Republican debate going on right now

False. 40 Tea Partiers in Washington including Michele Bachmann voted FOR the Patriot Act. Rand Paul is the only one to oppose it.

Ron Paul would be unique in the debate as being the only one to oppose the Patriot Act.

40 = 2/3?????
Who knew?

44 'Tea Party Caucus' Members voted to renew Patriot Act - Los Angeles LA County Libertarian |

Took a little longer than I thought, but the TPers in washington have been assimilated. Resistance is futile.
False. 40 Tea Partiers in Washington including Michele Bachmann voted FOR the Patriot Act. Rand Paul is the only one to oppose it.

Ron Paul would be unique in the debate as being the only one to oppose the Patriot Act.

40 = 2/3?????
Who knew?

44 'Tea Party Caucus' Members voted to renew Patriot Act - Los Angeles LA County Libertarian |
Okay, now it's 44.
Let me know when you're through moving those goal posts....
What does the "Tea Party" distinction have to do with anything?
You think I'm one?
Nope. Sorry.
I'm far more Right than Center. They like to call themselves "Independents". I'm a Republican. Period.
So 44 out of 435?
How many Dems voted for it?
Ignoring that point ain't ya?

Took a little longer than I thought, but the TPers in washington have been assimilated. Resistance is futile.

Because of the Patriot act? Seriously?

If they won't stand up against such an obvious violation of privacy and constitutionality, then what will they stand up against?

I didn't remember the exact number. Rounding 44 to 40 is insignificant and is in no favor to either of us.

What does the "Tea Party" distinction have to do with anything?
You think I'm one?
Nope. Sorry.
I'm far more Right than Center. They like to call themselves "Independents". I'm a Republican. Period.
So 44 out of 435?
How many Dems voted for it?
Ignoring that point ain't ya?

I don't know what you're getting at, but I'm not targeting anyone specifically other than the status quo which is both the Dems and the Repubs. You made it seem like only Dems support Patriot Act when in reality, there's unanimous support from BOTH parties in favor of the Patriot Act.


Took a little longer than I thought, but the TPers in washington have been assimilated. Resistance is futile.

Because of the Patriot act? Seriously?

So now most the Dems and Obama are... Assimilated Republicans now, I guess...

Fuckin dumb ass people on these boards... fucking god damn it.
Took a little longer than I thought, but the TPers in washington have been assimilated. Resistance is futile.

Because of the Patriot act? Seriously?

So now most the Dems and Obama are... Assimilated Republicans now, I guess...

Fuckin dumb ass people on these boards... fucking god damn it.
They don't's the missing element...Posting on a messageboard does not preclude thought...these people are rife with it...thought was never an option.
Republicans keep saying their policies will tell America, "How we will create jobs". They keep forgetting to say "how". Hilarious.
And HOW is Obama doing it with how he's wrecked it (Him and the Statist Democrats)...It isn't working is it? Are YOU Debbie WasserKopf-Shultz's Prodical Son?

What Obama is doing isn't working either numbnutz.

“Accept the challenges so that you may feel the exhilaration of victory.” ~ General George S. Patton (1885-1945) American Army General

Robert ~
Where's the questions about the PATRIOT ACT?!

That's your issue.
It rates very low among the American people; and no they are not sheeple. Most people understand that the Patriot Act has helped keep us safe

Look here; it's not even rated as one of the most important problems:


Freedom is not ranked as an important issue, and yet you still think they aren't "sheeple" (not a term I myself use often)?

The PATRIOT ACT has NOT helped keep us safe, that is an absurdity. I have to fear the federal government and the U.S. gestapo more than I have to fear terrorists. Statistically, you're more likely to die from a bumble bee sting than be killed by a terrorist.

The police can burst in your house without a warrant. The President can assassinate it's own citizens. The government can imprison and torture citizens without evidence simply by being accused of being a terrorist. They can listen to your phone conversations and the list goes on.

It's incredibly sad that the American people don't even give a single care about the main principle of freedom in this country and the restoration of civil liberties.


I didn't remember the exact number. Rounding 44 to 40 is insignificant and is in no favor to either of us.

What does the "Tea Party" distinction have to do with anything?
You think I'm one?
Nope. Sorry.
I'm far more Right than Center. They like to call themselves "Independents". I'm a Republican. Period.
So 44 out of 435?
How many Dems voted for it?
Ignoring that point ain't ya?
I don't know what you're getting at, but I'm not targeting anyone specifically other than the status quo which is both the Dems and the Repubs. You made it seem like only Dems support Patriot Act when in reality, there's unanimous support from BOTH parties in favor of the Patriot Act.

Fair enough.
Too many years of having the Patriot Act hung *only* on the republicans.
Definitely both parties are responsible for shit.
Personally, I don't have any problem with the PA. Still haven't heard any tales of people being wire tapped without cause......
Okay, now it's 44.
Let me know when you're through moving those goal posts....

I didn't remember the exact number. Rounding 44 to 40 is insignificant and is in no favor to either of us.

What does the "Tea Party" distinction have to do with anything?
You think I'm one?
Nope. Sorry.
I'm far more Right than Center. They like to call themselves "Independents". I'm a Republican. Period.
So 44 out of 435?
How many Dems voted for it?
Ignoring that point ain't ya?
I don't know what you're getting at, but I'm not targeting anyone specifically other than the status quo which is both the Dems and the Repubs. You made it seem like only Dems support Patriot Act when in reality, there's unanimous support from BOTH parties in favor of the Patriot Act.

Fair enough.
Too many years of having the Patriot Act hung *only* on the republicans.
Definitely both parties are responsible for shit.
Personally, I don't have any problem with the PA. Still haven't heard any tales of people being wire tapped without cause......
No only Thier TRASH Gone through
Okay, now it's 44.
Let me know when you're through moving those goal posts....

I didn't remember the exact number. Rounding 44 to 40 is insignificant and is in no favor to either of us.

What does the "Tea Party" distinction have to do with anything?
You think I'm one?
Nope. Sorry.
I'm far more Right than Center. They like to call themselves "Independents". I'm a Republican. Period.
So 44 out of 435?
How many Dems voted for it?
Ignoring that point ain't ya?
I don't know what you're getting at, but I'm not targeting anyone specifically other than the status quo which is both the Dems and the Repubs. You made it seem like only Dems support Patriot Act when in reality, there's unanimous support from BOTH parties in favor of the Patriot Act.

Fair enough.
Too many years of having the Patriot Act hung *only* on the republicans.
Definitely both parties are responsible for shit.
Personally, I don't have any problem with the PA. Still haven't heard any tales of people being wire tapped without cause......

You have no problem with the PA? Really? Have you read it?
CNN is rerunning the debate.

In discussion after it ended before TH's thought Bachmann did well for herself and achieved more than the others tonight. Then I heard it announced on another channel that she sent out of PR saying she was running.

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