Republican Jewish Coalition to Obama: You Are ‘Complicit in the Death and Suffering … in Israel and in Gaza’


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Republican Jewish Coalition to Obama: You Are ‘Complicit in the Death and Suffering … in Israel and in Gaza’

4 Nov 2023 ~~ By Joel N. Pollack

The Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) issued a blistering response Saturday night to former President Barack Obama’s attempt to claim a moral equivalence between Hamas terror and Israeli “occupation,” saying Obama was “complicit” in terror and war.
As Breitbart News reported, Obama told the Pod Save America podcast — which is run by his own former staffers — that America was “complicit” in the suffering in Israel and Gaza:
If there’s any chance of us being able to act constructively, to do something, it will require an admission of complexity. And maintaining, what on the surface may seem contradictory ideas — that what Hamas did was horrific, and there’s no justification for it; and what is also true is that the occupation [sic] and what’s happening to Palestinians is unbearable. [Applause]​
And so if you want to solve the problem, you have to take in the whole truth, and you then have to admit nobody’s hands are clean, that all of us are complicit to some degree.​

Obama is the biggest sponsor and enabler of Islamic terrorism. He gave $150 billion to Iran in that Iran nuclear deal and has ISIL trained by the CIA.
Obama is evil incarnate. Some have even claimed he is the anti-Christ. He is is responsible. He did a lot when he was in office. His contribution is greatly appreciated in the Middle East.
We have to remember that this isn't the party of JFK. The DNC's been taken over by DSA Democrat "Progressive" radical Marxists and Communists. They hate the rest of us.
Barack Obama turbo charged the latest world crisis. His constant support of the #1 state sponsor of terrorism Iran is the what led to Hamas attacking Israel.
Our allies warned the Biden WH not to renew Obama's Iran Deal, that it would lead to Iran arming Hamas and Hezbollah to attack Israel and cause war in the Middle East. He enabled this hatred, treated Israel like the enemy, and praised the Muslim Brotherhood and "Arab Spring" who spread radical Islamic terrorism across Europe and America.


Republican Jewish Coalition to Obama: You Are ‘Complicit in the Death and Suffering … in Israel and in Gaza’

4 Nov 2023 ~~ By Joel N. Pollack

The Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) issued a blistering response Saturday night to former President Barack Obama’s attempt to claim a moral equivalence between Hamas terror and Israeli “occupation,” saying Obama was “complicit” in terror and war.
As Breitbart News reported, Obama told the Pod Save America podcast — which is run by his own former staffers — that America was “complicit” in the suffering in Israel and Gaza:
If there’s any chance of us being able to act constructively, to do something, it will require an admission of complexity. And maintaining, what on the surface may seem contradictory ideas — that what Hamas did was horrific, and there’s no justification for it; and what is also true is that the occupation [sic] and what’s happening to Palestinians is unbearable. [Applause]​
And so if you want to solve the problem, you have to take in the whole truth, and you then have to admit nobody’s hands are clean, that all of us are complicit to some degree.​

Obama is the biggest sponsor and enabler of Islamic terrorism. He gave $150 billion to Iran in that Iran nuclear deal and has ISIL trained by the CIA.
Obama is evil incarnate. Some have even claimed he is the anti-Christ. He is is responsible. He did a lot when he was in office. His contribution is greatly appreciated in the Middle East.
We have to remember that this isn't the party of JFK. The DNC's been taken over by DSA Democrat "Progressive" radical Marxists and Communists. They hate the rest of us.
Barack Obama turbo charged the latest world crisis. His constant support of the #1 state sponsor of terrorism Iran is the what led to Hamas attacking Israel.
Our allies warned the Biden WH not to renew Obama's Iran Deal, that it would lead to Iran arming Hamas and Hezbollah to attack Israel and cause war in the Middle East. He enabled this hatred, treated Israel like the enemy, and praised the Muslim Brotherhood and "Arab Spring" who spread radical Islamic terrorism across Europe and America.

So much for Jewish nationalism.
And the criminally insane loon is currently working hard to spread nuclear weapons all over the ME, too. After Saudi Arabia I guess he will make ISIS and offer, too, and Syria. Obama and Biden both, in fact.
It is the Jewish Democrats that are the fools to keep writing checks and casting votes for Democrats and not holding Democrats accountable for the attacks on Israel after years of policies appeasing the likes of Hezbollah and Hamas.
The piece of human filth called obama is a lie from the very beginning of his life.

His real daddy isn't Barack Obama Sr, it is Frank Marshall Davis.

Everything about obama is a lie. From Columbia to Harvard to his 'marriage' and children (ever seen a picture of the Skunk Ape pregnant? me neither)

obama was born a lie, and he will die a lie

A black man having the audacity to win the presidency still sends shock waves through the masses a decade later. Lol

Sure, let's go with that.

Utter boulder dash and tripe.

Nevermind that the only reason Trump won in 2016 was because Obama voters in the upper Midwest switched their vote to R.

They must have all been RACISTS!

Platitudes, bromides, and generalities.

It's all the Left has remaining.
It is the Jewish Democrats that are the fools to keep writing checks and casting votes for Democrats and not holding Democrats accountable for the attacks on Israel after years of policies appeasing the likes of Hezbollah and Hamas.

Israel is accountable for the attacks. Stop blaming others.
So, you believe Jewish Democrats should continue voting and supporting Democrats given their position on the attacks? Why?
No Prog Socialist Jewish politician should ever accuse another of antisemitism again until they look within their own party. And there is a lot of potential danger there. It is in the forefront for all to see. And there are massive numbers of people that may go further than protesting at some point.

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