Republicans Black Americas True Friend

"Black pundits say that to be black and Republican makes one a despicable race-traitor worthy of no-holds-barred punishment. As a black conservative Republican, I'm not frightened by this; it just angers and frustrates me.

My frustration comes from the knowledge that those claiming to have black America's empowerment and best interest at heart are the "elephant in the room" problem. They lie to black America. Who are "they"? They are Democrats committed to keeping blacks viewing themselves as victims. They are racist, bitter black politicians with huge chips on their shoulders, seeking eternal "payback" for America's original sin of slavery. These black politicians are rewarded by the Democrats for delivering black votes.

So there you have it, black America: these are your so-called advocates. And how do they help you? They lie to you. They tell you that 70% of black youths dropping out of high school is not your fault. They tell you that prisons filled with black males is not their fault. They tell you that 80% of black kids growing up without a father is not your fault. They tell you that black genocide -- half of black pregnancies ending in abortion -- is not your fault............."

lloyd marcus

Read more: Articles: Republicans: Black America's True Friend

Democrats have been using and abusing black folks for 250 years.

Democrats have done nothing but pander to democrat racists, then when racism lost steam they flipped the script and pandered to blacks an those who felt empathetic and sympathetic towards blacks for votes....

Just like LBJ said: "I'll have every ****** voting democrat for the next 100 years."

Today blacks are no more abused and manipulated than they generally were at any time in US history.

Really? Do Mormons have free will? How about white evangelical christians?

Why wouldn't they?

Every human on this earth has free will - they just need to embrace it - Evangelicals and Mormons BOTH do by submitting to the church...

Generally in the United States people are forced into nothing - they make their own decisions....
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Heres a few quotes: I'm sure some additional context wouldnt make a difference. I pulled these from the interwebs so of course I'm sure people will ask for some type of proof that I cannot provide but here goes nothing:

Oh there is plenty more from this guy...
So his disappointment with our communities continuing moral decay makes him a traitor? I admit he could try to get his message across better, but I don't think those statements make him a traitor. Well, the one where he says if whites left America yada yada... That was a dick headed thing to say and in my opinion wrong. If white people left America it'd probably snap us out of our slumber and motivate us to keep the country running. Yeah, I can understand why you don't like him. I just think he's a frustrated old man. Not a guy I'd support though.

He's not that old, he's just a self serving cocksucker who sucks the dick of bigoted white conservatives, in fact he serves as hannity's "heavy guy" or "bad cop" toward "the Blacks", so hannity can disingenuously make a HALF HEARTED attempt to act like he's defending "the Blacks" from Jesse Lee Peterson's IGNORANT and INACCURATE blanket statements and generalizations.
Rawr rawr Rawr!!! Anger!!!! RAGE!!! Spittle forming in the corners of my mouth!!!!! Thumping fist on TABLE!!!!!
[ame=]TheEvilOyo on: White liberals - YouTube[/ame]

A brother telling it how he sees it. Warning: he uses racist language, but it's obviously tongue in cheek.
I don't agree with him on a lot of the things he's saying, his point about keeping the 3rd world from industrialization and cultivating their own resources. He is right. His anti-Christian rants are too much though.
[ame=]Rich white liberal democrats more important to Obama then the poor black vicitims of Katrina. - YouTube[/ame]

This brother is more like me . I'm posting these to show how thought processes are changing with us. We are not a monolith, liberals. And you won't be enjoying that 90% for much longer.
Blacks made me brown skinned through the rape an occupation of Sicily and now they want to bitch how I enslaved them??

Blacks are so fucking out of line it's pathetic.
Well let's see shall we?

Let's see how many blacks vote Republican in November

Then you can tell me how blacks vote for Democrats because they give them "free stuff"

No, let's not 'see'. Let's call you a racist for thinking you can speak for blacks. You can no more speak for blacks than you can for whites. Blacks are individuals. The Democratic Party do not 'own' blacks.
how odd you would state this when you yourself where running up and down these boards talking for Catholics and birthcontrol...Yet here you call someone a racist for talking for a group of people....

OOOO Hypocrite!!!!

I talked about the Catholic Church, not 'Catholics' about birth control.

how odd you would state this when you yourself where running up and down these boards talking for Catholics and birthcontrol...Yet here you call someone a racist for talking for a group of people....

OOOO Hypocrite!!!!

I talked about the Catholic Church, not 'Catholics' about birth control.


birth control was the issue darling....You talked for catholics Caligirl.....You know you did. You cant lie your way out of this.

No, I didn't. I talked about the stance of the Church, not Catholics. Fucking moron.
Plasma shouldn't continue to get public aid because it keeps him living, hence annoying.
What has Limbaugh ever said that is racist?

Let's see.....

Off the top of my head

-Told a black caller to take the bone out of his nose and shut up
-Repeatedly sang "Barack the Magic Negro"
- Coined the term "Halfrican" for Obama

Now I know you right-wingers love it, but I doubt if it sat well with black voters

"Barack the Magic Negro" was not sung by Limbaugh, and the reference came from a libtard source.
Just what is wrong with "halfrican"? It does seem to be factual. Obama's not white, not black, "halfrican" would pretty much sum him up.

It doesn't make a difference who coined the word "magic negro", that gives no one an excuse for making a racist song or Limbaugh an excuse for racism.

Come on, you can't figure out what's wrong with Limbaugh using "Halfrican"?
So his disappointment with our communities continuing moral decay makes him a traitor? I admit he could try to get his message across better, but I don't think those statements make him a traitor. Well, the one where he says if whites left America yada yada... That was a dick headed thing to say and in my opinion wrong. If white people left America it'd probably snap us out of our slumber and motivate us to keep the country running. Yeah, I can understand why you don't like him. I just think he's a frustrated old man. Not a guy I'd support though.

He's not that old, he's just a self serving cocksucker who sucks the dick of bigoted white conservatives, in fact he serves as hannity's "heavy guy" or "bad cop" toward "the Blacks", so hannity can disingenuously make a HALF HEARTED attempt to act like he's defending "the Blacks" from Jesse Lee Peterson's IGNORANT and INACCURATE blanket statements and generalizations.
Rawr rawr Rawr!!! Anger!!!! RAGE!!! Spittle forming in the corners of my mouth!!!!! Thumping fist on TABLE!!!!!

You should seek help for that condition.
What has Limbaugh ever said that is racist?

Let's see.....

Off the top of my head

-Told a black caller to take the bone out of his nose and shut up
-Repeatedly sang "Barack the Magic Negro"
- Coined the term "Halfrican" for Obama

Now I know you right-wingers love it, but I doubt if it sat well with black voters

"Barack the Magic Negro" was not sung by Limbaugh, and the reference came from a libtard source.
Just what is wrong with "halfrican"? It does seem to be factual. Obama's not white, not black, "halfrican" would pretty much sum him up.

Hey, it's not me.......I enjoy a good Minstrel Show as much as the next guy. Its them coloreds who are so sensitive. What's the matter with them? Cant they take a joke?
Rush is just a good ole boy having a little fun. Don't they know you can say anything you want as long as you say......"it's a joke" afterwards?
Hey Locke,

Did you find something positive on that POS Jesse Lee Peterson? Maybe it's hard to find something positive because he isnt a positive person.
Republicans will for sure attract the Black vote when they're always saying that "the blacks" are lazy and willfully enslaved in the Democrat Plantation.
Republicans will for sure attract the Black vote when they're always saying that "the blacks" are lazy and willfully enslaved in the Democrat Plantation.

They are telling blacks that for their own good. Once they stop being lazy and get off of welfare they will make good republicans.
The monetary equivalent of a living wage varies according to local conditions, but must include enough to secure the elements of a normal standard of living--a standard high enough to make morality possible, to provide for education and recreation, to care for immature members of the family, to maintain the family during periods of sickness, and to permit a reasonable saving for old age.

Teddy Roosevelt understood what crushing poverty does to morality.
Do you?
Republicans will for sure attract the Black vote when they're always saying that "the blacks" are lazy and willfully enslaved in the Democrat Plantation.

Right, they use the "blacks are so stupid they vote dem" line then expect that will win over the blacks. Either they dont understand that calling someone a slave isnt a term of endearment or their goal isnt really to win blacks but to belittle them to their base.
how odd you would state this when you yourself where running up and down these boards talking for Catholics and birthcontrol...Yet here you call someone a racist for talking for a group of people....

OOOO Hypocrite!!!!

I talked about the Catholic Church, not 'Catholics' about birth control.


birth control was the issue darling....You talked for catholics Caligirl.....You know you did. You cant lie your way out of this.

Not sure if this has been mentioned but y'all realize Muslims, Amish and Christian Scientists are exempt from Obamacare. They did those exemptions in the beginning.

Why is it OK to exempt "selected" religious groups???

Not the same thing. The Catholic Church itself is exempt. It is our work that is not. Our charities, our hospitals, our schools, our social programs. All of which are core tenants of Catholicism. A duty of Catholics. They need to be exempt so that we can carry on providing help to our fellow Americans, regardless of their race, color, creed or sexual orientation.

I talked about the Catholic Church, not 'Catholics' about birth control.


birth control was the issue darling....You talked for catholics Caligirl.....You know you did. You cant lie your way out of this.

Not sure if this has been mentioned but y'all realize Muslims, Amish and Christian Scientists are exempt from Obamacare. They did those exemptions in the beginning.

Why is it OK to exempt "selected" religious groups???

Not the same thing. The Catholic Church itself is exempt. It is our work that is not. Our charities, our hospitals, our schools, our social programs. All of which are core tenants of Catholicism. A duty of Catholics. They need to be exempt so that we can carry on providing help to our fellow Americans, regardless of their race, color, creed or sexual orientation.


That's not speaking on behalf of Catholics.... at least, not to anyone with an IQ over that of room temperature. It is explaining the view of the Church. The Church tells us it is a duty to support the charitable work of our church. That isn't rocket science... at least, it isn't to me. If it is to you, or the moronic Plasmabutt, that's not really my concern.

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