Republicans Need to Get Real About the 2016 Elections

The only way to stop the country's accelerating decline is to elect a Republican House, Senate and President. With which candidate is this most likely? I am concerned that a nominee who is too strident may cause some voters to hedge their bets by voting for Democratic senators. Thoughts?

Well, judging from the direction this thread has taken, I think you may as well look past '16 to the midterms...
Time for GOP panic? Establishment worried Carson or Trump might win
“We’re potentially careening down this road of nominating somebody who frankly isn’t fit to be president in terms of the basic ability and temperament to do the job,” this strategist said. “It’s not just that it could be somebody Hillary could destroy electorally, but what if Hillary hits a banana peel and this person becomes president?” Time for GOP panic? Establishment worried Carson or Trump might win
Time for GOP panic? Establishment worried Carson or Trump might win
“We’re potentially careening down this road of nominating somebody who frankly isn’t fit to be president in terms of the basic ability and temperament to do the job,” this strategist said. “It’s not just that it could be somebody Hillary could destroy electorally, but what if Hillary hits a banana peel and this person becomes president?” Time for GOP panic? Establishment worried Carson or Trump might win
Fuck the establishment we want trump.
Time for GOP panic? Establishment worried Carson or Trump might win
“We’re potentially careening down this road of nominating somebody who frankly isn’t fit to be president in terms of the basic ability and temperament to do the job,” this strategist said. “It’s not just that it could be somebody Hillary could destroy electorally, but what if Hillary hits a banana peel and this person becomes president?” Time for GOP panic? Establishment worried Carson or Trump might win
Fuck the establishment we want trump.
Yup! I want Trump too...for the nomination. That will be fun watching how the general election goes. It's hilarious to think that the establishment does not know what they are more afraid of. Trump and the party getting trounced, or his becoming president.
Syria-ously hot!” The right responds to Paris with Bible-thumping, scientific illiteracy, frat boy antics “Syria-ously hot!” The right responds to Paris with Bible-thumping, scientific illiteracy, frat boy antics

The Paris attacks brought renewed interest in ISIS and the ongoing crisis in Syria, and unsurprisingly, that means that we’ve all had to endure right-wingers rolling out the usual chest-thumping bravado from Republicans who have no personal worries about ever seeing combat. But never fear! Slobbering enthusiasm for war is far from the only right-wing neurosis that is being trotted out in response to the ISIS situation. Our friends on the right are also responding with usual mix of the Bible-thumping, anti-science rhetoric, and gross sexism they manage to work into nearly every conversation.

This isn’t just because none of the two million refugees accepted into our country since 1990 have committed terrorism, which can be compared that to the almost routine terrorism committed by native born right wingers. Research also shows that a refugee’s chance of embracing radical views is much reduced if he moves to some place like the United States or Western Europe.
The only way to stop the country's accelerating decline is to elect a Republican House, Senate and President. With which candidate is this most likely? I am concerned that a nominee who is too strident may cause some voters to hedge their bets by voting for Democratic senators. Thoughts?

The problem the Republicans have this year is Donald Trump & his supporters. They have managed to chase off 17% of the population--Hispanics. Historically the GOP nominee needs to win at least 40% of this group to win the White House. G.W. Bush won 44% of this group, Romney only got 27% and lost. Trump is polling at an historic NEGATIVE 75% with Hispanics--meaning there is no way in hell he could win the White House. He is also losing women by 2 to 1.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump

The entire southwest of this country depends on Hispanics to get Republicans elected. In my state of Colorado it was Hispanics that put our new Republican senator Cory Gardner in the senate in 2014. In 2016 our Democrat senator Michael Benet will be up for re-election and it's going to be near impossible to unseat him because of what Trump & his supporters have done.
Cory Gardner defeats Mark Udall in critical Colorado Senate race

So to your question: It's not if we can obtain more Senate & house seats, the question becomes can we keep the senate and not lose a ton of seats in the house.

Right now it's looking ugly for Republicans: This kind of negativity can roll over on any Republican candidate including the GOP presidential nominee.

If we cannot recapture the Hispanic vote--you might as well escort Hillary Clinton into the oval office now.

The only one that is real happy about Donald Trump being in this race--is this gal.

GOP Candidates Seek Endorsement Of Iowa Anti-Gay Leader Bob Vander Plaats
Submitted by Miranda Blue on Friday, 11/20/2015 1:15 pm
Seven Republican presidential candidates will be travelling to Iowa today to take part in a “presidential family forum” hosted by The Family Leader, a social conservative group led by activist Bob Vander Plaats, who is seen as a kingmaker in the Iowa caucus.

Ben Carson, Ted Cruz, Carly Fiorina, Mike Huckabee, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio and Rick Santorum will all be speaking at the forum, at which the candidates are arranged family-style around a Thanksgiving table. (At the 2011 forum, Michele Bachmann memorably took it upon herself to serve water to all of the male candidates.)

The endorsement of Vander Plaats, whose backing helped catapult Huckabee and Santorum to Iowa caucus victories in 2008 and 2012, is one of the most coveted in the state. While most observers think that Cruz will nab Vander Plaats’ endorsement, the activist is keeping his options open. Vander Plaats told a reporter that although Donald Trump was unable to make tonight’s forum, he told him, “If you can guarantee me your endorsement, I will turn the plane around and get there.”

- See more at: GOP Candidates Seek Endorsement Of Iowa Anti-Gay Leader Bob Vander Plaats

Bob Vander Plaats: Gay Marriage Leading To Legalization Of Pedophilia, Criminalization Of Bible
SUBMITTED BY: Miranda Blue, Monday 07/06/2015, 4:10pm
Bob Vander Plaats, the influential Iowa Religious Right activist who spearheaded the effort in 2010 to unseat three state supreme court justices who voted for marriage equality, warned last week that the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling striking down state gay marriage bans will help to pave the way for the legalization of pedophilia and the criminalization of certain Bible verses. Saying that the Supreme Court “undefined the institution of marriage,” Vander Plaats told the “View From a Pew” radio program that as a result “now polygamy can come back” and... MORE >
- See more at: Bob Vander Plaats | Right Wing Watch
GOP Hates Extremism Except When Endorsing It |

Republicans like Ted Cruz and Mike Huckabee want to wage war against "radical Islam," but they often cozy up to radical Christians

Unless you watch Rachel Maddow’s MSNBC show, you probably aren’t aware of the fact that Republican presidential candidates Mike Huckabee, Ted Cruz, and Bobby Jindal (the latter dropped out of the race Tuesday) all recently attended a “religious freedom” rally in Iowa hosted by antigay preacher Kevin Swanson, who has repeatedly called for the execution of homosexuals. Unlike the Duggar-styled martyr-complex performance art of Kim Davis, Swanson’s brand of bigotry is overtly bloodthirsty, with rhetoric echoing hateful pastor Scott Lively, a central figure in the persecution of LGBT Ugandans and part of the impetus for Uganda's proposed “kill the gays” legislation.

Perhaps it’s foolish to expect better from the antigay former governor of Arkansas (Huckabee) and the homophobic Texas senator (Cruz) at this point, as they have built their brands on endorsing various degrees of bigotry, but I would hope that more mainstream outlets would at least consider this kind of extremism newsworthy. In 2015, advocating for the death of homosexuals should no longer just be a matter of opinion. Sure, I don’t know how much good the media outrage machine actually accomplishes, but I believe journalists have a responsibility to report on a group of political candidates’ casual acceptance of murder. Where exactly is the line between a declaration of your backward belief and an incitement of violence? If the only weapon we have to limit this kind of speech is the court of public opinion, why are journalists allowing Swanson and his political companies to exist in a vacuum?
GOP Candidates Seek Endorsement Of Iowa Anti-Gay Leader Bob Vander Plaats
Submitted by Miranda Blue on Friday, 11/20/2015 1:15 pm
Seven Republican presidential candidates will be travelling to Iowa today to take part in a “presidential family forum” hosted by The Family Leader, a social conservative group led by activist Bob Vander Plaats, who is seen as a kingmaker in the Iowa caucus.

Ben Carson, Ted Cruz, Carly Fiorina, Mike Huckabee, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio and Rick Santorum will all be speaking at the forum, at which the candidates are arranged family-style around a Thanksgiving table. (At the 2011 forum, Michele Bachmann memorably took it upon herself to serve water to all of the male candidates.)

The endorsement of Vander Plaats, whose backing helped catapult Huckabee and Santorum to Iowa caucus victories in 2008 and 2012, is one of the most coveted in the state. While most observers think that Cruz will nab Vander Plaats’ endorsement, the activist is keeping his options open. Vander Plaats told a reporter that although Donald Trump was unable to make tonight’s forum, he told him, “If you can guarantee me your endorsement, I will turn the plane around and get there.”

- See more at: GOP Candidates Seek Endorsement Of Iowa Anti-Gay Leader Bob Vander Plaats

Bob Vander Plaats: Gay Marriage Leading To Legalization Of Pedophilia, Criminalization Of Bible
SUBMITTED BY: Miranda Blue, Monday 07/06/2015, 4:10pm
Bob Vander Plaats, the influential Iowa Religious Right activist who spearheaded the effort in 2010 to unseat three state supreme court justices who voted for marriage equality, warned last week that the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling striking down state gay marriage bans will help to pave the way for the legalization of pedophilia and the criminalization of certain Bible verses. Saying that the Supreme Court “undefined the institution of marriage,” Vander Plaats told the “View From a Pew” radio program that as a result “now polygamy can come back” and... MORE >
- See more at: Bob Vander Plaats | Right Wing Watch

The Iowa caucus has a real history of picking who the looser will be, so candidates will even sometimes skip campaigning there. Notice that Jeb Bush is no where around. New Hampshire will be one to watch, then onto S. Carolina.

I guess we'll see how Iowan's do this year. But I imagine they'll pick another looser, and I suspect it will be Donald Trump or Ted Cruz. Which of course neither of them has a snowballs chance of winning the White House.
According to new PPP poll, Republicans hate President Obama so much that they oppose his pardoning of Thanksgiving turkeys.

Via PPP:

The examples of the GOP’s reflexive opposition to President Obama’s agenda are many but this may be the best one yet: by a 27 point margin Republicans say they disapprove of the President’s executive order last year pardoning two Thanksgiving turkeys (Macaroni and Cheese) instead of the customary one. Only 11% of Republicans support the President’s executive order last year to 38% who are opposed- that’s a pretty clear sign that if you put Obama’s name on something GOP voters are going to oppose it pretty much no matter what. Overall there’s 35/22 support for the pardon of Macaroni and Cheese thanks to 59/11 support from Democrats and 28/21 from independents.

2016 Republican Contenders Silent On Planned Parenthood Shooting 2016 Republican Contenders Silent On Planned Parenthood Shooting

But they did have something to say about Black Friday gear and Obama's foreign policy.

All of the major 2016 Republican hopefuls describe themselves as anti-abortion. Some, like Paul, Rubio and Cruz, have attempted to strip federal funding for Planned Parenthood, citing heavily edited videos that emerged earlier this year claiming to show the nonprofit's employees selling fetal tissue for profit. A congressional inquiry into the videos did not find any evidence of wrongdoing.

Earlier this year, Rubio wondered why more Americans don't get "fired up" about Planned Parenthood's "dead babies."

Police said Friday that they did not yet know the shooter's motive, or whether he was specifically targeting Planned Parenthood.

They don't know the motive? Really? He was incited by anti choice liars and women haters!
2016 Republican Contenders Silent On Planned Parenthood Shooting 2016 Republican Contenders Silent On Planned Parenthood Shooting

But they did have something to say about Black Friday gear and Obama's foreign policy.

All of the major 2016 Republican hopefuls describe themselves as anti-abortion. Some, like Paul, Rubio and Cruz, have attempted to strip federal funding for Planned Parenthood, citing heavily edited videos that emerged earlier this year claiming to show the nonprofit's employees selling fetal tissue for profit. A congressional inquiry into the videos did not find any evidence of wrongdoing.

Earlier this year, Rubio wondered why more Americans don't get "fired up" about Planned Parenthood's "dead babies."

Police said Friday that they did not yet know the shooter's motive, or whether he was specifically targeting Planned Parenthood.

They don't know the motive? Really? He was incited by anti choice liars and women haters!

Oh, WELL, if HuffPo says so, then I should definitely . . . ignore it entirely.

Ted Cruz first GOP candidate to condemn Friday’s Planned Parenthood shooting

GOP candidates condemn Planned Parenthood shooting; dismiss link to rhetoric

Republican Candidates Finally Comment On Shooting, Continue False Attacks On Planned Parenthood

Maybe you ought to wait more than five minutes before shitting your pants.
2016 Republican Contenders Silent On Planned Parenthood Shooting 2016 Republican Contenders Silent On Planned Parenthood Shooting

But they did have something to say about Black Friday gear and Obama's foreign policy.

All of the major 2016 Republican hopefuls describe themselves as anti-abortion. Some, like Paul, Rubio and Cruz, have attempted to strip federal funding for Planned Parenthood, citing heavily edited videos that emerged earlier this year claiming to show the nonprofit's employees selling fetal tissue for profit. A congressional inquiry into the videos did not find any evidence of wrongdoing.

Earlier this year, Rubio wondered why more Americans don't get "fired up" about Planned Parenthood's "dead babies."

Police said Friday that they did not yet know the shooter's motive, or whether he was specifically targeting Planned Parenthood.

They don't know the motive? Really? He was incited by anti choice liars and women haters!

Oh, WELL, if HuffPo says so, then I should definitely . . . ignore it entirely.

Ted Cruz first GOP candidate to condemn Friday’s Planned Parenthood shooting

GOP candidates condemn Planned Parenthood shooting; dismiss link to rhetoric

Republican Candidates Finally Comment On Shooting, Continue False Attacks On Planned Parenthood

Maybe you ought to wait more than five minutes before shitting your pants.
Maybe you should wait and read what they're actually saying before barfing out your ignorant horseshit. Of course they condemn it-albeit days latter. But they continue to deny that the anti Planned Parenthood rhetoric fueled the attack and that is stupid, as are you for not seeing that
2016 Republican Contenders Silent On Planned Parenthood Shooting 2016 Republican Contenders Silent On Planned Parenthood Shooting

But they did have something to say about Black Friday gear and Obama's foreign policy.

All of the major 2016 Republican hopefuls describe themselves as anti-abortion. Some, like Paul, Rubio and Cruz, have attempted to strip federal funding for Planned Parenthood, citing heavily edited videos that emerged earlier this year claiming to show the nonprofit's employees selling fetal tissue for profit. A congressional inquiry into the videos did not find any evidence of wrongdoing.

Earlier this year, Rubio wondered why more Americans don't get "fired up" about Planned Parenthood's "dead babies."

Police said Friday that they did not yet know the shooter's motive, or whether he was specifically targeting Planned Parenthood.

They don't know the motive? Really? He was incited by anti choice liars and women haters!

Oh, WELL, if HuffPo says so, then I should definitely . . . ignore it entirely.

Ted Cruz first GOP candidate to condemn Friday’s Planned Parenthood shooting

GOP candidates condemn Planned Parenthood shooting; dismiss link to rhetoric

Republican Candidates Finally Comment On Shooting, Continue False Attacks On Planned Parenthood

Maybe you ought to wait more than five minutes before shitting your pants.
Maybe you should wait and read what they're actually saying before barfing out your ignorant horseshit. Of course they condemn it-albeit days latter. But they continue to deny that the anti Planned Parenthood rhetoric fueled the attack and that is stupid, as are you for not seeing that

Riiiight. And maybe I should REALLY wait and read what The Onion says on the off-chance IT might really be worthwhile.

I am under no obligation to treat a wildly-biased, horseshit opinion blog masquerading as real journalism like a serious source simply because ignorant fuckstains like you want to pretend it is just because it says what you want to hear.

If you get mocked and ridiculed and dismissed because you can't pull yourself out of that leftist echo chamber between your ears long enough to find and cite a credible source, you have no one to blame but yourself. No amount of deflection will change that.

You cited HuffPo. You forfeited the argument. End of discussion. You can stop waving your white flag now, dipshit.
I am under no obligation to treat a wildly-biased, horseshit opinion blog masquerading as real journalism like a serious source simply because ignorant fuckstains like you want to pretend it is just because it says what you want to hear.

If only there were some way to convey that message - politely, of course - to everyone on this board. Something along the line of "Please (A) provide links to (B) primary sources (i.e., not Weasel Zippers) only." And "blogs are opinions with, very often, only a tenuous and tangential relationship to facts."
2016 Republican Contenders Silent On Planned Parenthood Shooting 2016 Republican Contenders Silent On Planned Parenthood Shooting

But they did have something to say about Black Friday gear and Obama's foreign policy.

All of the major 2016 Republican hopefuls describe themselves as anti-abortion. Some, like Paul, Rubio and Cruz, have attempted to strip federal funding for Planned Parenthood, citing heavily edited videos that emerged earlier this year claiming to show the nonprofit's employees selling fetal tissue for profit. A congressional inquiry into the videos did not find any evidence of wrongdoing.

Earlier this year, Rubio wondered why more Americans don't get "fired up" about Planned Parenthood's "dead babies."

Police said Friday that they did not yet know the shooter's motive, or whether he was specifically targeting Planned Parenthood.

They don't know the motive? Really? He was incited by anti choice liars and women haters!

Oh, WELL, if HuffPo says so, then I should definitely . . . ignore it entirely.

Ted Cruz first GOP candidate to condemn Friday’s Planned Parenthood shooting

GOP candidates condemn Planned Parenthood shooting; dismiss link to rhetoric

Republican Candidates Finally Comment On Shooting, Continue False Attacks On Planned Parenthood

Maybe you ought to wait more than five minutes before shitting your pants.
Maybe you should wait and read what they're actually saying before barfing out your ignorant horseshit. Of course they condemn it-albeit days latter. But they continue to deny that the anti Planned Parenthood rhetoric fueled the attack and that is stupid, as are you for not seeing that

Riiiight. And maybe I should REALLY wait and read what The Onion says on the off-chance IT might really be worthwhile.

I am under no obligation to treat a wildly-biased, horseshit opinion blog masquerading as real journalism like a serious source simply because ignorant fuckstains like you want to pretend it is just because it says what you want to hear.

If you get mocked and ridiculed and dismissed because you can't pull yourself out of that leftist echo chamber between your ears long enough to find and cite a credible source, you have no one to blame but yourself. No amount of deflection will change that.

You cited HuffPo. You forfeited the argument. End of discussion. You can stop waving your white flag now, dipshit.

  • In 2012, The Huffington Post won the Pulitzer Prize in the category of national reporting for senior military correspondent David Wood's 10-part series about wounded veterans, Beyond the Battlefield.[71][72]
  • The Huffington Post is 2010 People's Voice Winner in the 14th Webby Awards[73] and is the Winner in Lead411's New York City Hot 125.[74] The Huffington Post lost the 2010 Webby Award jury prize for Best Political Blog to Truthdig.[75]
  • The Huffington Post received a Peabody Award in 2010 for "Trafficked: A Youth Radio Investigation."[76]
  • The Huffington Post was named second among the 25 Best Blogs of 2009 by Time.[77]
  • The Huffington Post won the 2006 and 2007 Webby Awards for Best Politics Blog.
  • Huffington Post contributor Bennet Kelley was awarded the Los Angeles Press Club's 2007 Southern California Journalism Award for Online Commentary[78] for political commentary published on the site.[79]
  • The Huffington Post is ranked the most powerful blog in the world by The Observer.[80]
  • The Huffington Post co-founder Arianna Huffington was named in 2009 as number 12 in Forbes‍ ' first ever list of the Most Influential Women In Media.[81] The same year, she was ranked as number 42 in The Guardian‍ 's Top 100 in Media List.[82]
  • In 2015, The Huffington Post was nominated for the Responsible Media of the Year award at the British Muslim Awards.[83]
You cited HuffPo. You forfeited the argument. End of discussion. You can stop waving your white flag now, dipshit.
I take a huge dump on anything an unhinged fuckwit like you has to say..... any side that you defend forfeits the argument because of you ...yes that is how stupid unhinged and moronic your opinions are...

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