Republican debate live thread Dec 10

Gingrich cites the statements of Hamas to support his factual claims about the Ottoman Empire. It's not any more intellectually dishonest than the usual fare, but it's pretty funny transposed into a context of historical scholarship.
Michelle Bachmann has a tendency to claim that in private meetings with people who aren't there she proved them wrong. I'm skeptical, since she almost always seems to come off the worse when arguing with people in public.
Ya know, if you put a sloppy old fashioned dress on newt, you'd have Dana Carvey's "churchwoman".

"Isn't that spess-shul?"
Breaking News: The problems in the Middle East have been caused by Obama.
Michelle Bachmann has a tendency to claim that in private meetings with people who aren't there she proved them wrong. I'm skeptical, since she almost always seems to come off the worse when arguing with people in public.

DO the Palestinians use english language textbooks?
Perry just went on an absurd tirade. Firstly, his claim that Obama's foreign policy was "muddled" was pretty bold considering that Perry gives muddled responses when forced to articulate such difficult concepts as the name of the judge he was attacking or the age when you could vote for him.

More importantly, his characterization of the Iranian drone episode was absurd. He claimed that Obama chose not to detonate or retrieve the drone and instead *chose* to allow the Iranians to claim the drone. Does anyone believe this?
Breaking News: The problems in the Middle East have been caused by Obama.

Yeah, and there has never been an illegal immigrant before Obama was elected.

No matter what, never give Obama credit for all he has accomplished.
painful to listen to the talking heads at the ABC News roundtable

perhaps this is a jobs people to sit around a desk as they go on TV and give you conventional wisdom about politics
Predator drone


RQ-170 Sentinel drone


Perry is an idiot.
As a group, they're sounding a bit better than in the past but - still no presidential material.
Just tuning in now. TCM was showing "The Caine Mutiny" which is always good, unlike these debates.

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