Republicans determined to start a war.

Republicans are war mongers, the lot of them.
Taking out the cartel isn't war. Fighting the Mexican army/government would be war and that isn't what's being discussed.

You morons are happy to poke a nuclear nation in the eye but taking out drug lords is a bridge too far?

Give me a fucking break, pussy
Putin invaded Ukraine if you recall.

Of course they invaded Ukraine, under Obama and Biden both. But ask yourself this question: Why didn't Russia carry out any further incursions into Ukraine while Trump was President? What magical powers did he have that Obama and Biden didn't?
And the cartels use force, and corruption, to dominate in Mexico, do you doubt this?

. . . . and if they can, they will use economic power, and violence, to use force, to dominant through guile and force here, do you doubt this?

The only reason Western nations smashed China, was through superior organization, technology and monetary influence. Do you not doubt that the Mexican government, in concert with the cartels, would do the same here, given the chance?

Do you want to wait, and give them such an opportunity?


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I do not see Mexico and/or the Cartels as having superior organization, technology and monetary influence to the US. Quite the reverse, actually.
The Cartels are Criminal/terrorist enterprises..and they would use those bombs and assassinations. The Mexican Govt, those not in the pockets of the Cartels, would probably secretly welcome any harm we could do the drug-runners.

An actual war..just isn't in the cards. If we really wish to stop the cartels...find their money and take it..find their houses and drone them....perhaps, legalize all drugs..and let Darwin do his thing...or....mandate public service for all dope charges...and build some infrastructure?
Every Republican Candidate for President is promising Military action in Mexico. Unilaterally, and even on Day One.

Now. All of these folks are College Graduates. All of them have had some History Classes. And presumably they had at least one class on American History. So how is it that none of them seem to know Military Action in Mexico doesn’t seem to go well?

The second question is this. Do they really think the Mexicans will stand aside and welcome the Americans? Really?

If you thought Afghanistan was a quagmire that swallowed lives and treasure like nobodies business, just wait until we invade Mexico to get the cartels. That will consume money and men like you won’t believe.

War is obviously an absurd proposition, but I agree that something needs done. Mexico simply does not take their cartel problem seriously and it's been spilling into our borders longer than I've been alive.

What is the solution?
The only agreement I know of is the Bucharest Memorandum where NATO gave Ukraine security guarantees if they gave up their nukes. What other agreement was there?
Leftist, Politifact, says Russia's claim is "mostly false" which means that there is some truth to the claim. I doubt that there is a written and signed agreement between Russia and NATO. More likely a handshake and a wink. But, apparently, Putin has some evidence to bolster his claim that NATO violated previous agreements.


I personally have no love for anyone in that region, but I've come to trust Putin's word over Zelensky's, Biden's, or the Global Police Department and strong arm of the globalist agenda, NATO. There was a time and place when NATO was a necessary entity, but now it has outlived its original purpose and has become what it was supposed to defend against (IMO).
Lefties want us to get into a shooting war with Russia but they are afraid of the Mexican drug cartels. Go figure.

I don’t want to get into a shooting war with Russia. I do want to help Ukraine defend themselves.
Every Republican Candidate for President is promising Military action in Mexico. Unilaterally, and even on Day One.

Now. All of these folks are College Graduates. All of them have had some History Classes. And presumably they had at least one class on American History. So how is it that none of them seem to know Military Action in Mexico doesn’t seem to go well?

The second question is this. Do they really think the Mexicans will stand aside and welcome the Americans? Really?

If you thought Afghanistan was a quagmire that swallowed lives and treasure like nobodies business, just wait until we invade Mexico to get the cartels. That will consume money and men like you won’t believe.

Good to know you're ok with our country being flooded with illegals, and flooded with drugs.
Now. All of these folks are College Graduates. All of them have had some History Classes. And presumably they had at least one class on American History. So how is it that none of them seem to know Military Action in Mexico doesn’t seem to go well?

The second question is this. Do they really think the Mexicans will stand aside and welcome the Americans? Really?
What the fuck is Mexico going to do about it? They cant even beat the drug cartels. How the fuck are they going to put up a defense against the US?

Nah, Mexico cant do shit if we decide to raid the cartels.
Every Republican Candidate for President is promising Military action in Mexico. Unilaterally, and even on Day One.

Now. All of these folks are College Graduates. All of them have had some History Classes. And presumably they had at least one class on American History. So how is it that none of them seem to know Military Action in Mexico doesn’t seem to go well?

The second question is this. Do they really think the Mexicans will stand aside and welcome the Americans? Really?

If you thought Afghanistan was a quagmire that swallowed lives and treasure like nobodies business, just wait until we invade Mexico to get the cartels. That will consume money and men like you won’t believe.
Mexico would probably welcome them...

They would immediately goto the US supreme court and as for US citizens rights as a person born ina territory which is now in the US nation...

That means they would be able to travel freely in America... Brilliant idea as far as Mexicans are concerned..

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