Republican Congressman Comer says "the president" appears to be COMPROMISED (China, etc)


if you'd stop watching cnn et al maybe you could see others in the light of reality, people like Comer

Some of us have found out what liars cnn and co. are a LONG time ago

too bad they manage to deceive so many.

They stopped being objective a LONG time ago, if they ever were that. They are propaganda-Period
FOX had the chance to prove them all wrong, but they pussied out and settled.
Teabaggers still flock to FOX, like a moth to a lightbulb.
FOX had the chance to prove them all wrong, but they pussied out and settled.
Teabaggers still flock to FOX, like a moth to a lightbulb.
They had their reasons for settling

and despite this fiasco

they are still NUMBER ONE

Wasting threads?! Damn, who knew there was a limit.
No limits, but every now and then the site does clean up on posts, etc.

Starting thread after thread with the same topic, for the same intention is a waste of everyone's time. And there are some who do that.

It's the talk of the town, if you had connections.


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