Republicans determined to start a war.

Yeah. The resentment on that continues today. How did the search for Ponco Villa go? How about Veracruz? In both of those cases we left after giving up. We accomplished nothing. We lost troops and money for zero gain.

Because of the Mexican American War, the following factions would oppose us in Mexico if we went.

The Cartels. The Army. The Police, oh and let’s not forget the Citizens. Everybody would oppose us there. Are you ready for an insurgency that lasted twenty years before we scrambled to leave like Saigon or Kabul?
Accch! The Mexican-American war gave us California, Arizona and New Mexico. It established the border at the Rio Grande. The US gain in treasure and territory was immense.

I somehow doubt that anyone is seriously proposing occupying Mexico. Smashing out the cartels, Maybe. I doubt that the will is there to really go at it..and the cartels response in the US would be a factor.

Best way to shut-down the cartels is to eliminate the demand for drugs North of the border. After all, they're just servicing their client base, right?

No market, no money. No money, no cartels.

Kind of like how the migrant issue could be solved. Jail the employers and actively enforce current laws...Many Latinx in the US would rather live elsewhere..but here is where the money is.

But..we are not going to do that, now are we?
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Have they now?


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..and then...the Western nations smashed out China and re-established the Opium trade. Odd..that you would pick an example where the East India company and the Country Houses trading from India were the de facto cartels~
Yeah. The resentment on that continues today. How did the search for Ponco Villa go? How about Veracruz? In both of those cases we left after giving up. We accomplished nothing. We lost troops and money for zero gain.

Because of the Mexican American War, the following factions would oppose us in Mexico if we went.

The Cartels. The Army. The Police, oh and let’s not forget the Citizens. Everybody would oppose us there. Are you ready for an insurgency that lasted twenty years before we scrambled to leave like Saigon or Kabul?
Don't forget we would lose ANY good will we have with Spanish speaking Latin American and South American countries......good will we have slowly been getting back after our early 20th century interventions.
Very few Americans were killed, many Mexicans. Read and learn. Black Jack Pershing learned valuable lessons that he used in WW1.
Besides, the US could do heavy damage to the cartels with drones or precision bombing. No "invasion" needed.

"Black Jack Pershing"? :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg::laughing0301:

Oh honey! Can't you tell the difference between the Mexican American War and the Spanish American War.....besides the 50+ year difference in time?

..and then...the Western nations smashed out China and re-established the Opium trade. Odd..that you would pick an example where the East India company and the Country Houses trading from India were the de facto cartels~
And the cartels use force, and corruption, to dominate in Mexico, do you doubt this?

. . . . and if they can, they will use economic power, and violence, to use force, to dominant through guile and force here, do you doubt this?

The only reason Western nations smashed China, was through superior organization, technology and monetary influence. Do you not doubt that the Mexican government, in concert with the cartels, would do the same here, given the chance?

Do you want to wait, and give them such an opportunity?


If you thought Afghanistan was a quagmire that swallowed lives and treasure like nobodies business, just wait until we invade Mexico to get the cartels. That will consume money and men like you won’t believe
You misunderstand… it’s not about invading Mexico. It’s about ERADICATING Mexico. That place cannot be saved. It simply needs to be depopulated so we can then go in and claim it.

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