44-year military occupation of the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Gaza Strip."

Robbing Peter to Pay Israel | Common Dreams
Probably because AIPAC is more powerful than the President in America.... They'd never allow the US to cut Israel's aid.

So you're not only intelluctually dishonest but also an anti-semite?

Where did this come from?
The three separate congressional delegations currently touring Israel can thank the American Israel Education Foundation for their multi-thousand dollar junkets in the Holy Land this summer. AIEF is a "charitable affiliate" of AIPAC.

One particular constituent of Rep Jackson, Yali Amit, called Jackson's office to voice his disapproval of the excursions:

"He was told that Rep. Jackson, Jr. wants to learn what is happening there because of his position on the appropriations subcommittee that approves military aid to Israel. Amit retorted that 'you can't learn what goes on there on a paid trip of a propaganda arm of the Israeli government.'

"And you certainly can’t learn about the devastating impact that these U.S. weapons have on unarmed Palestinian civilians, nearly 3,000 of whom were killed by the Israeli military over the last decade."

Robbing Peter to Pay Israel | Common Dreams
So you're not only intelluctually dishonest but also an anti-semite?

So anyone that asks questions about US aid to Israel is an anti-semite?
Most of the geopolitical issues around the globe are complex.
Israel v Palestine reduces to a very simple crime that was committed in 1948, imho.

Armed force was used to impose a Jewish state on a population that was two-thirds non-Jew.

The Arabs/Christians saw it coming, went to war and got their asses kicked.

Now the Jewish state has 200 - 400 nuclear weapons and the ability to launch them from land, air and sea.

As long as Republicans OR Democrats control DC politics, anyone questioning US aid to Israel will be considered anti-Semitic, at least.
GeorgePhillip said:
Most of the geopolitical issues around the globe are complex.
Israel v Palestine reduces to a very simple crime that was committed in 1948, imho.
And what "crime" was that?
UN Resolution 181?

Armed force was used to impose a Jewish state on a population that was two-thirds non-Jew.
Wrong again Adolph.
Armed force was used to protect the Majority Jewish area called 'Israel' delineated by the UN.
The 100% arab Majority area 'palestine' was Rejected by the arabs.

Now the Jewish state has 200 - 400 nuclear weapons and the ability to launch them from land, air and sea.
As long as Republicans OR Democrats control DC politics, anyone questioning US aid to Israel will be considered anti-Semitic, at least.
People like you who twist history and uniquely Demonize Israel Are indeed anti-semites. Merely another Club to bash with.

Aid to Israel is MINISCULE. Even as you cite above $30 bil over 12 years.
2.5 Bil a Year.

We spend 2 Billion a WEEK in Iraq/Afghan in one case trying to make an Arab democracy, and in both loosing Priceless Lives too.

You anti-semite turds Also forget/overlook/oops about places like Korea where we've committed money, and 50k-100k troops a year for 60 Years.
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GeorgePhillip said:
Most of the geopolitical issues around the globe are complex.
Israel v Palestine reduces to a very simple crime that was committed in 1948, imho.
And what "crime" was that?
UN Resolution 181?

Armed force was used to impose a Jewish state on a population that was two-thirds non-Jew.
Wrong again Adolph.
Armed force was used to protect the Majority Jewish area called 'Israel' delineated by the UN.
The 100% arab Majority area 'palestine' was Rejected by the arabs.

Now the Jewish state has 200 - 400 nuclear weapons and the ability to launch them from land, air and sea.
As long as Republicans OR Democrats control DC politics, anyone questioning US aid to Israel will be considered anti-Semitic, at least.
People like you who twist history and uniquely Demonize Israel Are indeed anti-semites. Merely another Club to bash with.

Aid to Israel is MINISCULE. Even as you cite above $30 bil over 12 years.
2.5 Bil a Year.

We spend 2 Billion a WEEK in Iraq/Afghan in one case trying to make an Arab democracy, and in both loosing Priceless Lives too.

You anti-semite turds Also forget/overlook/oops about places like Korea where we've committed money, and 50k-100k troops a year for 60 Years.
People like you should learn how to read.

"By 1948, there were approximately 1.35 million Arabs and 650,000 Jews living between the Jordan and the Mediterranean, more Arabs than had ever lived in Palestine before, and more Jews than had lived there since Roman times."

Do you think a Jewish state would have come into existence at that time by popular vote?

MidEast Web - Population of Palestine

Twice as many Arabs as Jews lived between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River in 1948, Golda.
That's why the original Green Line snakes like a drunken side-winder to envelope that Jewish majority.

The MINISCULE $30 billion you mention is ONLY Dubya's pledge of additional US taxpayer funds between 2009 - 2018 above and beyond the $8 million Israel receives from the US taxpayer every single day.

Can you manage that math, Moron?

Since 1949 the US has wasted nearly 114 billion dollars on the war crime called Israel.
It's time for some payback.
geolrgephillip said:
People like you should learn how to read.

"By 1948, there were approximately 1.35 million Arabs and 650,000 Jews living between the Jordan and the Mediterranean, more Arabs than had ever lived in Palestine before, and more Jews than had lived there since Roman times."

Do you think a Jewish state would have come into existence at that time by popular vote?
"Popular Vote?
A New/UNIQUE standard for the creation of a Middle East state!
Iraq was 3 provinces of the Ottoman Empire given to a Saudi Prince.

77% of the British Mandate, Jordan, (mostly 'palestinian') similarly lopped off and given to Another Arab/Sunni/Saudi Prince to be an exclusive Arab state (any Problem georgephillip?)...
in contravention of earlier promises to the Jews by the Britis and League of Nations.

'Lebanon' gerrymandered out of the French Mandate to have a Christian majority.
(any Problem georgephillip you DOPE?)

so it seems because gphillip, antisemite, knows NO history save that which he vcan invoke on Jews.


Who gets to decide what the Unit of "voting" would be for former ottoman lands?
Just big enough to outvote the Jews but Not bigger so as to avoid being 'jordan' or Syria' or 'Egypt' it seems. LOL

That was ALL of Palestine.
Not the partition.
of the 650,000 Jews, 550,000 would live in Israel along with 400,000 Arabs.
A Jewish majority in the partitioned state.
As well as an overwhelming arab majority in the new rejected 'palestine'.
(not to mention the 77% of the mandate Jordan, with which Arabs got 87% of the Mandate)

gphillip said:
The MINISCULE $30 billion you mention is ONLY Dubya's pledge of additional US taxpayer funds between 2009 - 2018 above and beyond the $8 million Israel receives from the US taxpayer every single day.

Can you manage that math, Moron?

Since 1949 the US has wasted nearly 114 billion dollars on the war crime called Israel.
It's time for some payback.
And I already posted that Math IN PERSPECTIVE to which you had NO Answer you Racist male vagina.
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"Given these caveats, our current estimate of cumulative total direct aid to Israel is $113.8554 billion.

"It must be emphasized that this analysis is a conservative, defensible accounting of U.S. direct aid to Israel, NOT of Israel’s cost to the U.S. or the American taxpayer, nor of the benefits to Israel of U.S. aid.

"The distinction is important, because the indirect or consequential costs suffered by the U.S. as a result of its blind support for Israel exceed by many times the substantial amount of direct aid to Israel. (See, for example, the late Thomas R. Stauffer’s article in the June 2003 Washington Report, “The Costs to American Taxpayers of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: $3 Trillion.”)"

A Conservative Estimate of Total Direct U.S. Aid to Israel: Almost $114 Billion

In 1948, two-thirds of the human beings living between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River were not Jews.

The die was cast 24 years earlier by the first British military Governor of Jerusalem:

"Sir Ronald Storrs, the first Governor of Jerusalem, certainly had no illusions about what a 'Jewish homeland' in Palestine meant for the British Empire: 'It will form for England,” he said, “a little loyal Jewish Ulster in a sea of potentially hostile Arabism.'”

Divide and Conquer as Imperial Rules | FPIF

Israel was created to buy western arms and disrupt that oil-sea of hostile Arabism.

The fact you're too stupid to do simple math doesn't bode well for your chances of understanding that history.
GeorgePhillip said:
Most of the geopolitical issues around the globe are complex.
Israel v Palestine reduces to a very simple crime that was committed in 1948, imho.
And what "crime" was that?
UN Resolution 181?

Armed force was used to impose a Jewish state on a population that was two-thirds non-Jew.
Wrong again Adolph.
Armed force was used to protect the Majority Jewish area called 'Israel' delineated by the UN.
The 100% arab Majority area 'palestine' was Rejected by the arabs.

Now the Jewish state has 200 - 400 nuclear weapons and the ability to launch them from land, air and sea.
As long as Republicans OR Democrats control DC politics, anyone questioning US aid to Israel will be considered anti-Semitic, at least.
People like you who twist history and uniquely Demonize Israel Are indeed anti-semites. Merely another Club to bash with.

Aid to Israel is MINISCULE. Even as you cite above $30 bil over 12 years.
2.5 Bil a Year.

We spend 2 Billion a WEEK in Iraq/Afghan in one case trying to make an Arab democracy, and in both loosing Priceless Lives too.

You anti-semite turds Also forget/overlook/oops about places like Korea where we've committed money, and 50k-100k troops a year for 60 Years.

UN resolution 181 is irrelevant. It was never implemented by the Security Council.

It did not partition Palestine. It defined no borders. It transferred no land. It created no states.
US aid to Israel must be spent on US manufactured weapons systems. Thus providing business for the US defense industrial complex and jobs for US citizens. In fact Israel now builds a superiour amoured platform (Merkava) than the US M1-A1 Abrams. Israeli Arrow 1 and 2 and , Iron dome are superiour to the US built Patriots system. UN General Assembly Resolution 191 provided for two "homelands" in the "former British Mandate in Palestine". Notwithstanding that, the Arab League embarked upon a "a war of great slaughter and extermination of the Jews"... They lost. There is NO "right of return".
US aid to Israel must be spent on US manufactured weapons systems. Thus providing business for the US defense industrial complex and jobs for US citizens. In fact Israel now builds a superiour amoured platform (Merkava) than the US M1-A1 Abrams. Israeli Arrow 1 and 2 and , Iron dome are superiour to the US built Patriots system. UN General Assembly Resolution 191 provided for two "homelands" in the "former British Mandate in Palestine". Notwithstanding that, the Arab League embarked upon a "a war of great slaughter and extermination of the Jews"... They lost. There is NO "right of return".

Ah yes, the military industrial complex that Eisenhower warned us about.

UN General Assembly resolution 181 provided nothing. It was never implemented.

The 1948 war was called by UN Security Council resolution. Nobody won that war. Nobody lost that war. No land changed hands and no borders were changed.
US aid to Israel must be spent on US manufactured weapons systems. Thus providing business for the US defense industrial complex and jobs for US citizens. In fact Israel now builds a superiour amoured platform (Merkava) than the US M1-A1 Abrams. Israeli Arrow 1 and 2 and , Iron dome are superiour to the US built Patriots system. UN General Assembly Resolution 191 provided for two "homelands" in the "former British Mandate in Palestine". Notwithstanding that, the Arab League embarked upon a "a war of great slaughter and extermination of the Jews"... They lost. There is NO "right of return".

The gun of the Merkava comes from Rheinmetall (Germany), the gear drive from Renk (Germany) and its engine from MTU (Germany).
Arrow systems have been funded by US taxpayer money and with major contribution from Boeing (which acts as umbrella for further US companies involved in Arrow).

It is right, that every unit of equipment procured from US defense industry secures jobs. But these ordered equipment could be used to modernize equipment within the US Army itself.
You can spin it how you want, fact is Israel relies on importing free security from USA. Germany's support is limited in time.
No, you are incorrect. The Jewish Homeland (Yeshuv) increased 50 % by the 1949 armistice, from the orginal "homeland" deliniated by the UN General Assembly. So you are quite wrong (not surprisingly) we did indeed win. We also won that and every war by our mere continued existance

I might also must admit Arrow and Iron Dome are partially funded by the US ...but alas Israel shares propriatry knowlege of the systems with the US. As it and Iron Dome work and many US missile not.

The Merkava as most weapons systems today around the world makes use of existing "off the shelf" components and systems. But nonetheless the design is Israeli and it is superiour to any other armoured platform in the world the today.

Indeed you "amerkans" are quick to "pat yourselves on the back"
No, you are incorrect. The Jewish Homeland (Yeshuv) increased 50 % by the 1949 armistice, from the orginal "homeland" deliniated by the UN General Assembly. So you are quite wrong (not surprisingly) we did indeed win. We also won that and every war by our mere continued existance

I might also must admit Arrow and Iron Dome are partially funded by the US ...but alas Israel shares propriatry knowlege of the systems with the US. As it and Iron Dome work and many US missile not.

The Merkava as most weapons systems today around the world makes use of existing "off the shelf" components and systems. But nonetheless the design is Israeli and it is superiour to any other armoured platform in the world the today.

Indeed you "amerkans" are quick to "pat yourselves on the back"

The 1949 UN armistice agreements state that the 1948 war was called by UN Security Council resolution. Nobody surrendered. Nobody lost that war. According to the agreements, the borders of Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, and Palestine Remained unchanged from 1922. There was no mention of any land won by Israel and no borders were mentioned for Israel.
Yes, "off the shelf" German contribution to Israel's weapons.
Probably, the submarines which Israel received from Germany are also "off the shelf". Or the Israeli Corvettes which USA built, and Germany financed.

But, off course that is all bullshit and In reality "Israeli produces superior arms over everyone else".
US aid to Israel must be spent on US manufactured weapons systems. Thus providing business for the US defense industrial complex and jobs for US citizens. In fact Israel now builds a superiour amoured platform (Merkava) than the US M1-A1 Abrams. Israeli Arrow 1 and 2 and , Iron dome are superiour to the US built Patriots system. UN General Assembly Resolution 191 provided for two "homelands" in the "former British Mandate in Palestine". Notwithstanding that, the Arab League embarked upon a "a war of great slaughter and extermination of the Jews"... They lost. There is NO "right of return".
Divide and Conquer Again and Again.

When Ariel Sharon and Menachem Begin created the "facts on the ground" that resulted in flooding more than 400,000 settlers into the Occupied Territories, they simply copied Charles I, an English King, who forcibly removed the O'Neill and O'Donnell clans from Northern Ireland in 1609 and replaced the Catholics with 20,000 English and Scottish Protestants, thereby founding the Plantation of Ulster.

Fast-forward three centuries when Sir Ronald Storrs, the first British Military Governor, saw the impending "Jewish homeland" in Palestine as "...a little loyal Jewish Ulster in a sea of potentially hostile Arabism."

The Plantation of Israel was created by the UK and US elites for exactly the same purpose Charles I divided Ireland into Catholic and Protestant: Empire and its private financial rewards for a few and collective misery for its many victims.

Divide and Conquer as Imperial Rules | FPIF

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