Rev. Wright revisited? Bring it on


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

FOXNEWS Hannity want to bring back Rev. Wright. I don’t know if Romeny wants them to do that considering the racist teachings of Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon. Joseph Smith was far more racist than Rev. Wright and he has millions of Mormons following his teachings. Rev. Wright did not exclude Whites from his church in any capacity.

The racist scriptures in the Book of Mormon have not been removed and neither have Romney renounced the book and left the church. Obama did.

I don’t know what Joseph Smith was hallucinating on while he was walking through the forest and came upon the gold plates that he only could translate in to the Book of Mormon and no one else saw the plate but him and they mysteriously disappeared after translation.

After reading the “Book of Mormon Reader” written in comic book format, I am more convinced than ever that the Book of Mormons is a book of fairy tales. Beginning with Jesus coming to America after his resurrection. GOD’s word said he went back to heaven were he came from to prepare a place for his disciples.

The biggest lie of Joseph Smith was his racist teachings. He taught that the black race was descendents the Canaanites who were cursed but the black race was descendents of Cush and there was no curse. All Blacks are descendent of Cush. The descendent of the cursed Canaanites were white. Gen. 10;. Descendent of Cush were not black because of a curse.

The racist rants of Joseph Smith is unfounded and the verses should be removed from the Book of Mormons and Romney should lead the removal or he should leave the Mormon church. Unlike the history lessons on racism taught by Rev. Wright. Truth hurts like a MOFO don't it?

“The Races of Mankind” shows the back race far more superior then the white race. Under the same income, education and culture, advantages and other opportunities, blacks surpassed whites. All dark skin races far superior to whites under the same conditions.

And lets not visit Hannity and O’Reilly’s catholic church and it’s centuries of atrocities and molestations of children and Nuns and murder of hundred of aborted babies buried in church court yards of nuns they got pregnant.

Warm Little Pond.

Vatican admits that priests raped nuns. « Warm Little Pond
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Romney made a statement today saying he doesn't want to bring up Wright. After all, everyone knows and some understand what it means when one can listen to him for years and others have opted to chug a little more koolaid and dismiss it.

Romney wants to focus on the economy and unemployment. I bet a few months down the road, Obama will wish that Romney focused on Wright instead because it's the state of the economy that may be his downfall.
Super PAC shelves Obama-Wright ads after outcry,0,6657262.story

The billionaire said to be weighing a proposal to resurrect incendiary comments by President Barack Obama's former pastor shelved the idea Thursday after Obama and Republican presidential challenger Mitt Romney denounced the tactic.

Incredibly wise. Romney distances himself from the far right reactionaries.
We don't need Reverend Wright to convince us that Obama is a liar. That gets confirmed on a daily basis.
Romney made a statement today saying he doesn't want to bring up Wright. After all, everyone knows and some understand what it means when one can listen to him for years and others have opted to chug a little more koolaid and dismiss it.

Romney wants to focus on the economy and unemployment. I bet a few months down the road, Obama will wish that Romney focused on Wright instead because it's the state of the economy that may be his downfall.
What nonsense are you talking about?

Do YOU feel that the Rev. Wright issue should be brought up again? Despite the fact that it was already litigated in the press? Do you think it will work if it did? You think the Wright issue is a good strategy?


"A conservative super PAC is considering an advertising plan to attack President Obama's ties to Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr., his controversial former spiritual adviser, and "do what John McCain would not let us do" during the 2008 presidential campaign.

The Chicago Cubs owner, billionaire Joe Ricketts, commissioned the $10 million plan, know as " The Defeat of Barack Hussein Obama: The Ricketts Plan to End His Spending for Good." The strategy is one of several being considered by the Ending Spending Action Fund super PAC."


Romney made a statement today saying he doesn't want to bring up Wright. After all, everyone knows and some understand what it means when one can listen to him for years and others have opted to chug a little more koolaid and dismiss it.

Romney wants to focus on the economy and unemployment. I bet a few months down the road, Obama will wish that Romney focused on Wright instead because it's the state of the economy that may be his downfall.
What nonsense are you talking about?

Do YOU feel that the Rev. Wright issue should be brought up again?
Despite the fact that it was already litigated in the press? Do you think it will work if it did? You think the Wright issue is a good strategy?

No... and thats not the issue with Rev Wright.
The issue is with the Obama camp, and whether or not they payed Wright to STFU till after 2008 elections.

Rev Wright said that 'one of Obama's closest friends' sent an email to a member of the church saying that he would pay $150,000 for the pastor to shut the Hell up for fear of saying something incendiary behind the pulpit or to the media.

This should be looked into if ya ask me.

Its telling to Obama's character.

I personally believe Wright.
I dont agree with one word the man says, but I dont think he is a liar.
Obama on the other hand has shown he can lie like the best of them.
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Anything connected with Rev. Wright is designed to fan the flames of the Republican reactionary base. It is used to remind those reactionaries that President Obama is a Black man.

Nothing from Wright will convince those informed, moderate voters. Nothing about Wright will dissuade any of the president's supporters.

But it's red meat for the Tea Party/Limbaugh types. No wonder Hannity wants to roll this rusty wagon out of the shed! It means viewership for his Fox News program and listeners for his right wing propaganda radio show.
Obama threw Wright under the bus so he can acquire the presidency, despite the fact that Wright never said anything racist or wrong, he simply criticized America's foreign policy and past racial injustices against blacks, what need is there to bring Wright back up except to smear?
Anything connected with Rev. Wright is designed to fan the flames of the Republican reactionary base. It is used to remind those reactionaries that President Obama is a Black man.

Nothing from Wright will convince those informed, moderate voters. Nothing about Wright will dissuade any of the president's supporters.

But it's red meat for the Tea Party/Limbaugh types. No wonder Hannity wants to roll this rusty wagon out of the shed! It means viewership for his Fox News program and listeners for his right wing propaganda radio show.

By fanning Wright Republitards are trying to do a modified version of the Southern Strategy, the aim is to riled up racial animosity and fear, it failed the first time and will fail again.
Obama threw Wright under the bus so he can acquire the presidency, despite the fact that Wright never said anything racist or wrong, he simply criticized America's foreign policy and past racial injustices against blacks, what need is there to bring Wright back up except to smear?

Its about the character of Obama... not Wright.

We all know what a nut case Wright is.
Wright is old news, plus he's coming out and dumping all over nobody has to use him in ad..
Obama threw Wright under the bus so he can acquire the presidency, despite the fact that Wright never said anything racist or wrong, he simply criticized America's foreign policy and past racial injustices against blacks, what need is there to bring Wright back up except to smear?

Its about the character of Obama... not Wright.

We all know what a nut case Wright is.

Wright isn't a nut case and bringing him up says nothing about Obama, find something else to "attack," that's the problem with politics back at home, extremists on both sides spend too much damn time and money trying to smear rather than addressing issues constructively, personal attacks don't solve a damn thing, its meaningless distractions and like the good old partisans you are you willingly allow yourselves to focus more on that than issues.
Obama threw Wright under the bus so he can acquire the presidency, despite the fact that Wright never said anything racist or wrong, he simply criticized America's foreign policy and past racial injustices against blacks, what need is there to bring Wright back up except to smear?

Its about the character of Obama... not Wright.

We all know what a nut case Wright is.

Wright isn't a nut case and bringing him up says nothing about Obama, find something else to "attack," that's the problem with politics back at home, extremists on both sides spend too much damn time and money trying to smear rather than addressing issues constructively, personal attacks don't solve a damn thing, its meaningless distractions and like the good old partisans you are you willingly allow yourselves to focus more on that than issues.

Yep, Obama has been all about the 'real issues' :wink_2:
Its about the character of Obama... not Wright.

We all know what a nut case Wright is.

Wright isn't a nut case and bringing him up says nothing about Obama, find something else to "attack," that's the problem with politics back at home, extremists on both sides spend too much damn time and money trying to smear rather than addressing issues constructively, personal attacks don't solve a damn thing, its meaningless distractions and like the good old partisans you are you willingly allow yourselves to focus more on that than issues.

Yep, Obama has been all about the 'real issues' :wink_2:
The ONLY issue that matters to OBAMA is...Obama.
Wright isn't a nut case and bringing him up says nothing about Obama, find something else to "attack," that's the problem with politics back at home, extremists on both sides spend too much damn time and money trying to smear rather than addressing issues constructively, personal attacks don't solve a damn thing, its meaningless distractions and like the good old partisans you are you willingly allow yourselves to focus more on that than issues.

Yep, Obama has been all about the 'real issues' :wink_2:
The ONLY issue that matters to OBAMA is...Obama.

Cant argue with that :cool:
Why continue to beat this dead horse? Haven't we stomped around in the garbage long enough?

Its about the character of Obama... not Wright.

We all know what a nut case Wright is.

Wright isn't a nut case and bringing him up says nothing about Obama, find something else to "attack," that's the problem with politics back at home, extremists on both sides spend too much damn time and money trying to smear rather than addressing issues constructively, personal attacks don't solve a damn thing, its meaningless distractions and like the good old partisans you are you willingly allow yourselves to focus more on that than issues.

Yep, Obama has been all about the 'real issues' :wink_2:

By trying to bring up Wright, Ayers, birtherism, and false accusations of Obama being Muslim the GOP and right wingers are focusing on issues, :rolleyes:
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