Republicans: Stupid or Lying to themselves


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
In 1984 election, Reagan won all but one State, taking home 49 (or 56, depending on who's counting). In the lead up to the election Ted Kennedy reached out to Putin and the KGB to ask for their help to defeat Reagan, there are many sources for this, so spare me the "Conspiracy" BS, and in return Putin and the KGB would assist (aka: take control of) the Party

Ted Kennedy's Soviet Gambit
Ted Kennedy Had Secret Dealings with Soviets Before 1984 Election - Intellectual Takeout

It was too late to do anything meaningful then, but since then the KGB/DNC team began a plan to use lax voter databases to begin to permanently turn States red. It's no coincidence that this was the same time the "Parties switch sides" and the KBG/DNC States were show as blue instead of the organic Red. How would that look? The DNC turns over control to the KGB and States start turning red? Yikes!

The States with large Tammany Hall democrat cities were the easiest to convert: CA, NY, NJ, CT, IL all turned democrat - permanently

At the time of this writing, PA just joined the permanently democrat column. Sure since the fall of the USSR the KGB no longer has the lead role in running the democrat Party. In 2019, Putin deeded over the last bit of his ownership to the CCP and Sinaloa Cartel.

I didn't watch a microsecond of CPAC (haven't done so in decades) but read that Trump was talking tough about making Chi-na pay. What a fucking clueless rube. He knows he really now has no path to the WH and he's completely ignoring the brontosaurus sized donkey in the room: we have Banana Republic elections!

It's Bread and Circuses time. Will someone please tell me how, in addition to the already Tammany Hall solid democrat States, Republicans will even again win GA or PA?

I'm not that smartest guy here, please enlighten me
Until Republican's start playing by Democrat rules, and going after the places you mentioned first, they will loose those states...

As for Trump...I listened to his closing speech at CPAC, and he was vigorous, funny at times, and hit ALL of the right buttons in his speech. As of now, and it's early, but as of now, Trump would walk away with the nomination after that speech...
Haven't you heard the fantastic plans for the GOP to get into the early voting & vote harvesting game?
Many Repubs think this is the ticket back into power.

It's foolish to think we will ever out-cheat the Dems when they have been institutionalizing this for many decades.

Either we go back to same day paper ballot, hand checked with photo ID & totally transparent counts. the Repubs will be a permanent minority.
The GOP is obviously OK with this or else they would get serious about secure elections.
They won't do that because most of them are in the same corrupted & captured NWO bed with the Dems.
Your post is a great example of why republicans are having difficulty. You blame everyone but yourselves. Your world of baseless conspiracy theories and gratuitous sadism just does not appeal to those who want a better world.
LOL....Describe this 'better world' in your view...
Watch mayoral and school board races across the country in the coming months. That is a good indicator of the temperament of the voters leading up to 2024.
Your post is a great example of why republicans are having difficulty. You blame everyone but yourselves. Your world of baseless conspiracy theories and gratuitous sadism just does not appeal to those who want a better world.
It is the people who must make a better world. Politicians can't do it. Sadly the people aren't much interested either. :(
In 1984 election, Reagan won all but one State, taking home 49 (or 56, depending on who's counting). In the lead up to the election Ted Kennedy reached out to Putin and the KGB to ask for their help to defeat Reagan, there are many sources for this, so spare me the "Conspiracy" BS, and in return Putin and the KGB would assist (aka: take control of) the Party

Ted Kennedy's Soviet Gambit
Ted Kennedy Had Secret Dealings with Soviets Before 1984 Election - Intellectual Takeout

It was too late to do anything meaningful then, but since then the KGB/DNC team began a plan to use lax voter databases to begin to permanently turn States red. It's no coincidence that this was the same time the "Parties switch sides" and the KBG/DNC States were show as blue instead of the organic Red. How would that look? The DNC turns over control to the KGB and States start turning red? Yikes!

The States with large Tammany Hall democrat cities were the easiest to convert: CA, NY, NJ, CT, IL all turned democrat - permanently

At the time of this writing, PA just joined the permanently democrat column. Sure since the fall of the USSR the KGB no longer has the lead role in running the democrat Party. In 2019, Putin deeded over the last bit of his ownership to the CCP and Sinaloa Cartel.

I didn't watch a microsecond of CPAC (haven't done so in decades) but read that Trump was talking tough about making Chi-na pay. What a fucking clueless rube. He knows he really now has no path to the WH and he's completely ignoring the brontosaurus sized donkey in the room: we have Banana Republic elections!

It's Bread and Circuses time. Will someone please tell me how, in addition to the already Tammany Hall solid democrat States, Republicans will even again win GA or PA?

I'm not that smartest guy here, please enlighten me

If Russia was manipulating anyone it would be poor voters in red states. They are the key to keeping Tennessee RED. So they push god, conspiracy theories on vaccines ad global warming. Irritate them with Woke LGBTQ shit. DiSantis is doing it in Florida. Liberals want to take your guns. This is the stuff the KGB is telling conservative Americans.
Republicans have done it to themselves since Trump stepped off the golden escalator. A lot of the moderates and sane Republicans are just looking up now and realizing.."we're screwed". They've allowed the alt-right to co-opt not only the party, but the ideology as well. And now, Trump is so ingrained in the party that ejecting him will be impossible. He will effectively split the Republican vote, handing largely default victories to Democrats.
Haven't you heard the fantastic plans for the GOP to get into the early voting & vote harvesting game?
Many Repubs think this is the ticket back into power.

It's foolish to think we will ever out-cheat the Dems when they have been institutionalizing this for many decades.

Either we go back to same day paper ballot, hand checked with photo ID & totally transparent counts. the Repubs will be a permanent minority.
The GOP is obviously OK with this or else they would get serious about secure elections.
They won't do that because most of them are in the same corrupted & captured NWO bed with the Dems.
You do know we haven't been same day, paper ballot, hand counted voting for decades...right? :) So you wanna go back in time and string elections out to maybe weeks and months instead of days? How bout just making mail in voting the law of the land and requiring states to have their mail in votes hand counted and tabulated by election day?

You know, I seem to remember most of the down ballot Republicans doing quite well in 2020 with our current system. Most won their elections.
It was only the hot mess at the top that seemed to have lost bigly. And all of you key in on his loss and mold the silliest conspiracy theories about voting around it.

He lost. Move on.
Haven't you heard the fantastic plans for the GOP to get into the early voting & vote harvesting game?
Many Repubs think this is the ticket back into power.

It's foolish to think we will ever out-cheat the Dems when they have been institutionalizing this for many decades.

Either we go back to same day paper ballot, hand checked with photo ID & totally transparent counts. the Repubs will be a permanent minority.
The GOP is obviously OK with this or else they would get serious about secure elections.
They won't do that because most of them are in the same corrupted & captured NWO bed with the Dems.
Not only that you then give it the patina of legality and institutionalize it.
LOL....Describe this 'better world' in your view...
Every generation wants a world that reflects their values. The boomers that rule the republican party have decided that the twentieth century must continue at all costs even if it means neglecting our biggest problems.
Your post is a great example of why republicans are having difficulty. You blame everyone but yourselves. Your world of baseless conspiracy theories and gratuitous sadism just does not appeal to those who want a better world.
Cheating in most elections has its benefits. Or manipulating and using the rules to ones advantage whch should not have een enacted in the first place. How Alaska even a Republican state has its voting ways is why we end up with a RINO/NEO CON most of the time.
Every generation wants a world that reflects their values. The boomers that rule the republican party have decided that the twentieth century must continue at all costs even if it means neglecting our biggest problems.
Oh....So, we are stuck in the 20th century eh? Tell me, what are these 21st century 'values' you want considered?
Until Republican's start playing by Democrat rules, and going after the places you mentioned first, they will loose those states...

As for Trump...I listened to his closing speech at CPAC, and he was vigorous, funny at times, and hit ALL of the right buttons in his speech. As of now, and it's early, but as of now, Trump would walk away with the nomination after that speech...

You realize that many "Republicans" are co-conspirators with the democrat Party, right? The PA Legislature allowed the CCP/democrat Party/Sinaloa Cartel Dream Team to illegally alter the method by which votes were cast -- and did NOTHING to stop it. Like I said Republicans were either stupid, lying to themselves or let me add, working with the CCP/democrat Party/Sinaloa Cartel Dream Team
You realize that many "Republicans"uast -- and did NOTHING to stop it. Like I said Republicans were either stupid, lying to themselves or let me add, working with the CCP/democrat Party/Sinaloa Cartel Dream Team
Sounds like you're giving up yourself Frank....
It is the people who must make a better world. Politicians can't do it. Sadly the people aren't much interested either. :(
The people you think are not interested are just too scared. There's a world of brave people out there willing to do the hard work to save western civilization from it's destructive addiction to excess.
Oh....So, we are stuck in the 20th century eh? Tell me, what are these 21st century 'values' you want considered?
Are you allergic to looking at your own politics? OP is casting about for answers in his own sad conspiracy theory way. No interest in helping him out?
In 1984 election, Reagan won all but one State, taking home 49 (or 56, depending on who's counting). In the lead up to the election Ted Kennedy reached out to Putin and the KGB to ask for their help to defeat Reagan, there are many sources for this, so spare me the "Conspiracy" BS, and in return Putin and the KGB would assist (aka: take control of) the Party

Ted Kennedy's Soviet Gambit
Ted Kennedy Had Secret Dealings with Soviets Before 1984 Election - Intellectual Takeout

It was too late to do anything meaningful then, but since then the KGB/DNC team began a plan to use lax voter databases to begin to permanently turn States red. It's no coincidence that this was the same time the "Parties switch sides" and the KBG/DNC States were show as blue instead of the organic Red. How would that look? The DNC turns over control to the KGB and States start turning red? Yikes!

The States with large Tammany Hall democrat cities were the easiest to convert: CA, NY, NJ, CT, IL all turned democrat - permanently

At the time of this writing, PA just joined the permanently democrat column. Sure since the fall of the USSR the KGB no longer has the lead role in running the democrat Party. In 2019, Putin deeded over the last bit of his ownership to the CCP and Sinaloa Cartel.

I didn't watch a microsecond of CPAC (haven't done so in decades) but read that Trump was talking tough about making Chi-na pay. What a fucking clueless rube. He knows he really now has no path to the WH and he's completely ignoring the brontosaurus sized donkey in the room: we have Banana Republic elections!

It's Bread and Circuses time. Will someone please tell me how, in addition to the already Tammany Hall solid democrat States, Republicans will even again win GA or PA?

I'm not that smartest guy here, please enlighten me
The elections are as secure as they have ever been; hence no sizable voter fraud was uncovered in the 2020 election. So drop that argument right there.

You guys have won exactly one popular vote since the 1988 and that was in 2004 during a war. That was pretty much the same time Newt Gingrich and Fox News came along and you guys started trying to portray yourselves as being victimized, embraced misogyny, and decided that it was better to have no government than one that functions. The Garland move was just the most obvious example of the agenda.

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