Republicans, Trump feel we don't breathe enough Mercury. We NEED more!


When left wing sycophants use pseudo science and made up crap to push the AGW agenda there really is no credibility left for the left wing zealots. Climategate exposed how it was being done and by whom..

You might want to look in the mirror to see who is being unscientific and a useful idiot for a socialist agenda..
Mean while mercury is a poison. If you do not believe this post your address and we can dump all of our excess on your property. I am sure you will not mind since we are just crazsy for thinking it is poison.

Mercury is a poison. On that one point we agree. Now tell me why you forced everyone to place Fluorescent tubes in their homes, which when broken, create a mercury poisoning every time one is fractured, levels which meet the EPA standards of a hazardous exposure that should be reported.

Your fucking cures are a bigger threat to us than the original problem... IDIOTS@!
So under your brilliant theory the cure to mercury in the environment is more mercury. :wtf:

NO! That is and was your solution.. Fucking retard!
LOL, you are unhinged! You're the one advocating for more mercury in the environment. Read your own friggin posts.
And you are devoid of facts... Running on stupidity that is feed you by socialist scumbags.. You have no facts to base your stupidity on, only political agenda and populace control. I am not the one unhinged and reaching for power.. You left wing narcissists are all alike and a danger to mankind's survival..
I feel the urge to wander a bit off topic here. One of the aspects of conservative, right wing politics of the last few decades that puzzles me is the anti-science perspective these parties have taken on. Historically there’s been a firm link between science, as expressed in technological developments in industry, and concervative thinking. Why has the right suddenly reversed direction and become so astonishingly anti-science? I don’t get it.

I know I keep saying this but Ayn Rand is rolling in her grave.


When left wing sycophants use pseudo science and made up crap to push the AGW agenda there really is no credibility left for the left wing zealots. Climategate exposed how it was being done and by whom..

You might want to look in the mirror to see who is being unscientific and a useful idiot for a socialist agenda..
Mean while mercury is a poison. If you do not believe this post your address and we can dump all of our excess on your property. I am sure you will not mind since we are just crazsy for thinking it is poison.

Mercury is a poison. On that one point we agree. Now tell me why you forced everyone to place Fluorescent tubes in their homes, which when broken, create a mercury poisoning every time one is fractured, levels which meet the EPA standards of a hazardous exposure that should be reported.

Your fucking cures are a bigger threat to us than the original problem... IDIOTS@!
So under your brilliant theory the cure to mercury in the environment is more mercury. :wtf:

NO! That is and was your solution.. Fucking retard!
You idiots wanted it in our HOMES as a opposed to being scrubbed from the emissions of our power plants. Today it is scrubbed from the emissions but we still are forced to use poison in our homes by you idiots.
Well i am not the one that did it on the light bulb thing. I agree that since people do not dispose of properly has created a problem. You fix that problem by going LED like in my light sockets not by allowing more by industry.
Mercury is no good for humans.....look what it did to dean....made him slightly insane....
If you say so. I will tell you what you get a pint of mercury and chug it on utube and I will admit you were right. UNtil then you are full of shit.
i dont want to be as insane as dean about you drink that pint and then as you slowly go nuts we can have a good laugh....
You are so stupid , you make me think we need more birth control.. Lyin little ------ won't put your money where your mouth is.

When left wing sycophants use pseudo science and made up crap to push the AGW agenda there really is no credibility left for the left wing zealots. Climategate exposed how it was being done and by whom..

You might want to look in the mirror to see who is being unscientific and a useful idiot for a socialist agenda..
Mean while mercury is a poison. If you do not believe this post your address and we can dump all of our excess on your property. I am sure you will not mind since we are just crazsy for thinking it is poison.

Mercury is a poison. On that one point we agree. Now tell me why you forced everyone to place Fluorescent tubes in their homes, which when broken, create a mercury poisoning every time one is fractured, levels which meet the EPA standards of a hazardous exposure that should be reported.

Your fucking cures are a bigger threat to us than the original problem... IDIOTS@!
So under your brilliant theory the cure to mercury in the environment is more mercury. :wtf:

NO! That is and was your solution.. Fucking retard!
You idiots wanted it in our HOMES as a opposed to being scrubbed from the emissions of our power plants. Today it is scrubbed from the emissions but we still are forced to use poison in our homes by you idiots.
Well i am not the one that did it on the light bulb thing. I agree that since people do not dispose of properly has created a problem. You fix that problem by going LED like in my light sockets not by allowing more by industry.
Mercury is no good for humans.....look what it did to dean....made him slightly insane....
If you say so. I will tell you what you get a pint of mercury and chug it on utube and I will admit you were right. UNtil then you are full of shit.
i dont want to be as insane as dean about you drink that pint and then as you slowly go nuts we can have a good laugh....
You are so stupid , you make me think we need more birth control.. Lyin little ------ won't put your money where your mouth is.
are you trying to say drinking mercury wont have any effect on you?.....

If you wait long enough, the discoloration becomes the "normal" look.

Not bad photoshop, a little amateurish but I've seen a lot worse.
How very clever of you. On the other hand there’s no need for water to take on any discoloration to be dangerously toxic.

Of course no one has ever seen a river that was brown like this right? Can’t be run off or silt right. HAS to be Trumps fault.
Trump has been doing his best to undo the work of the EPA because, in his mind, it costs business too much money and he doesn't give two shits for the environment of the health of the American people. The ONLY thing that man cares about it money. So, yes, it is his fault.
These folks who have no problem with increased Mercury and Sulfur dioxide are complete idiots. Trusting Trumpsterism deregulation based on ideology over evidence based science is about as stupid and easily manipulated, as anyone could ever get.
This people do not deserve to have children, because their ignorance is a threat to the children's well-being.
You are aware that US power plants today us scrubbing technology which removes 99.98% of all the sulfur dioxide and mercury, are you not? Which means boiling water in your home is more dangerous from the trace mercury than the exhaust of 99% of all power plants burning coal.

Its uninformed idiots like you who allow the destruction of the US an its way of life.. Congratulations fool!

You are aware that the "scrubbing process" is being pulled back, right?
But now, after years of policies that President Trump and others have derisively described as a “war on coal,” the Trump administration has called a timeout on a costly mandate that would have ensured continued improvement in the region’s air quality.

The administration’s target has been an Obama-era rule that would have forced a group of coal-burning plants to install expensive scrubbers to cut sulfur dioxide discharges. For the owner of the W. A. Parish plant, NRG Energy, this would have meant either spending hundreds of millions of dollars to put in two of the huge devices, or shutting down the coal-burning operations there.

Before Scott Pruitt left his post as Mr. Trump’s Environmental Protection Agency administrator, the agency notified NRG, as well as the owners of eight other Texas power plants, that the agency was no longer demanding the air pollution retrofits.

Instead, the agency is working out an industry-backed alternative that will require no immediate reductions in air pollution by the Texas plants still in operation.
President Trump’s Retreat on the Environment Is Affecting Communities Across America

To quote you: "Its uninformed idiots like you who allow the destruction of the US an(d) its way of life.. Congratulations fool!":2up:
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If you wait long enough, the discoloration becomes the "normal" look.

The EPA caused that spill under the Obama administration, troll king.
And Russia attacked the Ukraine under Obama.

So because Obama was president, Trump said it's not Russia's fault that Russia attacked it's next door neighbor on the other side of the world, it's Obama's fault.

You know, looking over this thread, right wingers give the distinct impression they are pro mercury.

It's got to be the "Trump Cult Effect". They drank mercury laced Kool Aid. What else could it be?
Trump EPA Says Mercury Limits On Coal Plants Too Costly, Not 'Necessary'

When coal is burned it releases mercury into the air, where it can cause health risks to people including neurological disorders, heart and lung problems and compromised immune systems. Babies developing in the womb and young children are especially at risk.

Trump proposal to weaken mercury standards could have broad impact on other anti-pollution rules

Reported emissions declined 69 percent between 2014 and 2016 after coal-fired power plants installed technology to meet the new clean air standards.

Harold P. Wimmer, president and CEO of the American Lung Association, said the current rule shouldn't be weakened considering it's estimated to prevent 11,000 premature deaths each year and has dramatically reduced mercury pollution, a potent neurotoxin that causes brain damage in babies.


I'm with the Republicans on this one.

Fuk all those do gooders.

Clean air and clean water? Bah! Who needs them?

I just tell the kids it's not dirty water, it's chocolate. Drink up!

Bon Appétit!


The estimated cost of compliance (by the coal plants) to the obama rules was going to be about 10 Billion dollars....the EPA figured there would be about 6 million dollars in direct benefits.. stupid do you need to be in order to think that 10 BILLION in costs to comply is a good exchange for 6 million in benefits? Ever hear of the term cost / benefit analysis?
These folks who have no problem with increased Mercury and Sulfur dioxide are complete idiots. Trusting Trumpsterism deregulation based on ideology over evidence based science is about as stupid and easily manipulated, as anyone could ever get.
This people do not deserve to have children, because their ignorance is a threat to the children's well-being.
You are aware that US power plants today us scrubbing technology which removes 99.98% of all the sulfur dioxide and mercury, are you not? Which means boiling water in your home is more dangerous from the trace mercury than the exhaust of 99% of all power plants burning coal.

Its uninformed idiots like you who allow the destruction of the US an its way of life.. Congratulations fool!

You are aware that the "scrubbing process" is being pulled back, right?
But now, after years of policies that President Trump and others have derisively described as a “war on coal,” the Trump administration has called a timeout on a costly mandate that would have ensured continued improvement in the region’s air quality.

The administration’s target has been an Obama-era rule that would have forced a group of coal-burning plants to install expensive scrubbers to cut sulfur dioxide discharges. For the owner of the W. A. Parish plant, NRG Energy, this would have meant either spending hundreds of millions of dollars to put in two of the huge devices, or shutting down the coal-burning operations there.

Before Scott Pruitt left his post as Mr. Trump’s Environmental Protection Agency administrator, the agency notified NRG, as well as the owners of eight other Texas power plants, that the agency was no longer demanding the air pollution retrofits.

Instead, the agency is working out an industry-backed alternative that will require no immediate reductions in air pollution by the Texas plants still in operation.
President Trump’s Retreat on the Environment Is Affecting Communities Across America

To quote you: "Its uninformed idiots like you who allow the destruction of the US an(d) its way of life.. Congratulations fool!":2up:

You show your ignorance once more. The companies are ok with current regulation on particulates. What they are not good with is the unobtainable ones that are to go into effect this next year. Even Trumps advisors are limiting the pull back to new, tighter regulations.. You failed to read your own link once again.

They could still pull back farther and it would not stop the scrubbing of exhaust from these plants as 99% of all power plants are using them in the US. It is now the industry standard and all new plants would remain using them. You leftists are so predictable in your feigned outrage.
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You show your ignorance once more. The companies are ok with current regulation on particulates. What they are not good with is the unobtainable ones that are to go into effect this next year. Even Trumps advisors are limiting the pull back to new, tighter regulations.. You failed to read your own link once again.

These guys operate on the principle of the knee thinking required...all they have to do is spew the opinion given to them.

Easy peasy if you aspire to be nothing more than a dupe.
The estimated cost of compliance (by the coal plants) to the obama rules was going to be about 10 Billion dollars....the EPA figured there would be about 6 million dollars in direct benefits.. stupid do you need to be in order to think that 10 BILLION in costs to comply is a good exchange for 6 million in benefits? Ever hear of the term cost / benefit analysis?

Why, then, perhaps they'd just close down the older coal plants and replace them with something that didn't put mercury into our environment. Easy peasy you stupid asshole.
The estimated cost of compliance (by the coal plants) to the obama rules was going to be about 10 Billion dollars....the EPA figured there would be about 6 million dollars in direct benefits.. stupid do you need to be in order to think that 10 BILLION in costs to comply is a good exchange for 6 million in benefits? Ever hear of the term cost / benefit analysis?

Why, then, perhaps they'd just close down the older coal plants and replace them with something that didn't put mercury into our environment. Easy peasy you stupid asshole.

And that would cost even more than 10 billion dollars...and the benefit would still be 6 even worse cost / benefit are even more stupid than the guy who started this thread....
These folks who have no problem with increased Mercury and Sulfur dioxide are complete idiots. Trusting Trumpsterism deregulation based on ideology over evidence based science is about as stupid and easily manipulated, as anyone could ever get.
This people do not deserve to have children, because their ignorance is a threat to the children's well-being.
You are aware that US power plants today us scrubbing technology which removes 99.98% of all the sulfur dioxide and mercury, are you not? Which means boiling water in your home is more dangerous from the trace mercury than the exhaust of 99% of all power plants burning coal.

Its uninformed idiots like you who allow the destruction of the US an its way of life.. Congratulations fool!

You are aware that the "scrubbing process" is being pulled back, right?
But now, after years of policies that President Trump and others have derisively described as a “war on coal,” the Trump administration has called a timeout on a costly mandate that would have ensured continued improvement in the region’s air quality.

The administration’s target has been an Obama-era rule that would have forced a group of coal-burning plants to install expensive scrubbers to cut sulfur dioxide discharges. For the owner of the W. A. Parish plant, NRG Energy, this would have meant either spending hundreds of millions of dollars to put in two of the huge devices, or shutting down the coal-burning operations there.

Before Scott Pruitt left his post as Mr. Trump’s Environmental Protection Agency administrator, the agency notified NRG, as well as the owners of eight other Texas power plants, that the agency was no longer demanding the air pollution retrofits.

Instead, the agency is working out an industry-backed alternative that will require no immediate reductions in air pollution by the Texas plants still in operation.
President Trump’s Retreat on the Environment Is Affecting Communities Across America

To quote you: "Its uninformed idiots like you who allow the destruction of the US an(d) its way of life.. Congratulations fool!":2up:

You show your ignorance once more. The companies are ok with current regulation on particulates. What they are not good with is the unobtainable ones that are to go into effect this next year. Even Trumps advisors are limiting the pull back to new, tighter regulations.. You failed to read your own link once again.

They could still pull back farther and it would not stop the scrubbing of exhaust from these plants as 99% of all power plants are using them in the US. It is now the industry standard and all new plants would remain using them. You leftists are so predictable in your feigned outrage.

"Even Trumps advisors are limiting the pull back to new, tighter regulation."
I read my source a second time and have yet to find that claim...

"They could still pull back farther and it would not stop the scrubbing of exhaust from these plants as 99% of all power plants are using them in the US."
Got a link to back this up?
Thanks in advance for your quick follow up.
The benefit would be a power system that produces less greenhouse gases; a value that eludes you I guess.

Can you provide a single peer reviewed, published paper in which the hypothetical warming caused by our production of CO2 has been empirically measured, quantified, and ascribed to so called greenhouse gasses?

Didn't think so.

A single paper would at least give a person reason to think that maybe, after a great deal more research, it might be that CO2 may have some small impact on the climate at which time, a serious cost / benefit study could be done to determine if the cuts would produce enough benefit to make them worth it.

Your knee jerk "man is causing it and it will lead to disaster" reaction with no actual empirical evidence in support is nothing but alarmist claptrap...
The observed spectrum of the atmopshere's back radiation shows the precise signature of water vapor, CO2, methane and other GHGs.
The observed spectrum of the atmopshere's back radiation shows the precise signature of water vapor, CO2, methane and other GHGs.

Back radiation measured with an instrument cooled to a temperature lower than that of the atmosphere that isn't back radiation at all but just energy moving from a warm atmosphere to a cooler instrument just as the second law predicts...

Show me a measurement of discrete energy frequencies made with an instrument that is at ambient temperature and you will be showing me a measurement of back radiation...anything else is just evidence that you are easily fooled by instrumentation.

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