Rising anti-Islamic sentiment in America troubles Muslims

(CNN) – When the nation pauses to remember 9/11 next week, a group of Tennesseans will gather at the Embassy Suites Hotel in Franklin for a commemoration. But it will be more than that.

On the program, called "The Threat in Our Backyard," is a lecture on Islam in public schools and a short film on Sharia finance.

It's a program organized by people who feel the American way of life is threatened by Islam - in particular, Sharia, or Islamic law.

Sharia would bring ruin to America, says Greg Johnson, vice president of the 9/12 Project Tennessee, a sponsor of the event that advocates for shifting government back to the intent of the Constitution's authors.

Sharia, he believes, would mean that practicing homosexuals would be put to death, women would not be educated and would be married off to men chosen by their fathers, and non-Muslims would become kafirs - nonbelievers - relegated to second-class citizenship.

"And I don't want that coming to America," Johnson says.

Hate crimes against Muslims spiked 50% in 2010, the last year for which FBI statistics are available. That was in a year marked by Muslim-bashing speech over the Islamic center near ground zero in Manhattan and Florida Pastor Terry Jones' threats to burn Qurans.

This year's holy month of Ramadan, which ended August 19, was marred by a spate of violence at U.S. Islamic centers that included a fire, a homemade bomb and pig parts. The incidents were unprecedented in scale and scope, says the Council on American-Islamic Relations.

At least seven mosques and one cemetery were attacked in the United States during Ramadan, according to the council and other groups that track such incidents.

Particularly visible on the anti-Muslim radar has been the state of Tennessee, where a mosque opened during Ramadan after two years of controversy. The new Islamic center in Murfreesboro opened a few weeks ago after delays caused by legal wrangling, community protests and vandalism.

"I cannot stress enough the seriousness of their push to spread their religion to all non-Muslims throughout our country," says website author Cathy Hinners, another speaker at next Tuesday's 9/11 event in Franklin.

"Why? Why are Muslims so adamant that we accept their religion? The answer is simple. The answer is in black and white. The answer is in the Muslim brotherhoods "Strategic Goal for North America." It's called a global caliphate. One religion, one government, one law... called Sharia."

This year, 33 anti-Sharia or international law bills were introduced in 20 states, making it a key issue. Six states - Louisiana, South Dakota, Kansas, Arizona, Louisiana and Tennessee - adopted such laws prior to 2012.

Yerushalmi founded the Society of Americans for National Existence, an organization devoted to promoting his theory that Islam is inherently seditious and Sharia is a "criminal conspiracy to overthrow the U.S. government," according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks hate groups.

"Ideally," says the center, "he would outlaw Islam and deport its adherents altogether."

Rising anti-Islamic sentiment in America troubles Muslims – CNN Belief Blog - CNN.com Blogs

Tell all of those radical assholes to stop trying to kill us and maybe things will change.

If you hear some fuckwad talking about murdering infidels jump into their ass and tell them that Allah doesn't give them the right to take out their bigotry against people of other religions.

There is no one trying to kill Americans, what are you talking about? Life in America is normal everyone is safe from "radicals", I live here everything is going well for everyone.....you make it sound like Americans are in a civil war or something
"Ideally," says the center, "he would outlaw Islam and deport its adherents altogether."

It's always entertaining to here people complain (often correctly) about how oppressive Islam is of other religions - and then want to oppress it.

This group seem to want to replicate Islamic extremist, rather than put an end to it.

But these are a small but very vocal minority among Biblical Christians.

Most Christians here in the US are descendants of Christians who fled her eto escape the bullshit going on in Europe and that still goes on regarding the states authority to approve or disapprove religions.

And most of us dont want to let that gini out of the bottle again.
So am I right, you'd PREFER to live in the US under sharia? It's sure sounds like it.
Sharia Law as the dominate judicial system for the U.S. is a moot point.

Muslims make up <1% of the U.S. population. :cool:

But we all know you'd prefer to live under sharia, because you don't deny it. Which makes you an animal, like the other hand choppers, child sellers and rape victim stoners. THAT'S why you'll never get it in here, because it's totally barbaric, or in any not-backwards country.

Dear God, please let Ima continue to post her very illuminating views of religion. She is so helpful to our cause of spreading faith and morality.

Thank you.

Tell all of those radical assholes to stop trying to kill us and maybe things will change.

If you hear some fuckwad talking about murdering infidels jump into their ass and tell them that Allah doesn't give them the right to take out their bigotry against people of other religions.

Many of them do but our western press simply ignores it for the most part, and so you and most have a false sense of what is happening among the Ummah regarding these Islamo fascists.

Most ofwhat we know of mathematics and philosophy we owe to the fact that Muslims cared for the torch of civilization for centuries and then passed it along to us as we emerged from our so called Dark Ages.
If you hear some fuckwad talking about murdering infidels jump into their ass and tell them that Allah doesn't give them the right to take out their bigotry against people of other religions.
I have never heard any muslims that I personally know talk that way. :cool:

They usually never say that kind of thing in my presence.

But I'm an infidel.

I've had one yelling at me once but I didn't know Arabic enough to tell what in the hell he was saying. Then another came up to me and apologized for that ignorant asshole's conduct.

I have exchanged middle-finger salutes with a few of them in Somalia.
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All of the muslim people I know here in America are hard working people.

Just trying to raise their family, make the mortgage payment, car payment, insurance payments, save for their kids college, pay income taxes, kids orthodontist bills, keep up with the lawn, and shuttle the kids to soccer practice.

Who has time to kill infidels or wage jihad?? :cool:
All of the muslim people I know here in America are hard working people.

Just trying to raise their family, make the mortgage payment, car payment, insurance payments, save for their kids college, pay income taxes, kids orthodontist bills, keep up with the lawn, and shuttle the kids to soccer practice.

Who has time to kill infidels or wage jihad?? :cool:

I have a guy from Jordan renting one of my properties. He's turned it into a beer and tobacco shop. He's a real nice guy.

I was speaking of the ones living in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Saudi Arabia.
If you hear some fuckwad talking about murdering infidels jump into their ass and tell them that Allah doesn't give them the right to take out their bigotry against people of other religions.
I have never heard any muslims that I personally know talk that way. :cool:

Do you live sealed in a box? Need help getting out? Want me to at least cut you a couple of peep-holes?
Sharia Law as the dominate judicial system for the U.S. is a moot point.

Muslims make up <1% of the U.S. population. :cool:

But we all know you'd prefer to live under sharia, because you don't deny it. Which makes you an animal, like the other hand choppers, child sellers and rape victim stoners. THAT'S why you'll never get it in here, because it's totally barbaric, or in any not-backwards country.

Dear God, please let Ima continue to post her very illuminating views of religion. She is so helpful to our cause of spreading faith and morality.

Thank you.


Are you trying to say that sharia and islam are moral? Please explain at least the hand chopping and whipping of rape victims as moral acts.
Do you live sealed in a box? Need help getting out? Want me to at least cut you a couple of peep-holes?
Have listened to hundreds of Fridays sermons at the mosque and talked to dozens of my muslim friends.

And not once was the subject of selling your daughters or flogging rape victims ever brought up or said to be condoned. :cool:
You won't know which muslims in the US are actually enemies until the second you do know. Ramsay Yousef was a nice guy. He had an American wife and American children. He worked hard, paid his taxes, right up to the moment he parked a truck bomb at the World Trade Center. Faisal Shahzad was just another neighbor, he went to work every day, puttered in the yard, sent his kids to school. Then he parked a truck bomb in Times Square. Hani Hanjour was a fun guy. He liked to drink a beer and watch football with his buddies. A kindly young man he was always ready to help his friends in San Diego. He had a girlfriend who hoped they would get married one day. Then he flew a plane into the World Trade Center. David Coleman Headley is a convert, he went to mosque and led a quiet life, if you discount training children in military drills in a Chicago park. Then he was arrested for his part in the Mumbai bombing and planning additional attacks in Denmark.

No one will know which muslim is a terrorist until the moment they do know, then it's too late.
Timothy McVeigh was a well liked kid growing up and never got into any trouble. At age 20 he joined the US Army and was awarded the Bronze Star during the first Gulf War.

Terry Nichols grew up a shy farm boy from a small town in Michigan. He was a family man with a couple of kids and hadn't ever been in any sort of trouble with the law.

Together they planned and executed the bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in OKC

Which just goes to show that your next door neighbor could be a terrorist and you would never know it. :cool:
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Timothy McVeigh was a well liked kid growing up and never got into any trouble. At age 20 he joined the US Army and was awarded the Bronze Star during the first Gulf War.

Terry Nichols grew up a shy farm boy from a small town in Michigan. He was a family man with a couple of kids and hadn't ever been in any sort of trouble with the law.

Together they planned and executed the bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in OKC

Which just goes to show that your next door neighbor could be a terrorist and you would never know it. :cool:

A very true point. Of course, it's much easier to find terrorists among people who openly profess to be terrorists, particularly for professed religious reasons. But not every terrorist is kind enough to announce that he believes in killing people for political purposes.
Timothy McVeigh was a well liked kid growing up and never got into any trouble. At age 20 he joined the US Army and was awarded the Bronze Star during the first Gulf War.

Terry Nichols grew up a shy farm boy from a small town in Michigan. He was a family man with a couple of kids and hadn't ever been in any sort of trouble with the law.

Together they planned and executed the bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in OKC

Which just goes to show that your next door neighbor could be a terrorist and you would never know it. :cool:

A very true point. Of course, it's much easier to find terrorists among people who openly profess to be terrorists, particularly for professed religious reasons. But not every terrorist is kind enough to announce that he believes in killing people for political purposes.

And easier to pick out the terrorists from people like McVeigh who go around selling books about overthrowing the US government and who also went around telling people he wanted to strike back at the government for what happened at Waco.

In fact he had told an informant this, and the ATF bungled the intercept.
Do you live sealed in a box? Need help getting out? Want me to at least cut you a couple of peep-holes?
Have listened to hundreds of Fridays sermons at the mosque and talked to dozens of my muslim friends.

And not once was the subject of selling your daughters or flogging rape victims ever brought up or said to be condoned. :cool:

So hand chopping, flogging and all the other nasties aren't part of sharia and islam?
You're either full of shit or you're not a real muslim. Which is it?
So hand chopping, flogging and all the other nasties aren't part of sharia and islam?
You're either full of shit or you're not a real muslim. Which is it?
In Islam we are instructed to live by the laws of the land in which you reside.

I live in America and thus abide by and adhere to U.S. laws. :cool:

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