Right wingers and Trump

Daddy Savior in his armor will save us from the horrors

Do you think any Obama supporters felt similarly?


LOL. No Obama supporter ever had unrealistic expectations of the man? Right...

not even close. it was y'all calling him the black messiah, not us. & nooooo one that i know of EVER said god sent obama to be prez. that one is all on yer side too.
Calling him the black Messiah because that was the way he was being treated by his followers ?? Do you think that such things were just dreamed up out of nothing ??

Personality, Cult of

Cult of personality
is a pejorative term implying the concentration of all power in a single charismatic leader within a totalitarian state and the near deification of that leader in state propaganda. Totalitarian regimes use the state-controlled mass media to cultivate a larger-than-life public image of the leader through unquestioning flattery and praise. Leaders are lauded for their extraordinary courage, knowledge, wisdom, or any other superhuman quality necessary for legitimating the totalitarian regime. The cult of personality serves to sustain such a regime in power, discourage open criticism, and justify whatever political twists and turns it may decide to take. Among the more infamous and pervasive cults of personality in the twentieth century were those surrounding Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Mao Zedong, Francisco Franco, Chiang Kaishek, Ho Chi Minh, Kim Il Sung, Juan and Evita Peron, Pol Pot, Augusto Pinochet, Kim Jong Il, and Saddam Hussein.
Cult Of Personality | Encyclopedia.com

wiki 'splains trump & his basket dwellers even better:

Cult of personality
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A cult of personality arises when a country's regime – or, more rarely, an individual – uses the techniques of mass media, propaganda, the big lie, spectacle, the arts, patriotism, and government-organized demonstrations and rallies to create an idealized, heroic, and worshipful image of a leader, often through unquestioning flattery and praise.
See Barack Obama sic Democrats.
In a heartbeat.

How many on the right will admit that they don't actually care about whether or not Donald is technically guilty of a crime? You love the dude and think he's doing a good job, so in the end you just don't give a fuck, right? You'll support him either way. I bet a lot of you quietly think it's very possible that he has broken the law on more than one occasion.

I think that would depend on the crime. Something like campaign finance violation, no one is going to care except the rabid leftwingers.
It's still wrongheaded to describe it as "the left's reaction" because Rump is not an ideology thing. He has no ideology.
Pretty good point...he lacks any ideology. He lacks any semblance of morality, ethics, class, curiosity, or even education.

And, as we all know, there was (and is) quite a bit of pushback on the right as well. One can easily produce a long list of prominent, conservative intellectuals who view Trump as an abnormal child.
George Will, William Kristol, Max Boot, David Frum, Robert Kagan, et. al. are knuckle dragging neocon fuckwits, which precludes them from being intellectuals.
It's still wrongheaded to describe it as "the left's reaction" because Rump is not an ideology thing. He has no ideology.
Pretty good point...he lacks any ideology. He lacks any semblance of morality, ethics, class, curiosity, or even education.

And, as we all know, there was (and is) quite a bit of pushback on the right as well. One can easily produce a long list of prominent, conservative intellectuals who view Trump as an abnormal child.
George Will, William Kristol, Max Boot, David Frum, Robert Kagan, et. al. are knuckle dragging neocon fuckwits, which precludes them from being intellectuals.
Pfft, we know why you actually don't like them.
It's still wrongheaded to describe it as "the left's reaction" because Rump is not an ideology thing. He has no ideology.
Pretty good point...he lacks any ideology. He lacks any semblance of morality, ethics, class, curiosity, or even education.

And, as we all know, there was (and is) quite a bit of pushback on the right as well. One can easily produce a long list of prominent, conservative intellectuals who view Trump as an abnormal child.
George Will, William Kristol, Max Boot, David Frum, Robert Kagan, et. al. are knuckle dragging neocon fuckwits, which precludes them from being intellectuals.
Pfft, we know why you actually don't like them.

What's not to like about America last, bomb everything brand of politics?
It's still wrongheaded to describe it as "the left's reaction" because Rump is not an ideology thing. He has no ideology.
Pretty good point...he lacks any ideology. He lacks any semblance of morality, ethics, class, curiosity, or even education.

And, as we all know, there was (and is) quite a bit of pushback on the right as well. One can easily produce a long list of prominent, conservative intellectuals who view Trump as an abnormal child.
George Will, William Kristol, Max Boot, David Frum, Robert Kagan, et. al. are knuckle dragging neocon fuckwits, which precludes them from being intellectuals.


It's still wrongheaded to describe it as "the left's reaction" because Rump is not an ideology thing. He has no ideology.
Pretty good point...he lacks any ideology. He lacks any semblance of morality, ethics, class, curiosity, or even education.

And, as we all know, there was (and is) quite a bit of pushback on the right as well. One can easily produce a long list of prominent, conservative intellectuals who view Trump as an abnormal child.
George Will, William Kristol, Max Boot, David Frum, Robert Kagan, et. al. are knuckle dragging neocon fuckwits, which precludes them from being intellectuals.
In other words, anyone who is smartwe than you, republican, and dislikes your cult leader.
This isn't about me, Buckwheat.

The republican "intelligentsia" that is wringing its hands about the Cheeto is the same bunch of asswagons that said nothing about Chimpola Bush spending like a drunken Kennedy, getting Murica mired in at least two wars, and expanding the scope of The State in ways that would have made Bubba Clintoon jizz his pants if he could have got away with it.

As much as I loathe democrats, at least they're (relatively) honest about being statist fiends..."Republicans" like the aforementioned are the scummiest of the scum.
It's still wrongheaded to describe it as "the left's reaction" because Rump is not an ideology thing. He has no ideology.
Pretty good point...he lacks any ideology. He lacks any semblance of morality, ethics, class, curiosity, or even education.

And, as we all know, there was (and is) quite a bit of pushback on the right as well. One can easily produce a long list of prominent, conservative intellectuals who view Trump as an abnormal child.
George Will, William Kristol, Max Boot, David Frum, Robert Kagan, et. al. are knuckle dragging neocon fuckwits, which precludes them from being intellectuals.


I don't have a team, numbnutz.
This isn't about me, Buckwheat.
Right, it's about your cult leader. Who, as we both know, would bomb his own grandmother, if he thought you would guffaw and bark like a seal and clap for him as a result. Which, you would.
He ain't my leader, chump....There are plenty of things that he's done that I don't like.

But nice job of projection about being a partisan hack cultist clapping seal....It is what you happen to do best.
Hey, if you don't want your strawmen knocked down, then don't put 'em up.

I disagree that there weren't a bunch of Obama cultists. There were Bernie cultists too, and Hillary cultists.

Bush cultists...


Now you're reducing "cultist" to "supporter". If you do that, you have no word left for "cultist".

A Cultist is one who blindly follows their Cult leader on pure emotion alone. A supporter is one who analyzes different choices and picks one.
I totally agree with that.
However, i will also admit that isnt anything new.
Obama could have shot someone on 4th avenue and many of his cult members would have started jacking off.

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