Republican Tyranny: Michigan is the proof of concept.


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
New York City
Well it seems that the autocratic plans for the country are being proven out in Michigan. Republicans won the legislature and have used emergency rules to fast track laws as BAU. They've taken over towns and tossed out local officials while ramming through un-popular bills without taking a vote. It seems that although they have a majority..they don't have the 2/3rds majority necessary to fast track. And it seems that the vote count might not have been "accurate". We've seen these sorts of things take place in other states, but none so brazen. Michigan is in the process of liqudating towns they don't like..and voter suppression.

Rachel Maddow said, “Under the Michigan constitution remember again you can only make a law take effect immediately if you have a 2/3 majority, if you have a super majority. Michigan Republicans don’t have that. In the House they don’t have a 2/3 majority. In order to get 2/3 on any vote, House Republicans would need the help of almost a dozen Democrats. You need 63 lawmakers on your side, before you get what the state constitution says you can have if you want that immediate effect right. You need 73 votes to take effect right away. So for the emergency manager law for example, Democrats voted against that law in a bloc. Republicans did pass it with their 62 votes and 62 votes is enough to pass it, but it’s not nearly enough for it to go into effect immediately, but regardless they just attached immediate effect to it anyway.”

Maddow pointed out that Republicans are claiming immediate effect passed with a 2/3 majority, but it didn’t happen that way. She pointed out that the emergency manager law and possibly the rest of the 500 bills the Michigan Republicans passed and used immediate effect may have been passed in violation of Michigan constitution.

She showed video evidence of Michigan Republicans violating the constitution and illegally passing bills, and discussed the Democrats lawsuit against the Republicans over their abuse of immediate effect. The court case matters because Michigan Republicans are trying to pass a law to make it harder to vote, and they are also trying to pass a law making it harder to put a referendum on the ballot.


The phased Republican murder of democracy in Michigan has never gotten the attention that it deserves. Michigan has taken a backseat to Wisconsin and the SB 5 drama in Ohio, but something is happening in Michigan that is more important than what is going on in those other states. For the first time in our history, a political party in a state is systemically eliminating democracy in order to create one party rule.

When Republicans ignore their own state constitution and violate the democratic process in the state legislature, that is call autocracy. When Republicans strip power away from voters and representatives and hand it to a non-elected appointee of the governor that is a democracy killing behavior.

Rachel Maddow Eviscerates Michigan Republicans for Circumventing Democracy
MAINE is becoming another example of the GOP ideal.

LePage is dismantling the social services network as fast as he can.
Well it seems that the autocratic plans for the country are being proven out in Michigan. Republicans won the legislature and have used emergency rules to fast track laws as BAU. They've taken over towns and tossed out local officials while ramming through un-popular bills without taking a vote. It seems that although they have a majority..they don't have the 2/3rds majority necessary to fast track. And it seems that the vote count might not have been "accurate". We've seen these sorts of things take place in other states, but none so brazen. Michigan is in the process of liqudating towns they don't like..and voter suppression.

Rachel Maddow said, “Under the Michigan constitution remember again you can only make a law take effect immediately if you have a 2/3 majority, if you have a super majority. Michigan Republicans don’t have that. In the House they don’t have a 2/3 majority. In order to get 2/3 on any vote, House Republicans would need the help of almost a dozen Democrats. You need 63 lawmakers on your side, before you get what the state constitution says you can have if you want that immediate effect right. You need 73 votes to take effect right away. So for the emergency manager law for example, Democrats voted against that law in a bloc. Republicans did pass it with their 62 votes and 62 votes is enough to pass it, but it’s not nearly enough for it to go into effect immediately, but regardless they just attached immediate effect to it anyway.”

Maddow pointed out that Republicans are claiming immediate effect passed with a 2/3 majority, but it didn’t happen that way. She pointed out that the emergency manager law and possibly the rest of the 500 bills the Michigan Republicans passed and used immediate effect may have been passed in violation of Michigan constitution.

She showed video evidence of Michigan Republicans violating the constitution and illegally passing bills, and discussed the Democrats lawsuit against the Republicans over their abuse of immediate effect. The court case matters because Michigan Republicans are trying to pass a law to make it harder to vote, and they are also trying to pass a law making it harder to put a referendum on the ballot.


The phased Republican murder of democracy in Michigan has never gotten the attention that it deserves. Michigan has taken a backseat to Wisconsin and the SB 5 drama in Ohio, but something is happening in Michigan that is more important than what is going on in those other states. For the first time in our history, a political party in a state is systemically eliminating democracy in order to create one party rule.

When Republicans ignore their own state constitution and violate the democratic process in the state legislature, that is call autocracy. When Republicans strip power away from voters and representatives and hand it to a non-elected appointee of the governor that is a democracy killing behavior.

Rachel Maddow Eviscerates Michigan Republicans for Circumventing Democracy

Oh Rachel Maddow. Why anyone would believe anything that ugly dyke said is beyond me.

We see the results of Democratic rule in MI: high taxes, businesses fleeing, decay, crime. Detroit is a whisker away from bankruptcy and state takeover. These are the direct results of Dem policies. This is Obama's future of America. The GOP is trying to take some desperate measures to turn around decades of mismanagement. And all the left can do is gripe.
Well it seems that the autocratic plans for the country are being proven out in Michigan. Republicans won the legislature and have used emergency rules to fast track laws as BAU. They've taken over towns and tossed out local officials while ramming through un-popular bills without taking a vote. It seems that although they have a majority..they don't have the 2/3rds majority necessary to fast track. And it seems that the vote count might not have been "accurate". We've seen these sorts of things take place in other states, but none so brazen. Michigan is in the process of liqudating towns they don't like..and voter suppression.

Rachel Maddow said, “Under the Michigan constitution remember again you can only make a law take effect immediately if you have a 2/3 majority, if you have a super majority. Michigan Republicans don’t have that. In the House they don’t have a 2/3 majority. In order to get 2/3 on any vote, House Republicans would need the help of almost a dozen Democrats. You need 63 lawmakers on your side, before you get what the state constitution says you can have if you want that immediate effect right. You need 73 votes to take effect right away. So for the emergency manager law for example, Democrats voted against that law in a bloc. Republicans did pass it with their 62 votes and 62 votes is enough to pass it, but it’s not nearly enough for it to go into effect immediately, but regardless they just attached immediate effect to it anyway.”

Maddow pointed out that Republicans are claiming immediate effect passed with a 2/3 majority, but it didn’t happen that way. She pointed out that the emergency manager law and possibly the rest of the 500 bills the Michigan Republicans passed and used immediate effect may have been passed in violation of Michigan constitution.

She showed video evidence of Michigan Republicans violating the constitution and illegally passing bills, and discussed the Democrats lawsuit against the Republicans over their abuse of immediate effect. The court case matters because Michigan Republicans are trying to pass a law to make it harder to vote, and they are also trying to pass a law making it harder to put a referendum on the ballot.


The phased Republican murder of democracy in Michigan has never gotten the attention that it deserves. Michigan has taken a backseat to Wisconsin and the SB 5 drama in Ohio, but something is happening in Michigan that is more important than what is going on in those other states. For the first time in our history, a political party in a state is systemically eliminating democracy in order to create one party rule.

When Republicans ignore their own state constitution and violate the democratic process in the state legislature, that is call autocracy. When Republicans strip power away from voters and representatives and hand it to a non-elected appointee of the governor that is a democracy killing behavior.

Rachel Maddow Eviscerates Michigan Republicans for Circumventing Democracy

Oh Rachel Maddow. Why anyone would believe anything that ugly dyke said is beyond me.

We see the results of Democratic rule in MI: high taxes, businesses fleeing, decay, crime. Detroit is a whisker away from bankruptcy and state takeover. These are the direct results of Dem policies. This is Obama's future of America. The GOP is trying to take some desperate measures to turn around decades of mismanagement. And all the left can do is gripe.

If you have a problem with the points she makes..address them. sound like what you are..a bigotted right wing hack.
MAINE is becoming another example of the GOP ideal.

LePage is dismantling the social services network as fast as he can.

GOOD, maybe it will help the good people of Lewiston once the somalies leave.
Well it seems that the autocratic plans for the country are being proven out in Michigan. Republicans won the legislature and have used emergency rules to fast track laws as BAU. They've taken over towns and tossed out local officials while ramming through un-popular bills without taking a vote. It seems that although they have a majority..they don't have the 2/3rds majority necessary to fast track. And it seems that the vote count might not have been "accurate". We've seen these sorts of things take place in other states, but none so brazen. Michigan is in the process of liqudating towns they don't like..and voter suppression.

Rachel Maddow said, “Under the Michigan constitution remember again you can only make a law take effect immediately if you have a 2/3 majority, if you have a super majority. Michigan Republicans don’t have that. In the House they don’t have a 2/3 majority. In order to get 2/3 on any vote, House Republicans would need the help of almost a dozen Democrats. You need 63 lawmakers on your side, before you get what the state constitution says you can have if you want that immediate effect right. You need 73 votes to take effect right away. So for the emergency manager law for example, Democrats voted against that law in a bloc. Republicans did pass it with their 62 votes and 62 votes is enough to pass it, but it’s not nearly enough for it to go into effect immediately, but regardless they just attached immediate effect to it anyway.”

Maddow pointed out that Republicans are claiming immediate effect passed with a 2/3 majority, but it didn’t happen that way. She pointed out that the emergency manager law and possibly the rest of the 500 bills the Michigan Republicans passed and used immediate effect may have been passed in violation of Michigan constitution.

She showed video evidence of Michigan Republicans violating the constitution and illegally passing bills, and discussed the Democrats lawsuit against the Republicans over their abuse of immediate effect. The court case matters because Michigan Republicans are trying to pass a law to make it harder to vote, and they are also trying to pass a law making it harder to put a referendum on the ballot.


The phased Republican murder of democracy in Michigan has never gotten the attention that it deserves. Michigan has taken a backseat to Wisconsin and the SB 5 drama in Ohio, but something is happening in Michigan that is more important than what is going on in those other states. For the first time in our history, a political party in a state is systemically eliminating democracy in order to create one party rule.

When Republicans ignore their own state constitution and violate the democratic process in the state legislature, that is call autocracy. When Republicans strip power away from voters and representatives and hand it to a non-elected appointee of the governor that is a democracy killing behavior.

Rachel Maddow Eviscerates Michigan Republicans for Circumventing Democracy

I don't know how the law in Michigan works, so maybe I'm not quite understanding the problem. If the laws they vote for don't take immediate effect, then when do they?

As far as Detroit goes, the city council voted in favor of the state oversight board, which was the alternative to a complete take over by the state. Gov. Snyder himself stated he had no interest in taking over management of Detroit.
Well it seems that the autocratic plans for the country are being proven out in Michigan. Republicans won the legislature and have used emergency rules to fast track laws as BAU. They've taken over towns and tossed out local officials while ramming through un-popular bills without taking a vote. It seems that although they have a majority..they don't have the 2/3rds majority necessary to fast track. And it seems that the vote count might not have been "accurate". We've seen these sorts of things take place in other states, but none so brazen. Michigan is in the process of liqudating towns they don't like..and voter suppression.

Rachel Maddow said, “Under the Michigan constitution remember again you can only make a law take effect immediately if you have a 2/3 majority, if you have a super majority. Michigan Republicans don’t have that. In the House they don’t have a 2/3 majority. In order to get 2/3 on any vote, House Republicans would need the help of almost a dozen Democrats. You need 63 lawmakers on your side, before you get what the state constitution says you can have if you want that immediate effect right. You need 73 votes to take effect right away. So for the emergency manager law for example, Democrats voted against that law in a bloc. Republicans did pass it with their 62 votes and 62 votes is enough to pass it, but it’s not nearly enough for it to go into effect immediately, but regardless they just attached immediate effect to it anyway.”

Maddow pointed out that Republicans are claiming immediate effect passed with a 2/3 majority, but it didn’t happen that way. She pointed out that the emergency manager law and possibly the rest of the 500 bills the Michigan Republicans passed and used immediate effect may have been passed in violation of Michigan constitution.

She showed video evidence of Michigan Republicans violating the constitution and illegally passing bills, and discussed the Democrats lawsuit against the Republicans over their abuse of immediate effect. The court case matters because Michigan Republicans are trying to pass a law to make it harder to vote, and they are also trying to pass a law making it harder to put a referendum on the ballot.


The phased Republican murder of democracy in Michigan has never gotten the attention that it deserves. Michigan has taken a backseat to Wisconsin and the SB 5 drama in Ohio, but something is happening in Michigan that is more important than what is going on in those other states. For the first time in our history, a political party in a state is systemically eliminating democracy in order to create one party rule.

When Republicans ignore their own state constitution and violate the democratic process in the state legislature, that is call autocracy. When Republicans strip power away from voters and representatives and hand it to a non-elected appointee of the governor that is a democracy killing behavior.

Rachel Maddow Eviscerates Michigan Republicans for Circumventing Democracy

My wife and I watched Rachel last night and were aghast at this segment; I cannot believe any freedom loving American patriot wouldn't be shocked by the behavior of the Republican Majority in the Michigan legislature.

It will be interesting to see how the voters of Michigan react to a flashlight being put on this behavior, and if the Michigan Judicial System enjoins the majority to cease and desist this anti democratic and authoritarian abuse of power.

Maybe it's time for all of us to read once again, "It Can't Happen Here" (apparently it has in Michigan).
Well it seems that the autocratic plans for the country are being proven out in Michigan. Republicans won the legislature and have used emergency rules to fast track laws as BAU. They've taken over towns and tossed out local officials while ramming through un-popular bills without taking a vote. It seems that although they have a majority..they don't have the 2/3rds majority necessary to fast track. And it seems that the vote count might not have been "accurate". We've seen these sorts of things take place in other states, but none so brazen. Michigan is in the process of liqudating towns they don't like..and voter suppression.

Rachel Maddow said, “Under the Michigan constitution remember again you can only make a law take effect immediately if you have a 2/3 majority, if you have a super majority. Michigan Republicans don’t have that. In the House they don’t have a 2/3 majority. In order to get 2/3 on any vote, House Republicans would need the help of almost a dozen Democrats. You need 63 lawmakers on your side, before you get what the state constitution says you can have if you want that immediate effect right. You need 73 votes to take effect right away. So for the emergency manager law for example, Democrats voted against that law in a bloc. Republicans did pass it with their 62 votes and 62 votes is enough to pass it, but it’s not nearly enough for it to go into effect immediately, but regardless they just attached immediate effect to it anyway.”

Maddow pointed out that Republicans are claiming immediate effect passed with a 2/3 majority, but it didn’t happen that way. She pointed out that the emergency manager law and possibly the rest of the 500 bills the Michigan Republicans passed and used immediate effect may have been passed in violation of Michigan constitution.

She showed video evidence of Michigan Republicans violating the constitution and illegally passing bills, and discussed the Democrats lawsuit against the Republicans over their abuse of immediate effect. The court case matters because Michigan Republicans are trying to pass a law to make it harder to vote, and they are also trying to pass a law making it harder to put a referendum on the ballot.


The phased Republican murder of democracy in Michigan has never gotten the attention that it deserves. Michigan has taken a backseat to Wisconsin and the SB 5 drama in Ohio, but something is happening in Michigan that is more important than what is going on in those other states. For the first time in our history, a political party in a state is systemically eliminating democracy in order to create one party rule.

When Republicans ignore their own state constitution and violate the democratic process in the state legislature, that is call autocracy. When Republicans strip power away from voters and representatives and hand it to a non-elected appointee of the governor that is a democracy killing behavior.

Rachel Maddow Eviscerates Michigan Republicans for Circumventing Democracy

I don't know how the law in Michigan works, so maybe I'm not quite understanding the problem. If the laws they vote for don't take immediate effect, then when do they?

As far as Detroit goes, the city council voted in favor of the state oversight board, which was the alternative to a complete take over by the state. Gov. Snyder himself stated he had no interest in taking over management of Detroit.

Basically in Michigan it takes 90 days for a law to go into effect. This gives everyone some breathing and allows for time to study the ramifications of any law..and voice objection. But the major problem here is that they are using a rule, designed to deal with emergencies like natural disasters, to pass everything they put through. They done this over 500 times since 2010. As Rachel Maddow points out..this would be like allowing people to drive in the shoulder lanes on highways all the time. Additionally they are dismantling towns and communities. They are not allowing them to have local elected officials participate in municipal and state government. And they are mainly doing this in poorer communities. This is Gerrymandering on steroids. Which sets the stage for autocratic rule.

Think of it as what happened in Venezula after Chavez was elected. He began striking down all sorts of Democratic rules in the Constitution.
Well it seems that the autocratic plans for the country are being proven out in Michigan. Republicans won the legislature and have used emergency rules to fast track laws as BAU. They've taken over towns and tossed out local officials while ramming through un-popular bills without taking a vote. It seems that although they have a majority..they don't have the 2/3rds majority necessary to fast track. And it seems that the vote count might not have been "accurate". We've seen these sorts of things take place in other states, but none so brazen. Michigan is in the process of liqudating towns they don't like..and voter suppression.

Rachel Maddow said, &#8220;Under the Michigan constitution remember again you can only make a law take effect immediately if you have a 2/3 majority, if you have a super majority. Michigan Republicans don&#8217;t have that. In the House they don&#8217;t have a 2/3 majority. In order to get 2/3 on any vote, House Republicans would need the help of almost a dozen Democrats. You need 63 lawmakers on your side, before you get what the state constitution says you can have if you want that immediate effect right. You need 73 votes to take effect right away. So for the emergency manager law for example, Democrats voted against that law in a bloc. Republicans did pass it with their 62 votes and 62 votes is enough to pass it, but it&#8217;s not nearly enough for it to go into effect immediately, but regardless they just attached immediate effect to it anyway.&#8221;

Maddow pointed out that Republicans are claiming immediate effect passed with a 2/3 majority, but it didn&#8217;t happen that way. She pointed out that the emergency manager law and possibly the rest of the 500 bills the Michigan Republicans passed and used immediate effect may have been passed in violation of Michigan constitution.

She showed video evidence of Michigan Republicans violating the constitution and illegally passing bills, and discussed the Democrats lawsuit against the Republicans over their abuse of immediate effect. The court case matters because Michigan Republicans are trying to pass a law to make it harder to vote, and they are also trying to pass a law making it harder to put a referendum on the ballot.


The phased Republican murder of democracy in Michigan has never gotten the attention that it deserves. Michigan has taken a backseat to Wisconsin and the SB 5 drama in Ohio, but something is happening in Michigan that is more important than what is going on in those other states. For the first time in our history, a political party in a state is systemically eliminating democracy in order to create one party rule.

When Republicans ignore their own state constitution and violate the democratic process in the state legislature, that is call autocracy. When Republicans strip power away from voters and representatives and hand it to a non-elected appointee of the governor that is a democracy killing behavior.

Rachel Maddow Eviscerates Michigan Republicans for Circumventing Democracy

My wife and I watched Rachel last night and were aghast at this segment; I cannot believe any freedom loving American patriot wouldn't be shocked by the behavior of the Republican Majority in the Michigan legislature.

It will be interesting to see how the voters of Michigan react to a flashlight being put on this behavior, and if the Michigan Judicial System enjoins the majority to cease and desist this anti democratic and authoritarian abuse of power.

Maybe it's time for all of us to read once again, "It Can't Happen Here" (apparently it has in Michigan).

Republicans also now control the court here :D democrats and their public sector union buddies had run this state into the ground. Detroit is broke, flint is broke, Highland park ect is broke&#8230; The Detroit public school system is almost 3 hundred million dollars in the red. Go to Detroit look at it, my city, the city I love and grew up in is a shell of its former self, some neighborhoods look like war zone we don't have enough police and the democrat mayor wants to down size the city. the previous Democrat mayor was a crook who stole from his supporters and the people of the city. Madcow, is a joke she as with the rest of the libs set up in her elitist liberal perch and preach about something she knows nothing about. a emergency financial manager is a last resort before bankruptcy
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Well it seems that the autocratic plans for the country are being proven out in Michigan. Republicans won the legislature and have used emergency rules to fast track laws as BAU. They've taken over towns and tossed out local officials while ramming through un-popular bills without taking a vote. It seems that although they have a majority..they don't have the 2/3rds majority necessary to fast track. And it seems that the vote count might not have been "accurate". We've seen these sorts of things take place in other states, but none so brazen. Michigan is in the process of liqudating towns they don't like..and voter suppression.

Rachel Maddow said, &#8220;Under the Michigan constitution remember again you can only make a law take effect immediately if you have a 2/3 majority, if you have a super majority. Michigan Republicans don&#8217;t have that. In the House they don&#8217;t have a 2/3 majority. In order to get 2/3 on any vote, House Republicans would need the help of almost a dozen Democrats. You need 63 lawmakers on your side, before you get what the state constitution says you can have if you want that immediate effect right. You need 73 votes to take effect right away. So for the emergency manager law for example, Democrats voted against that law in a bloc. Republicans did pass it with their 62 votes and 62 votes is enough to pass it, but it&#8217;s not nearly enough for it to go into effect immediately, but regardless they just attached immediate effect to it anyway.&#8221;

Maddow pointed out that Republicans are claiming immediate effect passed with a 2/3 majority, but it didn&#8217;t happen that way. She pointed out that the emergency manager law and possibly the rest of the 500 bills the Michigan Republicans passed and used immediate effect may have been passed in violation of Michigan constitution.

She showed video evidence of Michigan Republicans violating the constitution and illegally passing bills, and discussed the Democrats lawsuit against the Republicans over their abuse of immediate effect. The court case matters because Michigan Republicans are trying to pass a law to make it harder to vote, and they are also trying to pass a law making it harder to put a referendum on the ballot.


The phased Republican murder of democracy in Michigan has never gotten the attention that it deserves. Michigan has taken a backseat to Wisconsin and the SB 5 drama in Ohio, but something is happening in Michigan that is more important than what is going on in those other states. For the first time in our history, a political party in a state is systemically eliminating democracy in order to create one party rule.

When Republicans ignore their own state constitution and violate the democratic process in the state legislature, that is call autocracy. When Republicans strip power away from voters and representatives and hand it to a non-elected appointee of the governor that is a democracy killing behavior.

Rachel Maddow Eviscerates Michigan Republicans for Circumventing Democracy
50+ years of Democrat Tyranny has served that state SOoooOOOOOOOo well! I know it's part of why the UP wishes it was part of WI.
Too many nieghboorhoods in Detroit today

[ame=]Rolling Down Robinwood Street, Detroit Michigan - YouTube[/ame]
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Well it seems that the autocratic plans for the country are being proven out in Michigan. Republicans won the legislature and have used emergency rules to fast track laws as BAU. They've taken over towns and tossed out local officials while ramming through un-popular bills without taking a vote. It seems that although they have a majority..they don't have the 2/3rds majority necessary to fast track. And it seems that the vote count might not have been "accurate". We've seen these sorts of things take place in other states, but none so brazen. Michigan is in the process of liqudating towns they don't like..and voter suppression.

Rachel Maddow said, “Under the Michigan constitution remember again you can only make a law take effect immediately if you have a 2/3 majority, if you have a super majority. Michigan Republicans don’t have that. In the House they don’t have a 2/3 majority. In order to get 2/3 on any vote, House Republicans would need the help of almost a dozen Democrats. You need 63 lawmakers on your side, before you get what the state constitution says you can have if you want that immediate effect right. You need 73 votes to take effect right away. So for the emergency manager law for example, Democrats voted against that law in a bloc. Republicans did pass it with their 62 votes and 62 votes is enough to pass it, but it’s not nearly enough for it to go into effect immediately, but regardless they just attached immediate effect to it anyway.”

Maddow pointed out that Republicans are claiming immediate effect passed with a 2/3 majority, but it didn’t happen that way. She pointed out that the emergency manager law and possibly the rest of the 500 bills the Michigan Republicans passed and used immediate effect may have been passed in violation of Michigan constitution.

She showed video evidence of Michigan Republicans violating the constitution and illegally passing bills, and discussed the Democrats lawsuit against the Republicans over their abuse of immediate effect. The court case matters because Michigan Republicans are trying to pass a law to make it harder to vote, and they are also trying to pass a law making it harder to put a referendum on the ballot.


The phased Republican murder of democracy in Michigan has never gotten the attention that it deserves. Michigan has taken a backseat to Wisconsin and the SB 5 drama in Ohio, but something is happening in Michigan that is more important than what is going on in those other states. For the first time in our history, a political party in a state is systemically eliminating democracy in order to create one party rule.

When Republicans ignore their own state constitution and violate the democratic process in the state legislature, that is call autocracy. When Republicans strip power away from voters and representatives and hand it to a non-elected appointee of the governor that is a democracy killing behavior.

Rachel Maddow Eviscerates Michigan Republicans for Circumventing Democracy
50+ years of Democrat Tyranny has served that state SOoooOOOOOOOo well! I know it's part of why the UP wishes it was part of WI.

Democrats were invalidating people's votes and taking apart towns..when..exactly?

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