Republicans are ALWAYS wrong!

View attachment 50723

Even the graph in your link shows a decline in full time jobs and a rise in the trends for part time in the last year.
There are more people working full-time now then ever in the history of this GREAT country.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data


Series title: (Seas) Employed, Usually Work Full Time
Labor force status: Employed full time (persons who usually work 35 hours or more)
Type of data: Number in thousands
Age: 16 years and over

There are more people than ever before, how does that break down per capita? Considering the work force participation rate is near all time lows I would think per capita stats would be pretty dismal.
The lies just keep on coming.
The LPR is not near all time lows.


Series title: (Seas) Labor Force Participation Rate
Labor force status: Civilian labor force participation rate
Type of data: Percent or rate
Age: 16 years and over


  1. at or to a short distance away; nearby:
    "a bomb exploding somewhere near"
  2. a short time away in the future:
    "the time for his retirement was drawing near"
  3. almost:
    "a near perfect fit"
Now you know what near means, 3.5 to 4% difference between all time lows and now meets the definition. Stop lying and spinning your BS.
Near is NOT about half way between the lows and highs.
The right wing dehumanization of our African American president is noted.

It's no president, it's a wannabe dictator and chicago gutter trash. Thank God we'll be rid of him is 16 months. And sorry you don't like my gender neutral terms, isn't that something you commies are also pushing?
The bigotry and hatred of the right is perfectly represented in this post. Obama was democratically elected twice, he is not a dictator, he is not "gutter trash." He is a Christian man with a loving family who has been doing his best despite people like yourself hating him for being different.

You are right in your last sentence.

Your overgeneralizations and your immaturity clearly shine through in the rest.

GWB was a dumbass....but he was POTUS. The left didn't treat him any better.

Do two wrongs make a right.


Both sides are wrong.
My immaturity? Directly quoting Texas his my immaturity? I've already admitted I'm 6 years old, so i guess you're right. The left did not call GWB a dictator, a communist, a Marxist, an ape.. They didn't make up a conspiracy theory about his birth..

Google found this in 0.47 seconds, how has it taken you 7 years?

How do you know those are from the Left, and not from teabaggers and Libertarians who also thought Bush was an incompetent big spender?

59.4 million is a mere pittance compared to Obama care at 2 Trillion in 10 years and the loss of 2.5 million jobs.
Then there is the deficit The CBO estimates that budget deficits will increase by $7.3 trillion over the next 10 years.
Yes this thing needs to be repealed and a better one put in place that works for everyone, not just the few.
CBO: Obamacare cost hits $2 trillion, law to reduce labor force by 2.5 million | United Liberty | Free Market - Individual Liberty - Limited Government
what a joke this loser is!! the Left wipes their asses with $54 million in taxpayer money.
from "shovel-ready wasnt so shovel-ready" to the $20 BILLION or so doled out to "green" start-ups run by obama's corporate fatcat donors that failed to produce jobs. and if you want you can throw in the hundreds of billions Dems voted for the war they said was "based on lies" they didnt have the balls or the wills to "de-fund" like they promised

59.4 million is a mere pittance compared to Obama care at 2 Trillion in 10 years and the loss of 2.5 million jobs.
Then there is the deficit The CBO estimates that budget deficits will increase by $7.3 trillion over the next 10 years.
Yes this thing needs to be repealed and a better one put in place that works for everyone, not just the few.
CBO: Obamacare cost hits $2 trillion, law to reduce labor force by 2.5 million | United Liberty | Free Market - Individual Liberty - Limited Government
That is a Cato Institute propaganda site
what a joke this loser is!! the Left wipes their asses with $54 million in taxpayer money.
from "shovel-ready wasnt so shovel-ready" to the $20 BILLION or so doled out to "green" start-ups run by obama's corporate fatcat donors that failed to produce jobs. and if you want you can throw in the hundreds of billions Dems voted for the war they said was "based on lies" they didnt have the balls or the wills to "de-fund" like they promised

59.4 million is a mere pittance compared to Obama care at 2 Trillion in 10 years and the loss of 2.5 million jobs.
Then there is the deficit The CBO estimates that budget deficits will increase by $7.3 trillion over the next 10 years.
Yes this thing needs to be repealed and a better one put in place that works for everyone, not just the few.
CBO: Obamacare cost hits $2 trillion, law to reduce labor force by 2.5 million | United Liberty | Free Market - Individual Liberty - Limited Government
That is a Cato Institute propaganda site

It is still the numbers from the Gov. CBO
what a joke this loser is!! the Left wipes their asses with $54 million in taxpayer money.
from "shovel-ready wasnt so shovel-ready" to the $20 BILLION or so doled out to "green" start-ups run by obama's corporate fatcat donors that failed to produce jobs. and if you want you can throw in the hundreds of billions Dems voted for the war they said was "based on lies" they didnt have the balls or the wills to "de-fund" like they promised





idiots and hypocrites
Despite the fact that Republicans have occupied the White House for 28 of the past 51 years, almost twice as many private sector jobs were created when Democrats occupy the Oval Office.
many of the left-wingers that post on a regular basis here are simply comical losers obviously brainwashed and regurgitating stuff they were spoon-fed; oblivious to the fact that their charts and graphs often MAKE THE CASE FOR THE OTHER SIDE when you truly take a good look at them.

tsk tsk tsk....
many of the left-wingers that post on a regular basis here are simply comical losers obviously brainwashed and regurgitating stuff they were spoon-fed; oblivious to the fact that their charts and graphs often MAKE THE CASE FOR THE OTHER SIDE when you truly take a good look at them.

tsk tsk tsk....
and you are a natural born genius ...unnnnnbelievable
Despite the fact that Republicans have occupied the White House for 28 of the past 51 years, almost twice as many private sector jobs were created when Democrats occupy the Oval Office.

and the festival of stupidity continues unabated.....................

it's on the President when he's a Democrat, unless it's bad then it goes on his "republican" (but not really) Congress

conversely it's on the Republican president when it's bad

Reagan has legions of Dems voting for his policies; the Left cries like babies about Reagan but wont blame his Dem congress
clinton had a huge republican majority when he balanced his budgets
obama's worst years creating jobs were when Dems ran his Congress; and his best years are with repubs in charge
idiots and hypocrites
HE LEAVES the White House as one of the least popular and most divisive presidents in American history. At home, his approval rating has been stuck in the 20s for months; abroad, George Bush has presided over the most catastrophic collapse in America's reputation since the second world war. The American economy is in deep recession, brought on by a crisis that forced Mr Bush to preside over huge and unpopular bail-outs.
America is embroiled in two wars, one of which Mr Bush launched against the tide of world opinion. The Bush family name, once among the most illustrious in American political life, is now so tainted that Jeb, George's younger brother, recently decided not to run for the Senate from Florida. A Bush relative describes family gatherings as “funeral wakes”
Despite the fact that Republicans have occupied the White House for 28 of the past 51 years, almost twice as many private sector jobs were created when Democrats occupy the Oval Office.

and the festival of stupidity continues unabated.....................

it's on the President when he's a Democrat, unless it's bad then it goes on his "republican" (but not really) Congress

conversely it's on the Republican president when it's bad

Reagan has legions of Dems voting for his policies; the Left cries like babies about Reagan but wont blame his Dem congress
clinton had a huge republican majority when he balanced his budgets
obama's worst years creating jobs were when Dems ran his Congress; and his best years are with repubs in charge
idiots and hypocrites
Want a Better Economy? History Says Vote Democrat ...
Oct 10, 2012 -Some historical facts on the economy worth reviewing. ...I cover business growth & overcoming organizational obstacles....over 16% more per year under Democratic presidents (they actually declined under Republicans by ...

what can be gleaned from YOUR graph leftard????

spending SKYROCKETED in Bush's last two years when Dems held BOTH CHAMBERS OF
CONGRESS AND........................

OBAMA spending is ABOVE Bush's spending AND

obama spending is PROJECTED TO RISE on account of obama in the years AFTER he leaves office

idiots and hypocrites

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