Republicans Care About Small Businesses...Right?


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
Or so they say.

They were quick to scream, wail and moan that Obamacare would be DETRIMENTAL to small businesses. However, they don't seem to have that sentiment when it comes to Big Corporations such as WalMart which is KNOWN to absolutely DECIMATE local small businesses wherever it raises it's ugly head.

Here's a great video that distills the hypocrisy of the Republicans on this issue to a tee.

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Or so they say.

They were quick to scream, wail and moan that Obamacare would be DETRIMENTAL to small businesses. However, they don't seem to have that sentiment when it comes to Big Corporations such as WalMart which is KNOWN to absolutely DECIMATE local small businesses wherever it raises it's ugly head.

Here's a great video that distills the hypocrisy of the Republicans on this issue to a tee.


Before we discuss, can we get a consensus that small business owners "built that" business?
Or so they say.

They were quick to scream, wail and moan that Obamacare would be DETRIMENTAL to small businesses. However, they don't seem to have that sentiment when it comes to Big Corporations such as WalMart which is KNOWN to absolutely DECIMATE local small businesses wherever it raises it's ugly head.

Here's a great video that distills the hypocrisy of the Republicans on this issue to a tee.


Before we discuss, can we get a consensus that small business owners "built that" business?

don't ask that of Obama, he'll tell you they didn't
he and our wonderful Guberment did
Relax. No one shops at WalMart so they'll be out of business soon.

What's that? They're the largest, most successful retailer on the entire planet! That's impossible because all they sell is cheap crap from China. It's true, I've read it on the Internet many times.
Or so they say.

They were quick to scream, wail and moan that Obamacare would be DETRIMENTAL to small businesses. However, they don't seem to have that sentiment when it comes to Big Corporations such as WalMart which is KNOWN to absolutely DECIMATE local small businesses wherever it raises it's ugly head.

Here's a great video that distills the hypocrisy of the Republicans on this issue to a tee.


Commentator says large Corporations get tax cuts and small businesses do not. Where is he getting that data? Most small business owners vote Republican. Anyone who has ever had P&L accountability that is a small Been in meeting all morning at agency with no phone access. Just got your text. The deal is closed on books here and understand that it is scheduled to ship from Asia tomorrow but customs is the unknown does not want more regulation, unlimited legal liability, arbitrary wage increase mandates, and increased taxes.
I think loving Walmart with all your heart may be a requirement to be a Real American, pickup trucks, horrible country music, football, Jebus, the Flag and Walmart.
So Republicans, answer me driving small businesses out of business good for small businesses?
So Republicans, answer me driving small businesses out of business good for small businesses?

They can get savvy about advertising, give out rewards, etc etc
OR go under
that's how life don't always win and sometime you fail
but what would any of you government dependents know about that
So Republicans, answer me driving small businesses out of business good for small businesses?

I do not think you are going to get a straight answer out of them, they say they care about small business but if it cannot compete then it must be bad and not worthy of concern.
Times change.

Smart, small business owners adjust their business model and move on.

Others whine.
Times change.

Smart, small business owners adjust their business model and move on.

Others whine.

Walmart and the various chains have taken over practically every niche in retail, food and entertainment and vigorously defend their market share. Drive down the main drag in your town, it looks just like any other town, there is no longer any room for a startup in a huge segment of American commerce. It's a blight on our landscape and it makes me sick to think most Americans like it that way.
So Republicans, answer me driving small businesses out of business good for small businesses?
I'm a conservative, not a Republican, but I don't want you to focus on that and blow a gasket. Wally World also puts up stores in heavily Democrat/liberal areas so how Republicans are responsible for that will have to remain a mystery wrapped in an enigma. I have been a small businessman for 27 plus years and obviously supportive of anyone in the same boat but can say if you are trying to compete with WallMart, you will fail.

If you open up a burger joint next to a McDonalds you better have something different to offer the public. Or you will fail. You want to outlaw McDonalds too? What law would you pass?
Or so they say.

They were quick to scream, wail and moan that Obamacare would be DETRIMENTAL to small businesses. However, they don't seem to have that sentiment when it comes to Big Corporations such as WalMart which is KNOWN to absolutely DECIMATE local small businesses wherever it raises it's ugly head.

Here's a great video that distills the hypocrisy of the Republicans on this issue to a tee.


When the filthy evil rich greedily put more tax savings into "the bank"... What does the bank do with the money?
1) Let's all that additional money sit as cash in a big vault?
2) Lend outs the money?
3) If they lend out the money who gets the money?
4) If the banks earns more money do they pay taxes i.e. local property taxes, state income taxes, federal taxes on additional?

Or do those filthy rich hide the money in the bank yard or under their mattresses???
So Republicans, answer me driving small businesses out of business good for small businesses?

Try selling the notion that to small business owners. If you can't sell what Democrats have done for small business, most small business owners won't give your demonizing Republican position the time of day. Small business owners are challenged to compete in an increasing global economy; not just vs. Walmart.

Did you ever stop and think what a stated goal for "energy prices to necessarily skyrocket" might impact a small business owner's variable costs?
Notice mostly how quickly people here missed the point of the editorial?

That's not because they didn't get it.

Its because addressing the point will make the GOP look bad.

Far better to pretend that the editorial is a straw man complaining about WALMART and beat that invention up, eh?


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