Right wing trash disgrace Britain and dishonour the fallen

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

What a shit show. 82 far right arrests at a service of commenoration.There is no depth that neo nazi scum will not sink.

The chilling thing is that they were encouraged there by our own govt. For shame.

This is our J6 moment. When one party dispenses with the democratc process.

And its amazing that it is the police who are protecting our rights against conservatives.
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What a shit show. 82 far right arrests at a service of commenoration.There is no depth that neo nazi scum will not sink.

The chilling thing is that they wre encouraged there by our own govt. For shame.

This is our J6 moment. When one party dispenses with the democratc process.

And its amazing that it is the police who are protecting our rights against conservatives.

We warned you all a decade ago not to take in the muslims. You were SOOOOO happy about taking them and you virtue signaled about it nonstop. Now look at your country. Your country is a muslim fucking shitshow who praise Hamas and the killing of jews. You have MILLIONS of these people now. Why the fuck did you ever think that taking in millions of muslims was a good idea? What made you think they were anything remotely close to you, culturally speaking? What made you think they would assimilate?

Europe was dumb as fuck for allowing this to happen. You brought it on yourselves and have no one else to blame for it. The only people who cant be blamed for it are rightwing Europeans. Leftwingers destroyed Europe and it will never again be the same.
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yea, it's all left vs right...

NOTHING to do with Britain's complicity in helping set up Israel in the late 40s and the recent actions in Gaza.

You're such a tool.
Brittain was right to set up Israel. The recent actions in Gaza are also the correct and good course.

What a shit show. 82 far right arrests at a service of commenoration.There is no depth that neo nazi scum will not sink.

The chilling thing is that they wre encouraged there by our own govt. For shame.

This is our J6 moment. When one party dispenses with the democratc process.

And its amazing that it is the police who are protecting our rights against conservatives.
I can't wait until some of this "cultural enrichment" gets visited upon your puny cranium.
I can't wait until some of this "cultural enrichment" gets visited upon your puny cranium.
Yup. Those muzzies would love to toss tainty off of a building. Of course they would have to carry the fat tub of lard up there, so they would probably just set him on fire in the street.
Arrests now up to 92.

There are 300k on the end genocide march. Zero arrests.

All the arrested are white thugs. Perhaps we can learn about peacful assembly from our muslim brothers ?

Conservatives have shamed britain, just like they shame America. Its a disease.
We warned you all a decade ago not to take in the muslims. You were SOOOOO happy about taking them and you virtue signaled about it nonstop. Now look at your country. Your country is a muslim fucking shitshow who praise Hamas and the killing of jews. You have MILLIONS of these people now. Why the fuck did you ever think that taking in millions of muslims was a good idea? What made you think they were anything remotely close to you, culturally speaking? What made you think they would assimilate?

Europe was dumb as fuck for allowing this to happen. You brought it on yourselves and have no one else to blame for it. The only people who cant be blamed for it are rightwing Europeans. Leftwingers destroyed Europe and it will never again be the same.
These thugs are your tribe. Nasty right wing shit. They shame everything that is decent about the country. Just like in America.
^ This rhetoric is why Europe is ruined. The damage you left wingers did can never be undone. You will have to live with your mistakes, and so will ever generation that follows.
I am watching your tribe on my TV now.

Attacking police. Throwing bottles and chanting hate. They outrage every decent sensibility. Its the dying howl of a degraded underlass. Scum. Petty criminals and drunken wife beaters,

People gave their lives to enable them to do this shit. They deserve better.
I am watching your tribe on my TV now.

Attacking police. Throwing bottles and chanting hate. They outrage every decent sensibility. Its the dying howl of a degraded underlass. Scum. Petty criminals and drunken wife beaters,

People gave their lives to enable them to do this shit. They deserve better.

People gave their lives for a productive, FREE, world, not to have some lazy fat fuck, like you, bleat about how terrorists shouldn't be killed.
People gave their lives for a productive, FREE, world, not to have some lazy fat fuck, like you, bleat about how terrorists shouldn't be killed.
Why are you wasting time here when you could be bombing babies and disrupting memorial services ?
Its what you do.
A very small tool at that.

Especially right after he's been in the pool.

This is just another one of his taunting posts that fail to meet the clean start rules, and includes such ridiculous trolling that it appears as parody.
Robinson is there dishonouring the dead. You must be proud old Dog.. A poster boy for right wing shit.
Why are you wasting time here when you could be bombing babies and disrupting memorial services ?
Its what you do.
Westwall has never bombed any babies or disrupted any memorial services.

You are just getting further and further out there in the bizarre claims you make because you are such a case of arrested development that trolling is all you can do.
Robinson is there dishonouring the dead. You must be proud old Dog.. A poster boy for right wing shit.
Yes, Tommy Robinson opposes Muslims gang raping British children and you support that.

I'm sure everybody here in this thread already knows your position on this.
Why are you wasting time here when you could be bombing babies and disrupting memorial services ?
Its what you do.

Nah, I poke fun at lazy fat fucks, like you. How's your other leg? That one starting to fester too?

You know, once they start taking parts off of you, it rarely stops.

You have to WORK to be healthy. And you just ain't got it, do ya.

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