Republicans' laughable/despicable hypocrisy on ACA


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Republicans are blatantly profiting off of ObamaCare while also implementing some of its provisions:.:

Several Republican governors likely to run for president have secured hundreds millions of dollars under Obamacare while working to dismantle the healthcare law, according to a Reuters review of federal spending records.

Governors Scott Walker of Wisconsin, Chris Christie of New Jersey, Bobby Jindal of Louisiana and former Texas Governor Rick Perry, all staunch opponents of President Barack Obama's 2010 Affordable Care Act, have collectively applied for and won at least $352 million through grant programs set up by the law, federal records show.

The action is at odds with the public stance of all four potential candidates, who have blasted the law as an unprecedented expansion of government and called for its repeal.

Now of course, there is going to be an argument about this defending these republicans on this forum but learn the facts first okay?. These candidates' aids - not the the candidates themselves - but aids to the candidiates made a statement in defense of their bosses. Obviously the candidates themselves are too much of pussies to make their own statements.

Aides told Reuters they saw no contradiction in applying for these grants while criticizing the law as a whole.

"It's critically important that we continue these services for our citizens," said Walker spokeswoman Laurel Patrick. "Receiving federal grants that existed prior to the ACA is not the same as participating in the core elements of the ACA."

Of course, that is complete bullshit, These candidates are profiting off both programs before the law was implemented AND programs created by ObamaCare:

Walker's administration has accepted at least $69 million through Affordable Care Act grant programs, according to a Reuters analysis - a figure that does not include programs that the U.S. Health and Human Services Department says existed before the law took effect. It also excludes grants that went to state universities or other entities not directly under Walker's control.

In Texas, Perry took in at least $148 million in Obamacare grants while refusing money tied to the insurance exchange and the Medicaid expansion. He stepped down as governor in January

"Governor Perry has long called for flexibility from the federal government so the states can implement health care programs in the best interests of their citizens," spokeswoman Lucy Nashed said.

In New Jersey, Christie has not set up an exchange but has accepted the Medicaid expansion on the grounds that it will help low-income residents and hospitals in his state. His administration has secured at least $75 million in grant money, on top of the additional Medicaid dollars.

"The governor has said he will make decisions with respect to the law that are in the best interest of New Jerseyans," spokesman Kevin Roberts said.

Exclusive Republican White House hopefuls attack Obamacare but take money Reuters
read part way and got bored b/c I know this is another; Reps should pay for it but not use it and leave their states to suffer for it so we can bitch about them letting people suffer thread

so predictable it's boring
Of course greedy idiot a-hole megarich Pubs andtheir bought off pundits lied fear monger nonstop about it. What pisses me of is the media doing such bad job that half the country hasn't heard about subsidies or medicaid for under the poverty line...
yur mad b/c the leftist media isn't giving you all the good press you can handle?


to get more you would have to get more channels on the tv
read part way and got bored b/c I know this is another; Reps should pay for it but not use it and leave their states to suffer for it so we can bitch about them letting people suffer thread

so predictable it's boring
You were already paying for their care, functional shyttehead hater dupe, just in the stupidest, cruelest way possible. Forcing them onto welfare to get Medicaid, for example. RW idiocy.
read part way and got bored b/c I know this is another; Reps should pay for it but not use it and leave their states to suffer for it so we can bitch about them letting people suffer thread

so predictable it's boring
You were already paying for their care, functional shyttehead hater dupe, just in the stupidest, cruelest way possible. Forcing them onto welfare to get Medicaid, for example. RW idiocy.
no one forced anyone onto anything except obama forcing all of us to buy ins or get fined

but somehow, magically, that's not a cruel and hateful thing to do
So you don't think the Chief Executive of a State should get as many federal tax dollars back into his State as possible? Wouldn't that be a dereliction of duty? Oh that's right you commiecrats don't think your dear leader has any obligation to carry out his oath, so why would any Governor, right?
You're so gd stupid. To get health care, sick people and people with pre-existing contions had to quit their jobs and go on welfare to get care. Also, with Pub scam insurance, 500k people year WITH insurance went bankrupt and lost everything. Change the gd channel and learn something. And 45k people a year DYING.
read part way and got bored b/c I know this is another; Reps should pay for it but not use it and leave their states to suffer for it so we can bitch about them letting people suffer thread

so predictable it's boring
I'm fairly certain your sum
Of course greedy idiot a-hole megarich Pubs andtheir bought off pundits lied fear monger nonstop about it. What pisses me of is the media doing such bad job that half the country hasn't heard about subsidies or medicaid for under the poverty line...
It's possible networks are being silenced by big money...
read part way and got bored b/c I know this is another; Reps should pay for it but not use it and leave their states to suffer for it so we can bitch about them letting people suffer thread

so predictable it's boring
You were already paying for their care, functional shyttehead hater dupe, just in the stupidest, cruelest way possible. Forcing them onto welfare to get Medicaid, for example. RW idiocy.
no one forced anyone onto anything except obama forcing all of us to buy ins or get fined

but somehow, magically, that's not a cruel and hateful thing to do
America is, overall better with ObamaCare.
So you don't think the Chief Executive of a State should get as many federal tax dollars back into his State as possible? Wouldn't that be a dereliction of duty? Oh that's right you commiecrats don't think your dear leader has any obligation to carry out his oath, so why would any Governor, right?
If that was the reason why the governors allowed some programs, then why didn't they implement all of ObamaCare?
Of course greedy idiot a-hole megarich Pubs andtheir bought off pundits lied fear monger nonstop about it. What pisses me of is the media doing such bad job that half the country hasn't heard about subsidies or medicaid for under the poverty line...

Now that you at least regarding MSM bias, please explain to me why even conservatives as Rush Limbaugh still say there are 30 million uninsured Americans that want health insurance when the FACTS are this:
1) 10 million of the originally 46 million Obama used to GET ACA passed were illegals and not eligible for health insurance.
2) 14 million of the remaining 36 million were below poverty lines BEFORE ACA but ineptness of Medicaid never enrolled them...
3) 18 million of the remaining 22 (uninsured) million
a) MAKE OVER $50,000 they can afford their employers' health plans but don't want them.
b) Because they are under 34 and many had catastrophic plans may be lower than those of other health insurance plans but annual deductibles

This leaves less the 4 million uninsured that wanted health insurance.
This is simple issue the MSM and many conservatives don't understand there never were 46 million uninsured that wanted health insurance!

Another example of MSM bias is totally ignoring what 90% of doctors say they practice that adds $850 billion a year to the claims insurance companies pay which the companies simply pass on in increased premiums.
And to prove this $850 billion can be reduced is simply look at the make up of those 90% doctors that were surveyed.
52% said they didn't practice defensive medicine because they are under federal contract so they can't be sued because of "Federal Tort Claims Act of 1946"!

So if 52% of the 90% of physicians that responded said they don't order duplicate tests, refer to specialists because of "Federal Tort Claims Act of 1946" why then with complete Tort Reform could we not expect the $850 billion to be reduced?
And the reason we can expect health insurance premiums to reduce is because every single insurance company must be registered with the state they sell in and their premiums they charge are approved. Part of the audit of the companies is determining how much of the premiums are paid out in claims. So if state audit of an insurance company shows lower claim expenses (i.e. due to less defensive medicine claims) then the premium increases would not be allowed!
Those are the legal facts that would reduce the total costs of health insurance easily by $100 to $200 billion a year...thus reducing premiums!
So you don't think the Chief Executive of a State should get as many federal tax dollars back into his State as possible? Wouldn't that be a dereliction of duty? Oh that's right you commiecrats don't think your dear leader has any obligation to carry out his oath, so why would any Governor, right?
If that was the reason why the governors allowed some programs, then why didn't they implement all of ObamaCare?

Long term costs, you guys hate bankers who snare folks with teaser rates where the actual costs raise quickly, but you're just fine with them when the feds do it to the States. Some Governors are smart enough not to fall for that kind of ploy.
Funny how 15 million have gotten insurance and another 5 would get Medicaid if mindless Rd states would allow it. No teasers involved...actual facts show it, Pub dupe.
Sheesh, your logic is just surreal. You ignore the fact that those governors would not be forced to make those financial choices if the Democrats had not rammed through Obamacare (as a budget reconciliation measure, not less) in the first place.

The aides' point about getting money to keep health services in place while they seek an alternative is perfectly valid and rational. You work within the system that has been imposed on you while you try to change it. There is no contradiction in that position whatsoever.

Again, were it not for Obamacare's ill-conceived provisions, those governors wouldn't be facing these decisions to begin with.
I have to agree with the OP. This is simply another one of the Republican "sleight of hand" tricks to try to make people believe they're CONSERVATIVES when in reality they're no less LIBERAL than the Democrats.
if the Stimulus "worked" why are there 14 million MORE on food stamps in obama's SEVENTH YEAR then there were when Bush left office?

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