Republicans won’t be satisfied with overturning Roe

For you to be a Democrat nowadays, you must believe that women have the right to kill an unborn fetus up to the day it’s born, and sometimes even after.
“Republican senators are giving us a glimpse of the culture war clashes to come. There are already warning signs — including the Texas directive that prohibits parents from legally providing gender-affirming treatment and therapies to their children, as well as various state officials’ questioning whether the Constitution sanctions contraceptive use. Indeed, some Republican senators have gestured toward these future conflicts. In his questions to Jackson, Sen. John Cornyn (R-Tex.) repeatedly sought her views of Obergefell v. Hodges, the court’s 2015 decision legalizing same-sex marriage, pressing her as to whether the decision was properly decided. Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) took her turn at the microphone to criticize Griswold v. Connecticut, the 1965 case that legalized contraception use. It’s not a stretch to imagine this revisionism extending to Loving v. Virginia, the ruling that legalized interracial marriage. A Republican senator recently said he was open to overturning that ruling. He later walked back his comments.

All this underscores that abortion was never the conservatives’ endgame. It is merely a way station on the path to rolling back a wide range of rights — the rights that scaffold the most intimate aspects of our lives and protect the liberty and equality of marginalized groups.”

Republicans’ assault on citizens’ rights and protected liberties has just begun.
They would repeal the right of women and blacks to vote if they could. They are that much over the edge of Fascism.
They would repeal the right of women and blacks to vote if they could. They are that much over the edge of Fascism.
Stop your damned lying already. If you or whoever is living a law abiding decent existence in America, then no one is going to challenge or stop that, but if you are living an existence that hurts other's, and you are breaking the law's or even hurting yourself, then some sort of intervention will eventually come. That's the way it's always been you crazy troll.
nope, I stated it accurately. Deal with reality or go away and stop wasting posting space.
Bullshit. I might be taking up space on this board, but you are wasting space on this planet and sucking up oxygen that you dont deserve

Not getting vaccinated means that you are contributing to the spread of Covid and providing a medium for the development of varients

And it makes it unlikely that you would become seriously ill and hospitalized which puts enormous pressure onthe health care system and takes resources away from others who need it.

So not getting vaxxed is selfish and stupid!

And an abortion before fetal viability is not taking a life but not getting vaxxed might well be.
Bullshit. I might be taking up space on this board, but you are wasting space on this planet and sucking up oxygen that you dont deserve

Not getting vaccinated means that you are contributing to the spread of Covid and providing a medium for the development of varients

And it makes it unlikely that you would become seriously ill and hospitalized which puts enormous pressure onthe health care system and takes resources away from others who need it.

So not getting vaxxed is selfish and stupid!

And an abortion before fetal viability is not taking a life but not getting vaxxed might well be.
Oh good grief, here we go with the vaxxed verses the unvaxed again. Get a flipping life boy, and quit trying to run everyone else's for your own selfish wants and bull crap.
‘Abortion has long been a political bonanza for conservative politics and they are not going to want to give it up. If Roe is overturned there will immediately be a push to ban abortion nationally through some sort of "fetal personhood" doctrine and there will be attempts to cripple scientific advances by banning stem cell research, eliminating access to abortion medications and certain forms of birth control. Any states that might have exceptions for rape and incest will be challenged, restrictions on travel and laws against crossing state lines to obtain an abortion will be enacted. And at some point, they will have to consider punishment for women who obtain illegal abortions because that's where this inevitably leads. (Even Donald Trump instinctively understood that before they instructed him how to lie about it for general consumption.) The right has been organized around this issue for 40 years. If Roe is overturned, they will have to keep upping the ante to keep those grassroots activists engaged.’

Good. Abortion is murder.
Bullshit. I might be taking up space on this board, but you are wasting space on this planet and sucking up oxygen that you dont deserve

Not getting vaccinated means that you are contributing to the spread of Covid and providing a medium for the development of varients

And it makes it unlikely that you would become seriously ill and hospitalized which puts enormous pressure onthe health care system and takes resources away from others who need it.

So not getting vaxxed is selfish and stupid!

And an abortion before fetal viability is not taking a life but not getting vaxxed might well be.
Vaxxed folks can spread COVID. The VAX only gives some protection against a serious outcome.
They would repeal the right of women and blacks to vote if they could. They are that much over the edge of Fascism.

Or more precisely, conservatives would seek to overturn the case law that protects the right to vote, allowing the states to prohibit Americans of color from voting, concealed behind the façade of “states’ rights” – just as they’ve done with the right to privacy when Roe was overturned.

Or more precisely, conservatives would seek to overturn the case law that protects the right to vote, allowing the states to prohibit Americans of color from voting, concealed behind the façade of “states’ rights” – just as they’ve done with the right to privacy when Roe was overturned.
What a Diaper load. Requiring ID is not racist. But Libs saying Blacks can't get ID's IS Racist.

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