Republicans don’t care what you think

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
Lol I needed a good laugh this morning, it's funny how liberals admit they cheated but then say they didn't cheat as bad as the other guy

Republicans don’t care what you think

Forty-nine Senate Republicans and one Democrat just confirmed Brett Kavanaugh to the United State Supreme Court. No allegations, no protesters, no public opinion poll showing Brett Kavanaugh is the most unpopular person to be elevated to the nation’s highest court in recent history was going to stop them.

To the senators who confirmed him, it did not matter that Christine Blasey Ford testified for four hours under oath and told the Senate Judiciary Committee that she was “100 percent” certain Brett Kavanaugh was the boy who pulled her into a room at a high school party 36 years ago and tried to force himself on her. It did not matter that Kavanaugh appeared to, at best, mislead senators in his own testimony. It did not matter that, unlike Clarence Thomas who also faced allegations of sexual misconduct, the public thought Kavanaugh’s accuser was more credible than he was.


Republicans don’t care if their nominee is unpopular

The American public believes Christine Blasey Ford more than they believe Brett Kavanaugh. An NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist pollfound that 45 percent of Americans thought she was the one telling the truth at last week’s Senate hearing, while 33 percent thought Kavanaugh was. It was a notable shift from the Anita Hill-Clarence Thomas hearings, when 58 percent of Americans said they believed Thomas more and only 24 percent said Hill.


Republicans are fine pushing past the backlash. Look at health care.

That is the normal way of doing business under two years of Republican rule and President Trump.

It started with Obamacare repeal. If Democrats bent the rules when they passed the health care law in the first place, Republicans abandoned the legislative process altogether to try to repeal it.



Even Pelosi admits they use that Dimms use smears to win politically.

Dimms are awful.

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