Republican Officials Partnering With Christian Extremists

Pat McCrory Tries To Have It Both Ways On Political Prayer Rally Submitted by Peter Montgomery on Tuesday, 9/1/2015 4:04 pm

North Carolina’s Pat McCrory is the fourth Republican governor to agree to host a “Response” prayer rally organized by Christian-nation extremist David Lane and other dominionist activists. Rick Perry used a “Response” rally to launch his doomed 2012 presidential bid; since then Louisiana’s Bobby Jindal and South Carolina’s Nikki Haley have hosted rallies in their states. As we have repeatedly explained, there are serious problems with governors lending their name and the power of their office to events that are built on the premise that the only answer to the nation’s problems is for the country to “return” to Jesus.

They are exclusionary events that suggest only Christians — more specifically, Christians who share the Religious Right’s views — can be part of solving the nation’s problems. And, while pretending to be nonpolitical, they use politicians to give credibility to their anti-gay, anti-choice, America-as-Christian-nation agenda. They turn politics into spiritual warfare and political opponents into enemies of God. - See more at: Pat McCrory Tries To Have It Both Ways On Political Prayer Rally

Who still thinks that this is all made up and imagined? This is a serious threat to our secular government. These people are bat shit crazy! Anyone who claims otherwise is either brain dead or is knowingly trying to lull the nation into complacency .
Right wing watch is a project of People For the American Way (PFAW) is a progressive advocacy group in the United States.[1] Organized as a 501(c)(4) non-profit organization, PFAW was founded in 1981 by television producer Norman Lear.[2] Lear founded the organization in order to challenge the agenda of the Moral Majority.

It has been around a while and is in fact a credible source.
This is really sick and dangerous fear mongering propaganda....

Theodore Shoebat: Force Gays To Submit To Christianity Through 'Death And Strong Suppression'

Allow us to point out once again that Shoebat is not just some fringe zealot, but was actually featured in Janet Porter's anti-gay documentary "Light Wins" along with several Republican members of Congress and GOP presidential candidates Mike Huckabee and Rand Paul. -

See more at: Theodore Shoebat: Force Gays To Submit To Christianity Through 'Death And Strong Suppression'

Last week, virulently anti-gay activist Theodore Shoebat posted a video declaring that gays have a deeply demonic desire to murder Christians and warning all the "sodomites" that they will one day be violently forced to submit to Christian values. - See more at: Theodore Shoebat: Force Gays To Submit To Christianity Through 'Death And Strong Suppression'
Unreal: Governor Herbert To Welcome Hate Into State With Open Arms Unreal: Governor Herbert To Welcome Hate Into State With Open Arms
September 22, 2015 by HRC staff

Today, HRC strongly criticized Utah Governor Gary Herbert for his decision to address thousands of attendees at a massive gathering hosted by the World Congress of Families this October. Designated an anti-LGBT hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, WCF’s upcoming conference in Salt Lake City will convene some of the most virulently anti-LGBT extremists from across the country and around the world.

The World Congress of Families works closely with a dangerous group of activists spreading anti-LGBT rhetoric and promoting laws and policies that criminalize LGBT people and the speech of those who support them. HRC’s report on the group, Exposed: The World Congress of Families, makes clear that the organization and many of its affiliates are laser-focused on promoting policies and rhetoric that put LGBT people and their families at incredible risk.
Yes , even Trump who recently said that religion does not play a big role in his life is now sniffing ehind these people!

Donald Trump Heading To Extremist Religious Right Summit Submitted by Brian Tashman on Wednesday, 9/23/2015 1:25 pm

It appears that Donald Trump is stepping up his outreach to the Religious Right, as the Family Research Council today confirmed that the Republican frontrunner will be attending its annual conference, which has become something of a cattle-call for the most radical speakers in the country.

The chief organizer of the Values Voter Summit, FRC’s Tony Perkins, criticized Trump when the candidate initially declined an invitation to the summit, claiming that Trump was neglecting conservative evangelicals and wasn’t trying to “talk about issues they care about” in “a way that is convincing.” But given that the Values Voter Summit has traditionally been an event at which speakers are wildly cheered for delivering bigoted remarks and self-righteous tirades, Trump will probably fit right in. - See more at: Donald Trump Heading To Extremist Religious Right Summit
Good like in uniting the party behind a single candidate......
Religious Nutjobs To GOP Candidates: Do What We Want Or We’ll Take You Down

Perkins says that he hopes the GOP has learned its lesson, and that the party will pick a candidate for 2016 that is more acceptable to the religious right than was John McCain or Mitt Romney. At the present time, the litmus test being applied to candidates is whether they are willing to shut down the government in order to defund Planned Parenthood. All of the Republican hopefuls are in favor of taking away Planned Parenthood funding, but John Kasich and Jeb Bush have said that they would not cause a government shutdown in order to do so. That means that neither of those candidates are acceptable to these ultra-conservatives, who are demanding 100 percent fealty to their point of view.
Yes , even Trump who recently said that religion does not play a big role in his life is now sniffing ehind these people!

Donald Trump Heading To Extremist Religious Right Summit Submitted by Brian Tashman on Wednesday, 9/23/2015 1:25 pm

It appears that Donald Trump is stepping up his outreach to the Religious Right, as the Family Research Council today confirmed that the Republican frontrunner will be attending its annual conference, which has become something of a cattle-call for the most radical speakers in the country.

The chief organizer of the Values Voter Summit, FRC’s Tony Perkins, criticized Trump when the candidate initially declined an invitation to the summit, claiming that Trump was neglecting conservative evangelicals and wasn’t trying to “talk about issues they care about” in “a way that is convincing.” But given that the Values Voter Summit has traditionally been an event at which speakers are wildly cheered for delivering bigoted remarks and self-righteous tirades, Trump will probably fit right in. - See more at: Donald Trump Heading To Extremist Religious Right Summit
That's because the majority of Americans believe strongly in freedom of religion, and want zero state control over it.
And almost all Americans want no control of organized religion on the state.
so Lane is pushing pastors to get into public office....?

that probably scares the pants off the anti-God would they deal with honest God-fearing representatives of the people who have integrity....?

And where in the constitution does it prohibit people of faith from public service? Yeah, nowhere.

Absolutely. And, while we are at it, how about a Quaker military?
so Lane is pushing pastors to get into public office....?

that probably scares the pants off the anti-God would they deal with honest God-fearing representatives of the people who have integrity....?

And where in the constitution does it prohibit people of faith from public service? Yeah, nowhere.

Absolutely. And, while we are at it, how about a Quaker military?
Probably more effective than a faggot military.
Yes , even Trump who recently said that religion does not play a big role in his life is now sniffing ehind these people!

Donald Trump Heading To Extremist Religious Right Summit Submitted by Brian Tashman on Wednesday, 9/23/2015 1:25 pm

It appears that Donald Trump is stepping up his outreach to the Religious Right, as the Family Research Council today confirmed that the Republican frontrunner will be attending its annual conference, which has become something of a cattle-call for the most radical speakers in the country.

The chief organizer of the Values Voter Summit, FRC’s Tony Perkins, criticized Trump when the candidate initially declined an invitation to the summit, claiming that Trump was neglecting conservative evangelicals and wasn’t trying to “talk about issues they care about” in “a way that is convincing.” But given that the Values Voter Summit has traditionally been an event at which speakers are wildly cheered for delivering bigoted remarks and self-righteous tirades, Trump will probably fit right in. - See more at: Donald Trump Heading To Extremist Religious Right Summit
That's because the majority of Americans believe strongly in freedom of religion, and want zero state control over it.
And that would include me. I am quite willing to leave "religion" and the religious alone to do their own thing as long as they leave the rest of us alone. The problem is , that the majority of the tea party evangelical radicals want religion to control the state-and everyone regardless of their beliefs. They want a theocracy and I have documented that fact.
I am all in favor of Christians refusing to obey a court of law. I think that hard core inmates everywhere in the USA should have more exposure to the words of Jesus. What better way is there to achieve that? Think of the good that someone like Kim Davis could do with Charlie Manson!
Yes , even Trump who recently said that religion does not play a big role in his life is now sniffing ehind these people!

Donald Trump Heading To Extremist Religious Right Summit Submitted by Brian Tashman on Wednesday, 9/23/2015 1:25 pm

It appears that Donald Trump is stepping up his outreach to the Religious Right, as the Family Research Council today confirmed that the Republican frontrunner will be attending its annual conference, which has become something of a cattle-call for the most radical speakers in the country.

The chief organizer of the Values Voter Summit, FRC’s Tony Perkins, criticized Trump when the candidate initially declined an invitation to the summit, claiming that Trump was neglecting conservative evangelicals and wasn’t trying to “talk about issues they care about” in “a way that is convincing.” But given that the Values Voter Summit has traditionally been an event at which speakers are wildly cheered for delivering bigoted remarks and self-righteous tirades, Trump will probably fit right in. - See more at: Donald Trump Heading To Extremist Religious Right Summit
That's because the majority of Americans believe strongly in freedom of religion, and want zero state control over it.
And that would include me. I am quite willing to leave "religion" and the religious alone to do their own thing as long as they leave the rest of us alone. The problem is , that the majority of the tea party evangelical radicals want religion to control the state-and everyone regardless of their beliefs. They want a theocracy and I have documented that fact.
Oh look, you're lying again. Blithering nonsense. I believe you can join the rest of the hysterical loons on ignore. You are hereby relegated to the status of duhs, bode, and boob. You have nothing reasonable, or factual, to say and I won't even notice holes in the convo where your time-wasting nonsense previously interrupted otherwise sane discussion.
I am all in favor of Christians refusing to obey a court of law. I think that hard core inmates everywhere in the USA should have more exposure to the words of Jesus. What better way is there to achieve that? Think of the good that someone like Kim Davis could do with Charlie Manson!
I'm in favor of more Christians defying court orders too!! This way we can get more off the street by Obamas Kenyan Storm Troopers and into FEMA re-education camps.

Speaking of Manson, you might know that a Supreme Court decision a while back affirmed the rights of prisoners to marry and because of that Manson was going to e allowed to marry. ( The deal fell through) So for a period of time, mass murderers right to marry was protected by constitutional law , but law abiding gays were not.
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No, I view what people do. Conservatives in the U.S. spit on the poor every chance they get, and the lick the shoes of the wealthy. They are not Christians.


Who... LOL! ... WHO are these "Conservatives" spitting on the poor ... ? I've been a Conservative my entire life and I've never witnessed this... .

Now the coolest part is, NEITHER HAVE YOU! But that doesn't stop you from stating such as fact... therefore, given the Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance common to your public professions, it's a certainty that you are a Relativist, thus you are unworthy of the trust that is otherwise intrinsic to contributors to this august board.

Reader, be advised that the above cited would-be 'contributor' is here to deceive you... .
I am all in favor of Christians refusing to obey a court of law. I think that hard core inmates everywhere in the USA should have more exposure to the words of Jesus. What better way is there to achieve that? Think of the good that someone like Kim Davis could do with Charlie Manson!
I'm in favor of more Christians defying court orders too!! This way we can get more off the street by Obamas Kenyan Storm Troopers and into FEMA re-education camps.

Speaking of Manson, you might know that a Supreme Court decision a while back affirmed the rights of prisoners to marry and because of that Manson was going to e allowed to marry. ( The deal fell through) So for a period of time, mass murderers right to marry was protected by constitutional law , but law abiding gays were not.

My goodness... look at all the queers who are coming to profess themselves to be all about the LAW AND ORDER.

Even as they currently and quite publicly call for the murder of police officers spent after having spent most of their lives defying the law, the courts and common decency by engaging in deviant sexual behavior, despite such being illegal, immoral and generally inadvisable.


Yet another classic case of the irrational being hysterical... in every sense of the word.
This is really sick and dangerous fear mongering propaganda....

Theodore Shoebat: Force Gays To Submit To Christianity Through 'Death And Strong Suppression'

Allow us to point out once again that Shoebat is not just some fringe zealot, but was actually featured in Janet Porter's anti-gay documentary "Light Wins" along with several Republican members of Congress and GOP presidential candidates Mike Huckabee and Rand Paul. -

See more at: Theodore Shoebat: Force Gays To Submit To Christianity Through 'Death And Strong Suppression'

Last week, virulently anti-gay activist Theodore Shoebat posted a video declaring that gays have a deeply demonic desire to murder Christians and warning all the "sodomites" that they will one day be violently forced to submit to Christian values. - See more at: Theodore Shoebat: Force Gays To Submit To Christianity Through 'Death And Strong Suppression'
There is some real brain damage going on in the Shoebat family.
SoCons always overplay thier hand. Sad AND dangerous fear-mongering from the Right.

'twas ever thus

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