Republicans, Trump feel we don't breathe enough Mercury. We NEED more!

Trump EPA Says Mercury Limits On Coal Plants Too Costly, Not 'Necessary'

When coal is burned it releases mercury into the air, where it can cause health risks to people including neurological disorders, heart and lung problems and compromised immune systems. Babies developing in the womb and young children are especially at risk.

Trump proposal to weaken mercury standards could have broad impact on other anti-pollution rules

Reported emissions declined 69 percent between 2014 and 2016 after coal-fired power plants installed technology to meet the new clean air standards.

Harold P. Wimmer, president and CEO of the American Lung Association, said the current rule shouldn't be weakened considering it's estimated to prevent 11,000 premature deaths each year and has dramatically reduced mercury pollution, a potent neurotoxin that causes brain damage in babies.


I'm with the Republicans on this one.

Fuk all those do gooders.

Clean air and clean water? Bah! Who needs them?

I just tell the kids it's not dirty water, it's chocolate. Drink up!

Bon Appétit!

I know you’re retarded, but even most retards know every state has a department of health.
I need far more information than this.

I love how you post a picture of something that clearly has nothing to do with the topic at hand.

Here is what I need to know. How much in a difference in standards are we looking at? Are we going from 50 ppm to 60 ppm? What difference in health effects, over what area, are we talking about?

And how much does it cost?

If we end up doubling the cost of power, over a 10 ppm change.... which will have negligible health impacts.... then that doesn't sound like a bad idea to me.

but of course I'm talking with a left-winger, so no amount of science matters. It's all pollution bad, and we can destroy society for it.
I'm embarrassed to have to say this,
I thought it was so obvious.
But goes:

ALL Pollution IS bad!

I'm surprised you didn't know.

Anything else I can help you with?

I'm being sincere.........and trying desperately not to laugh.:heehee:

All pollution is bad? Then kill yourself. You fart, and that emits methane. If you really believe that we should eliminate all pollution, then shut off your computer, and never use it again. You are destroying the entire planet with your incompetence on this thread.

Or are your a hypocrite?

You people make bold claims, that you never practice in your own life. For once, it would be nice to see one of you commit suicide, in order to follow your ideals.
So which pollution is actually good for you? I’m just curious.

If you ask the wrong questions, you get the wrong answers.

Do you deny that this was your question:

All pollution is bad?

So since you aren't sure, there must be some you question.

Do you believe mercury is bad?

Just in case, here is a little reading for you:

Mercury Poisoning: Signs, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, & Prevention

Like I said, you ask the wrong questions. All highway traffic fatalities are also bad. Do you favor reducing the speed limit to 25mph nationwide to curb those deaths?

If not, why not?

Trump EPA Says Mercury Limits On Coal Plants Too Costly, Not 'Necessary'

When coal is burned it releases mercury into the air, where it can cause health risks to people including neurological disorders, heart and lung problems and compromised immune systems. Babies developing in the womb and young children are especially at risk.

Trump proposal to weaken mercury standards could have broad impact on other anti-pollution rules

Reported emissions declined 69 percent between 2014 and 2016 after coal-fired power plants installed technology to meet the new clean air standards.

Harold P. Wimmer, president and CEO of the American Lung Association, said the current rule shouldn't be weakened considering it's estimated to prevent 11,000 premature deaths each year and has dramatically reduced mercury pollution, a potent neurotoxin that causes brain damage in babies.


I'm with the Republicans on this one.

Fuk all those do gooders.

Clean air and clean water? Bah! Who needs them?

I just tell the kids it's not dirty water, it's chocolate. Drink up!

Bon Appétit!


I need far more information than this.

I love how you post a picture of something that clearly has nothing to do with the topic at hand.

Here is what I need to know. How much in a difference in standards are we looking at? Are we going from 50 ppm to 60 ppm? What difference in health effects, over what area, are we talking about?

And how much does it cost?

If we end up doubling the cost of power, over a 10 ppm change.... which will have negligible health impacts.... then that doesn't sound like a bad idea to me.

but of course I'm talking with a left-winger, so no amount of science matters. It's all pollution bad, and we can destroy society for it.
I'm embarrassed to have to say this,
I thought it was so obvious.
But goes:

ALL Pollution IS bad!

I'm surprised you didn't know.

Anything else I can help you with?

I'm being sincere.........and trying desperately not to laugh.:heehee:

All pollution is bad? Then kill yourself. You fart, and that emits methane. If you really believe that we should eliminate all pollution, then shut off your computer, and never use it again. You are destroying the entire planet with your incompetence on this thread.

Or are your a hypocrite?

You people make bold claims, that you never practice in your own life. For once, it would be nice to see one of you commit suicide, in order to follow your ideals.
So which pollution is actually good for you? I’m just curious.

I think we just covered that.

I need to know what level of pollution, verses what cost, verse what health effects.

The real question is what pollution do you consider good for you? CO2? If not, stop breathing. Nitrogen Oxide? If not, stop driving. Plastic? If not, stop using your computer. Nearly everything you do in your daily life creates some form of pollution.

Urban runoff, and sewage? Better live in a mud hut, and poop in a hole in the ground. Can't have modern housing.

Farm run off? Better be eating berries and leaves in the woods. Can't have modern food.

See the difference is, I accept the realities of human existence, and understand the fundamental that there is a trade off.

You, based on political partisan stupidity, have a "no pollution" attitude that is hypocritical, because you constantly violate your own no pollution policy.
The difference is you seem unwilling to make any modifications to your chosen lifestyle that might better the world in any way. You seem to be spoiled, lazy and inconsiderate.
The difference is you seem unwilling to make any modifications to your chosen lifestyle that might better the world in any way. You seem to be spoiled, lazy and inconsiderate.

When the elites who call on us to live in hovels and to wear grass skirts lead by example, I might be able to take environmentalism talk seriously. Until then...

Which is what I stated.

Do you ever tell the truth?

JC said : "yo crick, post up the number of deaths by mercury over the last decade."

You said: " 11,000. Trouble reading?"

So yes, you said that 11,000 people died from mercury poisoning...the article made no such claim so you just made it up...then you lie about what you said when it is right there in print for anyone to read...what the hell is wrong with you? Do you lie so much that you can't even remember who you told what?
What would be the point of your argument? That mercury doesn't kill. Do you also want to see people breathing, eating, drinking more mercury?
What would be the point of your argument? That mercury doesn't kill. Do you also want to see people breathing, eating, drinking more mercury?

The point was that you lied...made up the claim that mercury killed 1000 people in the past decade...then lied again about what you said....the point is that you are a congenital f'ing liar.
You lied Crick and easy to prove since it is well exposed right here. You were asked a question at post 112 by jc456,

"yo crick, post up the number of deaths by mercury over the last decade. "

Crick replies: "11,000. Trouble reading? "

jc456 replies: "I saw no link. still no link. post it up. "

Crick replies: "EPA curbs power plant emissions including mercury

Need new glasses? "

You were originally asked how many DEATHS by Mercury, you stated 11,000, which is FALSE!

SSDD exposed your lie when he quoted the 11,000 number from YOUR link: "The administration said cutting mercury in the air could prevent as many as 11,000 premature deaths a year."

Meanwhile you need to stop the strawman bullcrap such as this one: "What would be the point of your argument? That mercury doesn't kill. Do you also want to see people breathing, eating, drinking more mercury? "

No one in the thread said Mercury doesn't kill or that we want to ingest it. The argument seems to center around how much removal is really needed to make the dangerous dose level down to a safe dose level.
What do you believe research on this topic shows to be a safe level Tommy?
All pollution is bad? Then kill yourself. You fart, and that emits methane. If you really believe that we should eliminate all pollution, then shut off your computer, and never use it again. You are destroying the entire planet with your incompetence on this thread.

Or are your a hypocrite?

Hippie, if you want to live in a cave and hump trees for Mother Gaia, just do it. Just don't try to force your smelly unshaven lifestyle on to regular people.

The point is that you're the only one here pretending someone is demanding an end to modern technology. You lying about what we supposedly believe doesn't make us hypocrites. Argue with what we say, not with what you wish we'd said. If you can.

You people make bold claims, that you never practice in your own life. For once, it would be nice to see one of you commit suicide, in order to follow your ideals.

Not all conservatives are violent psychopaths, but many clearly are.
What do you believe research on this topic shows to be a safe level Tommy?

You can bet it is lower than the exposure you would get from breaking one of the CFL lights that liberals were all to happy to mandate that we all bring into our homes.

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