Richard Spencer, white nationalist, left winger, interviewed by D'nesh D'souza...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Richard Spencer is not right wing. He is a white supremacist, but he is a left wing progressive.....

Richard Spencer, Wilsonian Progressive - American Greatness

My real interest was to find out what Spencer really believed, with a view to figuring out where he really belongs on the political spectrum. I asked him whether he sought to conserve the principles of the American Founding. He responded, ā€œIā€™ve been critical of the American founding throughout my career.ā€ The whole concept of individual rights, he said, was ā€œproblematic.ā€

Me: So, all men are created equal. True or false?

Spencer: False, obviously.

Me: The idea that we have a right to life, true or false?

Spencer: I donā€™t think we have rights to really anything.

I asked Spencer about his advocacy of a concept called the white ethno-state.

Me: What I take you to be saying is that the white ethno-state would have a powerful state at the center of it.

Spencer: No question.

Me: But this notion of limited government . . . As you know, the founders saw the government as the enemy of our rights.

Spencer: No individual has a right outside of a collective community. You have rights, not eternally or given by God, or by nature.

Me: Who gives them to us?

Spencer: Ultimately the state gives those right to you. The state is the source of rights, not the individual.

Me: Would it be fair to say you are not just against illegal immigration but immigration, period?

Spencer: Iā€™m definitely against illegal immigration. Thatā€™s an easy one. Iā€™m against replacement immigration in the sense that Iā€™m against immigration coming in from the Third World that is ultimately going to change the ethnic and cultural constitution of the United States. I wouldnā€™t say Iā€™m against immigration in itself. I would actually be happy to open the door to white South Africans among many who are truly suffering. I would be happy to take in those refugees.

ā€˜A Romanticizationā€™ of Race
I asked Spencer about his favorite presidents. Reagan? ā€œI do not think he was a great president.ā€ Lincoln: Spencer blamed him for starting ā€œan unnecessary warā€ instead of negotiating a solution with the slave-owners. Spencer wasnā€™t too hot on Washington, either. Who, then, were his favorites? ā€œThereā€™s something about Jackson,ā€ he said, ā€œThereā€™s something about Polk, who took something from Mexico and made it ours.ā€ I pointed out to him that they were both Democrats.

Finally I asked Spencer about the movie, ā€œBirth of a Nation.ā€

Me: Have you seen it?

Spencer: Yes, I have.

Me: What did you think of it?

Spencer: Itā€™s an amazing film, one of the most important films ever made.

Me: Leaving aside its technical merits, the notion that the sex-crazed blacks are taking over the country and the Ku Klux Klan was a redemptive movement of white identity to clean the place upā€”you agree with that?
Spencer: It was a romanticization of the first Klan in response to Republican Reconstruction. Itā€™s an idealized vision that paints in really broad strokes.

Me: But itā€™s your music.

Spencer: Sure. It appealed to many, Americans including presidents.

Woodrow Wilsonā€™s Heir
As I interviewed Spencer, I kept saying to myself, obviously this guy is not a conservative, but what is he? Heā€™s not a progressive in the contemporary sense, either. And yet his ideas are so familiar. Only toward the end of the interview did it hit me. Spencerā€™s views are virtually identical to those of the progressive racists of the Woodrow Wilson era. He even dresses the part. Basically, the guy is a relic.

In a purely logical sense, Spencer should be a progressive Democrat. Progressive Democrats invented the ideology he espouses, and even today the Democratic Party is the party of ethnic identity politics. Spencerā€™s problem, however, is that the Democrats mobilize black, Latino and Asian identity politics against that of whites. Since whites are now the all-round bad guy, Spencerā€™s brand of progressivism is no longer welcome at the multicultural picnic.

Thus Spencer, a man without a party, turns to Donald Trump. Now, there is very little on which Spencer and Trump actually agree. Trump is a flag-waving patriot who cherishes the American Founders; Spencer isnā€™t and doesnā€™t. Trump believes our rights come from God; Spencer is an atheist. Trump wants to keep illegals out so legal immigrants and other American citizensā€”whether white, black or brownā€”can thrive. Spencer wants more white immigrants, fewer if any black and brown ones. In sum, Trump is generally ā€œconservativeā€ in his ideology and Spencer is clearly not.
And the key point...

Why, then, did Spencer vote for Trump? Why does he consider himself on the right? The simple answer is that Spencer has no place else to go, so he is trying to carve out a niche for himself in the only party where he can find some measure of agreement, however small.

Trump isnā€™t embracing Spencerā€™s agenda; rather, Spencer is embracing Trumpā€™s agenda because his own is politically irrelevant.

Look at it from Spencerā€™s point of view. If youā€™re a white nationalist who wants racial preferences for whites, would you rather go with the Democrats who want racial preferences against whites, or with the Republicans who want racial preferences for no one? Clearly the latter.

To sum up, white nationalism is not ā€œconservativeā€ or Republican, even if some white nationalists end up in the Trump column. Nor is the bigotry of the white nationalistsā€”naked and repulsive as it isā€”the most potent form of racism in America today. The institutionalized racism of the Democratic plantation, anchored in black ghettos, Latino barrios and native reservations, is far, far worse.
so what's he really saying
all men are not created equal--what does he really mean by this?
he wants a white only ''state''/country/etc ? why? like [ hahahaha ] Norway?
so what's he really saying
all men are not created equal--what does he really mean by this?
he wants a white only ''state''/country/etc ? why? like [ hahahaha ] Norway?

White supremacists are no different than any other racist..... they should all be ignored, but sadly, the democrat core groups are all racist.
Richard Spencer is not right wing. He is a white supremacist, but he is a left wing progressive.....

Richard Spencer, Wilsonian Progressive - American Greatness

My real interest was to find out what Spencer really believed, with a view to figuring out where he really belongs on the political spectrum. I asked him whether he sought to conserve the principles of the American Founding. He responded, ā€œIā€™ve been critical of the American founding throughout my career.ā€ The whole concept of individual rights, he said, was ā€œproblematic.ā€

Me: So, all men are created equal. True or false?

Spencer: False, obviously.

Me: The idea that we have a right to life, true or false?

Spencer: I donā€™t think we have rights to really anything.

I asked Spencer about his advocacy of a concept called the white ethno-state.

Me: What I take you to be saying is that the white ethno-state would have a powerful state at the center of it.

Spencer: No question.

Me: But this notion of limited government . . . As you know, the founders saw the government as the enemy of our rights.

Spencer: No individual has a right outside of a collective community. You have rights, not eternally or given by God, or by nature.

Me: Who gives them to us?

Spencer: Ultimately the state gives those right to you. The state is the source of rights, not the individual.

Me: Would it be fair to say you are not just against illegal immigration but immigration, period?

Spencer: Iā€™m definitely against illegal immigration. Thatā€™s an easy one. Iā€™m against replacement immigration in the sense that Iā€™m against immigration coming in from the Third World that is ultimately going to change the ethnic and cultural constitution of the United States. I wouldnā€™t say Iā€™m against immigration in itself. I would actually be happy to open the door to white South Africans among many who are truly suffering. I would be happy to take in those refugees.

ā€˜A Romanticizationā€™ of Race
I asked Spencer about his favorite presidents. Reagan? ā€œI do not think he was a great president.ā€ Lincoln: Spencer blamed him for starting ā€œan unnecessary warā€ instead of negotiating a solution with the slave-owners. Spencer wasnā€™t too hot on Washington, either. Who, then, were his favorites? ā€œThereā€™s something about Jackson,ā€ he said, ā€œThereā€™s something about Polk, who took something from Mexico and made it ours.ā€ I pointed out to him that they were both Democrats.

Finally I asked Spencer about the movie, ā€œBirth of a Nation.ā€

Me: Have you seen it?

Spencer: Yes, I have.

Me: What did you think of it?

Spencer: Itā€™s an amazing film, one of the most important films ever made.

Me: Leaving aside its technical merits, the notion that the sex-crazed blacks are taking over the country and the Ku Klux Klan was a redemptive movement of white identity to clean the place upā€”you agree with that?
Spencer: It was a romanticization of the first Klan in response to Republican Reconstruction. Itā€™s an idealized vision that paints in really broad strokes.

Me: But itā€™s your music.

Spencer: Sure. It appealed to many, Americans including presidents.

Woodrow Wilsonā€™s Heir
As I interviewed Spencer, I kept saying to myself, obviously this guy is not a conservative, but what is he? Heā€™s not a progressive in the contemporary sense, either. And yet his ideas are so familiar. Only toward the end of the interview did it hit me. Spencerā€™s views are virtually identical to those of the progressive racists of the Woodrow Wilson era. He even dresses the part. Basically, the guy is a relic.

In a purely logical sense, Spencer should be a progressive Democrat. Progressive Democrats invented the ideology he espouses, and even today the Democratic Party is the party of ethnic identity politics. Spencerā€™s problem, however, is that the Democrats mobilize black, Latino and Asian identity politics against that of whites. Since whites are now the all-round bad guy, Spencerā€™s brand of progressivism is no longer welcome at the multicultural picnic.

Thus Spencer, a man without a party, turns to Donald Trump. Now, there is very little on which Spencer and Trump actually agree. Trump is a flag-waving patriot who cherishes the American Founders; Spencer isnā€™t and doesnā€™t. Trump believes our rights come from God; Spencer is an atheist. Trump wants to keep illegals out so legal immigrants and other American citizensā€”whether white, black or brownā€”can thrive. Spencer wants more white immigrants, fewer if any black and brown ones. In sum, Trump is generally ā€œconservativeā€ in his ideology and Spencer is clearly not.
Spencerā€™s sick beliefs are the heart and soul of the Trump movement. He is one of yours; you agree with him, you lobby for his support, you defend him publicly and privately.
Richard Spencer is not right wing. He is a white supremacist, but he is a left wing progressive.....

Richard Spencer, Wilsonian Progressive - American Greatness

My real interest was to find out what Spencer really believed, with a view to figuring out where he really belongs on the political spectrum. I asked him whether he sought to conserve the principles of the American Founding. He responded, ā€œIā€™ve been critical of the American founding throughout my career.ā€ The whole concept of individual rights, he said, was ā€œproblematic.ā€

Me: So, all men are created equal. True or false?

Spencer: False, obviously.

Me: The idea that we have a right to life, true or false?

Spencer: I donā€™t think we have rights to really anything.

I asked Spencer about his advocacy of a concept called the white ethno-state.

Me: What I take you to be saying is that the white ethno-state would have a powerful state at the center of it.

Spencer: No question.

Me: But this notion of limited government . . . As you know, the founders saw the government as the enemy of our rights.

Spencer: No individual has a right outside of a collective community. You have rights, not eternally or given by God, or by nature.

Me: Who gives them to us?

Spencer: Ultimately the state gives those right to you. The state is the source of rights, not the individual.

Me: Would it be fair to say you are not just against illegal immigration but immigration, period?

Spencer: Iā€™m definitely against illegal immigration. Thatā€™s an easy one. Iā€™m against replacement immigration in the sense that Iā€™m against immigration coming in from the Third World that is ultimately going to change the ethnic and cultural constitution of the United States. I wouldnā€™t say Iā€™m against immigration in itself. I would actually be happy to open the door to white South Africans among many who are truly suffering. I would be happy to take in those refugees.

ā€˜A Romanticizationā€™ of Race
I asked Spencer about his favorite presidents. Reagan? ā€œI do not think he was a great president.ā€ Lincoln: Spencer blamed him for starting ā€œan unnecessary warā€ instead of negotiating a solution with the slave-owners. Spencer wasnā€™t too hot on Washington, either. Who, then, were his favorites? ā€œThereā€™s something about Jackson,ā€ he said, ā€œThereā€™s something about Polk, who took something from Mexico and made it ours.ā€ I pointed out to him that they were both Democrats.

Finally I asked Spencer about the movie, ā€œBirth of a Nation.ā€

Me: Have you seen it?

Spencer: Yes, I have.

Me: What did you think of it?

Spencer: Itā€™s an amazing film, one of the most important films ever made.

Me: Leaving aside its technical merits, the notion that the sex-crazed blacks are taking over the country and the Ku Klux Klan was a redemptive movement of white identity to clean the place upā€”you agree with that?
Spencer: It was a romanticization of the first Klan in response to Republican Reconstruction. Itā€™s an idealized vision that paints in really broad strokes.

Me: But itā€™s your music.

Spencer: Sure. It appealed to many, Americans including presidents.

Woodrow Wilsonā€™s Heir
As I interviewed Spencer, I kept saying to myself, obviously this guy is not a conservative, but what is he? Heā€™s not a progressive in the contemporary sense, either. And yet his ideas are so familiar. Only toward the end of the interview did it hit me. Spencerā€™s views are virtually identical to those of the progressive racists of the Woodrow Wilson era. He even dresses the part. Basically, the guy is a relic.

In a purely logical sense, Spencer should be a progressive Democrat. Progressive Democrats invented the ideology he espouses, and even today the Democratic Party is the party of ethnic identity politics. Spencerā€™s problem, however, is that the Democrats mobilize black, Latino and Asian identity politics against that of whites. Since whites are now the all-round bad guy, Spencerā€™s brand of progressivism is no longer welcome at the multicultural picnic.

Thus Spencer, a man without a party, turns to Donald Trump. Now, there is very little on which Spencer and Trump actually agree. Trump is a flag-waving patriot who cherishes the American Founders; Spencer isnā€™t and doesnā€™t. Trump believes our rights come from God; Spencer is an atheist. Trump wants to keep illegals out so legal immigrants and other American citizensā€”whether white, black or brownā€”can thrive. Spencer wants more white immigrants, fewer if any black and brown ones. In sum, Trump is generally ā€œconservativeā€ in his ideology and Spencer is clearly not.
Spencerā€™s sick beliefs are the heart and soul of the Trump movement. He is one of yours; you agree with him, you lobby for his support, you defend him publicly and privately.

No, moron, they are not. Spencer is a white racist without a political party. The Republicans do not want him, the democrats don't like their racism that out in the open...... The only time Trump became a racist is when he decided to run for should ask Oprah if Trump was a racist when he was on her show over and over doofus.
Richard Spencer is not right wing. He is a white supremacist, but he is a left wing progressive.....

Richard Spencer, Wilsonian Progressive - American Greatness

My real interest was to find out what Spencer really believed, with a view to figuring out where he really belongs on the political spectrum. I asked him whether he sought to conserve the principles of the American Founding. He responded, ā€œIā€™ve been critical of the American founding throughout my career.ā€ The whole concept of individual rights, he said, was ā€œproblematic.ā€

Me: So, all men are created equal. True or false?

Spencer: False, obviously.

Me: The idea that we have a right to life, true or false?

Spencer: I donā€™t think we have rights to really anything.

I asked Spencer about his advocacy of a concept called the white ethno-state.

Me: What I take you to be saying is that the white ethno-state would have a powerful state at the center of it.

Spencer: No question.

Me: But this notion of limited government . . . As you know, the founders saw the government as the enemy of our rights.

Spencer: No individual has a right outside of a collective community. You have rights, not eternally or given by God, or by nature.

Me: Who gives them to us?

Spencer: Ultimately the state gives those right to you. The state is the source of rights, not the individual.

Me: Would it be fair to say you are not just against illegal immigration but immigration, period?

Spencer: Iā€™m definitely against illegal immigration. Thatā€™s an easy one. Iā€™m against replacement immigration in the sense that Iā€™m against immigration coming in from the Third World that is ultimately going to change the ethnic and cultural constitution of the United States. I wouldnā€™t say Iā€™m against immigration in itself. I would actually be happy to open the door to white South Africans among many who are truly suffering. I would be happy to take in those refugees.

ā€˜A Romanticizationā€™ of Race
I asked Spencer about his favorite presidents. Reagan? ā€œI do not think he was a great president.ā€ Lincoln: Spencer blamed him for starting ā€œan unnecessary warā€ instead of negotiating a solution with the slave-owners. Spencer wasnā€™t too hot on Washington, either. Who, then, were his favorites? ā€œThereā€™s something about Jackson,ā€ he said, ā€œThereā€™s something about Polk, who took something from Mexico and made it ours.ā€ I pointed out to him that they were both Democrats.

Finally I asked Spencer about the movie, ā€œBirth of a Nation.ā€

Me: Have you seen it?

Spencer: Yes, I have.

Me: What did you think of it?

Spencer: Itā€™s an amazing film, one of the most important films ever made.

Me: Leaving aside its technical merits, the notion that the sex-crazed blacks are taking over the country and the Ku Klux Klan was a redemptive movement of white identity to clean the place upā€”you agree with that?
Spencer: It was a romanticization of the first Klan in response to Republican Reconstruction. Itā€™s an idealized vision that paints in really broad strokes.

Me: But itā€™s your music.

Spencer: Sure. It appealed to many, Americans including presidents.

Woodrow Wilsonā€™s Heir
As I interviewed Spencer, I kept saying to myself, obviously this guy is not a conservative, but what is he? Heā€™s not a progressive in the contemporary sense, either. And yet his ideas are so familiar. Only toward the end of the interview did it hit me. Spencerā€™s views are virtually identical to those of the progressive racists of the Woodrow Wilson era. He even dresses the part. Basically, the guy is a relic.

In a purely logical sense, Spencer should be a progressive Democrat. Progressive Democrats invented the ideology he espouses, and even today the Democratic Party is the party of ethnic identity politics. Spencerā€™s problem, however, is that the Democrats mobilize black, Latino and Asian identity politics against that of whites. Since whites are now the all-round bad guy, Spencerā€™s brand of progressivism is no longer welcome at the multicultural picnic.

Thus Spencer, a man without a party, turns to Donald Trump. Now, there is very little on which Spencer and Trump actually agree. Trump is a flag-waving patriot who cherishes the American Founders; Spencer isnā€™t and doesnā€™t. Trump believes our rights come from God; Spencer is an atheist. Trump wants to keep illegals out so legal immigrants and other American citizensā€”whether white, black or brownā€”can thrive. Spencer wants more white immigrants, fewer if any black and brown ones. In sum, Trump is generally ā€œconservativeā€ in his ideology and Spencer is clearly not.
Spencerā€™s sick beliefs are the heart and soul of the Trump movement. He is one of yours; you agree with him, you lobby for his support, you defend him publicly and privately.

No, moron, they are not. Spencer is a white racist without a political party. The Republicans do not want him, the democrats don't like their racism that out in the open...... The only time Trump became a racist is when he decided to run for should ask Oprah if Trump was a racist when he was on her show over and over doofus.
He is part of your movement. Republicans absolutely do want him. You need him.
Richard Spencer is not right wing. He is a white supremacist, but he is a left wing progressive.....

Richard Spencer, Wilsonian Progressive - American Greatness

My real interest was to find out what Spencer really believed, with a view to figuring out where he really belongs on the political spectrum. I asked him whether he sought to conserve the principles of the American Founding. He responded, ā€œIā€™ve been critical of the American founding throughout my career.ā€ The whole concept of individual rights, he said, was ā€œproblematic.ā€

Me: So, all men are created equal. True or false?

Spencer: False, obviously.

Me: The idea that we have a right to life, true or false?

Spencer: I donā€™t think we have rights to really anything.

I asked Spencer about his advocacy of a concept called the white ethno-state.

Me: What I take you to be saying is that the white ethno-state would have a powerful state at the center of it.

Spencer: No question.

Me: But this notion of limited government . . . As you know, the founders saw the government as the enemy of our rights.

Spencer: No individual has a right outside of a collective community. You have rights, not eternally or given by God, or by nature.

Me: Who gives them to us?

Spencer: Ultimately the state gives those right to you. The state is the source of rights, not the individual.

Me: Would it be fair to say you are not just against illegal immigration but immigration, period?

Spencer: Iā€™m definitely against illegal immigration. Thatā€™s an easy one. Iā€™m against replacement immigration in the sense that Iā€™m against immigration coming in from the Third World that is ultimately going to change the ethnic and cultural constitution of the United States. I wouldnā€™t say Iā€™m against immigration in itself. I would actually be happy to open the door to white South Africans among many who are truly suffering. I would be happy to take in those refugees.

ā€˜A Romanticizationā€™ of Race
I asked Spencer about his favorite presidents. Reagan? ā€œI do not think he was a great president.ā€ Lincoln: Spencer blamed him for starting ā€œan unnecessary warā€ instead of negotiating a solution with the slave-owners. Spencer wasnā€™t too hot on Washington, either. Who, then, were his favorites? ā€œThereā€™s something about Jackson,ā€ he said, ā€œThereā€™s something about Polk, who took something from Mexico and made it ours.ā€ I pointed out to him that they were both Democrats.

Finally I asked Spencer about the movie, ā€œBirth of a Nation.ā€

Me: Have you seen it?

Spencer: Yes, I have.

Me: What did you think of it?

Spencer: Itā€™s an amazing film, one of the most important films ever made.

Me: Leaving aside its technical merits, the notion that the sex-crazed blacks are taking over the country and the Ku Klux Klan was a redemptive movement of white identity to clean the place upā€”you agree with that?
Spencer: It was a romanticization of the first Klan in response to Republican Reconstruction. Itā€™s an idealized vision that paints in really broad strokes.

Me: But itā€™s your music.

Spencer: Sure. It appealed to many, Americans including presidents.

Woodrow Wilsonā€™s Heir
As I interviewed Spencer, I kept saying to myself, obviously this guy is not a conservative, but what is he? Heā€™s not a progressive in the contemporary sense, either. And yet his ideas are so familiar. Only toward the end of the interview did it hit me. Spencerā€™s views are virtually identical to those of the progressive racists of the Woodrow Wilson era. He even dresses the part. Basically, the guy is a relic.

In a purely logical sense, Spencer should be a progressive Democrat. Progressive Democrats invented the ideology he espouses, and even today the Democratic Party is the party of ethnic identity politics. Spencerā€™s problem, however, is that the Democrats mobilize black, Latino and Asian identity politics against that of whites. Since whites are now the all-round bad guy, Spencerā€™s brand of progressivism is no longer welcome at the multicultural picnic.

Thus Spencer, a man without a party, turns to Donald Trump. Now, there is very little on which Spencer and Trump actually agree. Trump is a flag-waving patriot who cherishes the American Founders; Spencer isnā€™t and doesnā€™t. Trump believes our rights come from God; Spencer is an atheist. Trump wants to keep illegals out so legal immigrants and other American citizensā€”whether white, black or brownā€”can thrive. Spencer wants more white immigrants, fewer if any black and brown ones. In sum, Trump is generally ā€œconservativeā€ in his ideology and Spencer is clearly not.
Spencerā€™s sick beliefs are the heart and soul of the Trump movement. He is one of yours; you agree with him, you lobby for his support, you defend him publicly and privately.

No, moron, they are not. Spencer is a white racist without a political party. The Republicans do not want him, the democrats don't like their racism that out in the open...... The only time Trump became a racist is when he decided to run for should ask Oprah if Trump was a racist when he was on her show over and over doofus.
He is part of your movement. Republicans absolutely do want him. You need him.

Look.... you better get out off of your parent's computer before they ground you....when you get a little older, then maybe they will let you use it......
Richard Spencer is not right wing. He is a white supremacist, but he is a left wing progressive.....

Richard Spencer, Wilsonian Progressive - American Greatness

My real interest was to find out what Spencer really believed, with a view to figuring out where he really belongs on the political spectrum. I asked him whether he sought to conserve the principles of the American Founding. He responded, ā€œIā€™ve been critical of the American founding throughout my career.ā€ The whole concept of individual rights, he said, was ā€œproblematic.ā€

Me: So, all men are created equal. True or false?

Spencer: False, obviously.

Me: The idea that we have a right to life, true or false?

Spencer: I donā€™t think we have rights to really anything.

I asked Spencer about his advocacy of a concept called the white ethno-state.

Me: What I take you to be saying is that the white ethno-state would have a powerful state at the center of it.

Spencer: No question.

Me: But this notion of limited government . . . As you know, the founders saw the government as the enemy of our rights.

Spencer: No individual has a right outside of a collective community. You have rights, not eternally or given by God, or by nature.

Me: Who gives them to us?

Spencer: Ultimately the state gives those right to you. The state is the source of rights, not the individual.

Me: Would it be fair to say you are not just against illegal immigration but immigration, period?

Spencer: Iā€™m definitely against illegal immigration. Thatā€™s an easy one. Iā€™m against replacement immigration in the sense that Iā€™m against immigration coming in from the Third World that is ultimately going to change the ethnic and cultural constitution of the United States. I wouldnā€™t say Iā€™m against immigration in itself. I would actually be happy to open the door to white South Africans among many who are truly suffering. I would be happy to take in those refugees.

ā€˜A Romanticizationā€™ of Race
I asked Spencer about his favorite presidents. Reagan? ā€œI do not think he was a great president.ā€ Lincoln: Spencer blamed him for starting ā€œan unnecessary warā€ instead of negotiating a solution with the slave-owners. Spencer wasnā€™t too hot on Washington, either. Who, then, were his favorites? ā€œThereā€™s something about Jackson,ā€ he said, ā€œThereā€™s something about Polk, who took something from Mexico and made it ours.ā€ I pointed out to him that they were both Democrats.

Finally I asked Spencer about the movie, ā€œBirth of a Nation.ā€

Me: Have you seen it?

Spencer: Yes, I have.

Me: What did you think of it?

Spencer: Itā€™s an amazing film, one of the most important films ever made.

Me: Leaving aside its technical merits, the notion that the sex-crazed blacks are taking over the country and the Ku Klux Klan was a redemptive movement of white identity to clean the place upā€”you agree with that?
Spencer: It was a romanticization of the first Klan in response to Republican Reconstruction. Itā€™s an idealized vision that paints in really broad strokes.

Me: But itā€™s your music.

Spencer: Sure. It appealed to many, Americans including presidents.

Woodrow Wilsonā€™s Heir
As I interviewed Spencer, I kept saying to myself, obviously this guy is not a conservative, but what is he? Heā€™s not a progressive in the contemporary sense, either. And yet his ideas are so familiar. Only toward the end of the interview did it hit me. Spencerā€™s views are virtually identical to those of the progressive racists of the Woodrow Wilson era. He even dresses the part. Basically, the guy is a relic.

In a purely logical sense, Spencer should be a progressive Democrat. Progressive Democrats invented the ideology he espouses, and even today the Democratic Party is the party of ethnic identity politics. Spencerā€™s problem, however, is that the Democrats mobilize black, Latino and Asian identity politics against that of whites. Since whites are now the all-round bad guy, Spencerā€™s brand of progressivism is no longer welcome at the multicultural picnic.

Thus Spencer, a man without a party, turns to Donald Trump. Now, there is very little on which Spencer and Trump actually agree. Trump is a flag-waving patriot who cherishes the American Founders; Spencer isnā€™t and doesnā€™t. Trump believes our rights come from God; Spencer is an atheist. Trump wants to keep illegals out so legal immigrants and other American citizensā€”whether white, black or brownā€”can thrive. Spencer wants more white immigrants, fewer if any black and brown ones. In sum, Trump is generally ā€œconservativeā€ in his ideology and Spencer is clearly not.
Spencerā€™s sick beliefs are the heart and soul of the Trump movement. He is one of yours; you agree with him, you lobby for his support, you defend him publicly and privately.

No, moron, they are not. Spencer is a white racist without a political party. The Republicans do not want him, the democrats don't like their racism that out in the open...... The only time Trump became a racist is when he decided to run for should ask Oprah if Trump was a racist when he was on her show over and over doofus.
He is part of your movement. Republicans absolutely do want him. You need him.

Look.... you better get out off of your parent's computer before they ground you....when you get a little older, then maybe they will let you use it......
Wow that so unbelievably weak :rolleyes:

At least you backed down from your pathetic argument. You're counting on Spencer and his ilkā€™s vote in November, after all.
Spencer coined and organized the "alt-right", a coming together of neo nazis, white nationalists, the kkk, and other far right groups for trump. He is the farthest thing from a "leftist", and such a big supporter of trump he proclaimed heil trump with a nazi salute. His gathering of far right terrorists in Charlottesville included the death of a "leftist" in a cowardly attack by car, beatings, marches with torches, and chants of Jews will not replace us.

Facts that no amount of spin or propaganda will erase.
Richard Spencer is not right wing. He is a white supremacist, but he is a left wing progressive.....

Richard Spencer, Wilsonian Progressive - American Greatness

My real interest was to find out what Spencer really believed, with a view to figuring out where he really belongs on the political spectrum. I asked him whether he sought to conserve the principles of the American Founding. He responded, ā€œIā€™ve been critical of the American founding throughout my career.ā€ The whole concept of individual rights, he said, was ā€œproblematic.ā€

Me: So, all men are created equal. True or false?

Spencer: False, obviously.

Me: The idea that we have a right to life, true or false?

Spencer: I donā€™t think we have rights to really anything.

I asked Spencer about his advocacy of a concept called the white ethno-state.

Me: What I take you to be saying is that the white ethno-state would have a powerful state at the center of it.

Spencer: No question.

Me: But this notion of limited government . . . As you know, the founders saw the government as the enemy of our rights.

Spencer: No individual has a right outside of a collective community. You have rights, not eternally or given by God, or by nature.

Me: Who gives them to us?

Spencer: Ultimately the state gives those right to you. The state is the source of rights, not the individual.

Me: Would it be fair to say you are not just against illegal immigration but immigration, period?

Spencer: Iā€™m definitely against illegal immigration. Thatā€™s an easy one. Iā€™m against replacement immigration in the sense that Iā€™m against immigration coming in from the Third World that is ultimately going to change the ethnic and cultural constitution of the United States. I wouldnā€™t say Iā€™m against immigration in itself. I would actually be happy to open the door to white South Africans among many who are truly suffering. I would be happy to take in those refugees.

ā€˜A Romanticizationā€™ of Race
I asked Spencer about his favorite presidents. Reagan? ā€œI do not think he was a great president.ā€ Lincoln: Spencer blamed him for starting ā€œan unnecessary warā€ instead of negotiating a solution with the slave-owners. Spencer wasnā€™t too hot on Washington, either. Who, then, were his favorites? ā€œThereā€™s something about Jackson,ā€ he said, ā€œThereā€™s something about Polk, who took something from Mexico and made it ours.ā€ I pointed out to him that they were both Democrats.

Finally I asked Spencer about the movie, ā€œBirth of a Nation.ā€

Me: Have you seen it?

Spencer: Yes, I have.

Me: What did you think of it?

Spencer: Itā€™s an amazing film, one of the most important films ever made.

Me: Leaving aside its technical merits, the notion that the sex-crazed blacks are taking over the country and the Ku Klux Klan was a redemptive movement of white identity to clean the place upā€”you agree with that?
Spencer: It was a romanticization of the first Klan in response to Republican Reconstruction. Itā€™s an idealized vision that paints in really broad strokes.

Me: But itā€™s your music.

Spencer: Sure. It appealed to many, Americans including presidents.

Woodrow Wilsonā€™s Heir
As I interviewed Spencer, I kept saying to myself, obviously this guy is not a conservative, but what is he? Heā€™s not a progressive in the contemporary sense, either. And yet his ideas are so familiar. Only toward the end of the interview did it hit me. Spencerā€™s views are virtually identical to those of the progressive racists of the Woodrow Wilson era. He even dresses the part. Basically, the guy is a relic.

In a purely logical sense, Spencer should be a progressive Democrat. Progressive Democrats invented the ideology he espouses, and even today the Democratic Party is the party of ethnic identity politics. Spencerā€™s problem, however, is that the Democrats mobilize black, Latino and Asian identity politics against that of whites. Since whites are now the all-round bad guy, Spencerā€™s brand of progressivism is no longer welcome at the multicultural picnic.

Thus Spencer, a man without a party, turns to Donald Trump. Now, there is very little on which Spencer and Trump actually agree. Trump is a flag-waving patriot who cherishes the American Founders; Spencer isnā€™t and doesnā€™t. Trump believes our rights come from God; Spencer is an atheist. Trump wants to keep illegals out so legal immigrants and other American citizensā€”whether white, black or brownā€”can thrive. Spencer wants more white immigrants, fewer if any black and brown ones. In sum, Trump is generally ā€œconservativeā€ in his ideology and Spencer is clearly not.
Spencerā€™s sick beliefs are the heart and soul of the Trump movement. He is one of yours; you agree with him, you lobby for his support, you defend him publicly and privately.

No, moron, they are not. Spencer is a white racist without a political party. The Republicans do not want him, the democrats don't like their racism that out in the open...... The only time Trump became a racist is when he decided to run for should ask Oprah if Trump was a racist when he was on her show over and over doofus.
He is part of your movement. Republicans absolutely do want him. You need him.

Look.... you better get out off of your parent's computer before they ground you....when you get a little older, then maybe they will let you use it......
Wow that so unbelievably weak :rolleyes:

At least you backed down from your pathetic argument. You're counting on Spencer and his ilkā€™s vote in November, after all.

Spencer agrees with you, you moron.....his beliefs reflect yours, not ours. The only reason he doesn't vote for you asshats is that you pretend not to like white racists, even though your party is full of them. Racism is the core belief of your party...from slave, the klan to jim crow to today's hell hole democrat controlled cities where minorities are suffering.... you own the racism.
Spencer coined and organized the "alt-right", a coming together of neo nazis, white nationalists, the kkk, and other far right groups for trump. He is the farthest thing from a "leftist", and such a big supporter of trump he proclaimed heil trump with a nazi salute. His gathering of far right terrorists in Charlottesville included the death of a "leftist" in a cowardly attack by car, beatings, marches with torches, and chants of Jews will not replace us.

Facts that no amount of spin or propaganda will erase.

Moron, as D'nesh points out, it was an obama supporter who organized the Charlottesville march... you dipstick.

Inside Jason Kesslerā€™s hate-fueled rise

Jason Kessler needed a friendly media outlet to vent and portray himself as a victim. So he dialed Stormfront Action, a white-nationalist online radio show.

He wanted to promote Sundayā€™s ā€œUnite the Right 2ā€ rally across from the White House, the sequel to last yearā€™s deadly demonstration in Charlottesville.

During the hour-long interview last month, he unloaded a litany of hate-fueled grievances: The police in Charlottesville, he said, ā€œscrewedā€ him and other white nationalists last year. The media has turned him into ā€œDamian, the son of Lucifer.ā€ White people are ā€œup against a wall.ā€ Jews, he charged, ā€œcontrol the currencyā€ and are ā€œover-represented in Congress and the Supreme Court.ā€

Kessler didnā€™t seem destined for a career in uniting the right.

A decade ago, he worked the phones at night for Secrest Strategic Services, the now-defunct Democratic polling outfit. He voted for Barack Obama in 2008. He spent time at the Occupy Wall Street encampment in Charlottesville in 2011, until he was kicked out for trying to register homeless people, according to Luis Oyola, a fellow Occupy activist. He lived for a time in government-subsidized housing in Charlottesville with a roommate who was African and Muslim, according to a public Facebook post written by a former college friend, Jenny Rebecca.
Spencerā€™s sick beliefs are the heart and soul of the Trump movement. He is one of yours; you agree with him, you lobby for his support, you defend him publicly and privately.

No, moron, they are not. Spencer is a white racist without a political party. The Republicans do not want him, the democrats don't like their racism that out in the open...... The only time Trump became a racist is when he decided to run for should ask Oprah if Trump was a racist when he was on her show over and over doofus.
He is part of your movement. Republicans absolutely do want him. You need him.

Look.... you better get out off of your parent's computer before they ground you....when you get a little older, then maybe they will let you use it......
Wow that so unbelievably weak :rolleyes:

At least you backed down from your pathetic argument. You're counting on Spencer and his ilkā€™s vote in November, after all.

Spencer agrees with you, you moron.....his beliefs reflect yours, not ours. The only reason he doesn't vote for you asshats is that you pretend not to like white racists, even though your party is full of them. Racism is the core belief of your party...from slave, the klan to jim crow to today's hell hole democrat controlled cities where minorities are suffering.... you own the racism.
He is a frontline soldier in your movement. Like you, Trump would still have Spencerā€™s vote after shooting people in the middle of 5th Avenue.
Spencer coined and organized the "alt-right", a coming together of neo nazis, white nationalists, the kkk, and other far right groups for trump. He is the farthest thing from a "leftist", and such a big supporter of trump he proclaimed heil trump with a nazi salute. His gathering of far right terrorists in Charlottesville included the death of a "leftist" in a cowardly attack by car, beatings, marches with torches, and chants of Jews will not replace us.

Facts that no amount of spin or propaganda will erase.

Moron, as D'nesh points out, it was an obama supporter who organized the Charlottesville march... you dipstick.

Inside Jason Kesslerā€™s hate-fueled rise

Jason Kessler needed a friendly media outlet to vent and portray himself as a victim. So he dialed Stormfront Action, a white-nationalist online radio show.

He wanted to promote Sundayā€™s ā€œUnite the Right 2ā€ rally across from the White House, the sequel to last yearā€™s deadly demonstration in Charlottesville.

During the hour-long interview last month, he unloaded a litany of hate-fueled grievances: The police in Charlottesville, he said, ā€œscrewedā€ him and other white nationalists last year. The media has turned him into ā€œDamian, the son of Lucifer.ā€ White people are ā€œup against a wall.ā€ Jews, he charged, ā€œcontrol the currencyā€ and are ā€œover-represented in Congress and the Supreme Court.ā€

Kessler didnā€™t seem destined for a career in uniting the right.

A decade ago, he worked the phones at night for Secrest Strategic Services, the now-defunct Democratic polling outfit. He voted for Barack Obama in 2008. He spent time at the Occupy Wall Street encampment in Charlottesville in 2011, until he was kicked out for trying to register homeless people, according to Luis Oyola, a fellow Occupy activist. He lived for a time in government-subsidized housing in Charlottesville with a roommate who was African and Muslim, according to a public Facebook post written by a former college friend, Jenny Rebecca.

Yes a decade ago. He became an alt-right scumbag. Trump was a Democrat once, is he now?
Spencer coined and organized the "alt-right", a coming together of neo nazis, white nationalists, the kkk, and other far right groups for trump. He is the farthest thing from a "leftist", and such a big supporter of trump he proclaimed heil trump with a nazi salute. His gathering of far right terrorists in Charlottesville included the death of a "leftist" in a cowardly attack by car, beatings, marches with torches, and chants of Jews will not replace us.

Facts that no amount of spin or propaganda will erase.

Moron, as D'nesh points out, it was an obama supporter who organized the Charlottesville march... you dipstick.

Inside Jason Kesslerā€™s hate-fueled rise

Jason Kessler needed a friendly media outlet to vent and portray himself as a victim. So he dialed Stormfront Action, a white-nationalist online radio show.

He wanted to promote Sundayā€™s ā€œUnite the Right 2ā€ rally across from the White House, the sequel to last yearā€™s deadly demonstration in Charlottesville.

During the hour-long interview last month, he unloaded a litany of hate-fueled grievances: The police in Charlottesville, he said, ā€œscrewedā€ him and other white nationalists last year. The media has turned him into ā€œDamian, the son of Lucifer.ā€ White people are ā€œup against a wall.ā€ Jews, he charged, ā€œcontrol the currencyā€ and are ā€œover-represented in Congress and the Supreme Court.ā€

Kessler didnā€™t seem destined for a career in uniting the right.

A decade ago, he worked the phones at night for Secrest Strategic Services, the now-defunct Democratic polling outfit. He voted for Barack Obama in 2008. He spent time at the Occupy Wall Street encampment in Charlottesville in 2011, until he was kicked out for trying to register homeless people, according to Luis Oyola, a fellow Occupy activist. He lived for a time in government-subsidized housing in Charlottesville with a roommate who was African and Muslim, according to a public Facebook post written by a former college friend, Jenny Rebecca.

Yes a decade ago. He became an alt-right scumbag. Trump was a Democrat once, is he now?

An obama supporter organized a white supremacist, I wonder why he did that. They worked to create a situation in Charlottesville and they got their payoff, a dead woman....good for you guys.....
Spencer coined and organized the "alt-right", a coming together of neo nazis, white nationalists, the kkk, and other far right groups for trump. He is the farthest thing from a "leftist", and such a big supporter of trump he proclaimed heil trump with a nazi salute. His gathering of far right terrorists in Charlottesville included the death of a "leftist" in a cowardly attack by car, beatings, marches with torches, and chants of Jews will not replace us.

Facts that no amount of spin or propaganda will erase.

Moron, as D'nesh points out, it was an obama supporter who organized the Charlottesville march... you dipstick.

Inside Jason Kesslerā€™s hate-fueled rise

Jason Kessler needed a friendly media outlet to vent and portray himself as a victim. So he dialed Stormfront Action, a white-nationalist online radio show.

He wanted to promote Sundayā€™s ā€œUnite the Right 2ā€ rally across from the White House, the sequel to last yearā€™s deadly demonstration in Charlottesville.

During the hour-long interview last month, he unloaded a litany of hate-fueled grievances: The police in Charlottesville, he said, ā€œscrewedā€ him and other white nationalists last year. The media has turned him into ā€œDamian, the son of Lucifer.ā€ White people are ā€œup against a wall.ā€ Jews, he charged, ā€œcontrol the currencyā€ and are ā€œover-represented in Congress and the Supreme Court.ā€

Kessler didnā€™t seem destined for a career in uniting the right.

A decade ago, he worked the phones at night for Secrest Strategic Services, the now-defunct Democratic polling outfit. He voted for Barack Obama in 2008. He spent time at the Occupy Wall Street encampment in Charlottesville in 2011, until he was kicked out for trying to register homeless people, according to Luis Oyola, a fellow Occupy activist. He lived for a time in government-subsidized housing in Charlottesville with a roommate who was African and Muslim, according to a public Facebook post written by a former college friend, Jenny Rebecca.

Yes a decade ago. He became an alt-right scumbag. Trump was a Democrat once, is he now?

An obama supporter organized a white supremacist, I wonder why he did that. They worked to create a situation in Charlottesville and they got their payoff, a dead woman....good for you guys.....
Get with the current day bud. Spencer isn't an Obama supporter and trump isn't a Democrat. Rightist conspiracy theories and revisionist propaganda doesn't change the facts.
Spencer coined and organized the "alt-right", a coming together of neo nazis, white nationalists, the kkk, and other far right groups for trump. He is the farthest thing from a "leftist", and such a big supporter of trump he proclaimed heil trump with a nazi salute. His gathering of far right terrorists in Charlottesville included the death of a "leftist" in a cowardly attack by car, beatings, marches with torches, and chants of Jews will not replace us.

Facts that no amount of spin or propaganda will erase.

Moron, as D'nesh points out, it was an obama supporter who organized the Charlottesville march... you dipstick.

Inside Jason Kesslerā€™s hate-fueled rise

Jason Kessler needed a friendly media outlet to vent and portray himself as a victim. So he dialed Stormfront Action, a white-nationalist online radio show.

He wanted to promote Sundayā€™s ā€œUnite the Right 2ā€ rally across from the White House, the sequel to last yearā€™s deadly demonstration in Charlottesville.

During the hour-long interview last month, he unloaded a litany of hate-fueled grievances: The police in Charlottesville, he said, ā€œscrewedā€ him and other white nationalists last year. The media has turned him into ā€œDamian, the son of Lucifer.ā€ White people are ā€œup against a wall.ā€ Jews, he charged, ā€œcontrol the currencyā€ and are ā€œover-represented in Congress and the Supreme Court.ā€

Kessler didnā€™t seem destined for a career in uniting the right.

A decade ago, he worked the phones at night for Secrest Strategic Services, the now-defunct Democratic polling outfit. He voted for Barack Obama in 2008. He spent time at the Occupy Wall Street encampment in Charlottesville in 2011, until he was kicked out for trying to register homeless people, according to Luis Oyola, a fellow Occupy activist. He lived for a time in government-subsidized housing in Charlottesville with a roommate who was African and Muslim, according to a public Facebook post written by a former college friend, Jenny Rebecca.

Yes a decade ago. He became an alt-right scumbag. Trump was a Democrat once, is he now?

An obama supporter organized a white supremacist, I wonder why he did that. They worked to create a situation in Charlottesville and they got their payoff, a dead woman....good for you guys.....

You are a complete idiot and that's why you repeatedly make an ass out of yourself.
Richard B. Spencer - Wikipedia
Pro-Lifers Should Stay Away from the Alt-Right
Richard Spencer Was My High-School Classmate

Oh and Dinesh Dā€™Souza is the Little Trumpster's version of the left's Michael Moore. Both are of the same cloth, they are just polar opposite politically.
And the key point...

Why, then, did Spencer vote for Trump? Why does he consider himself on the right? The simple answer is that Spencer has no place else to go, so he is trying to carve out a niche for himself in the only party where he can find some measure of agreement, however small.

Trump isnā€™t embracing Spencerā€™s agenda; rather, Spencer is embracing Trumpā€™s agenda because his own is politically irrelevant.

Look at it from Spencerā€™s point of view. If youā€™re a white nationalist who wants racial preferences for whites, would you rather go with the Democrats who want racial preferences against whites, or with the Republicans who want racial preferences for no one? Clearly the latter.

To sum up, white nationalism is not ā€œconservativeā€ or Republican, even if some white nationalists end up in the Trump column. Nor is the bigotry of the white nationalistsā€”naked and repulsive as it isā€”the most potent form of racism in America today. The institutionalized racism of the Democratic plantation, anchored in black ghettos, Latino barrios and native reservations, is far, far worse.

You are about half right, your problem being you want to ride the fence aka occupy the middle ground and not comprehend the nature of the threat or the seriousness of that threat to white folks.
And the key point...

Why, then, did Spencer vote for Trump? Why does he consider himself on the right? The simple answer is that Spencer has no place else to go, so he is trying to carve out a niche for himself in the only party where he can find some measure of agreement, however small.

Trump isnā€™t embracing Spencerā€™s agenda; rather, Spencer is embracing Trumpā€™s agenda because his own is politically irrelevant.

Look at it from Spencerā€™s point of view. If youā€™re a white nationalist who wants racial preferences for whites, would you rather go with the Democrats who want racial preferences against whites, or with the Republicans who want racial preferences for no one? Clearly the latter.

To sum up, white nationalism is not ā€œconservativeā€ or Republican, even if some white nationalists end up in the Trump column. Nor is the bigotry of the white nationalistsā€”naked and repulsive as it isā€”the most potent form of racism in America today. The institutionalized racism of the Democratic plantation, anchored in black ghettos, Latino barrios and native reservations, is far, far worse.

You are about half right, your problem being you want to ride the fence aka occupy the middle ground and not comprehend the nature of the threat or the seriousness of that threat to white folks.

Sorry...racism isn't going to solve anything...ending left wing racism will help the country, but you don't end racism by engaging in it.
so what's he really saying
all men are not created equal--what does he really mean by this?
he wants a white only ''state''/country/etc ? why? like [ hahahaha ] Norway?

White supremacists are no different than any other racist..... they should all be ignored, but sadly, the democrat core groups are all racist.

The mistake you and your ilk make is to try and make everything racist as in you have a very broad interpetation of an essentially useless word. You want to use the leftwings rhetoric of racism against them, not understanding it is not a level playing field. When you adopt their terminology you essentially surrender.

What white folks need to understand is that for the survival of not only themselves but of America itself we must take care of our own. There is no nation on earth that has a majority of coloreds that is successful.

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