Republicans are the problem

Clinton also wanted more training and college opportunity along with free trade. Pubs stopped that part of it...

Makes me wonder if the NAFTA Clinton signed was as bad as free trade is today. Probably had some regulations protecting American workers that Bush took out. In fact I'm sure this happened.

Reminds me of the terms Bush and his team tried to slip by when they bailed out the bankers when they robbed us on his way out of office. It was like, here you go, don't worry about paying us back, zero oversite or transparency.

Obama's deal with the banks was much more regulated. The GOP cried socialism, remember? Government Motors ring a bell?

And the GOP hate Elizabeth Warren and her Consumer Protection Bureau. Of course they don't want the consumer protected. Let the Buyer Beware is their motto.
corrupt politicians on both sides of the isle are the problem:redface:

denial of this may help you sleep at night though.

We don't deny it. What we do is replace them when we find them out. Did you see the recent blue dogs that we just booted? They acted just like Republicans. Served corporations instead of their constituents. So we got rid of them. That is how you take the government back from the rich who own both sides.

But you don't out your corruption. You don't even consider it corruption. You accept that the GOP answer to the corporations. Because you are a house slave.

Or you say, "oh it exists on both sides". Or, "all politicans are corrupt", except Ron Paul, Reagan and now Romney of course. If you are buying that? :cuckoo:
If Republicans minded that the rich own their politicians they would be outraged with Citizens United. The fact they stay silent tells me more than their words.
I think before Clinton or Obama or Carter or even Kennedy got the nomination, they had to promise to be business friendly. If not maybe the DNC gives Hillary the nomination in 2008. And Kennedy maybe went too far and business had him offed. And Carter wasn't friendly enough and they sabotaged his re election bid with the whole Iran/Contra deal.

Clinton was a triangulator. He went along on way too much. So business didn't fuck with him. That is why they attacked him with Monica. It was all they had on the guy.

Obama is business friendly, but he is also middle class friendly. Certainly more than Romney.

Time to put the cool aid down. So I assume you believe his tax increase is directed to those that are rich? Talk about naive. The question is who is the best of the worst and it isn't our distinguished progressive national socialist.
Notice the repuglicans hold us to a higher standard than they hold Romney or Newt or Rick Perry or Palin or Bachmann.

Clinton was a scumbag for cheating, but they all supported Newt for awhile. Clinton signed NAFTA, but we all know its the GOP who protect free trade despite the fact that it is killing the middle class.

Middle class republicans who go along must not think it affects them. Of course they don't. Because if they realized it was GOP policies that tanked the economy, homes values and their 401K's, they'd have to be stupid to keep voting GOP.

Don't let them try to come at you with that Ron Paul shit either. Ron Paul just figured out a way to make himself different in 4 ways that sound good to all of us, but don't forget his free market theories will take us back to a time when we had a small ruling class, small middle class merchantile class and a huge working poor class. Liberal democracies created the middle class. Labor laws and unions. Teachers, auto workers, police and even government employees should make a living wage.

We all agree there are a lot of high level government salaries that are rediculous. Not to mention the high cost pentagon projects and waste/frauld corruption. But Republicans don't go after them. They go after the teachers, police, firefighter salaries when they need to find ways to save.

Are Democrats perfect? No. But their spending is spent inside America, on the middle class and poor. That money gets the economy moving, not giving it to the top 1%. They need to start paying their fair share.

I could go on and on, but I won't.

glad i wore my boots......

Can you show me one union that likes free trade Harry? And clearly since NAFTA we have seen that free market theories greatly benefit the top 1% but haven't been so good for the middle class or poor. Am I mistaken Harry?

Can you explain how free trade helped the middle class Harry? Didn't think so.

Not that I am on board with the claims of the left.....

But, even if it were true...let's look at what the left is saying.

They don't want "good" jobs to go to places like China because it hurts the middle class. That money is helping to improve the lives of people overseas.

And here I thought the left was all about social justice and equity. I thought they would be happy to sacrafice our middle class to lift up those in poverty.

Guess not.
glad i wore my boots......

Can you show me one union that likes free trade Harry? And clearly since NAFTA we have seen that free market theories greatly benefit the top 1% but haven't been so good for the middle class or poor. Am I mistaken Harry?

Can you explain how free trade helped the middle class Harry? Didn't think so.

Not that I am on board with the claims of the left.....

But, even if it were true...let's look at what the left is saying.

They don't want "good" jobs to go to places like China because it hurts the middle class. That money is helping to improve the lives of people overseas.

And here I thought the left was all about social justice and equity. I thought they would be happy to sacrafice our middle class to lift up those in poverty.

Guess not.

I have heard this sick and twisted right wing spin on this subject before. The idea is that the Multinational Corporations are good and what they are doing is lifting up the rest of the world from poverty and we are whiners for not wanting to sacrafice. :eusa_liar:

Its not that they benefit from pitting us against cheap labor. :eusa_liar: Threatening each country that if they are taxed they will close their factories and go somewhere else. Well leave then! But don't plan on selling your shit on our shores. Get it?

The only ones getting rich from free trade are the top 1%. Are you in the top 1%? Chances are you are not but you just don't think it negatively affects you so you don't care. You are ignorant. Maybe you are a one wedge issue voter too? Care that much about abortion you would vote against your own financial interests? Baffling.
Let’s just say it: The Republicans are the problem. - The Washington Post

Like we didn't already know this?

Before you rw's get all whiny about being the (**sob**) victims of The Great Liberal Media Conspiracy, you might want to read these two, linked from the first one.

Five myths about conservative voters - The Washington Post

Top five cliches liberals use to avoid real arguments - The Washington Post

Nonetheless, the FACT still stands that the pubs are the problem.

washington post; enough said libnut:eusa_boohoo:
glad i wore my boots......

Can you show me one union that likes free trade Harry? And clearly since NAFTA we have seen that free market theories greatly benefit the top 1% but haven't been so good for the middle class or poor. Am I mistaken Harry?

Can you explain how free trade helped the middle class Harry? Didn't think so.

Not that I am on board with the claims of the left.....

But, even if it were true...let's look at what the left is saying.

They don't want "good" jobs to go to places like China because it hurts the middle class. That money is helping to improve the lives of people overseas.

And here I thought the left was all about social justice and equity. I thought they would be happy to sacrafice our middle class to lift up those in poverty.

Guess not.

I love how you couldn't even fully defend your own fucking argument because to do so you would have had to accept my premise as true. So I guess that isn't what the left is saying hypothetically because what I said isn't technically even true? :cuckoo:
Let’s just say it: The Republicans are the problem. - The Washington Post

Like we didn't already know this?

Before you rw's get all whiny about being the (**sob**) victims of The Great Liberal Media Conspiracy, you might want to read these two, linked from the first one.

Five myths about conservative voters - The Washington Post

Top five cliches liberals use to avoid real arguments - The Washington Post

Nonetheless, the FACT still stands that the pubs are the problem.

washington post; enough said libnut:eusa_boohoo:

Well seeing as how you will never get this kind of information on Fox or Rush and the rest of the media is liberal in your mind, please tell us what we need to do in order to wake you up to the fact that you are brainwashed?

I mean, you are brainwashed to think that any information that proves you wrong is just liberal lies, so how can we ever prove to you that you have this problem when you just keep blowing off our facts as liberal spin? Do you see the delema here? :cuckoo:
corrupt politicians on both sides of the isle are the problem:redface:

denial of this may help you sleep at night though.

We don't deny it. What we do is replace them when we find them out. Did you see the recent blue dogs that we just booted? They acted just like Republicans. Served corporations instead of their constituents. So we got rid of them. That is how you take the government back from the rich who own both sides.

But you don't out your corruption. You don't even consider it corruption. You accept that the GOP answer to the corporations. Because you are a house slave.

Or you say, "oh it exists on both sides". Or, "all politicans are corrupt", except Ron Paul, Reagan and now Romney of course. If you are buying that? :cuckoo:
John Edwards, most democrats held onto him to the bitter end.
Perhaps another nation would be more appropriate for you...................

I may go to another country before too much longer. I'm getting tired of living in this fascist police state. I'm beginning to think it isn't salvagable.

Keep saving that allowance, lil' guy.

yeah might have to save more cash/wealth, why? so the gubermint won't take it from me by taxing me and more hard working Americans to save delusional peeps from falling off the cliff out pure ignents...hey i didn't change the english language to convenience your came from your ignent side moron.

left always believe in dumb down from unions + failure + excuses to control and still get paid for piss poor performance and results

The party's biggest problem is its own messengers. They're terrible representatives and they're turning too much of the party into a gross caricature. The damage can certainly be repaired, but only after the loons have been marginalized.

Republican's problem is it's lack of people with zero backbone...

You mean they should change their mascot from the elephant to the squid?

it be cool if dems would change there mascot from jackass to toilet paper with pictorial views for reference sake, b/c results are what matters...piling on debt for votes is bullshiite and it is never a right to own a house when you can never afford or ever show poof..gdb is below interest payment...we will never get out of this..thanks dems..cra..thanks carter..thanks clintool...obama who sued citibank to force them to make bad loans.....
Once again, I hate to point out the obvious here, Kiddies...but when progressives controlled the House, Senate and Oval guys gave us ObamaCare and the Obama Stimulus. You REALLY want to pretend that the GOP is the problem? The fact is...this Administration doesn't have a clue what to do with the economy at this point. They haven't had an economic strategy since the Obama Stimulus fizzled out and Larry Summers and Christina Romer tucked tail and ran back to academia.
You see...a "real" economic strategy would consist of something more than trying to pass the "Buffett Rule" which does NOTHING to address the deficit and blaming the GOP for not giving you a watered down version of the first stimulus that didn't work then.
What are the democrats plan to balance the budget?

They didn't have a budget in 2010 remember?

seriously? NO SERIOUSLY?

Government without a budget is like handing the credit card to your teenager and saying spend on what ever you think you need.

House Democrats will not pass a budget blueprint in 2010, Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) will confirm in a speech on Tuesday.

But Hoyer will vow to crack down on government spending, saying Democrats will enforce spending limits that are lower than what President Barack Obama has called for.

Dems won

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