Republicans are ALWAYS wrong!

Despite the fact that Republicans have occupied the White House for 28 of the past 51 years, almost twice as many private sector jobs were created when Democrats occupy the Oval Office.

and the festival of stupidity continues unabated.....................

it's on the President when he's a Democrat, unless it's bad then it goes on his "republican" (but not really) Congress

conversely it's on the Republican president when it's bad

Reagan has legions of Dems voting for his policies; the Left cries like babies about Reagan but wont blame his Dem congress
clinton had a huge republican majority when he balanced his budgets
obama's worst years creating jobs were when Dems ran his Congress; and his best years are with repubs in charge
idiots and hypocrites
Want a Better Economy? History Says Vote Democrat ...
Oct 10, 2012 -Some historical facts on the economy worth reviewing. ...I cover business growth & overcoming organizational obstacles....over 16% more per year under Democratic presidents (they actually declined under Republicans by ...

once more idiot; when your article says "vote democrat" are they referring to for president or congress??

facts matter leftard, facts matter

what can be gleaned from YOUR graph leftard????

spending SKYROCKETED in Bush's last two years when Dems held BOTH CHAMBERS OF
CONGRESS AND........................

OBAMA spending is ABOVE Bush's spending AND

obama spending is PROJECTED TO RISE on account of obama in the years AFTER he leaves office

idiots and hypocrites
The last Bush budget holds the record deficit $1.4 trillion bucks
Despite the fact that Republicans have occupied the White House for 28 of the past 51 years, almost twice as many private sector jobs were created when Democrats occupy the Oval Office.

and the festival of stupidity continues unabated.....................

it's on the President when he's a Democrat, unless it's bad then it goes on his "republican" (but not really) Congress

conversely it's on the Republican president when it's bad

Reagan has legions of Dems voting for his policies; the Left cries like babies about Reagan but wont blame his Dem congress
clinton had a huge republican majority when he balanced his budgets
obama's worst years creating jobs were when Dems ran his Congress; and his best years are with repubs in charge
idiots and hypocrites
Want a Better Economy? History Says Vote Democrat ...
Oct 10, 2012 -Some historical facts on the economy worth reviewing. ...I cover business growth & overcoming organizational obstacles....over 16% more per year under Democratic presidents (they actually declined under Republicans by ...

once more idiot; when your article says "vote democrat" are they referring to for president or congress??

facts matter leftard, facts matter
You are struggling against the facts ...look at my links ...they have numbers
Study: Economy grows faster under Democratic presidents ...
Democrats should stop blaming Bush for policies they ...
Sep 1, 2012 - Democrats should stop blaming Bush for policies they supported ... I am frankly fed up with hearing Democrats whine about George W. Bush being ... The budget deficits in 2009, 2010 and 2011 were all over a trillion dollars. ... Here are the Democrats in the Senate who voted for the war in Afghanistan:.

what can be gleaned from YOUR graph leftard????

spending SKYROCKETED in Bush's last two years when Dems held BOTH CHAMBERS OF
CONGRESS AND........................

OBAMA spending is ABOVE Bush's spending AND

obama spending is PROJECTED TO RISE on account of obama in the years AFTER he leaves office

idiots and hypocrites
The last Bush budget holds the record deficit $1.4 trillion bucks


libs are losers who lie to themselves

what can be gleaned from YOUR graph leftard????

spending SKYROCKETED in Bush's last two years when Dems held BOTH CHAMBERS OF
CONGRESS AND........................

OBAMA spending is ABOVE Bush's spending AND

obama spending is PROJECTED TO RISE on account of obama in the years AFTER he leaves office

idiots and hypocrites
The last Bush budget holds the record deficit $1.4 trillion bucks


libs are losers who lie to themselves
Read and weep
Study: Economy grows faster under Democratic presidents ...
obama ADDED $200 BILLION TO THE LAST BUSH BUDGET DEFICIT; the one you were talking about IDIOT:

Obama's Deficit Dodge -
Sep 28, 2012 - President Obama is falsely claiming that his administration's policies are responsible for “about 10 percent” of the deficits “over the last four

what can be gleaned from YOUR graph leftard????

spending SKYROCKETED in Bush's last two years when Dems held BOTH CHAMBERS OF
CONGRESS AND........................

OBAMA spending is ABOVE Bush's spending AND

obama spending is PROJECTED TO RISE on account of obama in the years AFTER he leaves office

idiots and hypocrites
The last Bush budget holds the record deficit $1.4 trillion bucks


libs are losers who lie to themselves
Read and weep
Study: Economy grows faster under Democratic presidents ...


President Obama is falsely claiming that his administration’s policies are responsible for “about 10 percent” of the deficits “over the last four years.” The cumulative deficit during that time is nearly $5.2 trillion. Obama signed two bills — the 2009 stimulus and the 2010 tax cut — that alone cost $1.6 trillion during that time, or nearly a third of the cumulative four-year deficit.
How could he have been so wrong? Although he said “the last four years,” the administration tells us that he was referring to a Treasury analysis of a 10-year period from 2002 to 2011 — which includes all eight years of the Bush administration and excludes the 2012 fiscal year, which ends Sept. 30 with a $1.17 trillion deficit.
We’re also told that Obama meant 12 percent, not 10 percent, and that 12 percent figure does not represent a percentage of cumulative deficits ($6 trillion) during those 10 years. It’s 12 percent of $11.9 trillion — which is the difference between the Congressional Budget Office’s rosy 10-year budget projection issued in January 2001 ($5.9 trillion in cumulative surpluses from 2002 to 2011) and what actually happened ($6 trillion in deficits).
The Treasury Department analysis claims that Obama’s polices are responsible for 12 percent of “the changes in deficit projections since January 2001,” but even that figure is too low, as we will explain later.
Yet you have no problem labeling the entire republican and Tea parties as racist based on a few folks that showed up to an open rally. Go figure.

Nope. Not based on a few people who show up at a rally. Based on the actual republican platform.


16 Wacky Ideas In The Texas Republican Party’s New Platform

1) Pornography Should Be Treated Just Like Cocaine

2) Social Security Should Be Phased Out

3) Texas Should Veto Federal Laws

4) Americans Should Not Be Allowed To Choose Their Own Senators

5) The Problem With America’s Schools Is That They Have Too Much Money
According to the Texas GOP, “ince data is clear that additional money does not translate into educational achievement, and higher education costs are out of control, we support reducing taxpayer funding to all levels of education institutions.”

6) All Federal Agencies Should Be Rendered Impotent

7) Climate Change Is A Myth

8) Congress Must Act Now To Prevent America From Becoming A Muslim Caliphate

9) God Hates Gay People, And Their Bosses Should Be Allowed To Fire Them For Being Gay

10) Gayness Can Be Cured

11) The Voting Rights Act Should Be Repealed

16 Wacky Ideas In The Texas Republican Party’s New Platform

The Silliest, Most Terrifying Things in the Republican Platform

We condemn the hate campaigns, threats of violence, and vandalism by proponents of same-sex marriage against advocates of traditional marriage and call for a federal investigation into attempts to deny religious believers their civil rights.

I wonder if Republican operatives have a name for the tactic where they accuse other people of doing exactly what they themselves are doing. It’s pretty much their go-to move—here, they take the decades of oppression and hate gay people have suffered and turn it around so that forcing people to grant equal rights to homosexuals is akin to denying civil rights. If you feel a twinge of conscience writing this stuff, you’re not ready to be a Republican operative. If you feel bile rising in your throat reading it, you're not ready to read the rest of this platform.

Conservation is a conservative value. […] Congress should reconsider whether parts of the federal government’s enormous landholdings and control of water in the West could be better used for ranching, mining, or forestry through private ownership.

Opening national parks and public land to logging and mining is the opposite of conservation. So that’s probably just a typo.

By uniting our government and our citizens, our foreign policy will secure freedom, keep America safe, and ensure that we remain the “last best hope on Earth.”

That last bit is in quotes because it’s a line from a message Abraham Lincoln sent to Congress before signing the Emancipation Proclamation. But I think in context here, “last best hope on Earth” means that the Republicans want to make sure that in the event of an alien invasion, the US military is humanity’s best hope for survival. Pretty badass of them to put that in the platform.

As a matter of principle, we oppose the creation of any new race-based governments within the United States.

Um, is the GOP coming out against weird racially homogenous enclaves that govern themselves? Like a commune of Filipinos that rejects US law and murders non-Filipinos who trespass on their territory? I guess that sort of thing should be stopped, if it’s happening—but maybe the word “new” means that they’re cool with the currently-existing race-based governments in the US, but there’s not room for one more.

The effectiveness of our foreign aid has been limited by the cultural agenda of the current Administration, attempting to impose on foreign countries, especially the peoples of Africa, legalized abortion and the homosexual rights agenda.

Another one that is just straight-up confusing. We’re exporting “homosexual rights” to Africa?

The Silliest, Most Terrifying Things in the Republican Platform | VICE | United States

And the racist part is where?


Funny, I didn't see it or a mention of it in you BS made up link.

BTW, this is a link to their real platform.
Obama, Sept. 21: I think it’s important for folks to know that 90 percent of the debt and deficits that we’re seeing right now are the result of choices that were made over the course of the last decade — two wars that weren’t paid for; tax cuts skewed towards the wealthy that were not paid for. So we made some decisions, and then when the Great Recession hit, that meant more money was going out and not as much money was coming in, and that has blown up our deficit and our debt.
Obama’s response leaves the false impression that President George W. Bush and the 2008 recession are responsible for a whopping 90 percent of the deficits in the last four years.
It’s true that Obama “inherited the biggest deficit in our history,” as he said on CBS. By the time Obama took office in January 2009, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office had already estimated that increased spending and decreased revenues would result in a $1.2 trillion deficit for fiscal year 2009, which began Oct. 1, 2008. In a detailed analysis of fiscal year 2009, we found that Obama was responsible for adding at most $203 billion to the deficit, which in the end topped $1.4 trillion that year.
Consider that just two pieces of legislation he signed account for nearly a third of the $5.2 trillion in deficits since 2009:
  • The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, better known as the stimulus act, will cost $831 billion through 2019, according to the CBO. The administration estimates the stimulus at $800 billion through 2011.
  • The Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization, and Job Creation Act of 2010 extended the Bush tax cuts and cut the Social Security payroll tax for two years, as well as provided relief to some taxpayers who otherwise would have had to pay the alternative minimum tax. The 2010 tax act cost nearly $800 billion in 2011 and 2012.
Obama saved us from Bush Failure 43

good one idiot; stick to one-liners, becausse your charts and articles make the case for the other side!! lol
sure specially the one that proclaims that Democratic Presidents create more jobs ...tee hee

yea that; where you ignore that that dem's presidents worst years were when his own Party had Congress and his best years were when he let Republicans run things
The administration does not take responsibility for all of the spending in the 2010 tax act (which we will detail later). But Treasury accepts that the administration is responsible for another $410 billion in additional tax cuts and spending through 2011.
That means at a minimum the Obama administration is responsible for $2 trillion, or 39 percent of the $5.17 trillion in deficits since fiscal year 2009.
Looking ahead, Obama has promised if reelected to allow the Bush-era income tax cuts to expire for upper-income taxpayers, raising the top two tax rates from 33 percent and 35 percent to 36 percent and 39.6 percent. But he would keep the tax rates at the Bush-era levels for everyone else. Obama’s plan would cost the federal government $3 trillion over 10 years compared with $3.7 trillion if he allowed all of the Bush tax cuts to remain in place

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